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Posts posted by (NSW)Probably_Asleep

  1. 3 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

    Ivara already has this as an ability, called Prowl. It doubles loot from nearby enemies. 

    We slap a load of yellow parkour shards on her and roll about instead.

    Still, it kinda sucks. If you're grinding a resource folks just take Khora or Nekros, it's 10x as effective.

    I just read the Wiki page on Prowl and wow you're so right! It decreases speed and gives you more loot. (Albeit through a slightly different mechanism, but it's very similar)

    I'm now imagining some sort of "thieves assembly line." Like an Ivara stands inside a "Blood Altar Mag" bubble while pickpocketing, then Mag uses her Pull on a schedule to yank robbed enemies over to a Khora that kills them while a Nekros is running around looting corpses.

    Probably wouldn't be very efficient. I'm reading now that Ivara can only rob one enemy at a time (makes sense). But it's a funny visual in my head.


    1 hour ago, Quest said:

    I like the mod but it is very situational and I don't think a lot of people would use it unless you were already playing a fast frame yourself.

    This is not something I would ever consider equipping on anyone besides Gauss or Volt simply because something better could go in that slot for other frames.

    That's true. Mod space is probably the most valuable resource in Warframe. Although, I do have a build that goes all in on Sprint I think it's 2.42x. If that was cut to 1.75x then it would mean there would be a 67% boost to whatever the reward was. If the reward were something like a Faction Damage boost or Damage Reduction then I'd probably find some use out of that. (The mechanics would have to be tweaked though since a lot of attacks will cancel a Sprint; maybe something like reaching max speed grants a "refreshable" 15 seconds boost to some stat)

  2. 4 hours ago, PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE said:

    Very nice but can we have a mod thats increasing the fun by 1% it will still be 0

    I think I get what you're saying 😉...

    (Really straining the limits of what I can do in Paint)

  3. 22 minutes ago, vixenpixel said:

    Oh great a best in slot mod you have to equip on every single frame. Great suggestion. Let's punish speedy frames shall we? Volt suddenly the only frame you go to sp for cuz steel essence. Arbitrations. Lets force all volt builds to build five hundred strength. 

    (If it's not loot... Sure, i dont mind, if it is loot: the sheer implications of this... An entire looter shooter meta changed with one mod)

    That's a fair point. A loot boost would really upset the balance. In all honesty I chose "loot" solely because it was only four characters, and I needed something to fit on a single line to minimize the work it would take to make it in Paint.

    I literally lol'd at your post though because of the quick tone shift: "SARCASSSM!!! (But it's not a bad idea in principle...)" I'm weak to that sort of high-contrast humor, well played.

  4. How would everyone feel about a Mod that gives you a cap on your movement speed--like, I don't know, +75% of base?--in exchange for some other reward based on how much speed you don't have access to?

    Something sort of like this:
    (Slapped together in MS Paint with Speed Drift as a base)

    So if, for example, your Sprint Speed is 200%, then you'll only run at 1.75x speed. But while you're running, the loot your pick up will be boosted by that additional 25% that was lost due to this limiter. Then if a Volt comes along and boosts even further, you still only run at 1.75x while collecting even more loot in proportion to Volt's boost.

    In that case, even people running speedy frames won't be bothered by Volt boosting it further, because all they'll be boosting is the loot you pick up. You'd see a Volt on your team and think: "Nice! I'll get more loot now..."

    Wouldn't have to be loot necessarily, just something; it could be damage reduction, energy generation, faction damage, etc.

  5. 6 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

    We are extremely due for a companion app rework. I made a similar post a while ago, but it didn’t get a ton of views last time I checked. I’d also love a way to access dojo construction with the app.

    YES! So true! I run my Dojo by myself and I still have research I need to get through. I put it off mainly because I don't want to wait through the loading screen to go there and back. I just wait until I do a Railjack mission to stop into my labs and move things to the next step. I'd definitely use this.

  6. Been playing this game for a while now and I only just downloaded this app. I really like it! But I do have some suggestions (probably suggestions that have already been suggested many times before, but a choir of voices is more moving than a lone cry). I'll try to keep this a light read though. I tend to get wordy so I'm limiting myself to two loves, two wants...

    2 Things I Love

    1. Extractors
      I've always been bad at keeping track of extractor deployment. Though miniscule, it's still effort-free loot. Theoretically it would be possible to even save up enough Mutagen Samples for Hepit research in as little as 84 days (very unlikely). But it's not like I'm on Warframe 24/7. I log on about once a day and I definitely don't stay logged on for more than 8 hours. So this app notifying me when extraction is done and letting me swap it out right then and there effectively triples the extraction rate.
    2. Chat
      It's a pain to see if my friends are online. Or it was, until I got this app. Just log on, go to chat, go "Online," and try to chat with whatever friend I want to view a status of. It's about a minute and I can do it anywhere as opposed to having to go start up my console and wade through the login process. My friends are hit-and-miss, admittedly. They tend to play a lot after big updates and then go MIA a few weeks after. So because of that, I don't want to miss the window when they're actually playing.

    2 Things I'd love to Have Changed

    1. Please Allow Simultaneous Login
      I know there are some technical difficulties and likely some concern with account data integrity, but as a programmer myself who has built DB-backed websites with User Account Management, I can say authoritatively that it's not that difficult to make work. Especially as the app designers, you could tokenize the device/app origin and grant varied account privilege. Data Integrity shouldn't be too difficult either, since you already have a DLC/Monetization engine that behaves much the same as two logins would. It's all quite doable. This goes without saying, but doing this would also mean you could allow for persistent login on the app and have it ready as soon as you open it.
      The reason I want you to do it, is because of the both the chat and the convenience. It's not easy chatting with the Nintendo Switch. It would be fantastic to be able to have my chat on my phone while I focus on gameplay on a separate device. The other reason though is having convenient access to information while on a mission. There are so many times I want to check the Cetus day/night cycle while on a mission to know if I can keep going or if I should extract. Also when I'm farming a resource, I want to check my current Owned Amount in my Inventory to know if I should just push a little longer to get to a certain threshold. I also like confirming current build occasionally if something is amiss (like I accidentally chose the wrong loadout and my elements are all wrong). I feel like the "Companion" app is falling short of its potential when it can't be by my side while I'm having my adventure.
    2. Action Scheduling
      This would really encourage people to get the app (at least for people like me). Usually if I am handling extractors, it's because I want every last bit of a particular resource. So I'm going to keep deploying Extractors to the same location. I'd love a feature that allows me to keep retrieving/deploying Extractors to the same sight without my management. It wouldn't be that hard to organize within the UI; just a checkbox that says "Keep Deploying" when you're picking a planet, and the system would know to keep using the healthiest Extractor for each redeployment.
      Making things like Air Support Charges and Ciphers would also be handy here. When starting a build, let us specify how many build cycles we want to run. You could make it only eligible for Infinite Blueprints, and require that players specify a number rather than "indefinitely." An alert could then trigger if the schedule fails from a lack of resources. It's quite annoying to sit and repeat 1-minute blueprints again and again...

