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Posts posted by Impact6

  1. So I have blocking with melee weapons set to toggle in the options menu, and whenever I stand idle for 1 minute with blocking on, it toggles off and I can't block again unless I walk around and spam all buttons for about 10 seconds. It's like it pretends my stamina has been drained, yet my stamina bar is full. 


    The only mod affecting stamina I have installed is Marathon.


    I do not know for sure if this is a bug, because it could be a way for afk people to get killed. Then again, it would not be so effective because their stamina would drop anyway.





  2. This is my first post ever, so I hope I'm not breaking any rules here and post in the right section, if I do I'm sorry.


    I have had lots of fun playing Warframe, but I'm often struggling to communicate with my friends when I want to give away positions really fast. Out of automatism it has occured that I screamed 'many enemies to the North' , but then none of my friends had any idea of what I was talking about. I think these directions (North, East, South, West (or something in that direction)) would be really useful on the the rotating minimap. 


    We've tried locking the minimap in place, but that is just really annoying and much less appealing than the rotating minimap. 







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