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Posts posted by (NSW)Probably_Asleep

  1. I love that 63% of this thread caught up discussing dieselpunk.

    The elements are an interesting choice of game design and more interesting still that they decided to push it into the lore. Here's my speculation:

    Energy density

    Matter density

    Energy arrangement

    Matter arrangement

    The core elements then are the three pieces of "information" describing something in existence:

    1. State (Matter or Energy)
    2. Scale (Volume over Mass)
    3. Shape (Contour and Topology)

    By "damaging" enemies with these elements, you are in essence adding information to their physical existence. So for example if you increase the density of their matter then they will need to work harder to move the same amount and they'd be more brittle.

    Taking this a step further...

    Dense energy within dense matter creates a linear, impactful effect

    Dense energy with high complexity creates an oscillating, destabilizing effect

    Dense energy within complex matter creates a stagnating, catalyzing effect

    Dense matter with complex energy creates a rippling, realigning effect

    Dense matter with high complexity creates a mutating, weakening effect

    Complex energy within complex matter creates a random, decaying effect

    The combination of simultaneous "information" would be called "interaction," which distributes that new information in a unique geometric pattern to produce a separate effect. If for example you increase the density of matter while increasing its complexity, then that information ripples outward and realign things along those ripples. While not very effective against flesh, it wreaks havoc on shield technology because shields are meant to stop forces coming from a certain direction (so upending their alignment confuses what direction the force is coming from and weakens the effect of the shield).

    I think in this way you could say the universe is made up of these four elements because everything in existence could be classified as different attributes of "information," and they cause observable phenomenon based on their "interaction." And realistically when you look small enough, all matter and energy is describable through its arrangement and density. One thing though that seems to be different in this universe is the law of conservation, but a lot of "magic" systems have to ignore that one.

    Finally, on the note of Void and Tau damage. Void seems like an opposite to "information." It could almost be described better as "will." A strong enough "will" can ignore information or even modify it. Tau (I speculate) is a "trick" that only sentients are capable of; not an actual element or secondary element. Sentients have conscious control over the information of their physical form, so the nature of their attacks and body can be manipulated voluntarily and constantly. This gives the impression of a unique element, but is in reality nothing more than an illusion. In the same way a movie is many still images producing an illusion of motion, a sentient is many single states changing as fast as their minds can process.

    (Obviously I'm just making this all up; I'm reasonably certain DE isn't going this hard into world building)

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Wow you know 30fartKitty_slashsixty#187 too? Small world huh, thats my dear 86 year old grandmother. Been playing since 2014, Ember and Wisp main. She loves huge juicy butts. Always made gramps hit the gym harder for that reason. 

    Though yeah the exact same thing always happens to me as well. I'll be at the Ducats stand trying to decide what I want to sell for Ducats or potentially keep to sell for Plat, but since I don't really like trading for Plat, and being lazy in general, so I'll be in my own head arguing about whether I should really be selling that rare Prime part for a Vaulted Warframe, when I do already have a full set... then someone will do a blessing, but by the time I register and try to do the thank you button, its too late... Opportunity lost... 

    Though I can also do blessings myself, so I'll usually try to do a different blessing while that person is still in the relay, so they and everyone else can get multiple blessings going.


    Hahaha! You did that username justcice...

    And I also labor over the Ducats stand. I don't even do trading! I just figure one day I might have a friend that needs that part and think: "Wouldn't I be doing a disservice to my (made up) friend by getting rid of this now? What if later we need to grind fissures for hours to get this and I say: "You know I actually had this part years ago..."


    1 minute ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    I dont want to torture your mind any further, but you realise that most people dont even read forums right? Now seriously, most blessings are cast because the person casting it needs it or because its a clan/friend thing. Only a small minority are blessings given because someone asked for it. You dont have to feel bad for not saying thank you. Especially not when you consider all the trolls (me included) who troll entire relays with shield blessing (and still get a ton of thank yous haha).

    I can't argue with that. It's just my personality to thank the person who opens the door for me even though they're actually opening it for themselves and I just happen to be right behind them.

    LOL to the shield blessing. And this entire time I thought people actually had a good reason.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    What I want to see, is a Tenet Exergis

    Same. That was the first weapon that came to my mind when I thought about what I'd like to see.

    Though if I'm being brutally honest, most Kuva/Tenet weapons have been more of a pain to get to Max Rank than they've been a joy to play. If it's not going to be a good weapon then I'd prefer for it to at least be a melee weapon. That would at least make it an easy 4000 MR points by doing stealth runs.

