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  1. (before I begin, I'm sorry, I don't have concept art, am not good with drawings and all lol, anyway there is the idea) Nephila Description : Ice themed Warframe based on arachnids and racknoids. Also, I use it to create a female counterpart to Frost with a fresh touch. Her abilities tend to be crowd control with a minimum of damages doing by her little Racknoids. Stats : Armor 100 Health 400 Shield 100 Energy 250 Speed course 0.85 Skills : Passive : When Nephila is stick on a wall or a roof, she gains 15% range for 5 secondes. 1st: Throw ice cobwebs in front of her, dealing ice damage and slowing ennemies for 10 seconds. (Strength for damages and slowness, Range, Duration) 2nd: Summons 2 racknoids for 8 seconds. When cast again aiming an enemy, racknoids will leap to it, exploding in an AOE, dealing ice damage. If there is no enemy, Nephila summons more Racknoids (the limit is 8).(Strength for the damages they do only, Duration for the time they stay on field, Range for the leap range and the AoE) 3rd: When cast, Nephila does a leap where she aim (Like Zephyr dash). If she land on a wall or a roof, she sticks to it (Until an action is done: attack, move, crouch, jump, skill, etc). If cast (or recast) on an enemy, she leaps to him (Like Voruna leap) and deal viral damages. If there is Racknoids on the field, they leap on the targeted enemy (cf.2 recast). (Strength for viral damages and range for leap range) 4th: Nephila creates a large ice web around her (Like Frost bubble but it doesn't stop bullets), every enemy in it is slowed by 30%. When Nephila kills an enemy in the web area, she has 20% chance to create a Racknoids (limited to 8 more 2nd ability limit). (Strength for slowness only, Range, Duration) There is my idea to Frost counterpart (or even a new Warframe in the "Beast like" theme). The idea came after the release of Gyre (Volt counterpart), my fear of spider, that I try to get over by watching a lot of videos and my love with ice characters. A slow character that has the mobility of a jumping spider, making her enemy slower than herself to ambush them and finish with her littles ones. Can take hit like a mother protecting her child's, but can be has weak has a simple spider in front of the wrong enemy. Her passives make her the capability to chain long jump and create larger trap when she's hidden on the roof or walls. Thanks if you've read it, my English is not very good, I apologize. If you have suggestions tell me, see you later on origins Tenno.
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