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Posts posted by (NSW)Probably_Asleep

  1. I like using Cold for Disruption Missions. A high-status secondary like Tenet Cycron can almost instantly make the Demolisher 90% slower. 6 seconds of that is plenty of time to do an armor/shield strip and aim for weakpoints with your Primary.

    When I didn't have very good equipment during Steel Path, I even beat a Disruption mission by just keeping the Demolisher frozen. At 10% of its speed, the Demolisher can't make it to the Conduit in time (as long as you catch it early. So I just kept it on ice, waited for the timer to run out, and then cleared the mission. (Not a good strategy for Disruption, but it worked back when I was focusing more on progress than equipment)

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Originally I was going to come in with a dumb joke, and reference to something, like Magneto, from X-Men, or a random fact about magnets, but seeing the sincerity, and hard work and dedication to a goal you had, your careful documentation, and just general dedication to a self set goal and challenge, I am impressed and thought this was interesting post to read, and now comment on. 

    So congratulations and thank you for providing context and commentary. Its not necessarily something I would personally do, but I still think its cool and fun thing for someone to set for themselves, for whatever reason they might have. I do also generally think that Mag is underrated, and exceptionally cool, as well as one of my fav Warframes (well I don't really actually have a single favourite, but she would be a top contender if I did), so thats cool for me to see on that level. 


    I can completely relate to that pre-joke brainstorming feeling! My wife actually has learned how to recognize it in my face. She'll be telling me something serious and then stop and say: "Okay, what? What do you want to say? I'm not going to finish my story until you tell me whatever dumb joke you came up with..."

    Also thanks! To you and everyone. It was a long post so even just knowing people read it is great. And I'm sure if Mag were real she would thank you to. Don't say that! She's real to me!

    I was worried the post would be... polarizing... but everyone has instead been quite... magnanimous. It's great to see how everyone... sticks together.

    • Like 3
  3. -EDIT-
    DE confirmed the claim! They sent me a plaque:


    Thank you so much DE, and especially whoever decided to take the time to acknowledge my efforts and actually get a plaque made/mailed to me! I will treasure this.

    Claim Number 1 (a claim for myself)
    I have finally done it; I've made Warframe history. My account is the first to have achieved the True Master Rank while playing as only one type of frame (Mag/Prime). The following are the rules for my emergent game and the backbone of my bold claim:

    • Must be a starter frame (naturally, because you can't "only" play as a frame that isn't available from the moment you boot up the game)
    • Cannot register any kills with Excalibur Umbra
      • It's impossible to have zero Mastery Points with EU because he is given to the player at MR30
      • It IS possible though to play the one required mission with him without killing anything (proof supplied below...)
    • Must solo every kind of mission and boss
      • I have no way of proving this; you'll have to just take my word for it, sorry
      • This is a moving target, but at the time I achieved this, Elite Deep Archimedea was the latest challenge. Mag rolled week 1 and I got the Archimedean Eye Sumdali
    • Complete all quests
    • Trading/Buying is okay but I found it's more fun to avoid it in most cases
      • I often took advantage of the 75% discount whenever it came around, but I never actually did any public trading
      • Though I did enlist my wife's help for relic/ducat farming; it's fun helping each other with your hobbies
    • There's no limit on the amount of frames you use, they just have to all be the same type
      • I'm using Mag and Mag Prime, but the challenge could also be done with Volt and Volt Prime, or the Excalibur trio (though Excalibur Prime is now impossible to get)
      • I'll show my team in pictures below; I realized it was easier to have multiple Mags for different Archon Shard configs
    • No restrictions on other equipment; use whatever guns, blades, vehicles, companions, etc. to conquer the game
    • You can build other Warframes to Subsume them or make Specters
      • I feel like Subsumed abilities are not an insult to the frame you install them on; if a frame can use that ability well then it is a credit to that frame
      • I also grew up playing Megaman, so that might have affected my feelings on the subject
    • Cannot use other Warframes or The Stalker in Duviri
      • I don't actually know how this affects Mastery Points; I didn't want to experiment and possibly ruin my account so I played it safe and only used Mag
      • You'll always be able to play your frame in Duviri/Circuit if clear out over frames from your inventory, so I Subsumed/Sold all non-Mag frames
    • I never made any guidelines for Challenges, but I ended up doing most of them (including all the Nightwave ranks)
    • There were also several "hidden challenges" like the Halls of Ascension that I made sure  to check off the list

     actually asked Support to confirm that I was the first account to accomplish this and they told me to go to the forums instead. I can't say with 100% certainty that I'm the first. But I'm 99% certain for the following reasons:

    • It wasn't possible prior to the Abyss of Dagath update (October 18th, 2023)
      • Prior to that, there just wasn't enough equipment available to reach MR30 without using Warframes)
      • This could have been bumped back to the Echos of Duviri update (July 27th, 2023) for Founders, but I doubt any Founder used just one type of frame for 10 years)
    • There is equipment that cannot be rushed via trading/purchasing
      • Daily Tribute equipment takes nearly two years to get
      • Some Prime equipment would be hard to get if it's not available in trade (especially for Nintendo Switch, but that's irrelevant)
    • While not impossible to grind faster, there's a LOT of hours that need to be spent just playing the game to open up MR point access
    • Excalibur Umbra

    So basically, someone would have had to have had this idea years before October 18th, 2023, and been working on it diligently in preparation for the inevitability that it would one day become a possibility. And "working on it" would mean willingly not playing as new characters for all that time. Every time a new Warframe is presented, that player would have to think: "No thanks, I'll keep playing as my starter frame..." for every single update! And with power creep, nerfs, loadout restrictions, and game modes tailored to new frames, there's no shortage of temptation to play multiple characters. And this is not to even mention the fact that Warframes are just given to players sometimes. I got a starter pack for the Switch that gave me a Nidus, and just recently I think there was a Baruuk Prime given to everyone who logged into something. Who would be dumb enough to sell free Warframes for measly 20,000 credits? (Besides myself) It's just such a ridiculous self-imposed handicap that I don't see anyone else being interested.

    And then there's Excalibur Umbra. By then I had already firmly resolved to become a True Mag Master so I knew exactly what to do. I parked Umbra off in a corner somewhere at the start and used my Operator to accomplish the mission (this was back before Operators had shields, mind you). But it's a VERY pivotal moment in the journey to become a True [Mag/Volt] Master. (If you're trying to become a True Excalibur Master though then there's zero problems here) Umbra acts on his own, so if you aren't both careful AND lucky, then you'll permanently ruin your ENTIRE account from that one mission. You can't even abort to save yourself. As soon as Umbra slashes a Sentient, you'll need to delete and recreate your account. In my opinion, this is the biggest barrier to becoming a True Mag Master or a True Volt Master, and it (along with the time windows and investment) is why I'm 99% certain I'm the first to make it here.