    On that note, I guess a Kuva Halikar or a perhaps a Kuva Sidon would be up my alley...

    • Like 2
  4. Thank you.

    Without fail every time this happens I'm inside a UI. While there, pressing the gratitude button interacts with the UI rather than the "you received a blessing" banner. So I quickly try to exit whatever UI is open within the time the banner is up with the hope that I can send a thanks before it fades away. I of course do not succeed, and I of course did not even think to memorize the name of the user that granted the blessing. (Not that I could in that amount of time, given the fact that most usernames are things like "30fartKitty_slashsixty#187") In shame I just go back to what I'm doing and feel like a jerk for not saying thank you.

    But I AM grateful! So to all you True Masters out there that have taken the time to grant blessings, know that there is at least one more 'thank you' response that just never made it out in time.

    • Like 14
  5. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Geometrical Frustration
    Mag can apply Disrupt status to enemies with Overguard. Distrupt statuses near Mag apply damage bonus to Overguard and Health.

    This would be a damage support that Mag could offer to squadmates within Affinity Range. Magnetic Procs (Disruption) would work against Overguard as if it were a shield instead. Additionally, it would behave identical to Viral when Overguard/Shields are depleted.

    I believe this would have an interesting affect on the community and perhaps segue into a new form of build discussions around squad rather than just arsenal. It would mean that as long as you had a Mag in your party then you could substitute Magnetic for Viral in your builds, which might open up more weapon and mod options. Currently Magnetic damage doesn't really do anything worth mentioning and is almost entirely obsolete next to Toxic. But rather than doing any kind of rework for Magnetic, this one passive would be strong enough that virtually no one would argue about the potential viability of Magnetic Damage. The conversation would go like:

    "Why is Magnetic Damage so terrible? Most enemies don't have shields, and the ones that do can be killed quicker with Toxic!"
    "Have you tried using it with Mag or while a teammate is using Mag?"
    "It's objectively better than Viral if you have a Mag in your team."

    And if this became successful, it would set a precedent that niche use cases are a reasonable compromise when reworks aren't feasible. In my opinion this wouldn't be especially overpowered either. For one thing, most people believe Mag is B-Tier anyway, so it's not like she's popular enough to change the landscape. Additionally though, this would only be slightly better than Viral. Shields just aren't that big of a deal even if you don't build with Magnetic or Toxic. Overguard isn't that bad when it comes to getting rid of it, the big issue it presents is just that it makes enemies CC immune, but Magnetic Procs don't have any CC effect. So all this would do would make Overguard enemies a little quicker to deal with. Finally, some enemies are specifically granted Viral immunity/resistance, so this would provide a high-damage option that behaves separately from the typical Elemental Weakness paradigm.

    As a side note, Geometrical Frustration is a condition of certain atomic structures what makes the material less stable in either a atomic or quantum sense. It normally only happens at ridiculously cool temperatures, but if there were a fantasy being capable of manifesting this effect strongly and at room temperature, then it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that biological processes and structural integrity could be compromised. I'm taking some artistic liberty here because as far as I can tell we don't actually know what would happen, but I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that forcing this effect would cause a breakdown (or at least an interference) in the electromagnetic bonds responsible for both living organisms and metallic alloys. (And besides, "Viral" working on machinery makes even less sense)

  6. I've been trying to find a screenshot of the tile and for the life of me I cannot find one. I have narrowed down that it's the new Undercroft tile added during Update 33.5: The Seven Crimes of Kullervo where it says:

    On 2023-06-21 at 6:54 AM, [DE]Megan said:


    New Undercroft Tile 
    We have added a new tile to the Undercroft for you to battle and traverse. Keen Tenno will notice an academic atmosphere as they fight the hordes of Dominus Thrax’s minions. This tile will be available in both the Circuit and while traversing the Undercroft as a main Spiral Stage and side objective (read the “New Side Objectives” section to learn more!).

    In that tile, there's a plateau in the middle that features a jogging track with hurdles and debris.

    I'd go try to get a screenshot myself, but my wife is hanging out in my office and she thinks I'm working right now. I don't want to face the judgmental looks if I break out my console and start playing in front of her.

    • Like 3
  7. I've also seen that spectral owl and wondered about it. I only ever play as Mag, so I don't think its appearance is related to the frame choice. Now and then I've followed it and jumped through the rings it left, but nothing came of it.