    But, yeah, love the app! Keep up the good work!

    • Like 1
  7. So happy to see someone talking about Mag! I happen to a HUGE fan of Mag, so of course I'll throw my 2¢ in as well!

    Current State of Polarize (For Offense)


    As an offensive ability, it's trash. Even low level enemies are often unaffected. The only way to make it work on low-to-mid level content is with very high Ability Duration. The Polarize wave travels at 5.9 m/s, and each second it accumulates 5.55 meters radius of explosive potential. So a 300%+ Duration build can let the wave travel 88.5 meters, and the explosion radius potential becomes 83.33 at that point. The explosion itself isn't that strong, but each enemy with shields/armor release their own independent explosion (and it's not LoS-restricted), So pretty much every enemy on the map damages every other enemy on the map. The way this can be maximized is by having a highly mobile Mag that can outrun her own Polarize wave, get ahead of it, group enemies together, and then let the "old wave" come along and cause a devastating chain reaction. This has the added benefit of opening pretty much every crate in the area.

    But this strategy (though fun) has several drawbacks that make it impractical in day to day combat. For one thing, not all maps have enough room to run in a single direction without making twists and turns. Also, each individual explosion is only 2.5x the value of the shields/armor that was stripped (which is only 400 at default Ability Strength); AND it's affected by damage fall-off. So even if you found a cluster of 20 enemies and got them all tightly grouped together with Magnetize, the most you could expect to see would be 20,800 damage done to each of them. But if you've got 20 enemies inside a Magnetize bubble, then you can deal more than 20k damage right away with a decent weapon and the death bubble's own DoT. (A decently modded shotgun could make all enemies in the bubble take more than 20k damage every half-second). The only real benefit it has over just using Magnetize is the LoS bypass, but it just doesn't have the oomph to hit hard enough.

    The shards are also a disappointment; especially considering they've been reworked lately and are still not that great. While they can get a LOT of Slash stacks, the base damage behind the stack is 25 + 12.5% of drained shields/armor (so 75 at default Ability Atrength, and 175 at 300% Ability Strength). Slash ticks are 35% of the base, so you're looking at somewhere between 26 and 62 damage per Slash tick. With enough enemies the stacks can easily get above 100, which means you can be dealing a few thousand points of True Damage per second, but that's still not enough to scale into end game. You could ALSO use Nourish Subsume which could quickly add Viral status and multiply that by 3.25, meaning a high end of around 26k+ True Damage per second at 300% Strength and assuming 100 stacks of Slash throughout. BUT AGAIN, this has to be carefully set up, and it still doesn't compare to the damage you get from a good gun shot into an even 40% strength Magnetize bubble.

    If anything, Mag's 2nd ability is just too good for anything else to shine by comparison. Even at low Ability Strength it's just frighteningly effective in its simplicity and versatility. It CC's even CC-immune enemies, kills fully armored Steel Path enemies in seconds, protects targets, and can nuke a room with its going away present. But even when not comparing Polarize to the golden child of abilities, it's still just not that great as an offensive option.

    Current State of Polarize (For Defense)


    As a defensive ability, it's not bad. At 287.5% Ability Strength, it can cap-out the Shield Gate Duration. It doesn't generate Overshields like Crush, but it casts incredibly quick. With Catalyzing Shields, this can be good for fast paced Shield Gating at lower Abilities Strength values. Polarize used to be my favorite defensive option when paired with its augment, but DE's been nerfing CC to the ground so that's not worth mentioning anymore.

    At higher content though it becomes less preferable as a defensive foundation because Crush with its Augment is pulling double-duty. Not only is it reaching Shield Gate cap at lower Strength thresholds, but it's also generating Overshields, AND stripping armor. (So triple duty actually?) With the increase skill and spatial awareness that players have by end game, the slower casting animation isn't as much of a problem, so Polarize just doesn't get used.

    Current State of Polarize (Summary)


    I'm not too broken up over the effective uselessness of Polarize though. There are a lot of great Subsume abilities, so if anything having one bad ability makes Mag more compatible with the Helminth system. Some frames are so well synergized with all four of their abilities that it's a real struggle what to get rid of. Mag on the other hand seems to be more of a utility belt that gets stronger with each new system you open up in the game. If anything, Polarize is there just to get you to Deimos and was always meant to be traded out with different abilities.

    Rework Suggestion


    If I were to recommend a rework for Polarize, then I'd propose something like this:

    • Base Ability:
      • Reduces Enemy Shields by 75% (Scales with Ability Strength)
      • Restores Yours and Allies Shields by 75% (Scales with Ability Strength)
      • Reduced Overguard by 25% (Scales with Ability Strength)
      • Each enemy hit drops 1 shard (Enemies with Shields/Armor drop two)
        • When enemies step on shards, they act like they just stepped on a nail, halting their movement
        • After 15 seconds, they shatter, restoring 5 energy to nearby Tenno
        • Synergies:
          • Pull brings Shards into self-orbit, enemy attacks shatter shards instead of hitting player
          • Magnetize sucks in shards, increasing the magnetic strength of the bubble
          • Crush shatters all shards in range, causing 10 energy to be released instead
    • Augment:
      • Weapon Jamming just like before
      • Overgaurd now gets "Stolen" from enemies, and amount goes up to 75%

    With this, I'd be using it constantly. it would help with Mag's constant thirst for energy, give some extra defense, help overcome one of the common complaints about Mag's death bubble, and pair well with Crush to give Mag a full anti-defense arsenal.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Pervasive Influence
    Abilities have a 25% chance of affecting CC-Immune enemies; failure will instead damage CC-Protection by 25% of its max value.

    This has been covered before, but there's nothing that can actually stop magnetism. The only options is redirect the field lines with enough material that is highly susceptible to magnetization, or by creating a corresponding magnetic field. (Both are basically doing the same thing, just creating a new--more preferable--path for the magnetic field lines) There's also bending spacetime, but that's not technically redirecting anything (the one traveling through bent space believes it is still straight). The underlying point though is that magnetism is unstoppable; you can try to deflect it, but it will likely cost you the same energy you would have otherwise used to resist the force in the first place. It makes sense for things like electronics, where you can protect a sensitive region by spending energy in surrounding regions. But against a fantasy being that can alter reality according to her own idea of the meaning of magnetism, there's really nothing you could do from a purely scientific method. Because of this, Mag's abilities should not be able to be shielded against.