    So with all that said, I hereby thrust my flag into the peak and claim the title: First True Mag Master


    Claim Number 2 (a claim for Mag)
    Mag is awesome! My account will forever stand as proof of that. The following is opinion so take it for what it's worth, and just a warning I'm going to be a little tongue-in-cheek about it...


    Mag is a historically and infamously unpopular frame. She has the reputation of being bad at the early game for being complicated, energy thirsty, and squishy. All her downsides may be remedied by the late game when you get better accustomed to all the game systems, improved energy economy, and more diverse survival options, but by then you'll have gained access to other frames built specifically for the end game. So generally speaking most people think that there's just no place for Mag; an outcast on both ends of the game.

    But in achieving the title of True Mag Master, which I believe to be the first and currently only True Master of only one Frame type, I subsequently believe I've earned the right to say that Mag deserves respect. She is currently the only frame in history to have an account acting as proof that she can solo every piece of game content in the entire WF universe. And she will always be the first to have said account. Sure, anyone can say that their favorite frame can do everything, but how many have shown it? One. In my very humble opinion, the Warframe Tier Lists are all nothing more than opinions, while my account is undeniable fact.

    An "S-Tier" frame should be able to do everything by itself. Anyone is free to try and prove that their frame is S-Tier, but that proof has already now been established for Mag. If you want to label your frame as "S-Tier," then start walking the path that Mag has already finished. Beat everything, master everything, and do it on your own. Only then can you elevate your favorite frame to the top rank, where Mag will welcome you with the open arms of a proven veteran.

    To address the criticisms about Mag, I think they play in her favor. I will admit that when I first started the game I hardly ever used Mag's abilities. I knew I only had 1 Crush, 2 Polarize, 3 Magnetize, or 7 Pull casts. Those abysmally small numbers meant that I should only rely on them for emergencies or with extremely careful planning. Because of that, I instead needed to learn the core, universal skills of the game: Agility, Aiming, Evading, Stealth, Leading, Lifting, Timing, and so on. For the first several planets, it didn't matter what frame I was using because I had to learn the skills that all frames have, and I had to rely on those skills because I was using the squishiest starter frame. It was harsh training in an unforgiving world. But making it through that gauntlet and learning those skills have benefited me throughout the entire game. Not even if EDA when they just turn off abilities and negate survival options, I don't feel out of my element (though I don't agree with that design choice). Mag forces players in the early game to not rely on their frame's innate talents, and that's a priceless lesson.

    Then we move into late game content. How does Mag stack up? Well. She's stacked quite well. I remember when I got Zenurik and Fleeting Expertise and first had the realization: "Can I even be killed anymore?" And of course there were later challenges with toxin enemies and the new content where they just childishly say: "No Abilities! No Shields! Health Drain! No Operator!" (I'm of the opinion that those kinds of "challenges" are making the statement: "We can't make Warframe challenging anymore, so we're making challenges un-Warframe.") But still, as I've said, she can do it all. She can defend, kill, knockout/disable security systems, support, and control the battlefield. I don't like recent CC nerfs, but her 2 is just so powerful that it doesn't even matter. What's also great about Mag is that she's so upgradeable. Schools, Shards, Subsumes, and so much more pair well with her. She gets better the more attention you give her. Like a magnet that keeps collecting more and more as it rolls through the world. Not only is her performance  top notch, not only is she fun to play, but she's fun to build. She just makes the game better.


    I'm prepared to do more than just claim that Mag and I have done this. I have pictures!


    True Master Rank Completed

    Lotus' motherly words of congratulation

    Mastery Breakdown; notice the 18,000 points from Warframes. That's Mag, Mag Prime, and Excalibur Umbra

    Scroll through Stats, mainly just to show the normalcy of the account itself

    Challenges progress (embarrassed I still have some to get, but I'm being transparent about what I have and haven't done)

    Scroll through Warframes to show that I got my 18,000 MR Points only from those three frames (as the rest are grayed out, showing they don't even have a single kill/point)

    Excalibur Umbra: Zero Kills, Zero Kill Assists, Used Zero Percent of the time. I had to have him, but I made sure not to play as him.

    All Quests Completed

    Helminth Maxed Out and all Abilities Unlocked

    If someone wants to claim "First" True Mag Master, then I'll require that they show the same level of evidence. I'm not trying to be petty or anything; I just think the accomplishment itself should be verified by more than just a "Nah, I did that years ago!" Especially considering I put over two thousand hours into getting this far.


    Because it's been such a long road (relatively speaking, I know others have put more hours into this game), I'll take a moment to reminisce about how I got here:


    For starters, I'll introduce the "team" of Mag I used...

    My Loadout system has four categories (different Mags with different Archon Shards) that each have four sub-categories (Mod Tabs / Equipment Choices):

    1. Hero - Jack of All Trades Class
      1. ETC - General Purpose
      2. ALL - Tools to kill all factions
      3. HOP - Speed/mobility for farming runs
      4. SIT - High Duration for AFK duties
    2. Mage - Ability Casting Class
      1. KPM - ESO Build, High Range, Low Duration, Breach Surge
      2. ORB - Railjack Build, 30+ Seconds of Dispensary and Armor Strip
      3. POP - (Being repurposed) Was for farming Sisters of Parvos
      4. SLY - Overshield/Strip build that lets me spam Crush every second
    3. Rogue - Stealthy Speedster Class
      1. EXP - Used for ranking up equipment
      2. OFF - Multiple Invisibility options and bonuses around finishers
      3. RUN - Golden Instinct and Speed
      4. SPY - Spy/Rescue missions
    4. Tank - Unkillable Class
      1. AXE - Health Gen through Melee (Survive by killing)
      2. EHP - 250k+ Effective Hit Points so I can casually take on Archons (Survive by floating)
      3. ONE - Disruption missions (Survive by moving)
      4. TOP - Netracell missions (Survive by diversity)

    I've modified these 16 options a lot and will probably make more changes as content evolves. Rank 30 gave me 15 more slots though and there are more Archon Shard varieties now, so I'm thinking of making additional classes. I also have a Yester* loadout to keep my original Mag that I awoke on day 1. I use that Mag for testing new concepts. If something works good with Mag then it will work better with Mag Prime, so I've found it's best to experiment using originals and then apply what you learned to Primes.

