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Posts posted by (NSW)Probably_Asleep

  1. The key to fighting the Tenno is to figure out why they've arrived and misdirect them. If the Tenno's mission is...

    • Assassination
      • If your facility is the main headquarters for one of our VIP, then there's a good chance the Tenno aim to assassinate that person.
      • Assign one of the body doubles to fight while the VIP evacuates; try to keep them from taunting the Tenno over comms. Fortunately the Tenno never seem to wonder why they can assassinate the same person repeatedly.
    • Capture
      • Ask your crewmates if they have any information vital to the Tenno cause. If so, then the Tenno probably want to interrogate that crewmate.
      • Swap the uniform with another crewmate and have them pretend to be the capture target. The Tenno can't tell us apart.
    • Defense
      • Sometimes we uncover useless relics like Warframe cryopods. The Tenno will obsessively try to defend those objects.
      • Humor them by trying to destroy it; the longer the Tenno spend there, the less time they'll spend doing something we actually care about.
    • Disruption
      • Alad V has put together a shipment of goods, as well as a game of sorts to disrupt the Tenno's plans to steal them.
      • Distract the Tenno by dropping keys to the conduits, and use death-row inmates strapped with bombs to rush it. We'll be unloading the real items while this happens.
    • Excavation
      • Areas with rich Cryotic deposits attract the Tenno.
      • The Lotus has an amazing talent for locating deposits. Keep bringing Power Cores to the Tenno and eventually they'll leave; we'll mine those areas when they're gone.
    • Exterminate
      • Sometimes that psychotic Lotus will just tell the Tenno to go on a killing spree.
      • They only seem to want to kill a preset number, so spread out evenly throughout the facility while we evacuate vital personnel.
    • Interception
      • When your facility is a communications hub, then the Tenno are probably there to intercept messages.
      • Just inform your superiors of the situation; they'll reroute communications through another facility. Try to keep the Tenno there as long as possible.
    • Mobile Defense
      • Occasionally all a Tenno wants to do is hack our consoles. If you see them holding a Data Mass then that's likely why they came.
      • Switch that facility's connection over to our dummy network and then pretend to resist. They only seem to want to hack about three consoles before leaving.
    • Rescue
      • If your facility is housing prisoners (not to be confused with wall-decorations), then the Tenno are probably there to rescue the prisoner.
      • Immediately kill the prisoner and swap them with an operative clothed in a Tenno Relay uniform. Have that operative pretend to be saved.
    • Sabotage
      • Our crewmen who have reached the end of their lifespan want to go out with a bang, so we put them in retired galleons and send them toward civilian settlements.
      • The Tenno will destroy the vessels. Ideally you should try to keep them there while it blows up, but your main goal is to simply let them do our demolition work.
    • Spy
      • Some of our facilities are data servers. When the Tenno arrive, it's probably to extract data from those.
      • Just decrypt some information on cryopods or prisoner locations and then walk around pretending you can't see the Tenno.
    • Survival
      • The Tenno sometimes like to split their forces between a diversionary Tenno squad and a lone operative that raids for supplies.
      • Cut off life support near the squad but leave it on for the lone operative. The operative never finds anything of real value, and it's good combat training for our troops.

    The Tenno are just children who can't see the bigger picture. Though powerful individually, they've yet to deal any lasting damage to our empire or take any of our territories. They seem obsessed with making more and more powerful weaponry, but rarely if ever do they change their overall tactics and mission roster. It's a nuisance, but by using misdirection and littering our facilities with random crates and ore we've effectively domesticated them. Years of Tenno resistance has failed to win them even a single node on a single planet, so leadership is reasonably certain our strategy will remain effective for the foreseeable future.

    • Like 4
  2. While I do think Reload Speed is (mathematically) increasing sustained DPS, I think an argument could still be made for moving it to the Exilus Slot due to the Eject Magazine mod. That mod is an Exilus, and it allows for "effectively" zero reload time. If paired with a Primary that does the same thing (either with the Synth Mod Set or Incarnon  evolutions like with the Felarx), or Battery Weapons like the Basmu, then the Tenno can fire at a constant rate without ever reloading.

    The fact that DE decided to put this mod in the Exilus category should have set a precedent. Reloading is going from an empty to full magazine at the cost of an interruption to DPS. So a mod that goes from an empty to full magazine at no cost is mathematically superior, and it's in the Exilus slot.

    • Like 3
  3. 18 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    This leads to 355% range builds: good or bad for the game?

    I'd be happy to get an explanation on why that's a bad thing. It's theoretically possible to get 610% (if someone is fortunate enough to have an Arcane Helm on Mag while running a Void Fissure mission). And even without the obsolete helmets and fissures, with a Helminth Invigoration it's possible to get to 380% for any frame on all missions (for a week). So it's not like this would be adding much to the game that's not there already. It would extend those numbers to 760% & 455%, but does that exceed any threshold that breaks the game?


    18 hours ago, quxier said:
    1. All damage? Isn't it just +10/15% strength but just 0.5x better? I wouldn't bother.
      First it would be probably calculated like: "base strength/damage" * mods/arcanes + N% chance for "base strength/damage". If damage came after mods/arcanes/stuffs then it would be too good compared to "on status +n ability damage"
    2. You would require 4 normal or 3 tau making it... ugh... bad.
    3. *take Probably asleep to the shelter so they cannot listen mean words*
    4. First, I would start with Sprint speed and slap parkour for topaz or other shards. Why, oh why, when you just want sprint speed you have whole pack of stuff?!  I want to run faster not roll into the moon. Horrible design.
    5. Secondly, I would add other stuff like shorter/longer rolls (shorter takes less time!), jump height, +n jump(bullet), slide duration/speed.
    6. Thirdly, why just 15%?! It irks me so much. Like, what is 15%? When I mod my frame I think: "yeah, I need to run 1.24543% faster". Seriously, just slap (Primed) Rush already (45%) 30% sprint speed. Mods are for fine tuning IF YOU WANT. Shards should be good from 1 shard. At least don't do 1/2 of non-damage mod like Rush stuff...
    7. Maybe.
    8. Maybe. Another case of "yeah I need 2-3 mods". Like, I have Inaros P with base 190 energy. I want to cast 4th more often. I have no mod space (maybe I will remove 1 from 3 augments) and 2 (maybe 3) shard's slots.
      Azure give me 50/75 per shard. Slotting 2x normal would give me 1x cast. 2x Tau would give me 2 (missing 10 from 200 from base). So in total, normal - 2, tau 3.
      20% (2 normal shards) efficiency would give me 2 casts. 30% (2x tau) would still give me 2 casts (20 missing energy).
      If it would be 15%/22.5% then it would be better.
      From above, 30% (2 normal shard) would give me 2 casts. 45% (2x tau) would give me 3 casts.
      With 15% x5 you can max efficiency. With tau you can overcome negative duration. I think it would be "fine".
    9. I honestly don't see it useful in most cases.
    10. Blast is not nice status. I could pick Heat (armor strip), and cold for CC (eximus) and arcane/mods that depends on cold. Does blast have any "blasty" mods/arcanes? Maybe with change to blast damage/proc it would change.
    11. I can get behind not getting Overshields but not regenerating shield when you hit shield gate kills it for me.
    12. Another great idea like with Archon - let's make it for small part of roster. At least Violet shard have synergy with other shards:
    13. Not to mention that it's pretty much useless with low number of shards or lack of tau. In such cases just slap strength. You would buff other stuff as well.
      Horrible design.
    14. This is better but still "meh".
      I like that it just needs "affected" nto just "by X". like with blasty stuff. Even 50 kills is ok.
      However it's another case "more or don't bother". 50% seems high... till you see it's additive to mods like Pistol gambit. So you get 25% cc? 12.5% more. Resulting in 37.5% CC. Fantastic? I think it's bad. Normal Pistol gambit gives you 120% and prime 187%. You need at least 2-3 normal and 2 tau.