    Would be great fuel for an April Fool's video one of these days... like maybe someone claiming that you can get an extra decree if you make it through all the rings before the Owl disappears.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Flux Compression
    When crouched, Mag's Ability Strength doubles and her abilities can penetrate CC-Immunity.

    With recent changes being what they are, I think DE could start revitalizing CC with added mechanics. Essentially, enemies have evolved to counter a good percentage of Tenno abilities, so now it's the Tenno's turn to evolve to counter that counter.

    This would play on the principle of Explosive Magnetic Flux Compression, which is a phenomenon I recommend any nerd look up right away. In Mag's case though, it would work by "compressing" her. The closest thing I could see for that would be her crouching.

    In terms of value, I think this could make for a more engaging experience. Having a different precursor to boost power or overcome certain enemy defenses would mean the player has to be more observant and in tune with their abilities. I'm on the fence about whether sliding would count as a crouch. On the one hand I think it would be more fun to be able to exercise this ability with the fluidity of sliding, but on the other hand she's not all that compressed in that position.

  9. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Magnetic Recording
    Mag records her experiences onto her equipment, scaling with Ability Strength.

    This is another starter-frame perk that I think the early game could benefit from, though there's almost always a benefit to having affinity bonuses in every stage of the game what with new equipment and Forma installations.

    The way it works would go like this:

    • A copy of Mag's Affinity gain gets recorded onto each equipment category:
      • Category 1: Weapons (Primary, Secondary, Melee, and Atmospheric)
      • Category 2: Companions (Companion, Companion Weapon)
      • Category 3: Archwings (Archwing, Arch-Gun, Arch-Melee)
      • Category 4: Necramechs (Necramech, Necramech Arch-Gun, Necramech Exalted Weapon)
      • Category 5: Special (Parazon, Amp)
    • Affinity is distributed, so equipping less in that category will increase the gain on other members of that category
    • Scales with Ability Strength, so if for example Mag receives 100 Affinity, but has 200% Ability Strength, then 200 Affinity would be put into each category
    • If however a category only has Max Rank equipment and no Focus Lenses, then that Affinity gets recycled back into Mag as additional Ability Strength on next cast
      • Each category represents 1/5th, so each "full" category will add +20% Ability Strength to next cast
      • Only stacks once, so killing multiple enemies in a single attack or obtaining multiple Affinity Orbs doesn't build up infinite Strength boosts
      • Affinity gain must be at least 100 for recycling to take effect
      • Every slot must be equipped in a category for it to recycle

    The intent is to help ease the grind that new players have when leveling up their equipment. Some weapons are a pain to level up due to their low damage output or the unpopular mission types you have to enter to use them. This would allow even Solo players to apply affinity to low quality weapons while still playing the game content they enjoy. In addition, this would give an option for leveling equipment faster for if/when Charm gets nerfed.

    Boosting Strength would make this a viable end-game passive. Players who finish all their Focus Schools (and get all the Represent merch they want out of each school) could destroy their Focus Lenses and see boosts in Ability Strength for better combat performance. A fully leveled arsenal would grant an almost consistent +100% Ability Strength, so Mag would be a playable character that rewards progress.

  10. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Universal Vacuum is something everyone wants (everyone being 99% of the player-base; there's always that one person...). But there's one thing in the way of that: Mag's Passive. Solution? Give Mag a new Passive, and give everyone a Universal Vacuum. This thread is to propose what that passive might be. I'll mimic a pinned comment by continually updating the original post.


    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Mag begins each mission with a fully explored minimap; collecting resources enhances it.

    I've sort of been taking this thread as an opportunity to hunt around for interesting science trivia. I'd heard that animals have magnetite that gives them an internal compass, so I decided to read up a little on it. The general term for biological awareness of magnetic fields is "magnetoreception." Interestingly, we don't actually know how it works. We just have some hypotheses on how it might work. (One being magnetite, another being the behavior of EM fields, among others)

    The mechanics of how this would work would be that when you first load into a mission as Mag, every room is registered as explored. As you accumulate resources, the map gains enhancements at a logarithmic scale:

    • 1 Resource - Main Objective Rooms
      • Extraction room is indicated
      • Rooms with an Objective are indicated
    • 10 Resources - Main Objective Objects
      • Salvage objects
      • Spy/Mobile Defense Consoles
      • etc. (anything that does/will have an objective marker)
    • 100 Resources - Side Objective Rooms
      • Orokin Vaults show up on map
      • Orokin Treasure Rooms show up
      • Halls of Ascension on Lua show up
      • Isolation Vault Doors show
      • etc. (rooms with side objectives, long story short)
    • 1000 Resources - Side Objective Objects
      • Hidden Caches
      • Mocking/Scathing Whispers
      • Dormant Void Angels
      • Cephalon Melica Consoles
      • etc. (any optional objective you interact with)
    • 10000 Resources - Rarities
      • Ayatan Treasures
      • Zarium Accolades
      • Voidplumes
      • Voca
      • Syndicate Medallions
      • Rare Crates
      • Decree Fragments
      • etc. (most things that Golden Instinct would point to)
    • 100000 Resources - Sharing
      • Map filled for squad
      • Items displayed on squad maps
      • (Multiple Mags in the same squad contribute to these thresholds together)

    My justification for why this makes sense is that as Mag accumulates more materials she's able to strengthen her senses. As a starter frame, this would hopefully encourage new players to loot a lot more. I remember when I started playing I had a habit of looting every room, which turned out to be very helpful later on in the game when I had all the resources I needed to complete blueprints. But I did most of my early playing solo. From what I hear, most new players play in squads and feel pressured to keep up with the carpet bombing veterans. By making a starter frame that incentivizes looting, the hope is that it will combat that peer pressure and teach the important habit of collecting loot.

    The other reason why I think this fits is that, between the three starter frames, Mag is the closest to being a loot frame. She'll eventually get Greedy Pull and her (current) passive is vacuum. This would cement her position as the early looter option. But the current passive becomes obsolete very quickly; THIS passive would have more long term value. A common resource deposit yields an average of 225, and there's about a 1 in 5 chance for a storage container to give resources. So a 4-member squad of Mags who all have Resource Boosters would likely be able to reach the 10k resource threshold after about 28 broken crates. This would make for a relatively fast way of marking all Voidplumes and scanning a level for treasures. It would be different from the normal farming bonuses of loot increasing, as this would help with loot finding.

    And as final commentary, I'm sure some people might think "I don't want players going around collecting loot. I want them to quietly follow me and get to extraction as soon as possible." To that I would say two things. First, we need to be nice to new players, they keep Warframe alive and increase the investment DE wins from its parent company. Secondly, there are times when this passive would save time (albeit rare). If for some reason the squad really wants to get all the Hidden Caches for example (like for Nightwave), then this passive would make that a lot easier. Also if you're ready to leave but suddenly the new guy does reach 10k resources and tells the squad that there's an Ayatan Sculpture or Rare Storage Container, I don't think anyone would mind (and the new guy would probably feel really happy to have contributed).

  11. Okay it's time to make it to 1000 lines! I'm 58k MR Points away from MR30, and when looking at the weapons I can get to (excluding Vaulted), I can get another 55k points. Considering though that two of those weapons are the Vandal weapons from ESO, and three of those weapons will have to wait until Baro Ki'Teer's TennoCon Relay, I think by the time I get those weapons in my inventory there will be more weapons released they push me over the threshold and let me actually get to MR30. So despite the fact that it was mathematically possible summer of last year, this is the first time where it's actually felt practically possible for my account.

    I've also been paying attention to the flow of Warframe lore reveals, and some of my speculative Lotus Lines have been debunked over time. One example I can think of off hand was a line about Archons. I had made a line talking about the supposed plot hole: Warframes were made to combat Sentients, so how would Sentients have Warframe bodies in Tau? At the time it wasn't clear that Archons were originally just their beast form and later got combined into Warframe bodies. That was revealed through the dialog in Archon Hunts. So I think I need to bring all the Lotus Lines into a master list and then retire/replace the obsoleted ones. While I can credit some inaccuracies to Lotus just not being omniscient, there are some cases where that just wouldn't fly (the Archons theory being one of them; Lotus knew them personally in Tau after all)

    With that said, I think it's finally time to complete this list and start thinking about the next chapter in this effort to make Lotus an interactable NPC. Here they are! Lotus Lines 991-1000:

    • "I can't believe whoever locked that Waverider Graphica! Expecting children to kill people? Who would do that!?" ... "Why are you looking at me that way?"
    • "More and more you're getting involved in adventures with other support teams. It feels kind of lonely not getting to spot for you during your adventures. But the success of a mother is shown by the independence of her child; I'm proud of you for making friends."
    • "Female Sentients consume resources to become spacefaring vessels, but the kinds of resource they consume determine the quality and capabilities of the vessel. My mother had access to the finest Orokin materials, but the newer generation of Murex are just pathetic 'Debris Downers.'"
    • "I wish I had a cool rhyme like 'The Kicker for Ticker!' But what rhymes with 'Lotus?' 'Bloat us?' Hmm... 'Bloat us for Lotus?' No, that's terrible... You win this round, Ticker."
    • "It's well known that the Void has no rules, but doesn't that sound like a rule? This paradox forms a 'heartbeat' of sorts. Expectations get subverted until subversion is expected, and this cycle has a melody that entrances the Angels."
    • *Sigh* ... "Hunhow tried setting me up with some 'Sentient prospects' the other day. I said: 'The Sentients are classified as an ENEMY FACTION! Why would I date one?' And he was like: 'Because you are nearing your prime and you still are single.' So roared and then hung up... then cried. Family sucks."
    • "Have you ever wondered what your Warframe looked like before it became a Warframe? In the Orokin Era, people weren't as adapted to harsh environments like they are today. A society in which survival is a given tends to become more vain with every generation."
    • "You've made it to True Master! My Tenno, my child, you've really grown up. It seems like just yesterday I was telling you that your new mission is 'one of your own making.' Now look at you! I'm so proud of you."
    • "Do you think I was a good mother? I never knew what a 'good mother' looks like. I only knew that a child should feel loved, safe, and free to grow. I hope you felt that."
    • "I've maxed out my Supporter Level thanks to you! Now I can actually say we're literally a 'perfect team!' Check your inbox for special gift I put together to express my appreciation."
  12. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Universal Vacuum is something everyone wants (everyone being 99% of the playerbase; there's always that one person...). But there's one thing in the way of that: Mag's Passive. Solution? Give Mag a new Passive, and give everyone a Universal Vacuum. This thread is to propose what that passive might be. I'll mimic a pinned comment by continually updating the original post.


    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Stable Field
    Mag is immune to all attacks and effects that drain energy or disable abilities.

    After solo'ing Elite Archimedea with Mag (Prime) with all study points active, I've realized how unfair it is to apply handicaps that disable Mag's abilities. Mag is a caster frame. Her fighting style, survival strategy, and mission versatility all hinge on how she applies her carefully balanced abilities. Making a Mag build that doesn't rely on her abilities is possible, but it takes the fun out of things.

    That's where this passive suggestion comes in. Mag should be able to ignore mission handicaps and enemy debuffs that prevent her from being Mag:

    • Magnetic attacks, as well as attacks from Energy Leech Eximus, Parasitic Eximus, and Ancient Disruptor will still apply damage but no reduce energy.
    • Nullifier Crewmen will still block Ability Effects to those inside their bubble, but they won't disable or block Ability Activation from Mag when she's inside.
    • Individual Parameters in Deep Archimedea like Powerless, Concussive Drain, and Energy Exhaustion can be selected but will not have any effect on her.
    • Risk Variables (currently only including Vampyric Liminus) damage health, but will not drain energy.
    • Netracells with the Exhaustion Keyglyph Effect can be selected, but will have no effect.
    • The Fragmented One's attacks do not disable Mag's abilities.
    • Sorties with the Energy Reduction condition still reduce Mag's maximum energy, but do not inhibit energy regeneration.
    • Nightmare Missions with the Energy Drain modifier do not drain Mag's energy.
    • (There may be other effects out there, but these are all the ones I can list off the top of my head and I'm sure you get the idea by now)

    I do not believe this will be an unfair advantage for Mag. Lavos indirectly has most of these advantages due to his Special Casting passive. That, and there are other interactions unrelated to energy but still similar such as Inaros/Nidus being completely unaffected by the "Lethargic Shields" and "Exposure Curse" Individual Parameters in Deep Archimedea. Basically, some game mechanics just don't apply to same frames, and this passive would promote Mag to be another of those frames.

    In addition to her being comparable to existing frames though, Mag already requires a lot of energy to use. Out of the box at full energy she only has 1 cast of her four, 2 casts of her three, 3 casts or her two, OR 7 casts of her one. You need to invest a lot in her to make her a true caster, and for most players that means Platinum purchases to DE to get Forma, an Orokin Reactor, Focus Lenses, and Arcanes/Mods from Trading. And a lot of all this happens early on before players learn to get these things without spending money.

    As a final note, this would also fit well with Mag's "Starter Frame" status. Many of the above disadvantages appear early in the game, and Mag is available either on day 1, or as an easy-to-farm character from Phobos (an early planet). It should mean that players will always have at least one option to combat ability related challenges. I would also hope the mere presence of that would discourage the philosophy of: "to make things challenging, we're going to disable core features of Warframe" in future developments.