    Hero - Probably my favorite look. I'm using the TennoGen Graxx Skin, which I've loved from the beginning. This is my oldest look and become the backbone of my style. It would have been sometime December of 2021 when I completed the first quest and started coming of with a signature look. From that moment on I made sure that all of my physiques would work off of the same Red/White/Black color pallet, include the TennoGen Sari Syandana, use a Community of Tenno sigil on the front, and have a floating animation set. The general motif is curves and bubbles, so later on when I got the Steel Meridian Sigil I standardized that as my back sigil (it runs straight up and down so the circle is on her back and the line runs down her spine and past her tailbone. I also later got the Waveform Ephemera from Nightwave which really fit the curves/bubbles theme well, so that became a staple of all looks moving forward as well. The only thing that doesn't fit with the color pallet it my clan emblem, which couldn't be avoided because it's a picture of my deceased cat and I'm not about to change that. Side note: I've learned most Mag lovers are also cat lovers. Hero uses an approximately even distribution of Red/White/Black to signify the generalist role.

    Mage - Using the heirloom set, I modeled Mage to be very red based on the Crimson Archon shards. Mage's purpose is to maximize ability use, so I thought that would be fitting. The heirloom set was hard to find a good animation set for because the fabric would keep clipping through her limbs with most poses.

    Rogue - I chose a whiter appearance for rogue to signify the "ghostly" purpose of stealth and infiltration. Rogue uses the TennoGen Ferro Helmet because it looks like a speed-cyclist helmet, and the Immorta skin because the vertical lines give it a streaking feel.

    Tank - Going with black as the main color to show ironlike durability, Tank has the Pneuma Skin. I originally went with the Immortal skin for obvious reasons, but broad shoulders of Pneuma looks more armored. This is probably my least favorite look and I'm still playing with it. This current look uses the Graxx helmet, but yeah I still want to try other options.

    Original - Original is constantly changing. She's the "try new things" teammate. Right now she's got her original Mag skin because I wanted to see how the color pallet would work on it. I went to Graxx almost immediately when I started playing and realized only recently that I haven't really explored the original skin's limits.

    Other style choices I've settled on along the way:

    • Minimally Minimalistic - I try to have simple, smooth looks, but I'm not requiring that of myself; I just don't like a lot of noise in the appearance
    • Melee Adornments - I obsess a LOT about how to place the Melee weapons. I have a love/hate relationship with melee; I love the flexibility, but hate how finicky it is
    • Primarily Hidden - I always hide the Primary Weapon. The Sari Syandana is just too gorgeous to clip a rifle into it

    I began with just one Mag and a few months into it there was a Prime Resurgence that let me get Mag Prime. Next time it came around I ended up being two more Mag Primes, and I got the materials to build a third. So now I have four Mag Primes, which is what inspired me to start making a team. I'm now waiting for the next availability so I can add a few members for the new Archon Shards.

    Now with the fashion out of the way, a little history:


    My choice of Mag was very power-fantasy related. I booted up Warframe for the first time (I think) around 12/24/2021. Today is my 827th login, which would be 2/9/22, but I have an inbox message from Lotus about achieving MR 1 on 12/26/2021. I probably took some PTO to get a four day weekend, so that's why I'm estimating sometime earlier in the week. My friend had been playing since the beginning of Warframe and was pestering me to join for years, but his begging got much more persistent when they introduced the game on the Nintendo Switch platform. He offered to start a brand new account on the Switch if I would play with him, and so I agreed. He and his wife both started Switch accounts, and we all began a new journey together.

    When I began, I was presented with the three starter frame choices. I watched the video carefully to see which abilities I liked, and Mag's was a clear winner to me. I've always loved telekinesis. I lived just about 40 years and never experienced a nightmare despite having very vivid memories of my dreams. One of the reasons for this is because, in my dreams, I always have telekinesis. It's so natural that real life seems boring by comparison. But it's difficult to feel scared when I can flick my wrist and sent anything I want up into the sun. So as soon as I saw Mag I knew this was the character for me!

    When I joined up with my friends, they laughed at me for picking Mag. "I can't believe you picked the worst frame!" they jeered. I asked "What's so bad about Mag? I think she's cool!" They then went on to tell me why everyone hates Mag, and they assured me of one thing: "You're going to get sick of her soon, and when you do there are so many better frames out there to choose from." But that whole exchange bothered me. Mag was cool, and I wasn't about to just dump her the second someone new came prancing along. It was then during first few days of playing when I had the thought: How far can I actually go with Mag? Sure she's a starter character, but does this game require you to move on? Next time my friends logged on I explained that I was going to stick with Mag as long as I could, and they got angry with me. "You're going to drag us down, and you won't be able to get to higher Mastery Ranks if you only stick to one character. I mean do whatever you want, but it's just not going to work out the way you think it will..."

    I fought my way thought the Star Chart, and at first it was a struggle. I chose the Paris as my starter weapon, and each mission took like a 15 minutes because I tried being as stealthy as possible and also broke all the loot boxes I could find. When my friends logged on I'd have to hurry up because they tended to care less about not triggering alarms or getting all the loot. It was fun of course laughing and working together, but I started to realize I liked playing at my own pace more. At first, my user name was "User0.0b" because I thought it would be funny to imply that I wanted to be the first user (User0.0) but then something went wrong and I had to do it twice (thus the "b"). But after a while of playing I realized a funny habit of mine. Because the game doesn't let you pause if you're in friends mode, and I wanted to keep it in friends mode in case my friends logged on, this also meant I couldn't play it with in the living room when I was hanging out with my wife. She was used to asking me to pause games, but I couldn't and so we just awkwardly didn't talk to one another. So I instead played the game silently when we went to bed and she was asleep, but I could never stay awake that long. I'd just fall asleep wherever my character was, and sometimes that would be public places like Fortuna or Relays. I'd wake up to direct messages and invitations, but from players that had logged off hours before. So I decided to rename myself as something that would warn users that I'm probably not going to be responsive:


    As time went on I learned maps well enough that I could stick my character into safe areas whenever my wife needed to talk to me, so I was able to play the game during normal hours, but I really liked the username. My friends just stopped playing one day too, and they never told me why. I was sad and confused at first. I tried very hard to be supportive, and was at a higher level than both of them. It was clear to me that I wasn't "dragging them down" as they had feared. I think if anything they just had hoped that cross-play would come much sooner, and it wasn't that fun playing as weak characters when their strong accounts were on the Playstation. But I was hooked to the game by this point anyway, and I was playing it every day for the most part. I also had done research on Mag and realized that there were long standing grudges and controversies surrounding her. At first I just wanted to see how far I could go, but after a while my goal evolved to the True Mag Master concept when I realized that it would one day be possible if mainline updates kept adding weapons and the MR ranks never changed their point thresholds.

    Through just normal gameplay I got Primed Flow and Fleeting Expertise. This let me build up enough energy to be able to spam abilities as much as I wanted for a short time. At that point I got my first glimpse of Mag's true potential and I remember thinking: "You're actually kind of amazing, aren't you Mag?" but without a good way to generate energy it was like an invincibility star than a gameplay style. That all changed though when I get Zenurik and could generate 5 energy per second. At that point I didn't even need Primed Flow anymore! I could cast Crush every 8 seconds, and effectively infinite Pulls and Magnetizes. Once I got to that point, the game completely changed. I could finally start thinking of Mag in regards to her abilities.

