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Everything posted by KovakAizek

  1. Wrong. It was a rushed rework idea due to original state of Limbo being “regular shooter, but now you have to single out each enemy with no apparent upside”. Transferring Surge to random unrifted enemy too. That’s why I proposed at least make Surge detonate on “hold 1”, no matter the dimension of Surged enemy. Your second point just contradicts first one. If you want to lock the map, you still can do it with “hold 1-3”. You answered your own question, mate. If you want enemies to move-get them out of the Rift. If you turn off Stasis while enemies is in the Rift with you, you doing something wrong. I read “engaging” and see this as absolute win. Along with Hydroid, who lost the puddle, but got nice gameplay loop that doesn’t consists on staying in one place and suffocating enemies by dozens with Pull and Unairu.
  2. You know that one warframe that has exclusively one ability, and three sub-abilities, enabling the first? THE CC frame that has nothing else without augments? The support warframe that is known so much it’s widely encouraged to leave the mission at the sight of him? Warframe who is gutted three consecutive years if not more? At this point, as Limbo player, I’ll take the opportunity to have a kit that will target those enemies that specifically counter him. Or something that is NOT three abilities to prime enemies with unique status and ONE ability to actually do something to them. What follows is unstructured flow of separate ideas. 1. Change damage types of his abilities to Void(or buff weapons with t, while in the rift), or make Rift/Stasis deteriorate Overguard. 2. Make Rift Surge perform radial banish on enemy kill, or let “unbanish” hold function explode Surged enemies outside of the Rift. As it goes now, your only “damage” build relies on ability that takes control of who is surged and where out of your hands. 3. Stop… Cataclysm… shrinking. It doesn’t make sense and confused teammates and you yourself, due to enemies constantly moving and freezing. If anything, let it grow up, until it goes unstable and explodes. Maybe debuffing enemy, since Limbo is anybody BUT the damage dealer. 4. Revolutionary idea. Make Stasis basekit. There is no point in time when you want enemies be in the rift and not frozen. AND it frees up the slot for something useful. 5. Really, Limbo is the master of the Rift, either Rift or Limbo could do much more with its functionality. Turn off Eximus abilities, redirect bullets from you to other enemies(aka Octavia mallet), make Limbo have regenerative Overguard in the Rift, since you like Overguard so much, open enemies to finishers during Stasis, to at the very least enable some other gameplay than shooting gallery. Just in case, I’ll say it again-it was just flow of different, separate ideas in my mind. As the matter of fact, there is a lot of other suggestions, covering usability, team-friendly interactions, and quality of life features, like making Banish slow-moving portal.
  3. I mean, hard-CC with hardly one ability, constantly disrupting other players, and now we have a ton of enemies ignoring his full kit. Will there be something going for him? Now, even work-around CC helminthed abilities do not work.
  4. Limbo sure needs something. Loot gain isn't that something. Sorry, mate.
  5. Or... Static Cataclysm(not shrinking), making Surged enemies radial banish on kill, instead of transferring it to a random Unrifted enemy you have no control over, Make Stasis basekit, since you don't want enemies in rift and unfrozen, and fill the blank with something more useful to getting rid of enemies. Or changing Stasis to something like Resonator. Make bullets redirect from tophat into enemies.
  6. Me, being Limbo for the last two years, seeing my favourite frame getting gutted with each update, looking at Revenant, "golden child" that got invulnerability on his Mesmer Skin AND augment for it, complains at me for simply existing: Rude, mate.
  7. To be honest, I fail to see why Stasis wouldn't become either scrapped in a place for less "game halting" ability, OR basekit, since ther is no world where you want enemies in the rift with you and not frozen.
  8. Mate, really cool ideas and solid arguments. Love more interaction with Limbo, abilities that are not just “push things in rift” and “halt the game”, and really looking forward to see something like this(or anything, really) implemented!
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