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Posts posted by (NSW)Probably_Asleep

  1. 14 hours ago, (XBOX)elementXGHILLIE said:

    I just want the spider form to be the 4th ability and basically be an exalted necramech.

    An exalted Necramech! I like the sound of that...

    14 hours ago, quxier said:

    That wouldn't enable anything, sadly. Peter frame, Werewolf frame and other needs some sort of different movement. You could use your concept but you would end up with simple stuff like "stand on all 4 Voruna/4". Silly.

    Quxier! Hi!

    I get what you're saying, but I just can't see any practical way to reach that. Each of the animation sets are configured on T-Pose Anthropomorphic with standardized proportions. The scale may go up and down, but the shape itself has to be interchangeable between all members. This applies to the emotes, the equipment, the appearance add-ons, and probably systems I'm not even thinking of (like mercy kills). Not to mention the cut scenes...

    Let's say, for example, a new character was (C) "centauroid" (actually a word, as it turns out). Naturally, they could bind a T-Post to the head, arms, torso, and fore legs. But then they'd have to go into each and every animation and map extra instructions to the horse barrel and hind legs. They'd then need to make sure centauroid-specific animations had corresponding (A) anthropomorphic equivalents. So the animation work would double moving forward. (AC, & CA)

    But let's just say they do that anyway, and then went so crazy as to decide to add a third body type. Let's say this one is (B) "biomorphic" (I needed something that starts with B; this just means something that resembles the living; like abstract art sculptures) At this point then you need to account for AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, & CB compatibility. So a third type means 6x the work.

    A fourth body type would be 12x the work, and the fifth would be 20x the work. It's basically delta +2 X each layer. (2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, etc...)


    I'm getting too wrapped up in the math here, sorry. I'm sure you probably got my point right away; I just wanted to lay it out as a fun "what if" simulation. But my actual point is that I'm with you on how cool it would be if we got different body types in Warframe, but I would be very impressed with DE if they were willing to go that far for it.

    So instead of something cool like you're idea, I'm suggesting the lame cop-out of just making non-humanoid body types forced into an upright bipedal configuration through some plot device. That way we could actually have a spider frame be feasible.

  2. I've seen my fair share of Dev Shorts, so of course I've witnessed the "Spider Frame when?" running gag. But I did actually get to think about it and before I knew it I found myself doodling in Paint...


    Now what I'm about to say is making some generalizations and assumptions, so take this with a grain of salt, but...

    • I believe the biggest hurdle to a "Spider Frame" is the lack of a humanoid form
      • Animations are interchangeable, along with weapon grip anchor points, melee position axes, and more
      • This excludes non-humanoid forms like centaurs, slimes, and arthropods
    • So my idea is specifically how to handle that one obstacle
      • As you can see in the above doodle, the frame does have all 8 of its legs
      • Legs are "bound" into pairs however, reducing the number of practical limbs to 4
    • With a concept like this, we get two benefits:
      1. We can have a non-humanoid frame forced into a humanoid shape, making it compatible with existing assets
      2. This would add "lore flavor" to the design, granting opportunities to explain why the bindings are there
        • Was this frame bound at the joints as some punishment?
        • Is this a personal choice? Perhaps as a way of fitting in with others?
        • Are these bindings purely decorative? Or will something dire happen upon their removal?

    That's all. Just a simple concept that would enable a "Spider Frame" without requiring any changes to the current modelling and assets.

  3. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Pulsus Imperium
    Mag has a visual guide for easier and more powerful headshots.

    The formula for momentum is P=M*V, and I was curious why "momentum" is represented with a "p." Turns out it's an abbreviation of the Latin "pulsus" (pulse). I then played around with Google Translate to see if there as a catchy phrase that could imply a change in momentum. I'm by no means a Latin expert, so my rule for a decent translation is that the results don't change when you swap the direction. "Pulse Control" returns "Pulsus Imperium," and "Pulsus Imperium" returns "Pulse Control," so I call that a win. The word "imperium" is just authority, so putting it all together, this passive would be "Control of Momentum."

    Momentum itself is a physics concept. (I was going to say "grade school physics concept," but I can't actually find any confirmation that schools teach it to grade schoolers; it's looking like a high school thing. Either the education system has degraded, or my grade school teachers were sadistic) It's just a object's linear motion that should remain constant until a force acts upon it to change its velocity or direction. One of those forces could of course be electromagnetism, so in this case Mag, the authority over that force, would have control over the direction of a moving body. Mag would use this to bend bullet trajectories toward their intended target, and that alteration of momentum would have an added benefit in cases where her aim was already exact. (As in, the force that would be correcting the bullet trajectory is instead accelerating it)


    The practical application though is very simple. When mag is aiming, and her cross-hairs go over an enemy, she'll see an aim-assist reticle showing her where to shoot to get a headshot. (Similar to what you see in Archwing missions while aiming) The reticle itself will would be a dot in a circle that's in another circle:

    1. Outer Circle: Wouldn't qualify as a headshot, but very close; Mag gets 2x headshot multiplier instead of the 3x
    2. Inner Circle: Actual headshot zone, so a standard 3x multiplier
    3. Exact Dot: The center of the headshot zone; nailing this gets a 4x headshot multiplier

    The aim-assist reticle would change color depending on where you're aiming: Red for outer circle, Yellow for inner circle, and green for the exact dot.