    Rather than going all in on the "make it make sense" route, this passive compromises and says that Mag has a 1/4th success rate on bypassing defenses. When that fails, then whatever is resisting her abilities take damage. There are three categories of enemy CC-Immunity that need to be accounted for:

    • Nullifiers
      • If the ability is just cast/hit, then the hit the enemies inside 25% of the time, and hurt the bubble the other 75% of the time
      • If the ability lingers (like Magnetize/Aquablades/etc.). Each "tick" of damage is a new assessment:
        • There's a 25% chance for it to hit the enemies inside; the ability is not cancelled even if it's touching bubble during this tick
        • A failure instead damages the Nullifier bubble; if the bubble and the ability are intersecting, then the ability deactivated
      • If the ability is a self-buff (like Perspicacity), then there's a 25% chance to keep it when passing through bubble, losing it damages the bubble
      • When the bubble is damaged, it loses 25% of its maximum radius; if at or below a fourth of its maximum, then the bubble pops
    • Overguard
      • (Much more simple than Nullifiers) Overguarded enemies have a 25% chance of getting affected by abilities
      • If the effect fails, then Overguard is cut by 1/4th of its maximum
    • Other Immunity - Bosses and special enemies are left as is

    I know this has been debated elsewhere, but CC has been indisputably attacked by recent updates. Eximus enemies began as a sort of "field boss," and it was understandable that something had to change because CC abilities rendered them laughably useless. I remember having fun with using Mag's original Pull to just yank all visible enemies (Eximus included) into a pit and watch them die instantly. So Eximus were then given Overguard, which offered some protection against CC and made it so you had to pay individual attention to them. But with CC abilities getting indirectly nerfed, players focused more on raw killing power, which exacerbated the already-bad power creep situation. In response to this, new game modes just kept adding in more and more Eximus units to try to resist the insane killing power being wielded by players. At this point, Eximus units can occupy even as much as half of the enemies on the field, making CC focused frames and playstyles almost entirely useless. It all stems from the original concern that CC is was too powerful.

    But CC was never powerful. It could stop enemies from attacking, which allowed for defending targets and gathering loot/drops, but it didn't often kill the enemies. It allowed players to manage the pace of enemy spawn rates and open the way for teammates (or themselves) to kill enemies even with weaker equipment. With CC being so thoroughly devastated, the only option now is for everyone to conform to a single playstyle of high-damage, AoE, defense-bypassing, KPM-focused slaughter. It's mattering less and less what character you play with, and more and more on what damage output you can slap together. And as soon as someone finds a new, higher damage output, everyone has to abandon their current loadout just to keep up. I realize this isn't solely a CC problem. It's also a general power-creep problem as well as a natural consequence of a live service game existing for over a decade. I believe that's why they didn't care too much about the recent armor-cap; even with a worry that enemies would be weaker with the new update, who cares at this point? Crowd-Control would make for a great remedy to this troubling trend though. CC allows the player to think about what they're doing, which has greater long-term entertainment value than chasing higher and higher numbers.

    That's enough ranting from me. I think a passive like this would be very helpful in bringing back value to Mag's Polarize ability, as well as improve the game experience without ruining the balance. (Or what's left of the balance)

  9. 8 hours ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

    I don't buy stuff by trading neither I'm the one who sells. But I don't buy plat neither so far have put zero amount of real money in WF.

    That's what I love about this game you can accumulate plat by selling and playing.

    Also while it frustrates me little bit that so far I haven't got Cyath riven I see it as goal that motivates me play WF. 

    I really like that attitude. I love that it's never felt like I was forced to pay for anything. The metric I use to compare entertainment is $/hr. Worthwhile entertainment provides maximum hours of fun at minimum dollars spent. (Vacations are terrible in my opinion, while Video Games and Books are quite good) But Warframe stands out even amongst other video games. I don't even feel bitter giving them money! It feels like someone is trying to give me a bunch of free stuff and I'm like: "No, no! Let me pay you something, please!"

    What you're saying about having a goal is very relatable as well. I've been trying to get the Vandal weapons from ESO for roughly a year now. I could just submit a WTB, but that would just be me giving up. Even if you can buy an item, you can't buy the feeling of getting it yourself.

    I hope your next safari in the Void will yield spectacular finds!

  10. 4 hours ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

    Here me trying to get Riven for my Zaw and went trough all I had accumulated and now desperately trying to get more. 

    I'm going to be a bit of a hypocrite here because I never have and probably never will do public trading, but I think you'll have more success with public trading to get the riven you want. I imagine Zaw Rivens don't sell for too much... actually let me check...

    Well the unveiled ones can run for as little as a single plat (possibly even multiple for one plat). Valuing 1 Plat at around 5.4¢ (averaging the Plat options), and the US Minimum Wage is roughly 1¢ every 5 seconds. So an Unveiled Zaw Riven through public trading amounts to 27 seconds of working.

    But I really am being hypocritical to suggest this because I go HUGELY out of my way to avoid trading. And of course 27 seconds of working a real job is still 27 seconds of not playing Warframe...

  11. I liked the quest, but...
    Illustratively, if Warframe is my day to day routine, then New War is like visiting my family out of state. Don't get me wrong! I love my family. But it's hard to feel happy about requesting PTO, booking tickets, packing, traveling, staying at my parent's house that's over 100 years old (I'm not lying, it was built before The Great Depression), dealing with family drama, being away from my cats, flying back, unpacking, and finally getting back into my routine. By the end I'm thinking: "I love you all, but let's not do this again..."

    Being a solo player, I had fun. I won't get too much into it because of spoilers, but it was an adventure that gives me positive nostalgia when I think back on it. I could definitely see it being an entirely different experience for public players though. Most Warframe quests only cut you off from squad support for few missions; not days like New War.

    From a technical viewpoint, I'm not sure if they could get rid of the lockout. So much of the environment and content is tied to the status of this quest. It's like a portal that transitions you from Warframe 1 to Warframe 2. It's surely possible, but it would require a full audit on the game's code and content. I doubt they'd spend resources on it.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, quxier said:

    Why not just run, roll and bullet jump? The time between consoles is made for wasting time. If you are stopping to kill (while carrying datamass) you are basically making mission slower. That's why I want it "clickable". 1 player can basically multiply time or even make people soft lock because they are trolling (keeping datamass but not putting it into console).

