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Everything posted by Th3bl4cksm1th

  1. how bout changing the name to Minilina. Same effects as the augment but, making merulina small and act as a sentinel, allowing her to fire sea snares while yareli is moving around. Kinda fits the magical girl/idol theme
  2. im using noctua mainly as something to buff dantes abilities although i dont have problems using it to kill enemies in sp.
  3. we can probably put k drive/pet/sentient mods on her or even some of yarelis augments, maybe add more fashion options like armor pieces or ephemeras or something
  4. this happens to all mission and apparently, onos incarnon is treated as a primary weapon. i do wish de will let us use the onos incarnon on merulina though
  5. i hope de lets us use onos incarnon on merulina. it will be funny to see yareli carrying a giant canon while surfing
  6. with all these planned changes coming next week, please de, just revert dante to how he once was. nezhas nerf is also unnecessary
  7. did anyone actually consult the playerbase first before doing this nerf? oh i wish this is just a test run and not a permanent thing. Nerf the frame a bit, sure, but not like this. Theres got to be something better than this crap.
  8. This dante nerf is no. just no. wouldnt it be better to grant overguard to ONLY allies within his line of sight? that way we can control who can receive the overguard instead of just nerfing the amount. instead, tragedy got the line of sight thing which reduced its effectivenes also instead of removing the status damage, how about just reducing it? first you nerf, helminth eclipse to the ground, now this?
  9. its actually pretty good with corrosive heat and cascadia flare.
  10. Dear DE, Please let me use the onos incarnon while riding merulina, pretty please? with kuva on top. I know theres a new augment but id rather use merulina guardian. T_T
  11. i dont hate the design and i think it looks ok. if they add a scary/creepy animation with it though then Id probably buy it as soon as its available.
  12. Why do we still not have any Caliban augment? or even floaty movement animation?
  13. Tbh I like both forms of the felarx but if I were to change it, maybe give it a semi auto normal mode and a full auto, a bit higher ammo count, low recoil incarnon mode
  14. i like merulina so im not gonna use it. I do think merulina guardian is a better augment.
  15. hopefully, the changes don't nerf mirage damage potential too much.
  16. I just wish this augment just lets you use helminth abilities/primaries while riding merulina. or better yet, just let us use helminth abilities/primaries while on merulina without any augment.
  17. so i heard that eclipse is going to get a rework but its going to be nerfed by making it additive instead of multiplicative. maybe instead of that, how about reducing the str scaling of the damage instead?
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