    • Like 1
  13. hXlSJN1k_o.jpg

    Description: Kuva Lich with a name consisting of two actual words in the English Language
    Taken: 4/4/2024
    Odds: I can't even begin to calculate this. "Egg" seems to be a somewhat common last name, but the algorithm is not publicly available. I'm a Programmer though, so having a Lich named "Code Egg" four days after an Egg-themed holiday is very ironic.

    • Like 2
  14. 018kb7q0_o.jpg

    Description: Two of the same mission type in a single Sortie
    Taken: 10/30/2023
    Odds: Possibly 7.69%, but given that it's a Void Sortie there could be mission types excluded from the drawing

  15. I've been playing for over two years now and that's been enough time to see some statistically rare sights. I thought it would be cool to have a place to show these anomalies. In the universal internet rule of: "Pics or it didn't happen!" I'll submit these as screenshots that I managed to capture during these moments, starting with this one:


    Description: Amber and Cyan Ayatan Stars found in adjacent crates
    Taken: 11/9/2022
    Odds: No idea (can't find any drop rate data on Ayatan Stars)

  16. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Universal Vacuum is something everyone wants (everyone being 99% of the player-base; there's always that one person...). But there's one thing in the way of that: Mag's Passive. Solution? Give Mag a new Passive, and give everyone a Universal Vacuum. This thread is to propose what that passive might be. I'll mimic a pinned comment by continually updating the original post.


    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Lorentz Reinforcement
    Every enemy killed with Magnetic damage while Sliding increases Ability Range by 1%.

    There's almost always good things for Mag the more Ability Range you give her. As such, having a passive that can build that stat would strongly enhance her kit. This also is a nod to one of Nightwave's challenges, which is something new players will will want to get used to doing.

    The only thing I can think of where range isn't good for Mag is when Nullifiers are around. The Void Relic reward that doubles range can make Mag's death bubble enormous, but it gets popped frequently due to those insufferable Nullifiers. But I think that's an uncommon enough problem that no one will mind, and having the stack only grow with Magnetic Slide Kills makes it very easy to not grow this stat on missions where it's a problem.

    I guess another use for low-range Mag would be her #4 bug. She can permanently cripple enemies if they fail to finish the Crush animation, which is relatively easy to achieve with a low range build and Aero Vantage. You just bullet jump over enemies and use your 4 while gliding. This bug is really nice for things like Duviri Circuit Defense on solo runs, because you can cripple the last enemy to prevent the next wave from happening, and go look for Decree Fragments at your leisure. You can also potentially cripple the enemy cap and make a mission enemy-free, but there's not much use for that considering the kill economy is a large part of completing most missions. With all that said though, it is a bug so I of course don't think it should be considered in what passive Mag should receive.

    Preferably, there wouldn't be a cap to this. If you manage to kill 10,000 enemies with Magnetic Slide attacks, then why shouldn't you reap the rewards of your hard work? I mean, sure, that would give you +400m Radius for her Death Bubble, making it able to damage and CC all enemies in the level simultaneously and break every crate everywhere when it pops. But I've looked into this a little, and I don't think it would be a problem. Based on reviewing long solo survival runs from various content creators, I got... nothing. The Stats page after missions makes no sense. In one video I saw someone run more than 20 hours solo and it said they got more "Melee Kills" than they did "Total Kills." But I'm generally seeing 30 KPM as a normal benchmark for endurance runs, about 1 every 2 seconds. If we use that as the standard, and we consider 50m Radius to be a "room nuke" range, then you'd need to kill 1,150 enemies, which would take about 38 minutes. Considering there are other frames that can nuke a room in less than 1 minute of prep time, I don't think anyone is going to seriously complain about this build being OP.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Vazumongr said:

    I just skimmed through this thread but I don't think anyone pointed out the worst part of Mag's passive. It doesn't work. It's supposed to pull pickups to her, but it doesn't. It's been broken for a long time :P

    I've noticed this too. It was especially frustrating when companions could die because vacuum would go out and I'd be thinking: "I'm in the one frame that shouldn't be seeing this happen."

    15 minutes ago, Vazumongr said:

    Mirage's Sleight of Hand turns lockers into booby traps that do True damage equal to the max health of the enemy that interacts with it. Instakills anything that touches the locker :P

    Oh really!? I tried doing a Wiki search for lockers but couldn't find anything. That's pretty cool! (Although it seems like it would be difficult to use in practice; do the enemies at least want to go touch the lockers?)