    1. I should think it would be multiplicative, probably resting in the faction variable so it's not overpowered with Roar, but calculated after most over factors.
    2. I'm only speculating here, but DE seems to have an unspoken rule that 4 Archon Slots replace roughly 1 Mod Slot.
    3. Haha!
    4. I also prefer Sprint over Parkour! I like a little extra Parkor, but there's a definite limit that becomes counterproductive. But I love any amount of Sprint!
    5. This feels familiar. I think we've talked before how it would be nice to separate the movement attributes into Accessibility options or an alternate Mod space.
    6. This goes back to that 4 shards = 1 mod rule (which is in no way concrete); but yeah I agree that it's better for a shard to be useful on it's own w/o being TF.
    7. Yes!
    8. I also like running these kinds of calculations. I remember when I realized that Fleeting Expertise gives just about as many casts as Primed Flow, but with much quicker refueling. It would be nice as a +15% (+22.5%) though because that could let you hit the 75% cap with just Streamline and two TF shards.
    9. Same
    10. I'm hoping Blast will be useful with Jade Shadows. I've got another 10 days to feel optimistic!
    11. Ya I don't think anyone could ever find the shield regen perk useful. Just slapping some Negative Recharge Delay and Positive Recharge Speed makes non-broken shields repair super quickly anyway. I was super bummed by this nerf when it happened because it was such a fun survival strategy.
    12. Agreed. I wasn't happy about the Archon mods being element specific.
    13. While I'm especially salty about Topaz I'll admit the Purple also gets little use in my arsenal. I like the Green's Corrosive effect, so I'll use it once in a while.
    14. I think DE decides on the efficacy of their shards by assuming someone will put 5 TF of the same perk, which in this case would be 375% Critical Chance. Then add that with Mods and Arcanes and you can get your secondary up to 1,195% Critical Chance. That has a 21% chance of reaching 5th-Tier Red-Level Crits. And with Crit Dmg Mods that would be a grand total of ~425,574.9x Damage. Which means even if you got a Riven that reduced the base damage down to 3, it would still deal >1million damage. But if you can get your pre-crit damage to anything above 5,046, then you'll be hitting the ~2.1 Billion Integer Limit. (Which I think can be done with a combination of Mods, Roar, and elemental weakness bonuses; I'd say multishot but that splits the damage into separate displays)
      But that's just playing with numbers. I agree with you that it's a useless perk when it's additive and something you have to build up through conditional kills.


    17 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    22.5% crit chance for abilities would see plenty use.

    15% sprint speed is terrible.

    15% ability efficiency would see lots of use.

    10% range is pretty good.

    I love seeing the differences of opinion here! It just goes to show how varied Warframe's playstyle can be.


    13 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

    I don't think DE will ever add the ability to permanently increase our range stat again (it's been almost 7 years since last time), nor do I think they should... unless....

    The only way I see them doing it is if they make 300% the stat cap for range (fissure buff would still double it), just like efficiency is 175%. But that's still not enough IMO, as any build that wants range is automatically locked into equipping at least 2 topaz shards; And that kinda defeats the purpose of shards/takes the fun out of it. So we'd need Primed Stretch/Archon Stretch buffed first (with them at +82.5% range, and not some funky scaling like Primed Pressure Point). Then I'd be all for range being added to shards.

    So this is piggybacking off of my question to Xylena_Lazarow, but what's killing the Range enthusiasm? As I said above, we can all get 380% right now (if an Invigoration is available) and I've never seen anyone complain about how the game is unplayable whenever that happens.

    And I'm in no way trying to be argumentative here; I'm just sincerely curious. I only play solo and as Mag, so my experience is niche. Does high range make Squad play terrible? Or is there some frame-specific exploit that would became too insane when going from 380% to 455%?


    11 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    Dunno, casting speed, strength, duration, extra corro stacks and energy capacity are the only stats I really care about on shards really.

    Efficiency means I get to not use Fleeting Expertise.

    Extra range means I get to not use Overextended.


    Imo sprint speed should already be part of the parkour speed one.

    As for crits on abilities I'm not sure. Some already work with crits, gotta figure out how it would temper with that.

    This got me wondering if the reason they don't have shards for Range/Efficiency is because you could instead use Corrupted Mods and then compensate against their negatives with red shards.

    Agreed that Amber should have Parkour/Sprint together. I mean, Amar's Anguish does that, and Amar is an Archon... (although I see that Nira's Anguish only does Parkour, and Amber comes from Nira...).


    8 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    definitely. something like that brings more advantages than seasonal crits in orange or ability str in red.
    and maybe harrow will finally get energy support spec. because at the moment you have to give up damage for it.

    I like the phrase "seasonal crits"

    And today's weather forecast: FIRE RAINING DOWN FROM THE SKY!!!

  4. 39 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

    Or just don't subsume over it... Not every frame needs a helminth tweak, passive or not

    Agreed. I think for the most part players can exercise common sense. I was just thinking along the lines of programming restrictions. Like if they can't get Voruna to operate properly with her passive deactivated then either prevent installing it over Voruna (or let her have two passives and a debuff).

  5. 17 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

    IMO it should just be a new stock feature. Similar to how in the past Hildryn's passive made her the only frame with a shieldgate, but then it was added to all frames.

    Modding has been a PITA anyway with how expensive mod drains are and how punishing polarities can be (especially in this era of helminth). If DE doesn't want have forma give universal polarities (sans Umbral), then a 2nd aura is a good enough compromise that won't even add that much bonus power.

    I like your idea better

    1. There was an option to grant +10% Ability Range (+15% if Tauforged)
    2. There was an option to grant +10% Ability Efficiency (+15% if Tauforged)
    3. There was an option to grant +15% Sprint Speed (+22.5% if Tauforged)
    4. There was an option to add +15% (+22.5% if Tauforged) "Critical Chance" to Abilities (multiplies final ability damage by 2)
    5. Any of the above
    6. I already use Topaz Archon Shards, I love them
    • Like 1
  6. The request:
    Please let us subsume and assign Jade's passive (just the two Aura Mod slots) instead of one of her abilities.

    Why I'm sure people think it can't (or shouldn't) be done:

    1. We've never had a Passive available in the Helminth
    2. Certain frames' entire kits revolve around their passive
    3. The Helminth UI doesn't even have a space to pick passive as a swap-out
    4. This might lower the chances of DE reworking outdated passives
    5. The Arsenal UI isn't set up to show different passives in the Abilities icons

    Reasons why it could work:

    1. Though unprecedented in the Helminth, it's also unprecedented to have a passive change the Mod Slot count
    2. Some frames would also be useless if you subsumed over their best ability; it's a matter of player choice and discretion
    3. UI changes are not that difficult (I'm a programmer, and I know I'm being a hypocrite because I've used this excuse on previous jobs)
    4. How many years will we have to wait for all the passives to get reworked? And will they ever? Some frames have passives that will never be missed if subsumed over.
    5. You could make separate icons for each passive, OR you could have the generic passive icon and then just a  single new icon for Jade's passive

    I know it sounds crazy when thinking in the context of frames like Voruna or Lavos. But I'm sure compromises could be reached. For example, if a frame absolutely cannot operate without their passive, then make it impossible to install on that frame, easy-peasy! Or if that doesn't sound fair, then make it so the frame gets the second Aura slot, but suffers a misalignment burden that lowers their base stats.

    But there are frames with passives that go years without even being noticed or used by players. There are threads with players begging for reworked passives. This would be an instant win for those frames. I of course love Mag, but her passive doesn't even work. It's been well reported (and I've personally experienced) that her vacuum bugs out under most circumstances, and even if it did work it's never going to get used because of companions anyway.

    And finally, it's not like it comes without a cost. Losing the opportunity to install another ability is a high cost for frames that need an armor strip or energy economy. This subsume probably wouldn't take the place of the most popular ones already out today for that reason. It would only be for the frames that have throw-away passives and a complete enough kit that they don't need a subsume on anything else.