    I don't mind secondary/melee only but not in the price of above.

    You're right. I quickly realized I should rush to the next console and stop caring about the loot I was missing out on. My only point is that it was a formative experience for me that taught me the value of having a well balanced arsenal rather than just relying on a single good weapon. It's likely though that new players will learn that elsewhere.

    8 hours ago, quxier said:

    Basically multiple datamass with extra feature. Yeah, lots of things are better when all player can affect gameplay positively.

    Agreed. The picture I have in my head is a bulky sat-phone that emits visually-depicted radio waves when you stand next to the console.

    8 hours ago, quxier said:

    I'm "fine" when I got mission and picked wrong gear (aka not prepared). But I just don't want to get unlucky or lucky. There is place for RNG but it still should be balanced.

    Also agreed. If I fail I want it to be because I failed. I want to have something to improve on besides just: Let me run it again and hope I've got better "luck" this time...

    8 hours ago, quxier said:

    I hate it. I don't mean some difference but when e.g. player A needs on average do 5 radiants and player B needs 20 then something is horribly wrong. I had, I don't remember, 25 runs: 5 uncommon forma, 1 rare/uncommon stuff. Feels great? It's horrible.

    Relic cracking isn't the hill I choose to die on. I'm completely with you that it's a frustrating grind.

    8 hours ago, quxier said:

    Spies are imho fine. Sure, you get 3x more consoles to hack but it's not like, on average, other person can hack it's own console and go to you and hack "yours". Interception & Disruption... don't like it. Or first RJ? Pff. Having team makes it from almost impossible to doable.

    I really like Spy missions; I actually dislike playing it with others because I don't want to miss out on any of the rooms.
    I'm not all that crazy about Interception, but I do like that Mag is so well suited to it; playing it with others makes it ridiculously easy be comparison.
    Disruption has improved a little with the new accessibility change; prior to that I really wasn't a fan. Not actually sure how the squad experience is for those missions...

    Railjack. Yes. I feel the solo pain with that one (even in its current edition).

    8 hours ago, quxier said:

    Just saying: If you are new players, without ciphers then I think it's possible (but it doesn't happen very often). I've been doing some Lich missions and I've done some spies. I've brute force with ciphers & OP dashes. New player, without such things would have hard time.

    It's funny you say that because after I wrote it I started thinking "I wonder if I could run a Spy mission so fast that a new player would be unable to contribute anything..."

    8 hours ago, quxier said:

    The problem here that YOU want to do it solo. Sometimes you just have to do solo. I'm clearing some SP mission and there are rarely any teammates.

    Very solid point. Married life has taught me that the activity often matters less than the expectation behind it. Something as simple as taking out the trash can feel like a heroic deed one day, and indentured servitude the next.

    • Like 1
  13. On 2024-08-04 at 2:55 AM, Zahnrad said:

    I said many years ago that MD should function more like Spy missions, in that you get a reward per each successful hack.

    That would be a simple but very appreciated upgrade to the game mode. Mobile Defense has been around for... 11½ years (had to look it up), so the pace and rewards are of course going to seem hugely outdated by now.


    22 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    Honestly, they are a problem for me because I have to stand around for too long at each location. Halve the defense time of each console and go from there if necessary. Most base missions are meant to be an in and out thing. Done as swiftly as possible. Mobile Defense forces me to stay in one place too long. The Deimos arcanes are borderline useful at that point. I don't really want extra objectives, it won't make the same mission more exciting on the thousandth run through.


    I would prefer if MD had maybe what circuit defense has and pushed an eximus wave closer to the end of each console's defense time, but halved those times. Make regular defense 3 waves per round and do the same thing and I would be so much happier.

    So that's one vote for just making it quicker and with tougher enemies. Not a bad suggestion by any means! To be fair some of my suggestions might be pushing it into a new game mode entirely. Your description would be incredibly quick to implement.


    22 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    It's mostly just the repetitiveness of doing the same thing three times in a row for one single drop/goal that I don't like, and it feels especially repetitive when it loads the same tile back-to-back

    The core parts of it are fine, like moving between three separate goalposts, but I wish the missions would be set up as more cohesive single missions with mini-goals, like Kuva Assault, rather than pulling from a bag of random disconnected tiles (which is more a product of its time)

    As for popularity, they will never be as popular as the missions you can do super quickly, but I can't think of any way to make mobile defense quick without stripping it of its identity (the A-to-B-to-C design), and even reducing the defense time still doesn't change the feeling I get of knowing I'll have to defend something multiple times

    Pakaku! I feel like I'm listening to a group of synchronized monks training in martial arts when I read your username. Pah! Kah!! KUU!!!

    It sounds like you also probably don't like Excavation based on that description. (I guess Defense would also fit as well) I did like Assault's variety of objectives. Although for some reason I personally feel more annoyed doing repeated runs of Assault than I do Mobile Defense. I think the sameness of Mobile Defense allows me to shut my brain off, while Assault is just diverse enough to make me pay attention. So when I do a marathon of Mobile Defense, it all blurs into one memory, while a marathon of Assault missions feels like I'm doing the same sequence over and over again. That's just my experience. Assault was fun for me at first, but its gotten more and more stale each time. Mobile Defense sort of started stale and hasn't gotten any more so.

    I think combining your input with @SpicyDinosaur's would suggest that it would be a little better if we just made each node have a different "feel" to it in some way.


    20 hours ago, quxier said:


    Why not just make them "clickable". You have no "main datamass". You go to certain mobile console and just activate it (X it). Part of Deimos Bounty have this (gather stuff and activate "console" by just pressing X).

    quxier! Good to see you're still diligently perusing the forums.

    I like this idea of just getting rid of the datamass. Or I did, until I remembered that very early in my journey it was this game mode that motivated me to actually start caring about secondary weapons. I had the MK1-Kunai with a few unmaxed "Broken" mods, and it was utterly useless even at the early levels. I hat to put down my Datamass and use my much more invested MK1-Paris when the fighting got heated on my way to the next console.

    Don't know what I'm actually trying to say here. Basically the one-handed-carry mechanic was a nice early handicap that I don't want to deprive from new players.

    Now, what I could see happening would be replacing the Datamass with a "Signal Repeater." Basically you'd be carting around an antenna that, when held next to the console, gives Lotus a better signal and therefore lets her hack the console quicker. More Squad Members could each hold their own Sig-Rep and really let Lotus fly through the firewalls. Then you'd still encourage carrying something in the mission, but it wouldn't be a requirement and players could still split up and cover their own consoles.