    At the start, Armor-Stripping wasn't a very good option in both practice as well as value. To armor strip with Mag prior to the rework you needed cast three abilities (and if memory serves you needed an aura too?). But it wasn't even necessary, everything in her bubble died regardless of armor. Star Chart, Steel Path, it didn't matter. Polarize had an amazing augment though. It could shut down all ranged attackers instantly and was I could spam it as needed to only focus on melee units. (Which I could just let die in the bubble) things have changed over the years, but Mag has always been able to keep up one way or another.

    I continued on the journey, making absolutely sure to never accidentally gain MR points from another frame. Excalibur Umbra made me very nervous, but I was careful and precise to get through the one required mission without any Umbra kills. Then in summer of 2023 I realized that it was finally mathematically possible to get to MR30 with just Mag/Prime. I began ranking up any equipment I could find, but it was a long road and months went by. I hadn't realized it at the time, but it was actually October 18th, 2023 when it truly became possible for my account, considering exclusive weapons. It was the fall of 2023 when I surpassed my friend's original account. The friend that got me into Warframe, the one who said I'd have to give Mag up one day, and the one who had been playing Warframe from the beginning. I could have considered that as a victory, but my goals had already been pointed higher. I wanted to achieve a genuine first: The True Mag Master title.

    Fortunately my gameplay had already accumulated massive amounts of relics. I enlisted my wife's help to crack them like crazy, and got a lot of primed weapons out of it. I made spreadsheets to track my progress, and dived into every piece of the game for components and resources. One by one I found and built different weapons, and the points trickled in painfully slowly. Along the way I also beat all the content. Missions, Quests, Bosses, Archons, TFO, DA/EDA, and all the little things. Getting to MR30 without using Warframe points really forces you to explore the entire game.

    I then got to rank 27, another milestone. That had been my goal years before, the last gold-colored rank possible with the points available at that time. But now I could keep going. I saved the Adversary weapons mainly for last. They were so tedious, and I immediately regretted that I hadn't done this already. But I kept going. And finally, on Monday, May 13th, 2024, I got enough points. It was thanks to the Tenet Livia that I stepped over the threshold. It was time for the final test.

    (The test was actually super easy)

    And I did it! MR 30, a True Master, almost entirely solo, and ONLY as Mag! The ribbon was torn, the "race" with only one competitor was finally over.

    We did it, Mag, we did it.

    And now it's done! I really wish I could ask for something for this like an accolade for me account or something, but it's obvious that this is a journey I solely found value in myself. I may think it's worthy of something, but I accept that it's an entirely subjective evaluation.


    What's next?
    Not sure. I'm going to keep playing Warframe, but I'm not going to sully my account with other frames. This account will always be a monument to Mag's status as the first true top-tier frame; the first frame to have done everything herself all the way up to MR30. It would be tragic to ruin that.

    The only way I'd play as another frame is if they introduced another within the same "framily." If they started making "Umbra" models of other frames then I'd of course play as Mag Umbra. But barring that, I can just dabble in whatever new content comes along.

    For now though, I'm still feeling the emotional high. This was a good game, and even if they make new modes that make Warframe less like itself, even if they nerf CC, even if they let the power creep like Dragon Ball, it doesn't matter anymore. I got the title, I vidicated Mag, and nothing is going to ever be able to change that now.


    Final Thought
    I don't want to come across like I'm bragging, even humble-bragging. I'm happy and proud of what I've accomplished, but I fully recognized that people have done amazing things in this game and put much more time, energy, and money in to this than I have. I had a goal for myself and I accomplished it. That's a good feeling and I'm excited enough that I want to shout it into the Void that is the internet.

    Also, I'm not going to touch the other two titles. There's still True Excalibur Master and True Volt Master. Those are there for the next adventurer to seek. But if you do claim that title, I hope you'll include an @ to my account so I can comment on it and give you my heartfelt congratulations and respect. I know how hard it is to do, and I want to virtually shake the hand of whoever manages to get there next.

    • Like 25
  4. This seems to be your first post, so I'll suggest a few things to try to get more information:

    • Visit a website that tests your Download/Upload speed
    • Google to get a sense of reasonable expectations for your network hardware...
      • PC age and performance
      • PC Network adapter
      • Ethernet Cable type
      • Wifi Router (with consideration to distance, obstructions, other logged in devices, age, and density of other wifi networks)
      • Modem
      • House Coaxial Jack (or other internet hookup)
    • Google Problems / Performance averages with your ISP
    • Check Router settings for App/IP/Device bandwidth restrictions and firewall rules
    • Log into your ISP account for payment due / account threshold exceeded warnings / etc
    • Google solar activity and look outside to make sure WW3 hasn't started

    There's unfortunately a lot of factors that can influence network connection, making it statistically unlikely to be a problem with Warframe specifically. One logical fallacy I see a lot of is the classic "Other things work fine, so it's obviously a problem with this one program." That's not always a reliable conclusion, though. ISPs can prioritize certain traffic signatures/senders, and regions can be affected by various things that will extend latency. PC's themselves can also decide on priorities during things like updates and diagnostics. And neighborhoods might be choking the buried infrastructure more so at varying times of day. Finally, all this is compounded by the same facets potentially affecting any and every node in the system. Peer's, ISP's, Warframe servers, and general virtual infrastructure providers like AWS and Azure might even be passing their suffering on to you. A bad network by itself is sort of like telling a doctor: "I'm more tired lately, what's wrong with me?" The doctor is going to need to test a LOT of things if that's the only symptom to work with.

    If you have the resources though, then it never hurts to start upgrading your hardware, especially if you can identify where it bottle necks the most.

  5. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Magna Carta
    Mag reports bugs to DE.

    This is a very different kind of passive and one that I'm personally on the fence about. On the one side, it would stink to waste a passive on something that has zero gameplay value. On the other side, this could really move the development of Warframe forward.

    How would this work? Well, simply put: Mag triggers diagnostic checks and metric transmissions. (Maybe that's not "simply put...") In other words, Mag tells the game to monitor for things not working as intended, and tells DE when there's a bug. Mag would then become the "eyes and ears" of DE. For a more practical explanation, I'll explain it this way: Known issues will be translated into intermittent checks that only run when there's a Mag in the squad (frequency determined by platform). Hotfixes upload new known issues to gather data on. Additionally, obvious bugs will always be monitored like crashes, freezes, host migrations, squad members getting stuck behind walls, bosses disappearing or becoming invulnerable, etc. Mag will always automatically report certain persistent bugs and generally undeniable signs of the game failing to perform correctly.