  7. 16sP.svg


    1. Using a free diagraming application like Draw.IO, open a blank canvas
    2. (Left-Hand Toolbox) Create Image from Presets: General > Ellipse (Hovering over shapes shows names)
    3. (Right-Hand Toolbox) While new Ellipse selected, go to "Arrange"
      1. Set Size to 40 by 40
      2. Set Position to 0, 0
    4. Zoom in to new position (Hold SHIFT and scroll UP on SCROLLWHEEL while Mouse Cursor is hovering over your Ellipse)
    5. (Right-Hand Toolbox) While Ellipse still selected, go to "Style"
      1. Set Fill Color to 86BBE4
      2. Set Line Color to 5C819E
    6. Create new Ellipse:
      1. Size 32 by 32
      2. Position 4, 2
      3. Fill Color 96D1FF
      4. Add Gradient (Checkbox beneath Fill Color):
        1. Set Gradient Orientation to South
        2. Set Gradient Color to 3C5366
      5. Deactivate Line (Uncheck box)
    7. Create new Ellipse:
      1. Size 10 by 10
      2. Position 8, 30
      3. Fill Color 49667D
      4. Gradient Orientation East
      5. Gradient Color 96D1FF
      6. Line Color 5C819E
    8. Create new Ellipse:
      1. Size 10 by 10
      2. Position 22, 30
      3. Fill Color 49667D
      4. Gradient Orientation West
      5. Gradient Color 96D1FF
      6. Line Color 5C819E
    9. (Top Menu) File > Export as... > SVG
      1. "Transparent Background" Checked
      2. "Include a copy of my diagram" Checked
    10. Export
      1. Save As: mag.svg (or whatever you choose to name it)
      2. Where: Device



    I ended up making this for a diagram to explain how I "bubble hop" with Mag in another thread. I thought it was such an adorable representation of Mag that it should be shared.

    The colors are from the Mag image found on the Wiki. Just copy the image into MS Paint, use the eye dropper on a color, open up the custom color box, and take those RGB values to some place like RGB to HEX to get the values. I did slide the brightness meter up and down a little to get a better feel, as well as tried out different color samples until I got one that I liked.


    I'm no artist, so I'd love to see people with real talent make other frames (or even better Mags). Obviously your choice, and I'm not saying you have to be an artist to add to this list (that'd be hypocritical on my part anyway). I'm just curious what other interpretations of Warframes there could be in this same minimalist, almost Emoji-like style. Thanks in advance!



    I should add that not all image sharing sites allow SVG format. I uploaded this one through https://svgur.com/
    (In case you're curious why SVG is great, it's because it's an image blueprint rather than an image rendering, it can be scaled to any size as well as opened and edited with precision. I recommended the "Include a copy of my diagram" option during the export because that way you can open the actual file back up in Draw.IO and make changes)

  8. 6 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    My old build looked somewhat like this Old Mag Build except it used her Arcane Coil helm 25% Range and double Energize which you can't run anymore. Since enemies don't really scale like they used to the high duration to stack Magnetize ticks isn't as important. Her augments mostly did nothing for me back then. There was no range on Magnetize and while Armor Strip on crush was fine it was equally easy to strip enemies in Magnetize or stack it's damage so high it didn't matter.

    This is my current toned down version: Sorta New Build

    Crush obviously gained a lot of value since last I played giving Armor Strip, cast speed and shield gate. I changed the build when I came back. Thinking back I could have kept similar and just added Energy Orb Yellow Shards but I didn't have many at the time. Using 100 energy to shield gate is a bit expensive. The bubble hop doesn't feel as safe as it was either. I've gotten dropped a few times trying it again.

    Shards are Cast Speed and Duration.

    Your high-strength builds are much more humane than mine. A lot of my builds use 40% Strength because of Overextended. I tend to think along the lines of: "Meh, they're in the bubble so they'll die eventually..." and I just ignore them as the DoT/AoE takes care of them over time. But I've noticed when I go with more strength the enemies are put out of their misery much quicker.

    Very envious you got an Arcane Coil helm.

    When I bubble hop, I'm used to using it as an advancing technique like in Exterminate missions:

    When I advance too quickly (entering the forwardmost bubble) then things don't work out well. But as long as I set the bubbles further ahead, I have a safe zone I can rely on.
    The figure above is a rather extreme example because I wouldn't really be using it in such a nonaggressive manner. Instead of pushing through enemy forces, I'd be eliminating the laterally-positioned enemies, use the forward-positioned enemies to extend the bubble centipede, and then advance a bubble to repeat the process. This has the added benefit of extending the time Eximus units spend inside the bubbles; they have to travel an entire bubble's length before making it to me, which often drains their Overguard and "mob-ifies" them.

    This is a bug, but I'm not sure if it's ever going to be fixed because I brought it up multiple times and it never got noticed...
    The Incarnon Kunai passes right through Mag's bubble, completely unaffected. It also tracks to headshots and can deal massive single-target damage. This makes it a perfect weapon to take down Overguarded enemies from the safety of your bubble. Modding for Magnetic Kunais might be a nice ace of your sleeve after they release the Jade Shadows update that promises to make Magnetic the anti-Overguard element. (Of course Mag's Bubbles also use Magnetic so maybe it won't be necessary then...)

    Naturally this doesn't work as well when holding a static position because the enemies are coming from all sides. In that case I rely more on sealing off entry points, or using the 3rd dimension to lift projectiles over the defense target.


    I'm impressed by your strategy though! I usually like having high efficiency because I have an instinctive distrust of relying on pickups for my energy economy. I'm impressed by anyone who routinely uses 100% or less efficiency.

  9. 13 minutes ago, quxier said:

    If I were solo player then it would be almost useless. I cannot revive Carrier with "X".

    With team I revive all kind of foxes, cats, dogs & stuffs with name. I'm Vazarin so it's fast. If I were not Vazarin it would be nice thing, imho. It honestly depend how much you revive. Sometimes I have not great damage because I'm smie-constantly reviving something.


    That's fair. As a solo player I don't see a lot of death because I simply can't afford to, so I was taking my average deaths per mission (maybe around once every five to ten missions) and assuming it would only be that times 4 (so like maybe 1 in a mission).

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    I've played Mag here and there when I came back but after this post I was more seriously trying to figure out how to deal with Overguard without playing "Shield Gate The Game". As I mentioned before I used to Bubble Hop with her and rely entirely on her abilities to stay alive. I ran no Defense mods at all. 200% Duration, 235% Range, 200% Power, 45% Efficiency. Something like that which doesn't quite work anymore.

    Been thinking of a good Helmith for her to help with Overguard. Rad Pillars worked out great for Volt so might try that.

    *gasp* Are we talking Mag builds!?
    The can of worms has opened!
    (A fun Warframe connection here: Worms Armageddon was released in--wait for it--the year 1999)

    I'll share my favorite builds from each of my four separate Mag Prime team members...

    Series: Hero - Model: ALL

    • Purpose:
      Hero is designed as a Jack-of-All Trades / Master of None build. She can do all the content (except EDA because it disables abilities), but her weaknesses have to be made up for with player skill. The ALL model is has additional survivability and armor stripping so that all enemies can be killed quickly.
    • Mods:
      Overframe Build
    • Shards:
      • (TF) Azure - 7.5 Health Regen / Sec
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Duration
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Strength
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Duration
      • (TF) Amber - 37.5% Casting Speed
    • Helminth:
      Flexible. I used to love Polarize because the Augment worked on Eximus, but DE hates CC these days. Right now I have Xata's Whisper on to help against Overguard enemies.
    • School:
    • Playstyle:
      Hero-ALL ranges from 2,387 to 31,407 EHP. She can armor strip within a 30 meter radius while locking enemy movement for 14.35 seconds. Her Magnetize bubble is 17 meters in diameter and lasts for 30.75 seconds. Aim glide is zero gravity and lasts 9 seconds. She has health and energy regen without the need for pickups or gear. Finally, she gets a 60% discount on Ability costs.
      With all these perks, her play style is very versatile. Generally though she survives by killing the enemy before they kill her, and she uses her abilities without caring about the energy cost. I have a habit of activating Zenurik's energy regen every couple of breaths during the heat of battle. The float ability is her main mobility method, and I get Sprint/Parkour from her weapons. I don't have any knockdown protection, so I compensate by just paying attention.