    20 hours ago, quxier said:

    Like with Ascession mode, at the release - searching for collectibles paid off. You get 3 Sister beacons to spawn enemy that give you extra loot. You gathered 3 small Ionic charges to join to the bigger one that gives you reduced timer (Elevator went faster for some time).

    That part were great. Nowadays, afair, it's just 3 sister beacons.

    I won't lie, this was an inspiration to some of my suggestions. I love the Sister Beacon system. Just having that extra side-objective that doesn't detract too much from the main game flow but rewards you with the extra risk and effort is an amazing innovation.

    20 hours ago, quxier said:

    I think, like with E/DA survival you can summon them to reduce timer. It shouldn't be by default, imho. Those guys are pretty nasty if you are not prepared.

    That's a good point. Maybe I'm being a bit mean to the newer generation in suggesting Demolysts just show up out of nowhere and blow your console to smithereens. An inexperienced squad would not think twice about letting it get close to the console, and by then it would be too late: instant mission failure.

    Although... sometimes it can be fun to feel like your inexperience cost you. (Just me? Does anyone else like that feeling?)

    20 hours ago, quxier said:

    RJ jamming drones sounds interesting. They slows down hacking. However they shouldn't spawn far from console. Or maybe they can but farther they are, the less they affect hacking speed.

    Love it, yes. That would make you have to divide your attention between defense and offense, which should add some variety to the experience. (Especially if some of the drones were Eximus)

    20 hours ago, quxier said:

    Why it doesn't scale down to player count? Like hacking 3 console with 4 people vs 1 doesn't seems "fair".

    As you know I'm a HUGE advocate of solo play. So this may be surprising, but I'm totally on board with a mission being harder for solo players. Interception, Spy, and Disruption are all great examples of how much easier some missions can be in a squad as opposed to a solo player.

    And I actually really like that disparity of experience. For a few reasons:

    • It's nice to have reasons in-game to feel grateful to teammates; I think it helps the community and lets people feel useful
    • Having a harder time when you go it alone lets the loners (like me) feel a sense of accomplishment
    • Squad-agnostic game modes can be toxic (like Capture, where the veterans race ahead with better mobility mods and clear out the enemies/objectives)
      • Not saying they are toxic. Obviously the veterans could be nice as well
      • But contrast that to something like a Spy mission; no matter how fast a veteran is they're probably not going to be able to do all three vaults before a new player gets to one
    • For squads made up of friends who communicate and organize their efforts, they should get some missions where their teamwork can shine

    I also strongly believe that everything should be possible solo, of course. But I don't mind if I have to work harder and get less because I'm an introvert. My reward is in the lack of drama and freedom to set my own pace.

  14. I have three suggestions:

    1. Spawn 3 Datamasses at the start
      • At least that way a squad can do it much faster
      • Even solo you could start a few at simultaneously as long as you had a good CC frame
    2. Put some choice into the game mode
      • Hidden alternative consoles that grant special bonuses
      • Optional 4th console that's extra hard but gives a better reward
      • Hidden Datamasses that weaken the console but cut the timer in half
    3. Extra challenges
      • Console might summon a Demolyst from Disruption Missions
      • Enemies occasionally try hacking in rather than destroying it
      • For console with two screens, you can co-op Lotus' hacking to make it go faster (leaving you vulnerable) - Just a marathon of hack-minigames that subtract time each completion.

    Just by having a way to run it faster and more variety in how you go about it would make the game mode a better experience. (In my opinion)

    • Like 3
  15. On 2024-07-30 at 7:04 AM, Zahnrad said:

    Wait, THAT is what causes them to fail all the time?

    I always assumed it was something like, once the Ancients get alert it counts as being Detected, due to the Infested hivemind.


    I'm always so careful not to touch the lasers and it always just goes off anyway. I keep thinking: "Oh well I guess I just don't understand my hitbox well enough..."

  16. On 2024-04-03 at 3:22 AM, Chewarette said:

    Add Void Fissures-like mechanics to the Netracell, with Murmur enemies spawning inside the circle. It happens from time to time with those 3-4 units emerging from the ground but it's pretty rare, maybe just increase that occurrence

    This was going to be my suggestion. Glad I took the time to read other comments. I think this is a perfect solution. if the Spawn Area is inside the circle then a decent KPM will prevent any possibility of other players dragging the mission on.

  17. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Contact Repulse
    Jump Kicks cause enemies to drop items or unique power ups.

    There's this thing called the "stroke method" where you can magnetize something by stroking it with a permanent magnet. It seems to be for establishing a relatively weak magnetic charge and I don't see much high-powered uses; it doesn't create a stronger magnet than the source after all. A very common example is magnetizing a needle with this method to make a homemade compass. So the concept I'm going with here is that Mag could give enemies a monopolarity charge when she strikes them with her body. Same polarities obviously repel each other, so enemies with this condition would have all their possessions wanting to jump away from their bodies. Things like loot, ammunition, weapons, clothing, and so on would all want to fly away. And the most universally available way for Mag to strike them with her body is with a Jump Kick.

    Though I think there's be a good argument for disarming, or at least causing enemies to lose their current magazine and need to reload their weapon, that's not what I'm going for here. The mechanics of this passive would instead work like this:

    • When Mag lands a Jump Kick on an Enemy without Overguard, they'll drop something
      • Resource
      • Ammunition
      • Health Orb
      • Energy Orb
      • Unique Power Up
    • Each kick halves the chance of an additional kick causing a drop (100% > 50% > 25% >12.5% > 6.25%), and any kick after the 5th kick will be 0%
    • Only one of each kind of drop can drop (so you won't get a second Energy Orb from the same enemy)
    • The enemy must live through the kick
    • Unique Power Ups will show up as: "+{ELEMENT} Orb" like "+Electric Orb" or "+Impact Orb"
      • +Element's are like Ayatan Stars, they are unaffected by Vacuum and must be manually picked up
      • +Element's add 25% of that Element to...
        • All remaining rounds in the current magazine of the currently equipped ranged weapon (Primary/Secondary)
        • Melee attacks if the Combo Counter is greater than 1
      • Reloading a ranged weapon dismisses the +Element effect on that Ranged weapon
      • Losing Combo (via Heavy Attack or timeout) dismisses the +Element effect a Melee weapon
      • +Element's can stack up to 10 times (+250%)
      • +Element's will only spawn as elements that are not modded/innate on the currently equipped weapon
        • So if your Braton has IPS and Viral/Heat, then only Cold/Electric/Toxin/Blast/Radiation/Gas/Magnetic/Corrosive will show
        • Swapping to another weapon without those elements will make them possible to spawn
        • Swapping back after you get it to spawn will allow you to get the element
      • Physical +Element Orbs (Impact/Puncture/Slash) will add that damage type to the weapon in the same formula as elemental mods
      • +Element Orbs disappear if go more than 30 meters away from them
      • Allies can pick up +Element Orbs as well
      • Actions that recharge magazine without reload will not reset +Element effect (so battery weapons or mods like Synth Charge will not reset it)
    • Drops do not affect final drops of enemy upon defeat

    This may all seem complicated, but it's really not; apart from a few arbitrary settings the majority of these rules should be intuitive. The basic play style cycle would be to Jump Kick enemies a lot more to get things like extra loot and Health/Energy Orbs. Assuming you're only kicking each enemy once, then 20% of the time you'll get something to enhance your damage output by adding more elements.