    Also, Mag players can submit bug reports from chat. Simply set a waypoint, open chat, and type "/bug whatever..." The /bug opener will tell the system to report it to DE, and whatever you write after that will be included with the report along with information about your mission and the object/location your waypoint is set at. Preventing abuse would be a crude but effective method of simply providing zero feedback to the player. No "bug report sent!" message will be displayed, so there won't be any real way of knowing if it actually sent or if anyone will read it. You could also put a hard cap on how many bug reports any player can make in a single day.

    The reason I'm calling it "Magna Carta" is because this would be a system of ensuring the "rights" of players. (Read your history) Of course the other reason is the "Mag" pun. Generally, it would make Mag the character in this game that is responsible for helping players have a pleasant and smooth experience. If people detect a bug, they could even replay as Mag or request a friend to join as Mag so they could send exact data directly to DE about it. As to the possible objection I could see people making of: "Why not give this to EVERY character?" The answer to that is simple: Mag is a generally unpopular character who is played at a medium pace. She's just perfect for the job! We don't want more metrics streaming from all devices all the time hogging bandwidth and slowing framerate. So this lets the players choose when to send that data, and it lets the Mag-mains act as guardians for the broader player base.

  6. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Spin Stabilized Levitation
    Playing emotes will regenerate energy, increase Mag's mobility, and add electric damage to her attacks; effect depends on time charged.

    Thought about calling this Levitron, but given the history I think it's best to leave that alone. The concept here is that Mag can use her body to naturally and passively enhance her performance and catalyze natural phenomenon. There are three effects:

    1. While playing an emote, Mag generates 10 energy per second. (Stacks with other generation sources)
    2. While playing an emote, Mag's mobility increases every second:
      • +0.15% Sprint Speed up to a maximum of +1.5%
      • +10% Jump Height up to a maximum of +100%
      • +5% Parkour Velocity up to a maximum of 50%
      • +3 seconds effects duration with no maximum
    3. While playing an emote, Mag builds an electric charge that applies electric damage to her attacks
      • +1% Electric Damage / Status Chance per level, with an additional 1% per Forma installed (maximum 50%)
      • Applies to Abilities cast, Shots (or Battery points) fired from Primary/Secondary, Melee strikes, and Parkour attacks
      • Builds one charge per second with no maximum

    For starters, I can't think of anything that actually incorporates Emotes into practical gameplay. (Except maybe if you count earning equipment through Nightwave, or preventing knockdown while playing emotes) So this would pioneer new ground of making emotes serve an in-mission purpose. This also introduces the idea of using Forma count as a means to level up more than just your Mod space.

    A potential objection I could see to this passive would be that it encourages standing in place. But that already exists with Zenurk's Wellspring and Wisp's Motes (to name the two that come immediately to mind). Much like those two however, this shouldn't be seen as an AFK advocate. Players use stationary boost stations to increase the resources they use to play on. It's not a camping mechanism; it's a recharge provision.

    Mag could really use energy regeneration, especially early game. There are also precious little sources of speed early game, so being able to spend 10 seconds to get 30 seconds of 2.5 Sprint Speed would be very welcome from the start. There's also no way to add elemental damage to Warframe abilities, which is sad considering the new Archon Mods that were introduced last year.

    Late game though would also see many uses for this. Mag is usually tied to the Zenurik school, but this would free her to use other options. Not to mention, freeing up Mod space from Mobility Mods will help always. Finally, the Electric Damage could help extend the lifespan of some of her abilities into later stages of the game, and will always be a welcome addition to normal weapons damage.

  7. 3 hours ago, Ntrophy said:

    Akshually 🤓☝️ everyone already has a universal vacuum, its just a 2 meter radius so its hard to notice
    fr tho, mag’s change doesn't have to be drastic, just have her pull radius stack with vacuum.  They should also consider making her immune or at least resistant to magnetic status, it just makes sense.
    I personally think all associated frames should have this passive, full immunity would make most sense but i get that might be too strong, so i would say 90% resist at least.
    what im saying is, frost shouldn't be slowed down by cold, ember shouldn’t burn from heat procs(or overheat in general, thats a different topic..)
    however, the devs have been asked this very question before and have esentially said, “lol no” so i just wasted your time :)
    also, iirc mags passive doesn't function period rn and is bugged

    I do think a stacking vacuum would both be the easiest and most sensible. The same thing happened with Hildryn. Her shield gating was so popular they decided to make it a universal feature, but they gave her more as a consolation.

    And YES! It makes zero sense why elemental frames get damage from the element that courses through their very veins. I refuse to believe there's any game-breaking risk in doing this. Plenty of frames have far better survival options than if they gave a frame immunity to a single element.

    The main reason I'm regularly updating this thread is because I enjoy working out my brainstorming abilities, but I also think passives has started getting more advance and I figure Mag deserves a space on that bandwagon. Mag is really getting assaulted with new creative decisions with the recent nerf to her Polarize Augment, the upcoming (relative) nerf to Armor Stripping, and the new "end game" challenges that disable things like shields/abilities/operator. Not to mention that Mag's Pull is bugged to not work (at least on the Switch) half the time. So between bugs and nerfs, I think it's fair to say Mag could do for a nice passive.

    This is not to say Mag needs more attention than other frames. I know there are frames that really need better passives and general reworks. I just think DE still believes Mag is going just fine and they haven't realized that a lot of their changes are negatively affecting Mag. (And I guess to be fair Mag is still doing okay. Her #2 is just that powerful that all these nerfs still can't pull her down; but it displeases me that the rest of her kit is getting butchered)

  8. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Transcranial Stimulation
    Headshots create mind altering pulses that affect enemy behavior for 10 seconds; affected by Ability Duration. Behavioral change depends on enemy.

    Removed "Magnetic" from the phrase because it would be redundant. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a technology that uses magnetic waves to induce electrical current inside the brain to forcefully activate a region. It's typically used to alter mood and help with mood disorders, though I actually saw a special once where they used it to neutralize someone's Occipital Lobe temporarily to prove that the region was responsible for helping blind people read Braille. Given the phenomenon is already used in current technology, and coupled with the admission that we don't fully understand why it works on the brain, I'd say it's perfect for sci-fi application!