    I wouldn't want Mag's new passive to interfere with Mirage's though; it would stink if squad members started arguing over who gets to open lockers. I'd be okay with Mag's effect triggering from just touching an open locker. Then it doesn't matter who opens it and both could potentially benefit.

  18. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Universal Vacuum is something everyone wants (everyone being 99% of the playerbase; there's always that one person...). But there's one thing in the way of that: Mag's Passive. Solution? Give Mag a new Passive, and give everyone a Universal Vacuum. This thread is to propose what that passive might be. I'll mimic a pinned comment by continually updating the original post.


    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Faraday Break
    Opening Lockers releases a pulse that unlocks locked lockers, breaks containers, and increases Shield Capacity by 100 within Affinity Range.💬

    We don't really have many mechanics around Lockers, do we? (I can't think of any aside from Mods that open locked lockers, but I may be wrong) So I thought it could be interesting to have a passive that encourages opening lockers. This would work well with Mag's Shield-centric survival strategy, and give her a way to support the squad somewhat. While probably more of an early game ritual (which fits), the team could follow Mag to hunt for lockers near the start of a mission. 11 lockers could even get teammates with Grendel to max Shield Gate capacity without Mods.

    Shields still aren't that great in End Game content so I wouldn't see this being used much later on, but I do think there would still be some niche uses. For instance, using Parasitic Armor could get to over 99% damage reduction if you Mod a certain way and have a high enough shield capacity (by my math, 100 lockers could get you over the threshold if you've got 300% Ability Strength). And if you had a max Arcane Aegis, you only need 627 Shield Capacity for the regen to balance out with Shield Gating. Also for normal Star Chart missions, Equipping Fast DeflectionVigilante Vigor, and Fortitude would make you practically invincible at high shield capacity. As long as they only hit you at or below 4 times per second, then every locker would be an extra 70 DPS the enemy would need to reach to do more damage than what your shields can recover. Combined with Adaptation, 100 lockers would even handle a lot of the Steel Path. (Although who's actually going to go around looking for 100 lockers?)

    The crate breaking pulse would make looting easier because you wouldn't need to worry about what equipment/companion you had with you. Just focus on the lockers in a room and the crates would open as well. And as a final note, unlocking locked lockers seems only fair given how useful an extra locker would be for Mag in this case. I know Master Thief comes at a really high Mod Capacity cost for only a 40% chance of success, but I think that's a relic of a bygone era. It was introduced in May of 2013 after all; I don't think lockers have the same significance as they did 11 years ago.

  19. 35 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

    And what about players who, for whatever reason(s), don't want to participate in cross-save? No community for them?

    I've been having this forum access issue for months now. Every time I contact support it takes them weeks to respond and 2 seconds to fix it. Lather, rinse, repeat. But the biggest problem is that I feel like I'm being pressured by a gaming company into doing something I am just not comfortable with. I'm almost to the point that any thought I had of signing up for cross-save in the future is about gone. Hard push is always gonna be a hard pass for me.

    I have 100% sympathy for what you're feeling. Our accounts are more than just data; they're the proof of our adventures. So it feels personal to have a corporate entity tarnish it in any way.

    This is purely a "take it or leave it" point of view, but I actually think you should consider doing it. I can tell you that I'm never going to use my new PC Account for anything. I like playing on my Switch! I've got four docking stations around my home, and a hammock under a mounted flat screen. Why would I bother with a PC where I have to sit on a office-chair when I could instead multitask by sitting on a toilet!? Madness! So I don't even have it downloaded. I only logged into my PC account once for less than five minutes just to link to my Switch account and declare it the primary account. It was a horrifying 5 minutes of worrying I'd lose over 2000 hours of my life, but now that it's over I'll never have to worry about it again. So that's my first reason; it's a throwaway concession in my opinion. I can even log on to Forums again using my Switch credentials.

    Secondly, I think they accidentally reset my forum account and purged my support account. That's what worries me. They're working on something, and account data is being affected. As a professional programmer myself, I can say that data migrations are nightmares. Even a properly set up database with replication and snapshots can fall prey to an inattentive developer. So I think now's a pretty good time to get our accounts set up to be as "normal" as possible. If they do something that deletes 99% of their data, everyone will get called in until it gets fixed. But if they do something that only deletes 1% of their data, then they'll simply apologize for it. Being in the 1% group is generally more dangerous.