    To justify this. Mag used to have an added effect on her Pull that made Energy Orbs drop more often from enemies killed during that ability. This was an acknowledgement of how Energy-thirsty Mag is. Of course in late game Pull never kills anyone, so it was purely an early game assist, which is what this passive would initially be helping with. I doubt this would change the Farming Meta all that much, but I'm not going to speak to that because it's not my thing. I just play and usually have the resources I need naturally (except for things like Hepit research). There is potential to really boost Mag's damage output here. If you got a weapon with only 1 damage type (like the Gotva Prime) then you could add 2,750% damage by maxing out every other damage type. (3000% if you swapped to something like the Tenet Cycron to get the missing +Puncture Orbs) And that sounds absolutely OP, yes, but consider just how difficult that would actually be! If you kicked an enemy 5 times, there's only about a 34% chance if you getting a +Element Orb. Meaning you'd need to land over 1,757 kicks just to get enough Orbs to max out your damage. But that wouldn't even work, right? Because a lot of those orbs would be useless after you get 10 of that type. After your 108th orb you'd be guaranteed to start getting orbs for damage types you've already maxed out. (And it could happen before that) With each 10-orb max, your orb-farm would get less and less efficient. By the time you're down to farming your last element, 5 kicks on one enemy would only give you a 2.85% chance of getting the orb you're looking for. So while it's not impossible to get to 30x bonus damage, you'd need to have tortured hundreds of enemies with thousands of Jump Kicks. And if you accidentally spend your whole magazine and trigger a reload (or just accidentally press the reload button), then you'd lose all that progress. So no, I don't think it's OP. But I think it would be fun and offer some potentially useful advantages!

  18. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Half of Mag's Ability Strength Percentage is added Mobility Mods Effects.

    Magnetic Acceleration is certainly less mysterious than some of the other phenomenon/applications relating to Magnetics, but I think it's common and intuitive enough that it should be considered as the basis for her passive. Rather than Gauss who has movement augmenting his abilities, Mag would reverse that.

    The mechanics would be fairly simple to understand as well. Any Mod that affects mobility, like:

    • Movement/Sprint Speed
    • Parkour/Roll Velocity
    • Jump/Double-Jump Height
    • Friction/Gravity Decrease
    • Aim Glide/Wall Latch Duration Increase
    • etc.

    These Mods would add 50% of Mag's Ability Strength to their value, based on their value. So for example, Rush adds 30% to Sprint Speed, so if Mag had 100% Ability Strength, then Rush would be 45% instead. Amar's Anguish is 15% Sprint, 15% Parkour, so if Mag had 40% Ability Strength (from using Overextended), then Amar's Anguish would instead be 18% Sprint/Parkour. The Mag on that would be (40% * 0.5 + 1) * 15% = 18%

    There are obviously some extremes that this could get to. It looks like there is 112% additional Sprint Speed you can get through Mods (not counting Runtime). So if you got Mag up to 300% Ability Strength then it would be a total of (300% * 0.5 + 1) * 112% = 280% additional Sprint Speed (or 3.8 in the stats box). Praedos would bump that up to an even 4.0x Sprint Speed. But that doesn't actually compete with Volt if he's equipped with the same stats and uses his Speed ability. So it wouldn't make Mag the first in natural Mobility, and it would still come at the cost of Mod Space and having to build for Ability Strength, But it would give some more build options, and the increased speed would make the early game more entertaining.

  19. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Refunded Permeation
    If Mag is within Affinity Range, then Enemies/Objects that avoid Squad's Abilities due to Line-of-Sight restrictions refund 5 Energy to caster.

    Currently there is no known material or force that can stop magnetic fields. Even "magnetic shielding" just attempts to redirect the magnetic field lines (even black holes seem to fit this rule). So there shouldn't be any LOS restrictions on Mag's abilities, especially from just normal objects and walls on the field. The concept behind this passive would then be a compensation for when that basic truth of physics gets disregarded for the sake of game balance (and that compensation would benefit the other squad members).

    To be fair, Pull is the only thing that actually applies to Mag specifically. Her Magnetize, Polarize, and Crush abilities do actually permeate objects. (Magnetize--while active--permeates, but the concluding explosion does not) So this would probably help other squad mates more than Mag specifically. But when Mag's using Pull (especially Greedy Pull), it should be easy for her to generate energy using this system. Even at 100% efficiency, Mag would only need 6 enemies within the cone (but with LOS blocked) to get a net-gain of 5 energy per cast. If there were, say 15 enemies, then Mag would be able to recharge her Energy reserves pretty quickly. Also, if she has a high enough range, then her Magnetize explosion could refund the cost of the bubble as long as 10 or more enemies are within the explosion radius (but shielded from the actual explosion itself).

    (In case it hasn't been evident by now my format for these has organically formed into three parts: Lore, Mechanics, and Justification; this is the third part) Mag really needs some form of built-in energy generation to complete her kit. Fluctuating drop rates, sparse enemies, or simple trigger-happiness can leave Mag with absolutely no way to use her abilities. For other frames that might be okay, but Mag is a casting frame, so it's really quite unfair to build her with such a contradiction in the first place. Later on this can easily be mitigated with efficiency, Zenurik, Arcanes, and more, but the beginning of the game is particularly unforgiving (especially to the introverted players that don't engage in trading). And guess what? Mag is most often used at the early levels (despite my adamant insistence that she should be used more often by everyone at end game, but that's beside the point). Also, this would be a good way to make up for the outrage over the Greedy Pull nerf. I know it's been a hot minute since that happened, but people are still sour about that. This would let you turn Greedy Pull into an absolute Energy Beast. If there are a lot of drops lying around but they are out of sight of Mag, then her Pull could very easily fill her Energy Reserves with just one cast of Pull. Greedy Pull would once again have a very good use case.