    This would be a nice training mechanic for knowing where to aim and getting some feedback on how precise you are. That of course would be a good system for new players. Then for the end-game players, having a means to get higher damage would be desirable. The exact dot would be difficult to hit in an active playthrough, so I don't think that would be OP. The outer circle would be double the radius of the inner circle, so this would represent a region 3 times larger than the normal headshot zone. In practice though players would still need to be aiming in the middle of combat, and Mag usually has to move around a lot for survival. So I think this would be great training without granting too much extra power.


  4. Summary
    Mag's Pull Ability is inconsistent. On low-FPS environments enemies may only stumble slightly, and the further away they are the less they'll be affected. This bug occurs regardless of Ability Strength.

    This is easy to replicate. Just go into the Simulacrum and try to pull all 20 enemies at once on a Nintendo Switch. The results are never the same. Here's an example of what I typically see on a standard build:






    • As you can see on the minimap, Pull got ahold of 11 enemies and ignored 9 of them
    • This isn't consistent, but it usually ranges between 9 and 11 enemies
    • In actual gameplay it's usually less, about 2 or 3 enemies are actually grabbed
    • I've tried this on a wide range of different Mod configurations
      • Ability Strength 10%, 100%, and 458%
      • Ability Range 100% and 280%
      • Ability Duration 100% and 321%
    • Ability Strength and Range had zero affect. (I actually got better results overall from 10% Ability Strength as opposed to 458%)
    • The only one that seemed to have any effect was increasing Duration, which usually let me get closer to 13 or 14 our of 20 enemies
    • I've seen this on both Mag and Mag Prime
    • I have multiple copies of each with a wide variety of Archon Shard configurations including one with zero shards
    • Equipped Weapons have no affect
    • Removing all SFX from the Video Options menu shows a slight improvement (averaging an extra enemy caught)
    • This problem did not occur on Mag's old Pull ability (pre Veilbreaker)
    • I do not test on CC-Immune enemies for obvious reasons

    Distance also seems to be a factor:






    • Despite the Ability Range far exceeding the distance from all enemies, only a couple are actually grabbed
    • The further the distance, the less enemies are affected
    • Ability Strength once again does not affect the results
    • Multiple castings pick random enemies each time, but usually the one on the immediate vicinity just keep getting yanked up
    • Using enemy highlighting (which blinks momentarily when enemies ragdoll) it's possible to see a "wave" of effect emanating out and assessing each enemy individually
      • It looks similar to a for-loop sorted by distance from target
      • The enemies that blink last are the most likely to get skipped
      • From this I personally believe there's some error in how the code decides to add status and velocity to an enemy
        • For example, let's say the code does a series of ray-casts to identify enemies that should be affected and then adds them to an array
        • Second, it loops through the array and applies a ragdoll+flying status, but the values are not retroactively or individually calculated
        • Thus, the further (later processed) enemies end up getting weaker values based on the current state of the vortex or perhaps the position of the first enemy in the array
        • I have no idea if any of this is true; I'm just speculating
    • Enemies that have been skipped previously seems to be more likely to get skipped on subsequent casts

    There are also partial effects that happen from certain angles:






    • Enemies get ragdolled, but with such a short duration that it instead looks like a mere stumble
    • As you can see in the minimap, some enemies got launched behind Mag, while the rest just fell over and stood back up
    • I've seen a spectrum of results
      • Ideal: Enemy flies along a linear path, stops in the vortex, and then falls (the desired behavior)
      • Launch: Enemy flies toward Mag but continues flying past the vortex (may be because the 2-second vortex expired, but sometimes it's been at point-blank range)
      • Lurch: Enemy flies a short distance then slides along the floor
      • Trip: Enemy falls toward Mag and lays on the ground (and sometimes just dies regardless of HP)
      • Stumble: Enemy takes one step forward but never actually falls
      • Infested: Enemy becomes a quantum element with no fixed position or velocity, ending up in a random spot in the room
      • Sentient (Brachiolysts): Bounce around the room and then disintegrate with amidst horrifying cries of pain and terror

    I've not filed this report for a while now despite seeing it for two years. I had hoped that it would just get resolved organically with optimizations or maybe as a side effect of other bug fixes. Also, I tend to just "deal with" bugs rather than report them because of some dumb concept I learned in my childhood to "make do with what you have." But now that I'm well and firmly entrenched in the end-game cycle, things are different. I don't feel like I'm making excuses on why I can't do this or that; I've already done this and that in spite of it all.

    I don't use Mag's Pull that much though because it's so unreliable. The whole point of it is to get enemies where you need them to be so you can attack them or cast Magnetize on them. But with this bug on the Switch you really don't know where they'll be, so it invalidates the purpose behind the ability. I don't know if they'll come at all, and even if they do I have no guarantee they'll live through it. The "stumble" effect is so fast that enemy attacks are largely unaffected, and the "trip" effect often happen in Defense or Excavation missions so the enemies I did get die before I can cast Magnetize (and I'm talking fully-armored Steel Path enemies at full health). So it's a waste of energy to risk using it. Instead it's better for me to just tank the damage and lure enemies in to where I want to apply Magnetize.