    That's my two cents anyway. I think it's a small 5-minute compromise that might end up preventing my account from getting accidentally disappeared. I could be overthinking it, but I wouldn't want the proof of your Warframe adventure harmed in any way.

  20. On 2023-02-23 at 12:13 PM, Probably_Asleep said:

    Universal Vacuum is something everyone wants (everyone being 99% of the playerbase; there's always that one person...). But there's one thing in the way of that: Mag's Passive. Solution? Give Mag a new Passive, and give everyone a Universal Vacuum. This thread is to propose what that passive might be. I'll mimic a pinned comment by continually updating the original post.


    Today's Featured Passive Replacement for Mag:
    Mag's state lags behind environment by a few seconds, making it so that status effects do not start affecting Mag until 2 seconds into their duration.💬

    This would give Mag more passive survivability as well as fit her magnetic themed kit. The way it would work would be that for the first two seconds of a debuff, the icon is gray and no effects take place. After those two seconds, the effect kicks in and the icon regains its color for the remainder of the duration.

    It would sync well with Mag's shield-centric defense style, because it would be possible to build for shield recharge delay reduction and make Mag highly resistant to DoT status types. It would also give Mag a moment to respond to attacks that might otherwise be a one-two punch (like a heavy attack that clear's the shields and would deal slash damage a second later; Mag would have time to use her #3 or #4 and regain shields before the slash does damage to her health).

    The most affected statuses would be Magnetic and Radiation, which would effectively have their duration's cut in half. This fits well logically because Mag should be completely immune to Magnetic anyway, and magnetism is a shield against radiation for the home we call Earth.

    You might also realize that this would synergize with Rapid Resilience to grant Mag full status immunity, but I'll argue that it isn't going to be a game breaking advantage for Mag. Using up a Mod Slot for status immunity isn't always worth it. Direct weapon damage is far more likely to kill you than DoT attacks, and there are only niche circumstances like Sorties and Magnetic Doorways where this would be particularly useful. Running something like Adaptation instead would both reduce the DoT and the base weapon damage that caused the status. It would be different if players could get "stacks" of statuses like we deal to enemies, but only one Debuff stack is present at any given time on a Warframe, making it a lot less of a threat than the hundreds of bullets flying at you constantly.

  21. Last week I tried logging onto the forums and I was not allowed. It kept giving me a prompt to "finish" setting up a new profile. I didn't want to go through with the prompt because I didn't want to risk losing my Forum access or history, so I filed a support ticket. The ticket never got a response, BUT I got a clue on the main website. Warframe.com started showing me a popup pushing me to link my accounts for Cross-Save.

    It was terrifying to link accounts because I don't have a PC account, and my Switch account has 2299 hours of play time. But I also really wanted to get back onto the forums, so I decided to read all the FAQ's and very carefully go through the linking process. I created a new PC account, and then linked my Switch account, being absolutely sure to choose my Switch account as the primary. (I was happy to see the UI actually show your play time and Platinum on each account when choosing a primary)

    And it worked! As soon as I linked accounts, I was able to log back into the forums. I also double-checked that I had not destroyed my Switch account.

    A truly terrifying process with some very high stakes, but it's over now and I don't see any residual effects.


    SO: If you're like me and you're Googling why you can't get into the Forums all of a sudden (and you don't want to risk losing all of your forum history so you're not following the prompts standing between you and login), then I hope Google has led you here to this post. Go to Warframe.com and see if it's recommending that you link accounts, and then carefully do just that.


    PS - There was one think that got lost from this process: My Support Tickets. I've filed I think 4 or 5 support tickets over the years, and they've all been erased (including the one about this issue) after I did the account link. So if you have any data in Warframe Support that you don't want to lose, back that up before linking accounts.

  22. On 2024-03-22 at 9:54 AM, AsffluffyZ said:

    The prongs don't exist on all mag skins

    Good callout! I've thought about that, believe it or not.

    But the way I see it, Mag canonically has the bidents, so if those skins look a little weird then that's the designer sacrificing tradition for artistic vision. Mag's two most iconic features are the domed face-shield, and the bidents running parallel to the coils up the forearm. (Third-place would obviously go to the torturously-tight jumpsuit)

    With Aoi's reveal, the bidents/coils became even more significant because her face-shield had to go (although her little teal-bangs are probably meant to pay homage to it, and I'd be disappointed if she doesn't wear a motorcycle helmet at some point). Her tight jumpsuit has been abandoned in the new look, and true to my earlier theories it's evident that her body would like to be far more buxom than her classic outfit will allow.

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