  20. I'm not a PC User, but the website shows that I am after I set up Cross-Save. I have not downloaded Warframe onto any PC, nor have I logged on or played Warframe on a PC. I've only logged in on the Nintendo Switch and 100% of my playtime is on that platform. Even on this forum, I've only ever used my Nintendo credentials to log in.

    This isn't a big issue, but it's sort of a matter of pride. I like saying I'm a Nintendo user. I've been one since the 1980's, and I like being able to say I've done everything in Warframe under the handicap of playing on the weakest platform. I've trudged through the long mission loading times and the low-FPS bugs. I only play as Mag, and her Pull doesn't even pull on Switch.

    Perhaps it would be nice to add it as a personal profile option rather than an automatically rendered attribute.

  21. 13 hours ago, SaidTheRogue said:

    i suppose one of the few legit issues with mag is enemies not getting pulled into the bubble even though they may be standing pretty close to the outer edge of it.. i suspect this just means i needed a little more ability str in the build, but we cant have everything. 


    would be curious to know if DE would have us believe that the bubbles pull on different enemies in different amounts/strengths.

    That can be annoying, but I think of it as a "how do you choose to die" decision that the enemy gets to make. Option 1: Enter the bubble and die. Option 2: Stay on the other side and get blown away when the bubble ends. Option 3: Somehow make it through the bubble to volunteer to become the next bubble.


    12 hours ago, OrionHisSon said:


    Maybe DE will throw a "selfless helper" or "crazy gifter" or a "last enjoyer of railjack"? 

    I'll be watching my mailbox, D E <3

    I wouldn't put anything past them now at this point. To be honest I wasn't even sure if they looked at the forums much, and then this comes in the mail and I realized they've been here all along.


    11 hours ago, Kaggelos said:

    As a Mag main for years...

    Now abuse Pull to yoink everything and everyone around you to establish dominance (my most subsumed ability)

    Mag mains!

    Reminds me of that Johnny Cash song:


    We'll yeet again!
    Don't know where.
    Don't know when!

    (I may be getting some of the lyrics off....)

    • Like 1
  22. 9 hours ago, AsffluffyZ said:

    That's a hilarious reward to get.

    Also I fully disagree that Oberon is a bad warframe (going against the content creators claim) especially now that arcane battery exists and he is the only support who can realistically increase the squads armor values and grant death protection to the squad.

    I say this as a Mag/Oberon main.

    Support armor, that's interesting. I've been wondering about uses for Arcane Battery. A TF Azure Archon Shard gets up to 225 Armor, which creates 67.5 Energy Max through this arcane. And that's not bad considering the Energy Max option only gives 75 for the same shard (without granting extra armor). That could probably pair really well with Quick Thinking. I'll have to test some builds for that!

    Also I always love when people find hidden value in characters/equipment. Something about it feels so antiestablishment and satisfying. (Even though I'm sure "the man" probably doesn't care at all about gamers finding a new use for a Penta)

  23. 7 hours ago, Anova3 said:

    I can confirm that he's viable in all content. I use him to carry in EDA *sometimes*. (the energy drain and negative duration debuffs are my bane)
    With one possible exception: I don't think I could solo the secret 60-eye murmur boss. That might be the only thing I couldn't do on him, but hypothetically that's a skill issue, and not entirely a gear issue. (I'm not going to blow smoke and make out like I have perfect gamer skills - I kinda suck at shooters if I'm being honest. I'm just a wizard at buildcraft type games and the modding system in warframe is freakishly OP and broken in so many wonderful ways.)

    I also know from experience that doing steel-path-grade intercept missions on him can be hard solo. Bring GOOD specters. The rest can be solved with clever use of various subsumes.

    The 60-Eye boss was difficult for me too. Mag relies very heavily on her abilities, and that boss has an ability-disable feature woven into each attack. Because there's no toxin attacks I have to worry about, I ended up combining a lot of shields with Arcane Aegis / Nullifier for the majority of my survivability. Then I dumped all my shards into armor, and used Adaptation/Rolling Guard to have just enough tanki-ness to make it through to the next Aegis activation. Finally I used the Sancti Magistar to do all the damage and keep my HP at max. And as a final final last resort I had a Vaska Kavat with Transfusion and Pack Leader (Transfusion get activated immediately, and Pack Leader makes the companion immortal as long as you're swinging Melee). It was a tightrope of mechanics that needed a lot of attention paid.

    I'm also with you on the love of buildcraft! I love the idea of thinking things out at base and then taking those ideas out into the field to test them.

  24.   @3xt1inct, I thought it would be more applicable if I responded to your questions on this thread.

    16 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

    Ok no doubt that is an achievement, for which i congratulate you, but the only other possible starter (assuming they mean the true starter pool from the original (beta) release) to do it on is Volt, as we all know Excal has a lot of difficulty with keeping up with scaling levels. You gave yourself a little of a tougher start, but that grew exponentially as time and levels progress.

    I do however have some questions/notes with a few of the stated rules and claims, especially when laid next to the evidence you provided. Not trying to rain on your parade, just trying to get some clarification and possibly help you make the claim to fame solid. So I'll be zooming in on technicalities and inconsistencies, as a trigger warning.

    Happy to chat about it! And don't worry about raining on my parade! The parade is already finished; everyone packed up and went home. I'll admit I was somewhat insecure about it at the beginning because I was worried someone was going to come out and say "Actually I did it first!" And a small part of me was also worried that people would try to argue that I didn't actually do it. Honestly, had DE never acknowledged anything, I would have carried that insecurity with me forever. But DE did acknowledge me, and there's literally no greater authority that could weigh in on the subject. So the "parade" really has concluded. This has been upgraded from a "historical claim" to a recognized historical event.