    But I do want Pull to work as intended. I love how it looks on PC and the other consoles. I'm a huge Mag fan, but I feel like I've been playing her with a handicap all this time. I want to see her play the way she was meant to play, with her first ability functioning as a reliable, primary mechanic that drives the rest of her gameplay.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Seems like a support issue, since you're clearly flagged as "PC Member" right under your avatar.  You might be able to change this yourself starting here:  https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/28118689192333-Forums-Account-Profile-Switching 

    If that doesn't work I'd suggest contacting support.


    It worked! I can post on the Nintendo Bugs subforum AND my user shows the right platform now. It's entirely my fault for assuming there was no solution without even checking. Thanks DE for thinking ahead and sorry I doubted you...

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Seems like a support issue, since you're clearly flagged as "PC Member" right under your avatar.  You might be able to change this yourself starting here:  https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/28118689192333-Forums-Account-Profile-Switching 

    If that doesn't work I'd suggest contacting support.


    Solid advice, thanks! I'll try it out and if it works then I'll edit the post.

  7. I'm a Nintendo Switch player. I have been since Day 1, and I've never even downloaded the PC version of the game. When accessing this forum, I use my Nintendo Account to authenticate. When I created a PC account for Cross-Save, I chose my Nintendo Switch account as the main.

    Game logins, forum logins, Companion App logins, play hours, purchases, and forum history. I am a Nintendo Switch player by every conceivable metric. But the Forum still labels me as a PC Player. It's 99.99% wrong. (I'm giving 0.01% for the singular, never-to-be-repeated event where I logged into the PC account during the Cross-Save migration)

    This would be just annoying (and is in most cases). I like playing on the Switch and feel like it grants certain bragging rights (because it's an unintended "hard mode"). So typically I just find this discrepancy annoying solely due to my pride and brand loyalty. I recognize that those are mere sentiments which hold no practical significance, so I've held my tongue for the most part.

    But now there is a practical deficit. I just tried to submit a Bug-Report for a Nintendo Switch issue and the website will not let me. I can't start a new post, nor can I comment on other players' posts. I'm completely locked out of the Platform-Specific Bug Reports section. One of two things needs to happen:

    • The website should allow players of all platforms to submit threads/replies in all non-archived subforums
    • Player account platforms should be synced to their main account rather than PC by default

    Until this is fixed I will not be able to complain about Switch bugs. Please listen to my complaints (so that I can submit even more complaints), thank you.


    EDIT: Thanks to @Tiltskillet's reply, the issue turned out to be a simple fix. I apologize to DE for complaining over something they already have a provision for.

  8. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Magnetic Personality
    Mag gains standing across all active Syndicates, can see/retrieve all medallions, and can equip Conclave Mods.

    No science(ish) explanation here. This passive would just mean that there's something about Mag that all the NPC's love. Maybe it's her petite size, her modest dimensions, her unassuming fashion sense, her underdog beginnings, her form-fits-function professionalism, her astronaut helmet face, or her mysterious bidents. Or maybe it's her potential to become the most well-rounded goddess of death ever to be seen in the Origin and Tau systems. Whatever it is, NPC's get it.

    The way it would play out mechanically though falls into 4 categories:

    • Standing
      • Every active Syndicate gives standing for each mission you complete as Mag
      • "Active" here means that you've done whatever quest or interaction needed to be aware of that Syndicate
      • Standing gain is a fixed amount of Mag's Level multiplied by your Mastery Rank (Max of 900 per Syndicate per mission).
      • Cannot accumulate beyond the Maximum Standing for each Syndicate
    • Syndicate Alerts
      • Syndicate Medallions are visible to Mag and can be picked up for the entire Squad
      • This even applies to missions where Mag has a negative standing with the current Syndicate (as in, a Squadmate asked you to help with their Syndicate Alert)
      • Completing a Syndicate Alert as Mag will still award the bonus Standing for that Syncidate even with a currently negative Standing towards that Syndicate
    • Conclave Mods
      • Mag is able to equip Conclave Mods into her Mod screen, even mods for Weapons
      • Mods will be excluded if they cannot have an effect (like the "Tear Gas" Mod that augments Ash's non-Helminth ability)
      • Mods must have the Conclave Icon :conclave:
      • Melee Stance Mods will not work, and Specific Weapon Augment Mods will have no effect if that weapon is not equipped
      • Energy Drain Mods remove that percentage of Overguard/Shields from enemies and converts it to energy
    • Interactions
      • NPC's who are usually rude to you will be less rude
      • Little Duck will instead apologize that she can't make an exception for you
      • Rude Zuud has different dialog for Mag
      • Baro Ki'Teer treats you like a Prime frame
      • The Business and Son will not lecture you if you accidentally kill wildlife (instead acting like it was, in fact, an accident)
      • etc. (There's a lot of interactions that could be looked at)

    Now for the justification! So there might be some overpowered combinations of Mods, I'm not going to sugarcoat that. This would in essence add some extra Mod space to weapons. I'm of the opinion that it probably would be okay though because it would come at the cost of Mod space on Mag and Conclave Mods are specifically designed to be less powerful. But there are far too many combinations and thresholds for me to speculate off the top of my head how it will go.

