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Everything posted by PlumpOpossum

  1. As the title says, when Undying triggers, the camera jerks forward in a violent FOV shift, which can happen back to back in high level content where Undying is the only way to survive. Especially on builds that forgo Vitality and rely entirely on the passive and generating stacks faster than they can be drained (Nidus's version of Shield Gating). It's extremely nauseating and disorienting, and gives myself (and a few other folks I've talked to about it) a migraine. It's even worse when you're actively moving around (i.e. playing the game rather than just standing there for demonstration purposes, as in my video below.) Can we please have a way to disable this forced FOV change? Example video: Yes, I recognize that this is a simulacrum demonstration using enemies that don't naturally spawn in groups of 20, and not utilizing the DR from his Parasitic Link, but it was the cleanest way to show the issue.
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