    In practice, this passive would grant CC effects to enemies hit at their weakpoints. And I'd recommend that because the skill level is higher to land a headshot, and because the nature of this technology is "noninvasive," typically CC-Immune enemies are not immune to these effects. The effects would be things like this:

    • Ranged Units
      • First Shot: Enemy looses the ability to aim. They will fire in the last direction they were facing regardless of what is in that direction until effect expires.
      • Second Shot: Enemy believes they're supposed to protect treasure. Enemy will aim toward the nearest Cache, Rare Crate, Ayatan Sculpture, Medallion, etc.
      • Third Shot: Enemy is numb and will stop firing. Enemy will still point towards nearest treasure and believe they are still firing.
    • Melee Units
      • First Shot: Enemy looses their vision. Will still strike if you approach, but otherwise will stand around until effect expires
      • Second Shot: Enemy believes the Tenno have escaped. Enemy will point towards extraction signaling comrades to chase after Tenno.
      • Third Shot: Enemy is numb and open to stealth finishers.
    • Non-Humanoid Units
      • First Shot: Enemy looses their thinking ability. They will stand/float in place until the effect expires.
      • Second Shot: Enemy believes Tenno are allies. The enemy will start attacking nearest strongest enemy such as Eximus; leading you to them.
      • Third Shot: Enemy is numb and will drop their loot even before death. (Does not affect corpse looting like Nekros' Desecrate)
    • Additional Shots: Adds another 10 seconds to effect duration, maximum 120 seconds. (Base and Max Duration affected by Ability Duration)

    So it's different per enemy, but you can see a pattern here. The first shot is generally meant to keep the enemy still. By itself they is helpful because landing headshots on moving targets is a pain. The second shot alters the enemy to work for you in some way. The theme is always to help you gather information, like nearby treasures, extraction, or Eximus units. From the third shot and onward is a maintenance mode to keep the enemy in that state for as long as you want to.

    This would provide several new concepts to Warframe in general that I'd like to see implemented generally. The first of course is that CC should be a viable option even against Eximus, just as the cost of individual attention and increase skill. I get the CC is usually an AoE panacea for all mobs, which can make it too powerful if done incorrectly. This though would give you your CC option for the enemies you want to be strong, without weakening those enemies to indiscriminate attacks. You'd still need to aim and handle that strong enemy by itself.

    Secondly, this would introduce the idea of "interrogation" to Warframe. The fact that you could get useful information out of an enemy before you kill them would change the way we think about enemies. If you see a ranged enemy, and you're playing as Mag, then you'd think: "Oh, before I kill them I should see if they'll tell me where the nearest valuable loot is." Likewise if you're playing something like Survival or Mobile Defense and you want to get a head start on making it to extraction, then you'd find a melee enemy to point you in the right direction. Finally, if you're hunting Eximus and you're not entirely sure where they're at (Lotus just told you there's a heavy unit somewhere), they you can tame a Corpus Drone or Infested to lead you there. (Unfortunately there's no option for Grineer, but most other factions have an option) This concept of recognizing enemies as useful in different ways (I believe) has a lot of potential as a concept.

    Lastly, this would synergize well with Mag's kit. Mag can already turn ranged enemies into melee enemies, so this would allow her to activate finishers at a steady rate, which could in turn activate things like Arcane Trickery or Parazon Mods.

  9. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Mag's casting speed scales with current energy (minimum 50).

    FLHR is short for Fleming's Left Hand Rule, which is a guiding principle behind the engineering of rail guns. I went with the acronym instead of the name for the sake of brevity (and because "Fleming" doesn't really have that "space ninja" feel to it).

    In practice, this would decrease Mag's casting speed when she falls below 100 Energy, but increase it above that. Currently Mag (Prime) could get a maximum Energy Capacity of 1,223 if she was equipped with Primed Flow, Endurance Drift, 5 Tauforged Azure Archon Shards, and was under the Entropy buff. (1,298 if you actually have an Arcane Helmet)  This means it would be possible to see over 12x casting speed when at full energy. Entropy isn't very easy to keep active though, Mag Prime isn't always available, Endurance Drift takes up a valuable Mod slot, and Primed Flow may not be available to new players. So for new players who just have a Mag with Flow, it would give them 3.8x Casting Speed on their first cast from full energy. Still, the disparity between 12.2x and 3.8x means that as a player progresses to end-game, they could see over triple the gains from this passive.

    What I'd also like to point out is that this would be an answer to the age-old conundrum that DE struggles with: How can we get players to waste more Mod Slots? Typically, you can handle Mag's energy needs in any combination of 3 ways:

    1. Capacity
    2. Efficiency
    3. Regeneration

    (There's technically the fourth option of "Free Cast," but I don't see a lot of people jumping to build around that concept)

    DE seems to like motivating players to use Mod Slots though (looking at you, Augments and Catalyzing Shields), so a passive like this would fit well with DE's goals. With a passive like this, players would want to have all three options if possible. A Mag Prime with Primed Flow could be consistently casting at 7.55x speed, but only if she also had high Efficiency and constant Regeneration. Otherwise, she's be losing 1x Casting Speed with every use of Crush. On the other hand, if she had Zenurik, Energy Nexus, Fleeting Expertise, and Boreal's Hatred, then she'd only be losing 0.25x speed per cast, and would be gaining 0.08x speed per second. (Meaning you could effectively be using Crush every three seconds at maximum speed, which would really synergize well with Shield Gating) And in addition to Mod Slots, this would also encourage more use out of the Azure shards.

  10. On 2024-04-01 at 12:00 PM, Drachnyn said:

    This ability has a niche and fulfills it perfectly. Doesnt seem like it needs changes.

    I love this one. I know it's redundant to ciphers, but I have a natural aversion to using disposable items. I have a a Spy/Rescue build that features this ability and it pairs absolutely perfectly with Untraceable.

    If I were to be pressed to think of an improvement, then I'd probably go with something like a HOLD function that lets you target a console from 5m away (and let that be affected by Ability Range). I could see some fun improvements on my clear times with something like that, especially if Ability Strength gave it punch through so you could potentially hack a console through a wall (provided you are facing it from the correct angle).

    But I agree, I love this ability.

  11. On 2023-08-11 at 3:53 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    For the first time in the history of Warframe, it's possible to get to MR30 with a starter frame only. (Including the Prime variant as well as Excalibur Umbra which is added automatically) Only 3 Warframes contributing MR points: Mag, Mag Prime, and Umbra. (You could also do it with Volt or Excalibur, but I'll let someone else have those titles) The rest can come from weapons, missions, companions, etc. I've been waiting for this since I began playing over 500 days ago! I've got a lot of weapons I need to max and toss, but it's still very exciting.

    I've been trying to get an exact date for this, and I think my original guess is actually dead wrong. There were some things that I didn't take into account:

    • Venari/Venari Prime
      Even though they're in the "Companion" category in Mastery, they obviously come with Khora/Prime. That's 12,000 MR points, or four weapon's worth
    • Lato Prime and Skana Prime
      These are just not accessible no matter how many Prime Resurgences occur, that's (obviously) another two weapon's worth

    But after crunching a lot of numbers and looking at a lot of update notes, I've determined that Update 34 (Abyss of Dagath) is the update where it all became possible. And I'm going to prove it right here and now...