    For the standing, this would allow for maxing out all 6 of your "warring Syndicates" simultaneously The key would be to not pledge toward a particular Syndicate and then just level them all evenly. But there's an obvious downside there! At rank 30 for instance, the Standing limit is 31,000. That means you'd only be able to get 5,166 Standing for each warring Syndicate per day (unless some of them were maxed out). To get to 132,000 for all 6, you'd need to do 35 missions every day for 25 days. That might be nice in End Game, but early on you'll probably be better served just focusing on one pledged Syndicate at a time.

    Where this would really come in handy though would be Conclave. This passive would give people a way to gain Conclave Standing even without support in their region (which is all but a foregone conclusion at this point). This would, in turn, give people an avenue to obtain the rewards available through Teshin like skins, scenes, and fashion that would normally be impossible to get. At MR 30 with a fully leveled Mag, you'd need 35 missions to max out the Conclave standing for that day. That's a lot of work, but it's not impossible (whereas getting people to join PvP is impossible) I think that's where this Passive would be talked about the most. People that want those collectibles can simply play as Mag to get them, and then go back to their favored frame when they're done.

    Finally, there are several other syndicates like Ostron, Entrati, and so on that can be tedious to farm standing for. This would prove to be a nice alternative to going through with those specific game modes. You could, for instance, be do all your Steel Path Incursions, Sortie Missions, an Arbitration, five Relic Fissures, five Kuva Siphon missions, and 1 weekly mission like Maroo's Sculpture Run or a Netracell (about 21 missions), and through that routine generate 18,900 Standing for each of your Syndicates (roughly the equivalent of 3 Bounties/Missions for each of the various Syndicates). Do that routine for a week and you'd be able to get all 132,000 Standing for all of your Syndicates and go on a spending spree each weekend. I guess there might need to be some balancing there (running 21 missions to get 60 free mission completions does seem a bit much), but I think the underlying principle has potential. And even with those "free completions" you're still not getting the resources or Affinity/Focus you'd otherwise get if you actually played them.

  9. 59 minutes ago, quxier said:

    Does aerial kick count as slide?

    Quxier! Hi. As a matter of fact it does! That was the core of my strategy. By maxing out my aim-glide duration I was able to get half the distance in the air.

    With a squad of 4 using Aerodynamic and Coaction Drift, I'm pretty sure you'd be able to get all 500m without even touching the ground.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    I don't remember exactly where I got it done as it was ages ago. But it was pre-New War plains and I'm pretty sure I just slid from the nighest hill. I might have used an anti-friction mod and taken a few tries to not hit a flat spot that stopped me.

    I was especially curious how people got it back in the early days!

  11. 52 minutes ago, ChaoticOrderly said:

    Volt with a bunch of str and dur + speed boost aura, activate speed, get on archwing, once you hit max speed melee cancel archwing and slide.

    36 minutes ago, Quest said:

    Must have just held CTRL in the right spot

    10 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Me: Picks Zephyr, aims straight, jumps and Tailwinds, holds CTRL + AIM, slides along the air occasionally hitting the ground.

    It's really interesting that there are different solutions to this. I was actually expecting someone to come on and say something along the lines of: "Everyone just does this..." and then a bunch of people would give it a like and that'd be that.

  12. 29 minutes ago, Quest said:

    I just checked and I already had this. I have no memory of trying to get it

    In all truth, I'm very impressed. While this was the first time I made a dedicated effort toward this challenge, I've always had it in the back of my mind to keep an eye out for a good slope for this challenge and occasionally slid down a few I thought might do it (obviously without success). I can't even imagine how someone could do this by accident.

    You live up to your username!

    • Like 1
  13. I've been working on the half-dozen Challenges that I've yet to complete (most of them got checked off naturally from just playing the game, but a few require individual attention). The "Sleds of Sunshine" was one such task I've been procrastinating on.

    Now, I could have just looked on the internet and found a solution from someone else, but I wanted to try to figure it out myself. After exploring the map for a good long hill, and trying a few different builds, I managed to do it:


    My gut is telling me though that I overcomplicated this. I'm going to wrap the next section in a SPOILER box because I don't want to deprive anyone of the chance to come up with their own solution, but I am curious how this was supposed to get done. And now, my solution:




    With Aerodynamic, Patagium, Boreal's Anguish, Stealth Drift, and Aero Vantage, the aim-glide lasts for just about 16 seconds (and with -175% gravity there should be a slight height increase over that time). I operated under the assumption that it still counts as a "slide" even if I'm sliding while aim-gliding.

    A TF Amber Shard and Praedos together grant 57.5 Parkour Velocity to make that starting bullet jump have a good initial speed.