    Series: Mage - Model: KPM

    • Purpose:
      Mage is set up to rely on her abilities more than the other members. She's got a lot of power boost shards and her builds capitalize on that. The KPM build is specifically used for ESO because I'm still trying to get the Vandal weapon components that come from the 8th zone.
    • Mods:
      Overframe Build
    • Shards:
      • (TF) Amber - 37.5% Casting Speed
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Strength
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Strength
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Strength
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Strength
    • Helminth:
      Polarize > Breach Surge. ESO enemies don't need any armor strip because Breach Surge in the bubble with a Pasmor just vaporizes them. Putting it in slot 3 lets it be used frequently enough in ESO.
    • School:
    • Playstyle:
      Mage-KPM only really gets taken out for ESO runs, but she's comfortable in that arena. Her final Ability Strength rests at 259% and her Range is 265%, so her death bubbles act very quickly. She uses Praedos for Parkour boost, and her companion for enemy radar. The strategy is to leap into the most concentrated enemy cluster, Breach Surge, Magnetize, shoot a shot or two, and repeat. The bubbles continue to kill enemies while you move on, and the faster you move the faster the oldest bubble explodes. There are enough Eximus units in ESO that her energy is taken care or through Equilibrium, and she starts each round at full energy from Preparation. The only enemies that give me trouble are the Neutralizer Crewman; I've got a Cycron on hand for popping their bubbles, but they break the flow. Apart from all that it's just a matter of getting good maps for the week. the LOS checks make things like the Kuva Fortress a huge pain at higher zones.

    Series: Rogue - Model: SPY

    • Purpose:
      Rogue is a stealth and infiltration specialist. She has added parkour velocity for leaping over or through security systems, and extra duration for putting enemies to sleep to get stealth affinity bonuses. The SPY model is for blitzing through Spy and Rescue missions as quickly as possible.
    • Mods:
      Overframe Build
    • Shards:
      • (TF) Amber - 22.5% Parkour Velocity
      • (TF) Amber - 37.5% Casting Speed
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Duration
      • (TF) Amber- 22.5% Parkour Velocity
      • (TF) Crimson - 15% Ability Duration
    • Helminth:
      Pull > Perspicacity. I could keep building Ciphers, but Perspicacity is just so convenient that it's hard to justify spending the resources. I'm thinking of moving it to her 3rd ability instead though because of the recent nerfs to CC.
    • School:
    • Playstyle:
      Rogue-SPY has a sprint speed of 2.42 and a Parkour Velocity of +60%. I used to have higher parkour, but it was unwieldy. She has basic Ability Boosts too for the minor skirmishes, but her main role is to to just run past enemies and clear the objective. Depending on the mission I might change out her Aura Mod for Aerodynamic. The Lua Spy Mission for example has a section where you can just fly right above the electrified floor but under the laser platforms. Rescue missions are also easy with this build. I use Innodem rather than Praedos for the slightly higher Sprint as well as the stealth finisher bonus for rescues.

    Series: Tank - Model: EHP

    • Purpose:
      Tank is destined to take the most abuse; her design is all about surviving without using abilities. The EHP model is mainly used for Archon Showdowns where I need to just stare down a single enemy and keep firing while everyone is shooting me.
    • Mods:
      Overframe Build
    • Shards:
      • (TF) Azure - 225 Armor
      • (TF) Azure - 225 Armor
      • (TF) Azure - 225 Health
      • (TF) Azure - 225 Armor
      • (TF) Azure - 75 Energy Max
    • Helminth:
      Polarize > Dispensary. Something I love about Dispensary is that the first drop is always a Health Orb. So with Equilibrium, it's an immediately refunded ability.
    • School:
    • Playstyle:
      Tank-EHP has 595 Health with 86% damage reduction from Armor, (variably) 90% damage reduction from Adaptation, 64% damage reduction while airborne, and an additional 58% damage reduction from Quick Thinking when applied to her 830 Energy. So it's (595 / 0.14 / 0.1 / 0.36) + (830 / 0.14 / 0.1 / 0.36 / 0.42) = ~510,156 EHP. So after Adaptation spins up, you get over half a million EHP, and with Energy Nexus / Zenurik you're able to have an EHP regen of about 3,779 per second. And the first health orb that drops from Dispensary gives you a net positive ~36,375 EHP, with each additional health orb granting even more due to the casting cost having already been paid. Long story short, This build let Mag take a LOT of hits. This is only my speculation, but it seems like Warframe has a minimum damage register of 1 HP. With that said, in practice it's more like thinking: "I can take 595 normal hits to my health and 830 normal hits to my energy." So it can still drain pretty rapidly when playing solo and every single enemy is shooting you at once, but it also regenerates rapidly as long as you're keeping Zenurik up and Dispensary going.
      The other thing that's tempting to ignore but vital to keep going is to make sure you're floating, which means this doesn't work well with melee. But the playstyle is easy enough to understand. Just be careful while Adaptation is spinning up, and then jump, aim, and fire. When the aim glide wear off, refresh Dispensary and Zenurik's Wellspring, then hop back up and start firing again. You basically turn yourself into Protea's 2nd ability; just an immortal floating turret.

    As is evident by now, I'm quite enthusiastic about Mag builds. I'd be happy to hear about any or your setups as well!

    • Like 3
  11. This was similar to my first Lich experience. I didn't know about them and I ended up activating one by mistake. I hadn't cracked any Requiem Relics just yet either, and I wasn't even through my Star Chart so my equipment was not great.

    I also play solo.

    I still shudder when I remember that first Lich. I have a habit of trying things out first on my own before looking up guides on it, which meant I ended up handling this Lich in the WORST way possible:

    • Started by farming Requiem Relics and Requiem Mods
    • Kept that up until I got one of each type of Mod (that took days)
    • Next I started gathering murmurs, but didn't know that failed attempts to kill the Lich would level them up and move them to another planet
    • I made that mistake twice, wasting precious nodes on Earth and Mars
    • Finally got enough Murmurs to get the Requiem candidates, and started trying different combos
    • My first two combos failed, so my Lich got all the way to max level before I got the sequence
    • I didn't have any gun that could make a dent in my Lich, so the 2nd-to-Last battle was awful; I ran out of ammo in both my Primary and Secondary
    • For the final battle I was like: "Forget this!" and I spawned every type of specter I had. (12 of them I think)
    • It was a chaotic mess, two armies fighting in cramped quarters, but I won

    And guess what weapon it was? A Kuva Seer! A week of headache for a Kuva Seer! Having to listen to that voice and those dad-joke level taunts for a week just to get a Kuva Seer.

    But I still don't think you should quit! I did everything wrong and made it much harder for myself, but a little research and preparation would have made it a lot easier. But even with it being more difficult than it had to be, I still look back at the experience with some fondness. It was a dumb nemesis with a dumb weapon who pestered me constantly, but it turned into a funny story that I chuckle about now and then. Just because something isn't enjoyable now doesn't mean it will be a bad memory later. I can activate and defeat a Lich now in a few hours, and that only feels good to me because I still remember how miserable my first Lich was.


    19 hours ago, Fnord_Asteroid said:

    I know most of the content is intended for squad play anyway and this little kuva lich event really feels like a send off

    I'm begging you, could you tell me a little about what you have in your Arsena? There's a good chance you have a weapon in there that can be modded to obliterate a Lich. And if not, then I'm sure there's an easy-to-farm weapon that's available.

    I only use Mag, and she can destroy pretty much anything with a face, but that spoiled me into thinking the weapon I had doesn't really matter. I got through both the Start Chart and Steel Path using mainly a Sancti Tigris, but then the Archon Hunts came out and Damage Attenuation / Status Capping made everything I had useless. So I got onto this Forum and asked for advice, and people told me to go farm the Phenmor and give that I shot. I did, and it destroyed the Archon. It was a wake up call that I should try new weapons even if I like the one I've been using. It also just felt good being able to see a once-formidable enemy defeated, and seeing advice I got from others work out so well. I highly recommend giving the community a chance to help!


    We're all on the side of the Tenno and want to see those filthy thieving Liches get what they deserve. Please give our experience a chance!

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

    It feels like they're just taking it off for the sake of taking atleast something off.