    (That link should be good for a couple of years at least) The Mastery Point Distribution back then came to a total of 2,811,038 available points. But for the purposes of my little Game+ idea I redistribute the points in to these categories. This is the point distribution right before Update 34:

    Item Count Points Per Total
    Warframes 91 6000 546000
    Warframe Companions 2 6000 12000
    Exclusives 2 3000 6000
    Allowed Warframes 3 6000 18000
    Primaries 152 3000 456000
    Nemesis Primaries 16 4000 64000
    Secondaries 117 3000 351000
    Nemesis Secondaries 10 4000 40000
    Melee 200 3000 600000
    Nemesis Melee 6 4000 24000
    Kitguns 6 3000 18000
    Normal Mission Nodes 241 60.24481328 14519
    Normal Junctions 13 1000 13000
    The Steel Path Nodes 241 60.24481328 14519
    The Steel Path Junctions 13 1000 13000
    Railjack Intrinsics 5 15000 75000
    Drifter Intrinsics 4 15000 60000
    Sentinels 16 6000 96000
    Robotic Weapons 20 3000 60000
    Hound Weapons 3 3000 9000
    Kubrows 6 6000 36000
    Kavats 3 6000 18000
    Predasites 3 6000 18000
    Vulpaphylas 3 6000 18000
    MOAs 4 6000 24000
    Hounds 3 6000 18000
    Plexus 1 6000 6000
    Archwings 5 6000 30000
    Archguns 16 3000 48000
    Nemesis Archguns 2 4000 8000
    Archmelees 8 3000 24000
    Amps 9 3000 27000
    K-Drives 5 6000 30000
    Necramechs 2 8000 16000
    ALL POINTS TOTAL     2811038
    MAG-ONLY POINTS TOTAL     2247038
    POINTS LESS THAN MR30     -2962

    To get to MR30 you need 2,250,000, which means the available points after update 33 came up just one weapon short of reaching that threshold. Then as soon as update 34 was released, we got the Dorrclave, Zylok Prime, and Massetter Prime. So the exact date when it was possible to reach True Master while only playing as one of the starter frames would have been Wednesday October 18th, 2023. What I find particularly cool about this update is that it released 3 weapons, which means it's the same date regardless of whether or not you want to include the Prime Variant of your starter frame in your Game+ journey. (Which I did because I really wanted be a true Mag Master)

    While I would have loved to reach that goal six months ago, I just didn't have access to everything. Since then though I've been diligently acquiring weapons and am very close. I'm just 25,762 points away. I have 7 Nemesis Weapons left to get and rank up. (I've put them off to last because they're such a pain to acquire and get to max rank) Which means I have nothing between me and making history save for a little more grinding! Once I get those last weapons, I'm pretty sure I'll be the first ever "True Mag Master" and "True Starter-Frame Master." It's so close I can taste it! (Though in retrospect I wish I hadn't chosen to procrastinate on the Nemesis Weapons because they seriously are a pain)

    There's still room for "First Ever True Excalibur Master" and "First Ever True Volt Master," but I'm not sure if anyone out there is going to actually want to go through everything I've gone through. As time goes on though these titles will be less and less difficult to reach, so now is the time to claim your spot in history! I'm not sure though if it's possible to do all the missions with Excalibur and Volt. Mag is very versatile after all... Then again I did all this solo, but the MR Points don't change if you do it in a squad. So I suppose it's possible to have someone carry you to the title for the other two starter frames...

  12. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Kyuveebee Sinomega
    Every Mag in Affinity Range lowers Enemy Accuracy by 20%. Mag is immune to projectiles while in contact with any Mag's Magnetize bubble.

    This is a phonetical mnemonic of the equation for calculating magnetic force, represented by: F=qvBsinθ

    The point being made here is that Magnetic force has relationships to both speed and angle, and because Mag can manifest a magnetic interaction to even "non-magnetic" materials (no to mention energy itself), she should be able to naturally influence high velocity projectiles approaching perpendicularly to her body. With multiple Mags in one place, this should be amplified, and when strengthened with her energy-fueled magnetic field, she should be able to prevent physical damage altogether.

    In practice, this would add a new survivability option for Mag. She would have a passive 20% damage reduction that is independent of Armor, Mod, and Shield options; because it would only be getting hit 4 out of 5 times. With a 4-Mag Squad though, this would go down to only 1 of 5 shots landing. It wouldn't help with Melee units, but it would help with most of the units that pose the greatest threat to Mag.

    Also, this would produce a QoL for Mag's main ability: Magnetize. Projectiles very often hit Mag while she's standing inside her bubble, limiting the areas she can stand and her movement options. That bubble though should be her domain. She should have to worry about a stray bullet hitting her inside an area she has control over. This would simply make it so that, while standing inside hers (or another Mag's) bubble, projectiles pass right through her. (Though from a lore perspective they'd be being bent around her, but that doesn't have to be animated) This would help to compensate for the recent nerf to the Counter Pulse augment that used to keep Mag safe from projectiles.

    Finally, this would help give more use to her Magnetize (Held) ability. Right now it doesn't work very well. AoE attacks and certain statuses leak through making it useless in higher levels. (And at lower levels it's too clunky and excessive to use, so it's just useless everywhere) With this passive, Mag would only be damageable from Melee while using her #2 in Protective mode. This would also include shots from behind and from the sides, the directionality of the ability would only be for the offensive application. This could be used as a way to accumulate aggro and defend targets when she doesn't have the option of pulling an enemy into place to create a bubble around it.

    While I love the idea of making elements more relevant, swapping mods around between missions might be taxing for some players. (I thought this would apply to me but then I paid more attention and realized that I only play solo and don't mind hopping over to my Arsenal every mission)

    On that note, could we get an auto-loadout option? (WARNING: UNPOPULAR OPINION AHEAD) I'd even see it as fair to make it something I'd have to purchase with Platinum.

    How it would work:

    • Purchase a "Faction Adapter" that can be applied to an existing Loadout Slot
    • When modifying an "Adaptive Loadout" your Mod Screen will have a dropdown menu where you can select a faction for that Mod Tab
    • If the currently selected tab has no faction selected, then nothing different will happen
    • However: If you do select a faction for the currently selected Mod Tab, then your loadout will attempt to match the mission faction to an assigned Mod Tab
    • If the current mission is of a faction you did not set up in your Mod Tabs, then it will default to your currently selected tab
    • This applies to all equipment equipped in your loadout
    • Does not allow for different weapons or Warframes to be contained within a single loadout, just an adaptive set of Mod Tabs

    The conventional solution I'm sure is to just have different Loatouts for each faction, but considering the limited amount of loadout slots and the fact that many people want to build loadouts for mission type instead of faction, I don't think that's a reasonable expectation to place on the player. Having an adaptive loadout setup would give us an extra dimension contained within a singular Loadout Slot, which would in turn allow us to jump from mission to mission without having to delay the squad with equipment decisions.