    Next, with Maglev, Cunning Drift, and Streamlined Form, I got -90% Friction with the hope of not getting stalled on rough terrain.




    The best hill I could find was toward the east, but I could only find a smooth portion for about half the requirement. So my plan was to...

    • Use aim-glide-slide from a high position to get about 250m over rough, uneven terrain
    • Land at the start of the long, smooth slope
    • Let the ground slide take me the other ~250m

    My starting point was a hill near the edge of the map, and my landing target was right after the beaten path at the mid point. The last half was entirely from the slope itself, which ended with that log I'm standing next to in the first picture.


    So, it worked! But it seems like a ridiculous solution. I'm not sure when exactly these Challenges were put into the game, but I feel like it would have been before all the modes/shard/weapon I used in the build. So what should I have done?

    Thanks in advance for your counter-solutions, and if you'd be so kind as to wrap them in spoilers that'd be nice so newer players won't lose the chance to come up with their own unique ideas.

    • Like 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE said:

    Specter AI is just so bad I wont even comment on it. Completely useless in typical playthrough.

    I completely agree. Bad AI, low survival rates, and underpowered equipment make them very sad allies.

    27 minutes ago, PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE said:

    There is nothing wrong with helping other players? Yeah, but why it's always noob players and never those who actually deserve it ie. - me.

    Haha! Fair enough. I hope people aren't mistreating you, but I'm glad you keep playing even if they are.

    28 minutes ago, PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE said:

    What? In relay? Are you nuts?

    There's this game mechanic called "Death Squads" that occurs when your favorability drops to a certain level with any of the Syndicates. They send 3-5 Eximus to kill you on missions now and then (5-8 when they really hate you). I want to be able to walk up to them in the relay after they failed to kill me in the last mission and hear them say something like: "Oh... hi... This is, uh, awkward."

    And actually now that I think about it, it's funny that the Syndicates will send their strongest units to fight the Tenno they hate, while sending their weakest units to support the Tenno they love. I've met people in real life who are like that. As friends, they'll only help me if I help them first. But as enemies, they're fully dedicated to destroying me.

  15. 9 hours ago, PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE said:

    Keeping noobs alive why, just get better at the game.
    They just use easiest solutions possible
    Building rapport is up to you
    Each Faction has headquarters you can visit
    What is Silver Groove, What are Arbitrations, What is Octavia's Anthem, What are Corrupted Holokeys, Who is Palladino, Who is Kahl.

    I dont even unsterstand what the last point is all about.

    First of all, I appreciate the engagement! When you asked for a summary I thought you might just be jabbing at the size of the post without any intention of having a conversation, but I decided to be optimistic and give a summary anyway. I'm glad I did! Thanks!
    I wasn't clear on who I was keeping alive, my bad. I meant the Syndicate Specters, not other players. Though I don't think there's anything wrong with helping other players.
    The rest is covered in the OP details, but to clarify that last point I just want some dialog added to the game to acknowledge the fact that we're letting them stay in the Tenno Relay while they're actively trying (and miserably failing) to kill some of us.


    5 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    Start an Infested mission without a sentinel or pet, watch their behavior.  Something in their code doesn't work and they just stand there and get cherry tapped to death.  I think what's happening is that their code acts like a specter, so they go to melee mode but don't have a weapon to do the strike, and the code loops on that melee strike.

    This makes me really sad (obviously the immersion is working great in this game). Just the thought of them coming along in the mission being underequipped by their  and then freezing out of fear as the hideous mutants bludgeon then to death.

    5 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    Any Sealab Archwing content in has a good chance of insta-killing them, they just walk in and drown.  It's worst when you have to go Archwing for a room or two, because you lose them and could still make use of them.

    Again, thinking of this is actually happening, also really messed up. They're assigned to "follow the Tenno no matter what" and then they see you jump in to the water. So they look at each other, hold their breath, and jump in. Once they're in the water, they see you strap an Archwing to your back and jet off at impossible speeds. Out of sheer loyalty, they desperately try to keep up, but as they start to lose oxygen, they realize the end is nowhere in sight, and they're too far from the entry point to make it back...

    5 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    A lot of this pretty much already exists, in the Railjack crew members you buy from Ticker in Fortuna.  You can rank them up, give them clones of your Warframe weapons, etc.

    I'd like to think this speaks to the feasibility of the changes rather than the redundancy of some of the features. Although, keeping with my "it's messed up if you think about it" trend: I forgot until you mentioned Ticker! They actually have backstories for the ones you hire as Railjack crew. And they're always tragic backstories too, escaping from tyranny and whatnot. Really tugging at some heartstrings just to have them die pointless deaths on a mission that the Tenno could have easily done by themselves. 

  16. 8 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    If they implement a system to reward using the Syndicate allies, they HAVE to fix a few issues. 

    The bleedout timer is very inconsistent.  I've had them die within a second of them being downed, sometimes they have three seconds, sometimes seven.  This must be made consistent AND players need to know what is left on their timers.

    So true! I've even been standing right next to one and started trying to revive them immediate and they've died while I'm reviving them.

