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  1. Same as KitMeHarder, I just tried it, took vauban with preparation, 60%efficiency and maxed range. Drop a vortex among some enemies, then take the canister and throw at the ball of enemies. Use an AoE / multitarget weapon, like atomos, tenet envoy, glaive - I had kuva bramma and run out of ammo pretty fast, my secondary was atomos which save me. With that setup I did it in 5 canister, one of which I wasted by not getting to it in time.
  2. Thank you all for the answers. I just tested it and 16Bitman is right, the iso bounty you just did is not available for choosing. Hexerins answer is the most complete so I'm marking it as the solution.
  3. Hi all, So I started finally grinding necraloid. And due to this I have a question - is there some place where you can start a tier 3 iso vault from with the open world? So that I dont have to go through loading twice for each run. I found tier 1 and tier 2 iso vaults being given out by mother within the open world but not tier 3 sadly.
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