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Posts posted by Suuns

  1. Greetings Tenno,

    I need a little clearification about prime access,

    Now that loki prime access is over, is it still acquirable via mission rewards?

    How about new prime? Shall we be able to farm it or w8 till some point and then it will be implemented in reward system?

    Sorry I am a new player and don't know much, but I can say that the game itself is 10/10.

  2. Greetings Tenno

    I'm a New player and enjoy this game very much 10/10.

    So I want to know more about warframes tbh everything about them.

    I need a little Help with classification, if any pro could help that would be awesome.

    Classification like this:




    (I may be wrong on above warframes but thats what I've read about them.)

    So if any kind soul will continue this list i would be grateful.

    oh and also please tell me your opinion about all the warframes like:

    "which is better tank rhino or frost and why"

    "which is better dps .... or ... and why" etc etc


    Thanks in advance

  3. I tried this game back in OBT and Chose Excalibur class 

    now when i Returned tutorial asked me to choose class again and i chose Volt.

    After tutorial I was Excalibur again. Tried to relog but it didn't help. Created New account and 

    chose Volt again and same happened. Is this some sort of bug or part of the game? (which i doubt)

    I want to play Volt 


    PS. you can also advice me which class to play as a starter which is best to me it is Volt but as you see having problems with it ^^ oh and also is there any way to delete character? I cant see any options.


    Thanks in advance

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