    8 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    They currently cannot fight in melee.  A melee enemy will start hitting them, they will stop shooting, stop moving, and slowly die to the weakest enemies in the game.  This is most visible on Infested missions, as solo Chargers and Leapers will lock them down.  You'll be four rooms away when you see the alert.

    This make a lot of sense. I haven't seen this but I've noticed that Infested levels are just hopeless. I'd like to see the Syndicate Melee weapons being used by their own members too.

    8 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    They cannot drown.  I have had them spawn into the mission near or in water, and they instantly die.

    I think I've seen respawn areas do this as well. It's great that they try to follow but there's such a thing as being overzealous for one's cause.

    8 hours ago, D1398342003 said:

    They need customizable loadouts.  Maybe give them access to our arsenal/mods, but only one or two mod slots per weapon/armor.

    I'd be all for this! Especially if the Syndicates did have headquarters you could access and while there you're able to talk to someone about what equipment you want them to use while working with you. I'd even be fine with lending them weapons to use.


    Can someoen sum up what is said in subject Im not reading spam this is formatting failure.

    Haha! Fair. Though your username seems to indicate that you're fine with others reading excessively long things...

    I still try to apply the basic rule we learn in English class (though I'm not actually sure they still teach this... I graduated more than 2 decades ago...). The first sentence of the paragraph should be the general point of the paragraph, while the following body of the paragraph is meant to back that up. Additionally, I used bullet points with bold headers for the TL;DR and then added details below. So the summary of my post would be this:


    The Syndicate System (General Feedback)
    First of all, I do like the concept.
    Secondly though, it feels incomplete.

    Suggested Additions

    • Reward me for keeping their members alive
    • Make me want to work with their members
    • Let me build a rapport with their members
    • Each Faction should have a headquarters you can access (like Steel Meridian's Iron Wake) at level 5
    • Each Faction should have their own quest
    • I'd like to see some accountability for when I show up after their "Death Squad" failed to kill me on the last mission
  17. 4 hours ago, Momoque2 said:

    If DE already dont fix the codex after so many years, I dont think they will change syndicates. But one more think, I would add is to change the eximus units they make spawn on you for syndicates powered units. Like the syndicates operative but much more powerful. Like the red veil fanatique we fight  in the end of harrow quest that has a weapons that dont exist in game. Like fanatique of those syndicates.

    I like it! It would give some incentive to try out all the syndicates just so you get to see all the different unique enemies. And it would go a long way toward making the the experience more specific to whatever faction you're supporting.


    3 hours ago, quxier said:

    *You are unclean*: 100% more damage to dirty creatures like Infested or Grineer. :D

    Ha! Double damage to uggos. Brilliant

  18. Oh wait! I did have another idea I forgot to mention:

    • Your Syndicate of choice should MATTER somehow
      If you get to Rank 5 with a Syndicate, then there should be some sort of effect having to do with the fact that you're supporting that ideology so enthusiastically. For example:
      • Steel Meridian: Passive +10% Faction Damage Against the Grineer
      • Cephalon Suda: Scans Required for Codex Entry reduced to 1
      • Arbiters of Hexis: Ability Efficiency maxes out of 180% instead of 175%
      • Red Veil: Stealth Finishers have double damage
      • The Perrin Sequence: Can negotiate costs down with all non-Platinum purchases
      • New Loka: Toxin Damage can no longer damage you through shields
    • Like 2
  19. To get ready for farming the Epitaph Prime (something I was particularly excited about because of nostalgia over the Epitaph being the first Secondary Weapon I actually liked), I tried getting four Syndicates up to 132,000 Standing. (While I did get four of them to Rank 5, I only got 2 to full standing while the other two were just in the 40k range; I also farmed a lot of Steel Essence and that was clearly a better way to get relics) So I did a LOT of the Syndicate Alerts this month, and it left me with some opinions...

    The Syndicate System (General Feedback)
    First of all, I do like the concept. It's a nice lore-heavy idea to choose a faction to joined based on their values (or more realistically based on what rewards they offer and how cool you think they look), and then make enemies of other factions that hold differing values. I also like that the factions have their own missions, sometimes even their own quests, and that if you anger them enough they'll even try to take aggressive action against you.
    Secondly though, it feels incomplete. Picking a faction really doesn't do anything because it's so formulaic and copy/paste. The missions aren't all that different, not all factions get a quest, not all factions invite you to their home base, and generally speaking it feels like it's just a place to shove miscellaneous content into (like Augments, Arbitration, Tenet Melee purchases, and being able to fight Hunhow again). Because of this, I have a collection of things I'd like to see added to Syndicates. (Listed in the next section)

    Suggested Additions
    This'll be a hodgepodge of ideas that I remember having while playing dozens of Syndicate Alerts over the last several weeks...