    This was my thought as well. While I think it's cool I don't see it as being all that useful. Companions self-revive, solo has little use for it, and maintaining eyes on your fallen comrade is only slightly less inconvenient than having to stand next to them for a few seconds. (And going into Void-Mode Operator to revive someone is still better in my opinion because then you can't get downed while trying to save your friend)

    I don't actually play in squads though so I could be completely wrong about this, but I feel like it's a cherry on top that no one is going to miss.

    • Like 1
  13. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Current Opposition
    Gain 1 energy per second per Electric status on enemies and allies within Affinity Range

    This is inspired by the new Magnetic changes being made in the Jade Shadows update. If Magnetic Damage causes Electric status after Overguard/Shields are broken, then this would synergize with that effect and give Mag energy for it. Essentially the more Electric stacks there are on enemies and allies, the more Mag generates energy. She could either just use her abilities to break shields/overguard, or she could build for Electric damage. With enough stacks, Mag should be able to keep up her energy even in game modes like E/DA where it's being drained constantly. Energy Exhaustion for instance drains 2 energy per second for each nearby enemy. This could be compensated though by making sure 3 or more Electric status stacks are on each enemy at all times. Even Vampyric Liminus, while draining 25 energy per second (or do they both do that separately? It is 50 per second for solo players?), they might still be contended with if you build for something like a high status duration with low damage for your secondary. Electric status has no limit to the amount of stacks, so as long as you're not wiping out enemies before having them work for you in generating energy, then you'll be able to compete with energy drain debuffs regardless of how harsh they are.

    The science(ish) concept for this is that Electric currents produce Magnetic fields that themselves could generate more electrical currents. A lightning bolt for instance could short circuit a generator like the alternator in your car even without actually touching your car. So Mag being in the proximity of Electrical current should allow how to manipulate that to generate energy, and the more current there is, the more energy she's be able to generate. This would be so native to the way she operates that it would act as a passive; something she does like breathing and blinking where no thought is required. (Ironically though Mag has no eyes or mouth...)

  14. 9 hours ago, Dexaldem said:

    Man this is straight 2013 Warframe energy and I love it. That is one impressive achievement, chief. Fantastic work, and the greatest of all kudos to a job VERY well done! xD

    Thanks! That's an interesting way of putting it, but I can see what you're saying. Rather than trying to compete with the "meta," this style of gameplay is more expressive and experimental.


    2 hours ago, Berzerkules said:

    I love all animals and plant life but I do have a particular fondness for felines.

    I just picked up a cat from the shelter a couple months ago after not living with one for about 5 years. After I had 3 cats and a dog that were 13-16 y/o pass in a 2 year period i wasn't ready for another furry companion until recently. I was actually still reluctant but my wife and daughter finally convinced me to go to the shelter. The shelter said they only had one cat but she was shy and wouldn't let anyone close. We walked into the room and she perked up, got super talkative and was trying to get us to pet her through the cage. She picked us. It finally felt like the right time and we found the right cat.

    What a story! I'm sorry for your loss, too. I had a very similar situation, let me see if I can trim this down to a short story...
    So my wife wanted a cat, my mother in law tagged along, and they both got cats (brothers). Mother in law couldn't take care of him, so we got two cats, but that second cat decided he and I would be best friends. Then after a few years he came down with a terminal illness and I lost my friend.

    Shortly after that, my wife started helping out a terminally ill human, who had a small black cat. That human's condition got worse and she moved out of state to be with family. She didn't want her black cat because it was "antisocial and mean," so she was going to just abandon it. My wife and I couldn't stand the thought of that happening, so we took her and tried to find a home for her instead. However, the home we ended up finding for her was our own. She wasn't antisocial or mean; she just didn't feel safe and loved. Now she's a snuggly spaz.

    I can relate to a lot of what you're saying. Loving and losing a cat, not feeling like you want another, having another get dropped into your life anyway, and loving the new cat while still remembering and mourning the old one.

    • Like 3
  15. On 2024-05-30 at 11:23 PM, Nira said:

    Didn't know this... might explain why, on my profile, Loki Prime has a couple thousand kills to its name 🤔

    On-topic, nice one @Probably_Asleep! I will try to remember to check out your profile in game when I next log in!

    When you said that I got the same sudden adrenaline rush that comes when a friend tells me they want to come over and I suddenly worry that the house isn't tidy enough. Being married has had some interesting affects on my psyche... I never felt that back in my bachelor days.


    On 2024-05-31 at 3:56 AM, Xzorn said:

    Oh, the concept was never really bad. Quite good. It works differently now in many ways. For instance Mag used to be able to "Bubble Hop" between Magnetize to stay entirely safe from enemy fire. The bubble didn't really take into consideration vector of the incoming shot until after a certain point of entering the bubble so standing on it's edge proved very safe.

    When it was first made it had a huge quantity of issues. It didn't and still does not consider Crits, It did not consider multi-shot for Hit-scan weapons and only counted 1 pellet from shotguns. It also didn't pull enemies in nor have damage fall-off. It had an insane interaction with Punch-through. Picking the right weapon after understanding it's mechanics proved very potent. Night and Day.

    I used to be an Endurance runner and Mag was a common pick though back then Duration mattered a lot more for stacking damage ticks. I've played Mag since I came back and was esp happy about Crush cast speed being added to the augment and the fix to Pull since it mostly just threw enemies behind you. She's overall less insane for picking the right weapon with Magnetize but better as an overall pick. She was very limited in her weapon selection before.

    This is a video of the Punch-Through thing which was hilarious. It also talks about it's older mechanic quirks:

    I'm very interested in this Saturn's Rings idea that the video mentioned. My low-range builds are usually for self-buffing; I just assume Magnetize is going to be useless in that build. "Bubble Hop" is a good name for it, too!


    On 2024-05-31 at 6:26 AM, dazrael said:

    Considering you can make it through this game with any frame given enough skill and a good build, it needs to be said, OP mag salesman...  Being great with a frame =\= a frame being great.

    That's fair. I do admit that I've got a major Mag-bias, and I really want others to love playing her as much as I do. My point about Mag's awesomeness was that now there exists an account that proves Mag can do anything, which cannot be said of any other frame. But to be honest I do believe most frames probably could do all content. (And the exceptions tend to get reworked after a long enough wait)


    On 2024-05-31 at 9:32 AM, Berzerkules said:

    But Mag is a great frame though.

    Grats OP.

    Mag was my starter frame and she's always been one of my favorites. She's stayed in rotation of my most played frames. 


    Just a curiosity, but do you like cats? For some reason people that love Mag tend to love cats.

    Also the pun quality of your username is top notch.


    On 2024-05-31 at 1:32 PM, Hobie-wan said:

    You're insane, but the best kind of insane. Congrats on reaching your goal. 🙂


    • Like 1
  16. On 2024-05-30 at 7:19 AM, quxier said:

    I'm not sure if it's "name & shame" rule so I will avoid any name mentions.
    Player reaching MR 30 with only one frame family (normal & prime) is something extraordinary. I think Mag has gotten some skin/helmet after user made 50 mags.
    I think putting them in game in some form would be great. Maybe their name showing somewhere as grafity or something. Or maybe include their name in some conversation as some kind of joke.

    I really appreciate the sentiment, quxier! I mentioned in my original post about this that I'm fine with merely having the knowledge that I did this. While I'd absolutely love for DE to at least show some acknowledgement of the hard work it took to get here, I know it was a journey I set out on for my own satisfaction. I'd rather be happy that I accomplished a goal that I set a personal value on than disappointed by the lack of value others put in it. And if there are others that think it has value (of which I've been touched to see that there are), then that's a added bonus I would never demand but of course be grateful for.

    To the idea that it wouldn't even be that hard, I'm actually going to have to both agree and disagree. I can see both sides. The way that I did it was hard, but that's because I wanted to feel like I had integrity throughout. The way I figured it, if you're going to make history then why would you want to corrupt the epic tale with underhanded methods? So I solo'd all the missions, made most of of my weapons in the Foundry (though admittedly not all; the discount coupons are a weakness of mine), never did any public trading, and subsumed all the abilities. When doing it this way, it's a vastly more difficult journey that a typical MR30 path because I had to grind literally every single nook and cranny of this game.