    16 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:
    1. The DE plaque states "the first to complete the game with the original characters", meaning that they state no-one can do it again, even with Volt or Excal. Another note is that the original characters in the beta were Excalibur, Loki, Volt, Rhino, Ash, Mag, Ember and Trinity. This implies you could have used all 8 of them instead of only 1 and that title could actually have been achieved before, but not claimed. Thus the plaque is in direct contention with your first rule of the challenge.
    2. You claim "I have finally done it; I've made Warframe history. My account is the first to have achieved the True Master Rank while playing as only one type of frame (Mag/Prime).", People could argue that mag prime (or any of the primes) is not an original frame. This means the plaque provides more confusion around the achievement as the title does not resemble the rules or the goal of the challenge at all.
    3. There have been 4 starter frames, Loki should be included as a possibility, P.E. i have friends who started playing the tutorial, picked up Loki, ended the tutorial and decided that this was not their game. I could pick up that account and do the same challenge for Loki (although in that case i should ask support for permission as it would fall under "account sharing").
    4. The rule to solo every kind of mission and boss, is not specific enough imo, does this include all Steel Path nodes (they are no longer necessary for True master rank)? To what extent do you need to solo everything, as in are you allowed trading with others, using others and their full arsenal access for your cause? You said you called up your wife to help relic/ducat farming, but was that in a mission with you? Was she opening relics solo as well, or in a squad of 4? How many people are allowed to help gather relics and ducats? Those things are important as it could lead to this stuff becoming a speedrun thing for warframe and people with big clans helping them will have an advantage this way.
    5. To what extent do you need game completion? mr30 is obvious, but you mention collecting the archimedean eye sumdali from EDA, the question being, do you need to unlock all possible rewards or was that just a fun sidequest?
    6. To what extent may you spend actual money buying plat?
    7. I'dd argue that subsumes do impact playstyle and frames capabilities massively, especially abilities like nourish. This feels like swapping out the weaknesses of the kit you chose to challenge yourself with and thus is playing 1/5th of another frame (4 abilities and passive).
    8. It is a good thing you did not use any other frame in circuit, if you have the frame built and play it in circuit, you gain mastery and stats on it (yes i tried).
    9. Nightwave and halls of ascension fall under the "What needs to be completed?" argument. If the goal is mr30 than the challenges should not matter.
    10. Another one for the plaque and proper title, "First to ever beat the game with the original characters", what constitutes beating the game? Whether that is completing all available content, getting to mr30, doing all challenges the game throws at you or having done everything succesfully at least once. It should be clear. There is someone possibly waiting for the title "First to ever beat the game", if the requirement is the first to reach mr30. 
    11. Does The title get taken away when there is a new mission type, or if someone on the same course beats you to playing the new mission type first?

    Other than those things, congrats, hope you will find as much enjoyment in other things as you do in warframe!

    1. The simplest answer to all plaque related questions is that I had no influence on the contents of the plaque. I didn't ask for it, didn't expect it, and I wasn't involved in the discussion to commission it. DE decided on the wording. In my own claim I did make mention of the fact that I was first both in the Mag-route as well as the general route itself. DE chose to commemorate the general route. Though I'm not privy to their rationale, I can speculate it's because that's what they found impressive. And it's not like this is a contradiction. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares; all starter frames are original characters, but not all original characters are starter frames. So in the case of Mag, the plaque is accurate regardless of what label they chose.
      And about Excalibur, I'm not going to touch that. I feel like there are Excal mains out there who would argue that it's possible to take him into everything as well, but I don't know enough about his kit or style to say so one way or another.
    2. The Original/Prime point obviously didn't factor into DE's decision, and while again I can't claim to know their reasoning, I can speculate that it's similar to mine. A Prime variant is the same playstyle. It's an upgraded version of a character, but it is that character. Lore-wise, the Primes are supposedly the first and original forms. And while it's true that the Prime variant awarded me an additional 6000 Mastery Rank Points, that was an inconsequential contribution to the overall challenge. (And it's available to other contenders who may want to undergo the challenge with their starter frame of choice)
    3. That's an interesting idea! I say go for it! The point of the challenge (at its core) is to reach MR 30 without playing as any other type of frame. That's why Rhino and Trinity wouldn't be possibilities because it's not possible to make it through the opening mission without registering at least one kill with Mag, Excalibur, or Volt. But it would be very cool if you've got an account out there that can produce a "True Loki Master." I'd love to see it done!
    4. I should clarify on this one that it's more a matter of pride than a rigid requirement of the challenge. It's not something that anyone can prove one way or another, so it can't be enforced anyway. The principle behind it though is that if you want to call yourself a True X Master of a particular Frame, then you should be confident that you can solo all the content. And being able to is also very different than actually doing it all solo. I have friends who got me into Warframe that rarely pop back on and want to play. I'm not going to tell them to take a hike because I only play alone. And my wife likes to help me with my goals, so if the two of us can save some time to get Ducats then that's just a sign of a happy marriage. But at the same time I wanted to be confident that I could solo the content available to be sure that I (and Mag) were capable of it.
    5. MR30 is the only real requirement, realistically. The content is always going to grow so it would always be a moving target. DE chose to label MR30 as "True Master" because that was the bar they set to consider yourself an actual master of the art of Warframe. There are always going to be more Legendary ranks and bosses, and I'll still strive to conquer those as they become available, but no new content will ever take the "mastery" away.
    6. This is less of a point of challenge and more a matter of fun. It's not fun to skip content. (As long as the content is fun) I'd say spend plat to support DE, but you should try to get things through the game just because it's such a thrill when you finally get that last piece and can start building! (Though if the farm is just a boring grind and not fun by any stretch of the imagination, then just prove you can do the mission and then move on to something that's enjoyable; it's a game after all)
    7. I'm not saying that subsumes have no impact on the game. I'm just saying that the subsume system is a feature of the game and should be experienced and mastered like everything else. Helminth, Focus Schools, Necramechs, Companions, Specters, Vehicles, Gear, Mods, Shards, Weapons, Arcanes, and whatever other system they add to the game are all tools to accomplish the objective. My challenge does not impose on the freedom to use any of those other systems for the enjoyment and progress of the game. If Mag can use something to accomplish the mission, then she would. But it's still Mag that's using it. If I rip an arm-canon off of a robot and strap it to my shoulder to use as a weapon, I'm not suddenly less me and more robot. I'm just a more-awesome me with a robot's arm-canon on my shoulder.
    8. Good to know, thanks! I've never wanted to risk it but I'm so glad I didn't now!
    9. I might be repeating myself too much, but the point is to enjoy everything this game has to offer as Mag. That's not really part of the title, it's more like the reward on your way to the title. The journey to become a True Master should be fun and varied, with numerous challenges to overcome and anomalies to reminisce about afterward. I loved solving the Halls of Ascension the first time and wish there were more. But if someone took the journey to be the first "True Volt Master" and they haven't done the Hall of Ascension with the blowing organ pipes, it's not like I'd call foul on them. I'd just say: "You should try it! It was fun."
    10. I was actually shocked by this too! I thought it was pretty bold of a Live Service game to admit it was possible to beat the game. But I'm not one to look a gift plaque in the mouth.
    11. #5 answers this. It's not possible to go down to MR29 or less after you get to MR30, and it's not possible to lose the "first" status of something.

    Thanks again for the good conversation and I hope this wasn't too daunting of a text wall to wade through. I hope if there was any takeaway from this, it's how cool it would be if you became the first True Loki Master. I'd want to be the first to congratulate you!

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