    • Reward me for keeping their members alive
      I think it's fun that I get free Specters at the start of each Syndicate Alert, but they're not very durable and I'm not incentivized to care all that much about them. Because it's usually two syndicate members, I'd like to see the Standing I gain be +50% if I keep one alive, and +100% if I keep them both alive.
    • Make me want to work with their members
      Obviously the solution to the above feature would be to lead the Specters into a safe area and then tell them to "Hold Position" so I know they won't die and I can get more rewards. To combat that cheat, I have a carrot/stick combo. For the carrot, anyone killed by the Specters should have guaranteed loot drops. For the stick, make it so I can't extract unless the Specters are either dead or in the extraction zone with me.
    • Let me build a rapport with their members
      I want the Syndicate Members to have names, and I want the same people to be working with me from one mission to the next. We have a "Nemesis" system and we're going to have a "Romance" system, so I'm proposing a "Friendship" system. Make it so the Syndicate Member judges my character:
      "Does this (good) Tenno revive allies who go down?"
      "Does this (good) Tenno pull agro to themselves?"
      "Does this (good) Tenno try to find all the Syndicate Medallions?"

      "Does this (bad) Tenno refuse to give a weapon to the Rescue Target?"
      "Does this (bad) Tenno use AoE weapons?"
      "Does this (bad) Tenno let their Animal Companion lay there injured?"

      Things like that, just simple behavioral triggers that an outsider would use to determine if the Tenno is a good or bad person. If the Syndicate Member likes you (do good things, avoid bad things, with some RNG mixed in there), then they'll ask to work with you again the next time you do a mission for that Syndicate. The head of the Syndicate will call you and let you know that "SO-AND-SO" wants to work with you again. If you say "yes," then that Syndicate Member will always be in your crew going forward. From there, certain things can happen:
      • If they die in mission, obviously they're gone
      • If your standing with the Syndicate degrades to negative numbers, then your "friend" will feel betrayed and stop working with you
      • You can do the same things that got them to like you in the first place to get them to like you more (or dislike you)
      • If they become really good friends with you, they'll offer to help you out even in non-Syndicate missions
      • They may also send you presents (random items from the Syndicate Rewards list) with little messages saying no one will miss it but don't tell their boss
      • As you go on more missions together, your "Friend" will level up from 1 to 30
      • Max Level "Friends" are stronger and more durable, have longer revive-windows, and won't die if you can't get to them to revive them
      • Instead of dying, Max Level "Friends" will be at headquarters in "critical condition," where you can donate resources to fund their treatment for recovery
      • Max Level "Friends" also will respond to the Handshake Emote
    • Each Faction should have a headquarters you can access (like Steel Meridian's Iron Wake) at level 5
      I mean, they do have headquarters, right? They're not just freeloading off of us Tenno and operating entirely out of our Relays, are they? And you can't tell me that all of their top-level members got their status by offering up a Gold-Rarity Prime Part from Relic Cracking. I think any Tenno that gets to Level 5 should be invited to their home base, and I'd like to see their culture when I get there:
      • Steel Meridian: Already Has Iron Wake
      • Cephalon Suda: A data server facility with a bunch of nerds doing nerd-things (He writes on a video game forum...)
      • Arbiters of Hexis: Cold, quiet library with stuffy historian types reading and putting books away
      • Red Veil: Dingy back-alley assassin's guild kind of tavern with gambling and fights going on
      • The Perrin Sequence: An office building with waiting rooms, secretaries, and board rooms
      • New Loka: Pretty much a nudist colony (they're wearing clothes, calm down), they're working the land and basking in the sun
      Each place should have something do interact with while you're there. I'd be totally fine if it was just a place to spend something to get something like Iron Wakes exchange of Riven Slivers for Riven Mods/Kuva. Each one could have a different type of thing you buy that was themed to their culture. New Loka for instance could take Apothic/Antitoxins/Plantlife for like Void Traces. Arbiters of Hexis could have additional options for Vitus Essence that rotate weekly.
    • Each Faction should have their own quest
      New Loka already has one, as well as Cephelon Suda and Red Veil. The other three should have their own, and all six should have some noticeable change in the way they interact with you after you've completed their quests.
    • I'd like to see some accountability for when I show up after their "Death Squad" failed to kill me on the last mission
      Doesn't have to be anything big; just an awkward anxiety when I, a Warframe capable of single-handedly annihilating armies and destroying entire spacefaring vessels, waltz in after they had the gall to point their muzzles at me.

    That's about it for now. Obviously some of these are much larger changes than others, but they're just what I thought would be cool to see after dealing with Syndicates nonstop.

    • Like 2
  20. I remember this! Yeah it was hard, wasn't it? I remember that dumb near-instant recovery when you're supposed to press the button.

    As with all things in this game, I soloed it with Mag. I can't remember the exact build, but I think it was with a Sancti Tigris...

    If I had to do it again, I'd definitely use a stronger single-target weapon like the Phenmor, and I'd do it with the benefit of some survivability measures like Adaptation, Arcane Aegis, and Quick Thinking. Fortunately there are no toxin attacks during the match, so a Shield-focused survival strategy should work fine. And because it's a boss you don't need to worry about using abilities for anything bug survival, so you can mod for high efficiency, energy generation, and strength to make Mag's #3 reach a comfortable Shield-Gate with little expense. (Though I think I put a lot of parkour into it for convenience if I'm remembering this correctly...) I'm saying this all with 20/20 hindsight. At the time I didn't have many Arcanes or Arbitration Mods, so I just used Operator/Void-Mode and played guerilla tactics. I tend to go overboard with trying to make what I have work (rather than going and getting something that will work better).