    But on the other hand, I wasn't doing this competitively. It wasn't even mathematically possible until October of last year, and I already had a big enough head start by then that I didn't feel any pressure. If people were trying to beat each other to the finish line, then I could see them leeching off squads, trading, purchasing, and even working together as a major clan. It would be chaos with many people wanting that exclusivity but most of them ending up with a useless account and broken dreams.

    That said, I still do hope someone becomes the First True Excalibur Master and the First True Volt Master. I happen to be a fan of Anime, and this sounds like a great opening plot. I wouldn't be the main character, I'd be the character that gets mentioned during the narration in Episode one. The main character would be the one that decides to be the next one to make history, and the allies/enemies they encounter on the way would shape the adventure to come. (I dare say it could even be an Isekai plot where the main character wakes up inside the Warframe universe with that goal; but then we're delving into Fantasy... and I wouldn't want anyone to actually live inside the Warframe universe...)

    So yeah, long story short: I appreciate the thought, but I can see both sides. I encourage anyone to aim for the final two spots, but I hope it's only done for the love of that frame and the game. Warframe has a great community, so I think the journey would be soured if it caused a war inside of it. If you look at my thread, it's obvious how kind and supportive this community can be.

    On 2024-05-31 at 3:25 PM, Tiltskillet said:

    All props to @Probably_Asleep ...
    ...and I think it would be great if DE mentioned the accomplishment in a stream or something, or did some sort of easy one-off like a forum title.
    But making a formal path for that to encourage more people to grind their arses off for a unique reward?   Terrible idea.
    Fortunately there's no way DE's going to do anything like that.  It's very much in their interests for people to do the opposite.

    I'd be over the moon happy even if Rebecca and Steve made fun of me on a Devshorts, like: "Oh someone did that!? Yikes..."

    But yeah, I don't want people to do something that isn't fun just for a small chance at getting recognition. And I also agree that DE probably wouldn't want to incentivize not using other frames. (Although I will say to get this achievement you need to either play every part of the game or shell out some major cash, so DE wouldn't be hurting in any way. I'd be more worried if DE actually did see the profitability in this idea, because they'd be tempting players into wasting a lot of money on something that only two people can win at) 

    • Like 2
  17. 38 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Heh, I think back in 2013 a lot of players were Mag masters.

    There was no Magnetic damage so her Crush ability simply one-shot everything within range. She was the original nuke frame.
    She remained that way with Corpus using old Polarize. One-shots regardless of enemy level.

    I'd prolly play her more if Magnetize didn't released completely scuffed and remains kinda scuffed to this day.

    You should play her more! Mag will always take you back; she misses you.

    I only started playing her after the controversies about her nuke-nerf and Greedy Pull had died down, so I was fortunately spared from any shock of having to completely change my style while playing her. But Mag's current kit is SO versatile! (Like... versatile enough to solo the entire game)

    If I had to guess, I'd say the thing people complain most about with Magnetize is that it stops sucking enemies in after the target enemy dies (or when another bubble is cast, or sometimes just as a bug). But the grouping ability of Magnetize isn't what makes it great! It does three things that I absolutely love:

    1. DoT can be set up to create instant-kill zone for just about all mobs (and a few seconds for Eximus)
    2. Projectile Protection never stops, so with some spatial awareness it makes all ranged enemies irrelevant (even CC-immune ones)
    3. Final Blast has insane one-shot everyone kind of potential. It's LoS, but you can jump up and pull enemies into the air right before it goes off

    Sure, it doesn't nuke the room, but I think it's more versatile. Defense/Offense and Endurance/KPM are both handled at the same time. But more important that all that, it's just fun to play. It's not a boring AFK ability, or a mind numbing click repeatedly ability; it's an action-puzzle with near infinite permutations! If done incorrectly it can draw enemy fire into a defense target and fail the entire mission for the squad. But if done correctly it can be better than Snow Globe because it protects, kills, and then clears the area when it's done.

    It can turn bad maps into ideal survival holdout spots, and you can string them together to make a migrating centipede of immortality for you and death for your enemies.


    I could go on, but suffice it to say I really like Magnetize...

    6 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    It turns out I was looking at the wrong frame's profile numbers when I ran the test earlier.  Oberon Prime specter kills are definitely counting toward Oberon Prime profile kills.  IIRC they could also count toward usage%, but I have too much actual usage on my available specters for a quick test to be likely to confirm that.  They don't count toward experience though.

    The specter's primary kills also counted toward my total Phenmor kills.  Also a couple of Phenmor headshots.

    Thanks for looking into that! I'll be sure never to use non-Mag Specters then.

    • Like 1
  18. 7 hours ago, quxier said:
    1. And I bet that info is so ingrained in your memory that you wake up in midnight, steel sleepy, and you recite your family members and Mag's data. *chef's kiss*
    2. Wait, do you have another copies of Mags(prime) for different shards or does loadouts system allow different shards for different loadouts?
    3. *proceed to show fashion*
      You must be really dedicated. I'm not insulting you. I'm just amazed.
    4. {CAT VIDEO}
    5. DE: *advertises game as having lots of frames with different abilities*
      *Probably asleep steps in with Mag-only MR30*
      *DE proceed to remove their account*
    6. Seriously, if you don't get anything, not even simple pat on the back then I would be disappointed. I think there were time where some user made like 50 mags and DE made him a skin.
    7. Even you brag about it... who cares. I wouldn't spend whole, few years, game playing as 1 frame. When game started I "mained" Limbo. Then after year(s) I've been changing frames to stuff like Xaku (disarming Xaku were great), Kullervo, Qorvex. Now my favorite is Dante.
    8. How about trying another frames (on different account)?
    9. Ok, all good stuff aside, but I need to comment on your progress (and question something). How about Necramechs, Operator (power&amps) and companions for kills. I've heard or seen about players finishing some part of WF with Mechs or Operator. So your "mag-only" proof would be not great without showing stats on those. You can for example cheese some (if not all) open world with Mechs. And of course, you need some damage (not sure if it treat it as kills) like Thrax units (non duviri), Angels or Eidolons. I think you should at least post screenshots of those (mags, mechs, companions).
    10. Usage of Helminth and weapons feels like cheating (at least a little), imho. Like if you kill everything with K.nukor or melee then can you say that it's Mag's merit? I get it that your knowledge and what you can do with Mag is extraordinary. I won't do some stuff solo, even with access to any frame/mech/op-stuff like Eidolons.
    11. Summing up, good job Tenno. You weren't *cough*asleep*cough* during that journey. We need make petition to include your name in some form into future game!
    1. It is! There's all these little habits that form when you need to watch your energy. I still find myself counting even now that I have a spam-able builds.
    2. Yeah unfortunately loadouts do NOT let you change your Archon Shards. So I need a separate Mag for every shard-config. It's also helpful for Helminth.
    3. I do accept that this play style isn't for everyone (or currently anyone). Even if someone was being insulting I'd think it's understandable.
    4. LOL! I've never seen that long of an edit. I'm a huge cat-lover, and the internet has only intensified that emotion.
    5. Haha! Oh gosh I hope not...
    6. I don't even know how to ask. It's not like DE has the time to read the forums. I was hoping the support ticket would work but they said go to the forums with that kind of stuff. I even thought about making a custom poster or something and mailing it to their headquarters, but all my ideas make me think I'd be pathetic and look like I'm begging.
    7. On the one hand I feel like bragging because I got to prove my friend wrong and accomplish something that no human has done in the history of the universe. BUT... the same thing can be said about anything, really. I'm the first person in the history of the universe to touch my left-back molar with all four sides of my tongue. Does that mean anything? The first person to walk on the moon, the first woman to be elected to the DA office in the 9th judicial district of Ohio, the first 9 year old to fart louder than 100 decibels, etc... Who's to say one accomplishment is any better than another? Personally of the examples I just gave I'd be most impressed with the 9 year old. Long story short, I'm able to separate my feelings from the situation and accept that it's just something I thought was cool.
      And like with what you're doing, mastering multiple frames could be a completely different, equally rewarding, and equally impressive use of time.
    8. I'm not sure. A part of me feels like it would be a brand new game, but another part of me feels like it would be a boring rerun with less enjoyable playstyles. I'm not dismissing the idea; I just want to give it some time and see if I start developing a yearning to start again. (See if the replay value recharges)
    9. So about the Necramechs/Operator thing. I see Mag as the main character of this story, and the other equipment is just her Arsenal. The game is called "Warframe" after all. For example, I use VoidRrig for Eidolon joints, and I use my Operator for generating energy, but I don't see that as a corruption from the goal. Warframes are a different category than Vehicles/Amps. Mag is using everything available to her to complete the mission.
      That's not to say it couldn't be switched around. Someone could say they're going to beat the game with just the Sancti/Tigris/Prime, and they master every Warframe/Necramech/Amp along the way to MR30 (becoming a "True Tigris Master"). I'm just saying that I restricted myself to a single Arsenal category while not restricting myself on the other categories. But I do feel like the Warframe category is the backbone of how this game's experience is defined. (But that's just a personal take)
    10. The way I see it is that I'm playing through Mag's story. I'm getting all the way to "True Master," fully immersed as if I were playing a game where the only character available is Mag. In Mega Man X if you don't get the X-Buster upgrade before defeating Vile, then Zero will give you his Z-Buster (spoilers, sorry). They're functionally identical, and the story is the same either way. In that playthrough, you're still beating the game as X. Just because you have Zero's weapon on your arm doesn't mean you're beating it 95% as X and 5% as Zero. X still saved the world, he just did it with the help of his friends. That's what I see in the Helminth system. If Rhino wants to help Mag in her journey by letting her use Roar, then it's not like he's now the character being played.
      And going back to the Mega Man illustration (now talking about weapons): In Mega Man 2, I don't think it's any less Mega Man who saves the world depending on whether or not he uses his Mega Buster vs Metal Blade. Especially since some enemies can't even be killed with the Mega Buster. (Wily's Alien Puppet for example can only be brought down with Lead Bubble) The weapon doesn't matter, it's whoever is pulling the trigger. And this is a little bit speculative, but like Mega Man I think Mag is supposed to use various weapons. She doesn't have an exalted weapon, nor does she have a "signature" weapon. And her abilities synergize with weaponry. Her Pull opens enemies to ground finishers and generally draws them into range for Melee Weapons. Her Magnetize redirects/amplifies projectiles from Primary/Secondary Weapons. Polarize we'll skip, but her Crush isn't really meant to kill; it's originally a survival/CC ability and later an armor strip, letting her continue to use her 1 & 2 abilities to their fullest. It would seem that when Mag became a Warframe, she manifested abilities specifically to enhance her weapon efficacy. She's not a hand-to-hand combatant; she's a weapon's master. So how could I call myself I True Mag Master if I denied her use of weapons?
    11. Always a pleasure, @quxier!
    7 hours ago, Raarsi said:

    I agree.  Definitely a heck of an achievement.

    Although for the sake of retaining what sanity you have left OP, I'd definitely urge at least making a new account to try other frames.  Pretty sure you've earned it. 🤣

    Thanks! And if I start a new journey I'll update the thread on my next project. For now I have some other games like Tears of the Kingdom and Xenoblade that I've been putting off due to my obsession with getting this achievement. But I still plan to keep up with the new content; I'm really looking forward to the 1999 stuff. And I still need to get those infuriating Vandal weapons from ESO!

    6 hours ago, quxier said:

    Imagine people will show OP's account to new players saying something like: "you need to beat whole game with 1 frame to have access to other frames".

    Haha! Man I hope not. Although if they added "...unless you start the game from Duviri!" then players might actually be like: "Got'cha! 2000+ hours in 1 frame then!"
    (I'm kidding, DE, please don't do anything to my precious account)

    5 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Do you have any Kills on spectered frames?  It used to be that specters could add to these numbers. It looks like this was fixed or partially fixed at some point, but I don't know when.

    (Not that I'm suggesting you'll need to start over if this is the case. :P )

    Funnily enough, I never built non-Mag Specters specifically because I as worried about this. I don't think it would, but I didn't want to take the chance.

    In fact, I don't even keep other frames around if I can help it. (That Umbra freeloader is still chilling in my Orbiter) I either immediately run to the Helminth, or sell them. My worry is that I'll accidentally have one active and then enter a mission and accidentally get a kill and ruin the entire account. I treat other frames like a sealed container of Ebola and handle them very carefully.

    5 hours ago, Raarsi said:

    Sounds like a great rite of passage to me.

    It might silence new player complaints around having to get all the way through the Star Chart and New War!

    "This game takes so much time just to get access to the new content! Like over 100 hours!"

    "One player did it all with their starter frame."

    "Never mind..."

  19. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Magnetar Heart
    Mag's emotional state affects her abilities and performance.

    Generally speaking, Mag is a chill lady; she'd rather think through her problems than brute force it. But when she does lose her composure, expect an immediate resolution. Magnetars are neutron stars with a mysteriously intense magnetic field. Physicists are still trying to figure out how they form, as well as what exactly happens with magnetic fields that intense, but the current understanding is that it will dissolve normal matter down to its subatomic particles. The concept behind this passive would be that Mag's "heart" (emotions, not necessarily the core of her circulatory system since we don't know exactly how Warframe anatomy works) regulates the intensity of her electromagnetic power.

    As far as how to quantify her emotional state, Warframe doesn't have an engine for monitoring that, so it would have to be linked to other factors. As a relatively simple "two-axis" system, I'd recommend calm/agitated on the X-axis, and negative/positive on the Y-axis. So:

    • Calm-Positive: Relaxed 😴
      • Increased:
        • Ability Efficiency
        • Weapon Accuracy
        • Combo Duration
      • Decreased:
        • Ability Strength
        • Weapon Fire Rate
        • Combo Count Chance
    • Calm-Negative: Sad ☹️
      • Increased:
        • Ability Duration
        • Headshot Multiplier
        • Critical Damage
      • Decreased:
        • Ability Range
        • Base Damage
        • Critical Chance
    • Agitated-Positive: Excited 😁
      • Increased:
        • Ability Range
        • Weapon Fire Rate
        • Melee Attack Speed
      • Decreased:
        • Ability Efficiency
        • Weapon Accuracy
        • Weapon Follow-Through
    • Agitated-Negative: Angry 😠
      • Increased:
        • Ability Strength
        • Weapon Damage
        • Faction Damage
      • Decreased:
        • Ability Duration
        • Ability Efficiency
        • Max-HP

    This is just a rough draft to showcase how it could work, but I'm sure you get the idea. Essentially her emotional state would grant bonuses and drawbacks in proportion to the intensity of her emotions. As far as what causes those emotions, that would be based on events:

    • Calm Increase (Agitation Decrease)
      • Full Health/Shields for X seconds
      • No alerted enemies nearby for X seconds
      • Picking up loot
    • Agitation Increase (Calm Decrease)
      • Taking damage
      • Alarms being triggered
      • Assassination Target taunts / Lotus issuing warnings
    • Positivity Increase (Negativity Decrease)
      • Playing / Seeing Emotes
      • Companion making noises
      • Landing Headshots / Stealth Finishers
    • Negativity Increase (Positivity Decrease)
      • Companion taking damage
      • Allies getting downed
      • Getting knockdown / ragdoll / tethered

    These are just some examples, but again I'm sure you get the idea. In principle, calm/agitation points would be from relief/stress events, while positive/negative points would be from funny/insulting events. There would be limits to how intense her emotions could get based on the bonuses/drawbacks. Finally in terms of mechanics, the emotions themselves would gradually go back neutral in the absence of stimulating events.

    I know this seems like a complicated system, but it really wouldn't be in both programming and practice. In programming, you'd just need to assign points to each event and use the running total to determine her current emotional profile. In practice, you could have one of four emotion icons in the buffs bar with a number showing how intense it is. When pausing and hovering over it, you could see exactly how much the stats are getting boosted/reduced.

    There's a lot of potential in this system, but even as the one suggesting it I can't give you any specifics yet. It would depend on what triggers and stats are affected, and I'm not proposing that my list be the final draft. That said, I'd suggest that it be set up in a way that helps based on how you play. So if you're doing a stealth run, it would make sense that she's more accurate and can cast more abilities, but if you're in the heat of battle then it would make more sense for your strength to increase to scale with the enemy intensity. I'd be excited though to see how the system might get manipulated by the player base once they learn the triggers and develop a play style to reliably keep those triggers up.