    • Like 3
  14. I believe Blast should have different effects depending on how it is delivered:

    • Single Target Attacks:
      • 1-5 Stacks: Disorientation and Deafness
      • 6-10 Stacks: Shockwave emits from enemy at 1-5 meters respectively, dealing a percentage of weapon damage as Blast damage to nearby enemies
      • Additional Blast Damage keeps enemy at 10 Stacks and continues to cause shockwaves from enemy
    • AoE Attacks:
      • Blast Damage from Weapons and/or Abilities should ignore objects (i.e.: does not have any LoS restrictions)
      • Note: This doesn't give AoE to single-target weapons
      • What this would do though is that if you have an AoE weapon that would otherwise be restricted by LoS, the percentage of the attack that is Blast will go through objects and damage enemies

    Shockwaves can already permeate solid matter, so that part should make sense anyway. The status effect producing its own shockwave could be explained through the effects claimed on Tesla's oscillator. (Though I think those claims are probably bogus)

    EDIT: I realize my idea would cause two nearby enemies to create a feedback loop, but I'll note that the shockwave itself wouldn't have a status chance, so you'd have to proc multiple grouped enemies first and then they'd start a chain reaction that would continue to damage the group until the Blast stacks reduced to 5 or below. This does have the potential for devastating damage, but only after you set things up properly. 

    • Like 3
  15. 3 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:


    Magnetic really needs something to compete with Toxin, and I'd prefer not to nerf toxin.

    If you were to nerf Toxin, I'd suggest making it deal through-damage that scales with shields remaining:

    • 100% Shields remaining: Toxin Deals 100% Damage to Shields, 0% Damage to Health
    • 50% Shields remaining: Toxin Deals 50% Damage to Shields, 50% Damage to Health
    • 25% Shields remaining: Toxin Deals 25% Damage to Shields, 75% Damage to Health
    • 0% Shields remaining: Toxin Deals 0% Damage to Shields, 75% Damage to Health

    In such a setup, Magnetic would be a more effective option against fully-shielded enemies, and for enemies that regenerate shields very quickly Magnetic would probably be more convenient for its ability to stop the regeneration.

    This isn't the option I want however! I'm never a fan of pulling something down to bring something else up. Especially if it's two elements that are already not top-tier.

    BETTER OPTION would be to give Magnetic additional perks that make it a preferred option. Perhaps something like:

    • Enemies killed by Magnetic Damage have a 25% chance to drop an Energy Orb, with an additional 5% for each Magnetic Status
    • Magnetic Status increases Loot Drops by 10% per status stack
    • Enemies who have disrupted shields will explode at 10% of their max health per Magnetic Status stack at a range of 1m per stack
    • Enemies with Magnetic Status exhibit a 4m field that, when shot through, increase projectile speed and Status Chance by 10% per stack
    • Enemies with Magnetic Status attract other enemies from 1m per stack and have a 50% chance to spread 1 stack to every enemy they touch

    So essentially something that improves farming, AoE, status, or grouping would be my vote.

    • Like 6
  16. 7 minutes ago, Lord_Drod said:

    Just take a screenshot or jot it down on pen and paper, then wait a month or two and DM the person in game.  "yo" "?"  "blessing" "??"  "says here in my notes you blessed the strata 13th relay on february 18th, 9 am for credits, Thank you very much"  "but I didn't bless?" "YES YOU DID, YOU BLESSED, MY LOGS SAY OTHERWISE"  "no I was on vacation" "YOU WILL ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE"

    LOL, yes. In gratitude I should become an unhinged stalker. Next time they feel like visiting a relay to start a blessing they'll get a chill down their spine and think: "Maybe another day..."

    • Like 1
  17. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Extended Visible Spectrum
    Mag's face can see all wavelengths of the EM spectrum. When aiming, crouch to see through walls and identify various objects and enemies.

    From a programmatic point of view, this would just be a matter of turning off certain layers in the simplest case. But it would be cool to have a special "Mag Vision" that turned level contours into wireframe, show enemies as heatmaps that highlight their vulnerable areas, and show loot/interactables. From a lore point of view, I mean her entire face is an iris, right? Am I the only one that thinks that?

    This passive would be fun to play with and help especially in the early game when stealth and spatial awareness are more important. It would have some late game perks as well though for the ability to suss out weakpoints on new enemies, and find hidden caches faster in Sabotage missions.

    I'm also thinking abilities could target enemies behind walls (like Pull and Magnetize) when looking through Mag Vision. This would synergize really well with Punch Through weapons, which already work well with Mag.

  18. 8 hours ago, quxier said:

    The Indifference meet The Awkwardness. I can see interactions between those 2 interesting.

    Oh my goodness. If there was a faction called the "Awkwardness" I would just die. I imagine they'd have these missions:

    • An invitation to dinner with your two divorced parents
    • A blind date who happens to be your ex's best friend
    • A hospital waiting room that calls people by their medical condition rather than their name
    • A stranger on a subway who needs a shoulder to cry on
    • Your best friend is giving a public speech but forgot everything so you have to pantomime the talking points
    8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    too bad my trolling doesnt work

    It's the thought that counts. If I ever end up getting something from you then, as a courtesy, I'll sneer and call you an obnoxious little cricket.

    6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Let's just hope it isnt on a boat in the english channel.

    So I googled "English Channel tragedy 2024" to see what you're talking about and... let's just say my list of Awkwardness missions needs an addition...

    6 hours ago, Agall said:

    Regardless, I'll continue to AFK in a relay with my blessing fully available and not use it.

    Haha! I actually chose this username because I literally would AFK (or fall asleep) in a relay and come back to messages or invitations.

    5 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    And I've even rarely buffed for months because it hardly does any good.

    It says something when two loading screens and a walk to the nearest Blessing Altar are too much of an inconvenience for free gameplay bonuses. I wonder if that's true of all high level players. If so they might want to think about turning that up.

    • Like 1
  19. quxier! Didn't know you hang out in the Off Topic as well

    11 minutes ago, quxier said:

    If you are SOOO INTO IT you can always press F6 on PC to screenshot. It takes picture and save it in "images folder" in your system.

    I actually have thought about this. I play on Switch and that does have a screenshot button. But I've got low defense against awkwardness. (If I were a a Warframe Faction and there was a damage type called "Awkwardness" then my shields, armor, and health would ALL have triple negatives against that damage type) So the idea of direct messaging someone to say: "Hey, I saw your blessing and didn't get a chance to say thanks so... thanks..." is beyond what I can handle.

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