    The button thing for me just came down to rhythm. I got used to motion control toggle-aiming and positioned myself at the button before triggering the stagger, then it was just a quick jerk, untoggle-aim, and press button in one fluid motion.

  21. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Zeeman Eye
    Mag sees additional information when looking directly at objects and enemies, increasing her abilities as she understands more.

    Okay so there's this cool phenomenon called the "Zeeman Effect" that, in a practical sense, energizes or deenergizes light sources in a way that changes their resulting color. Two practical uses for this are MRI machines and astronomy. MRI's get their information by upgrading electrons to higher shells to get more intense energy bursts and with it more detail. (I'm probably butchering that explanation) Whereas astronomy has to account for how light may have been shifted on the spectrum to get an accurate idea of what elements are emitting light. In a Warframe sci-fi-fantasy flavor, Mag would be using her innate electromagnetic understanding and nature to see more information than other frames when she concentrates on something.

    Practical application would be played out as follows:

    • When crosshairs are on an enemy
      • Numerical HP / Shields are immediately visible
      • After 1 second, Current Armor and Overguard values are shown
      • After 2 seconds, Remaining scans needed for Codex are shown, and weak-points are highlighted
      • After 3 seconds: "Understanding" is obtained
        • A little card icon will appear in the buff bar, with a number showing how many enemies you've seen through
        • In the pause menu, Mag will have a menu option to view the cards
        • Cards have live data on all targets seen (obviously they won't update if the target has died)
        • Scroll through the cards to see all kinds of data you might want to know
          • Elemental weaknesses
          • Buffs/Debuffs
          • Attacks they can do
          • Alert status
          • Coordinates (N/A if dead)
          • Weapons equipped
          • Max health values
          • EHP with multipliers explained
          • etc.
      • Enemies fully understood are always visible on minimap even if out of Enemy Radar range
    • When crosshairs are on an object
      • Similar to enemies with HP being visible immediately
      • "Understanding" is obtained after only 2 seconds because Armor/Overguard doesn't exist on objects (I think...)
    • The amount of "Understanding" you have obtained in a mission increases Mag's Abilities by 1% in a rotating distribution
      • Scans 1, 5, 9... increase Mag's Ability Duration
      • Scans 2, 6, 10... increase Mag's Ability Efficiency
      • Scans 3, 7, 11... increase Mag's Ability Range
      • Scans 4, 8, 12... increase Mag's Ability Strength
      • Maximum +75% increase (300 scans total to max everything)
      • Resets on death
    • 300 Cards Maximum per mission

    The boost probably wouldn't contribute much to a mission since we're talking a pretty tedious exercise of maintaining an eye on 300 objects for 2 to three seconds each. If you were really good had a lot of objects then the theoretical minimum would be 10 minutes, but it would be more likely to be 15 minutes of looking at enemies. Where this passive WOULD shine, however, is in research. Getting to know exactly how energy and damage scales with each enemy and level, as well as getting clear numerical data on the effectiveness of weapons and abilities, would make the Zeeman Eye a valuable ability for players that really want to dig into the deep details of Warframe's inner mechanics.

  22. On 2024-08-21 at 7:02 AM, [DE]Juice said:

    Added an In Memoriam shrine to honor a Digital Extremes Tenno.

    Not sure what the story is behind this, but if I'm reading between the lines correctly then I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sure they'll have appreciated the memorial. The family we choose is the family we can't bear to lose.

  23. 5 hours ago, Sephylon086918 said:


    Tested something out of curiosity:

    Cold changes made petrify no longer prevent ragdoll; I was able to use strangle dome to lift petrified enemies in the simulacrum. Should also work with tentacles in theory.

    I can die happy seeing a YouTuber actually recommend a Mag on a farming mission. I'm also very amused by the fact that I was like: "Nah, it probably wouldn't work that well..." I know some people don't like how complicated this game is, but I actually love how it's so stocked with mechanics that there's still synergies out there left to discover (even ones the developers didn't count on).

    And speaking of hidden mechanics, good idea with the cold procs! I'll keep that in mind for future experiments. (Like as an example, on the Switch, Mags Pull has a tendency to just instantly kill things; enemies just never get up after they get knocked down. It's fun, but it can be a bother when I want an enemy for placing a bubble. Now I'm curious how it interacts with frozen enemies...)

  24. 5 hours ago, PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE said:

    Warframe Arcane Adapter.

    Those are nice. But would I give up an Arcane Slot for another Mod Slot? Hm... I'll have to think about that one.


    Explain then since I totally have no idea

    Haha, fair! I was just playing off of the idea of a Mod increasing the "fun" factor while we're on a thread accusing players of being obnoxious. Though with the "Tee Hee" Mod, fun would probably only last as long as it takes the host to boot someone from the squad.

    To clarify though, I wouldn't find it fun to attack other players. I'm all about my PVE. (And I play solo anyway because that's where I find the most enjoyment)

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