  20. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Mag absorbs Magnetic damage, gaining health and energy. She also is immune to Radiation Status, and will disrupt CC-Immunity within 5 meters x Ability Range.

    This plays on the magnetosphere that protects Earth from Solar Radiation. The magnetic field surrounding the earth redirects and disrupts much of the ionizing radiation coming off the sun, making the Earth a uniquely habitable environment for organisms with intricate molecules like DNA and proteins. So by extension, the master of Magnetism should be able to blow away Radiation no problem. Jumping off of that concept, her Magnetosphere could be strengthened by external sources of Magnetism, and disrupt/disable fields generated by electromagnetic radiation. I believe "Overguard" is a form of em-radiation because it behaves exactly like shields but does not regenerate. I think shields are a constantly powered field designed to rebuild after taking damage, whereas overguard is more like a static field that does not need to be continuously powered but also disappears completely when the charge is depleted. Sort of like the difference between a power supply and a static electric charge. Mag's passive wouldn't want to deal with shields because she'd be competing with a power supply and that would drain her energy. But for a static structure like an already-charged field, she could pop that effortlessly, simply changing the rules of that it was attached to so that the field destabilizes and dissipates.

    That's the theory, in practice it would behave like this:

    • When Mag gets damaged with Magnetic attacks, she takes the damage but gains that same amount of damage in Energy
    • When Mag would get a Magnetic status, she is immune to it and instead regains 50% of her health
    • When Mag is hit with Radiation attacks, she takes the damage but will never receive the status effect
    • When Mag is within 5 Meters of an enemy with Overguard, her CC abilities will damage their Overguard by 50% per cast
      • Pull, Polarize (when Augmented), and Crush will take half of the Overguard off of enemies
      • Pull and Crush do not work on Nullifier Crewmen's bubbles, but Polarize when Augmented pops it instantly
      • 5 Meters is affected by Ability Range, but the percentage is not affected by Ability Strength
      • Polarize with Augment can affect bosses (disabling Robotic and jamming weapons), but at half duration

    And as is becoming my custom, I'll make an argument for why I don't think this is overpowered. First as regards the elemental interactions, there are very few enemies/hazards that use Magnetic or Radiation. Radiation would still deal damage, it just wouldn't cause confusion. And Magnetic would also still deal damage, but if it procs a debuff then Mag will instead gain health. This will make Mag "unkillable" to Magnetic damage only if an enemy is using solely Magnetic and only of the attack itself does less than 50% damage to her health. Magnetic attacks that have low status chance would still be a danger, and powerful attacks would also still be a risk.

    Secondly as regards the CC-Immunity, I think this is a completely fair counter. An Overguard enemy is only a danger to CC-Dependent frames. Frames that deal massive amounts of raw damage simply blow away the Overguard, so it behaves like nothing more than an additional health bar in that case. Because we have frames that can now deal such staggering amounts of damage that the Overguard itself is no more than a drop in the bucket, then the power ceiling already sits high above what CC frames can output. With future promises to cap armor, this also makes the power disparity even larger. So any talk of CC frames being overpowered these days is mathematically inaccurate.

    Additionally (still talking to CC-Immunity), with a system like this, it doesn't change the principle behind Overguard. Overguard was supposed to make Eximus units into mini-field-bosses; enemies that required individual attention. With a limited range, this would require Mag to still deliver that individual attention. Even a 300% Range build would only give Mag the ability to manage a small room, and it would still require her to cast two abilities to deplete Overgaurd, effectively tripling her energy cost. Overguard enemies would therefore still be formidable and still require special consideration. Contrast this to a nuke frame that can destroy mobs and Eximus alike without having to care what's actually in range, and it's clear which frame is violating the underlying principle of Overguard.

  21. Welp, I did it:

    I've done both of my goals now, 1000 Lotus Lines, and becoming a True Mag Master.

    Not really sure what to work on next... I'm sitting here at the peak with my flag thrust into the apex, and I don't see any higher mountains breaching the horizon. There are still a few odds and ends I'd like to take care of, like:

    • 13 unobtained Weapons:
      • Braton Vandal / Lato Vandal from ESO (I'm just one component away for each of those)
      • Some Prime Weapons (Baro Ki'Teer will be selling the Aklex and I think Akvaster relics this summer, and there's a few I can pick up in resurgences)
      • Imperator Vandal (I thought this was a Baro item and have been waiting for it to appear, but it's actually from Fomorians; woops)
      • The new Adversary Weapons and a few Tenet Weapons from Ergo Glast
    • 9 incomplete Challenges
      • A lot of them are Orb Valis related (not sure why, I like that place more than the Plains of Eidolon)
      • 500 Meter Slide in the Plains (I remember trying this in a few places and nothing worked, so I'll need to research why)
      • Ride Velocipods and burn Infested pods
      • Revive 1000 allies (playing solo all this time I've only done that 300-ish times)
      • Obtain 10 different Warframes (obviously I haven't done this one, but I can build 10 and sell them)
    • A lot of Scans
      • I should just make Helios my main companion for a while
      • Also not sure if I have all the Curios and other lore objects
    • Clan Rank
      • I took over the Dojo after my friends stopped playing, and I've been slowing trying to get all the research done
      • My clan is Rank 10, and I think it might be possible to get to Rank 11, but I'm not sure. I just know I have more things I can research

    I think that's about it. If I can check these boxes then I'll have a pristine account. After that, it'll just be a matter of daily logins, weekly challenges, and the occasional update to get more stuff. In other words, I think I'm at "End Game." I'll have to pick an appropriate time to watch the credits and let the waves of nostalgia wash over me.


    As a final note, I really do want this to see this thread be implemented in the game. That's why I've kept this alive all this time. But I have actually seen some of the elements get implemented:

    • Mocking/Scathing Whisper resembles the clone-battles
    • Dagath/Gargoyle resemble the new clan room opening up more mission types
    • Arcane Dissolution resembles the materials exchange

    Sure, they're not 1:1 matches, but they're similar and they came after my original post. So maybe DE does actually read these posts once in a while. And if that's true, and if you're reading this DE, then won't you please consider the rest? Hasn't the Lotus been through enough? Doesn't she deserve a place to belong and feel safe? Let us give her that place.

  22. 49 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


    Thats kind of dark when you consider it from the enemies perspective. 

    As a Demolisher, you are probably respected and admired by your peers. Maybe you started off as a normal enemy type, but years of training and dedication, you bulked up, got tougher armour, got promoted through the ranks to be an elite Demolyst variant in your respective Faction. All the weaker guys in your Faction think you are this big huge deal, they want to be you, and be with you. You are the dream realised. You are unstoppable, Juggernauts on the field, Tenno consider you some of the hardest enemies, that they need to team up for... You see the posts about people complaining how they hate Disruption, and its too hard, and needs to be nerfed, and you think... "Heh, yeah, thats because of ME!"

    Then one day, you come across a Warframe with a different and new technique... They aren't trying to destroy you, but for some reason you start to move slower... Your feet and legs feel heavy... everything starts to slow, even your brain and reactions.. You feel a chill... cold... Everything else around you seems to be moving normally at normal speed... well faster... because of relativity. Everything but you, you are starting to feel like an immobile statue... stuck in time. No progress, or momentum, almost at a standstill. Why won't the Warframe just kill you, and put you out of your misery, a mercy killing... but instead they are sort of just there... Mocking you by just standing there, watching you barely crawl, like you are some helpless newborn infant, who can't even crawl... They are just standing there menacingly applying more Cold to you. Making you slow, making you weak, and ineffective. Your fellow Faction members look away in shame and pity... You wish you could die... but you can't... The Warframe won't let you die. They just watch you in perpetual slow motion. Not quite frozen completely, but so cold and slow, its a fate worse than death. 


    Haha! (x3)

    Then after all the mind shattering frustration and shame, the Tenno just dances a goofy jig and runs to extraction, saying: "The Grineer have no honor!"

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