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Posts posted by tehgreg

  1. Pretty rage inducing stuff anyway. At least the sandanas and frame skins were common skins when they dropped but platform exclusivity is just anti consumer. Work should be done on stuff all platforms can get instead of treating brand loyalty snowflakes with covetous objects.


    PS4 and XB1 are getting exclusive skins every now and then while PC hasn't got anything exclusive in a long time. It really pisses me off.

  2. Will we ever get some actual end-game content in Warframe?


    At the moment, all of the updates focus either on visuals or small enhancements to gameplay.


    Don't get me wrong - I am definitely looking forward to seeing all this new stuff but let's face the facts: it's not something that will keep players entertained for too long.


    New Valkyr skin, new trading UI, PBR updates, a whole 2 new mods, Earth spy vaults, Catbrows, Excalibur rework - sounds nice on paper but in terms of gameplay hours it's not going to be something that lasts for long.


    What happened to focus system?

  3. I think that Void Trader should stay for longer periods of time so that more people would be able to purchase his goods.


    Summer is coming and more and more people are not going to be able to log in during the weekend because of either being out, getting drunk or just doing whatever stuff they do outside.


    I really care about Warframe and getting all the stuff but I also don't want to miss out on my other activities that are available during this time of the year.


    My suggestion is this: DE could you please extend the Trader by one day (till Monday)? It would definitely allow more people to access the Trader without sacrificing their precious free time during the weekend.

  4. Unfortunately I don't share the same views as you on this subject.


    I actually think the opposite - conclave is an utter waste of space, time and effort on the part of the people developing this game. DE may have good faith and intentions for this game mode but they will never be able to make it cheese-free with all the mods and weapons we have.


    Let's face it - DE has no idea how to play their own game and it is proven by how broken PvP is. You can try to get some skill shots with a bow but in the end you will be killed by a player spamming abilities or spraying their boltor prime / shotgun. The only way to make conclave fair for everyone would be to allow only Excaliburs, remove powers and give everyone a MK-1 Braton.


    It saddens me that past few updates and hotixes mostly focused on changes to Conclave while there is nothing being added to the actual game.


    As a rank 19, with all frames formaed 3-5 times and about 35 weapons formaed 3-6 times + companions, all 6 syndicates' items (including sigils, mods, weapons, syandanas), all Symaris items I have absolutely nothing to do anymore.


    PvP has potential for infinite replayability but it is incredibly boring, unfair and grindy. According to my calculations I would need about 800,000 reputation points to acquire all Conclave mods and sigils - with an average 1700 points per match which lasts 10 minutes I would have to play 3 days non-stop to get all the mods.




    inb4 git gud, get skill








    I think such scores are enough to indicate that I am not complaining because I am bad at PvP but I actually have something to say about this. I know it is too late for DE to turn back and abandon this but I can only wish and hope that PvP will never become DE's main focus of the game :(

  5. Of course, Le Grineer have more actual windows that can hold against our Arrows/Bullets/Plasma/Power/Eletricity/Nails, which makes me wonder why the Corpus dont use the same material.


    Because they are nice and know that we need more things to spice up the gameplay.


    This applies to any future question you might have regarding Warframe. If something doesn't make sense to you (Corpus not using armies of nullifiers to stop the Tenno; Grinner not using armies consisting of Bombards, Napalms and Maniacs; Lotus dropping you into a trap [aka. survival missions "I expected you might die of oxygen starvation so I prepared these oxygen tanks just for this occasion]) it is all because this is just a game and things are not supposed to make sense so that players get some diversity in gameplay mechanics.

  6. The only real problem is that there are no negative personal penalties for inconsistent behavior and morally dubious actions.


    No, people aren't taking it seriously enough. If you want rewards, just go play any other game. If you actually want to have a game setting which changes organically, then take it more seriously. Remember when we let the relays get blown up? That was stupid.


    So the relays were destroyed and what happened? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


    Even if we had "let" all the relays be destroyed DE would have found a way to magically save them - they don't want their hard work on adding something to the game go to waste.


    People on these forums are taking this event too seriously and they think that anything will change after it ends. Do you want to know what happens after the event ends? NOTHING. People get their new shiny weapon, some people will get gold fusion cores and some will get a lot of credits.


    Event Weapon –Fully support Nef Anyo or Alad V in at least 4 regional battles

    o   DERA VANDAL: A customized version of the Dera, featuring a metallic finish and Lotus decal. (If Nef Anyo is victorious at the end of the Event.)

    o   KARAK WRAITH: A different take on the Grineer assault rifle, the Karak Wraith features unique styling. (If Alad V is victorious at the end of the Event.)


    So even if I support Alad but Nef wins will I still get Dera Vandal?

  8. so they'll be standardized alert missions. what's the problem with that?

    as long as the rewards are similar to compensate, I don't see any problem with this.


    So you don't see a problem in game dropping you into a capture mission when you want to do a survival mission? (just an example) With terrible luck you might never be able to play a defense mission just becuase RNG decides so.

  9. New Starchart

    • Hoping to appear in U17

    • 300 nodes are being condensed to 20 nodes

    • There may be time-based instances, such as Vor appearing temporarily, dropping different things each time

    • Similar to Alerts, but hopefully not something that punishes players for sleeping

    There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall

    • Re-viewing player made quests again and designing the starchart so that these will be able to fit into it; hopefully this will be the answer to players that resent the removal of choice


    This is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. WHY would you want to limit players' choice to such an extent? I would understand reducing the number of nodes so that each planet has only one mission type so there wouldn't be multiple instances of the same missions on one planet. Since all planets will most likely get different and unique looks eventually this would make sense and it wouldn't isolate so many players trying to clear the star chart.


    Randomly dropping into a random mission on a random planet should be a feature for those who just wish to have a random challenge and not a mandatory dice roll for those who wish to play a defence mission on Jupiter or a mobile defense on Kappa.


    I know it's too early to start complaining since we know so little but I want to throw it out there for DE to see - limiting player choice so much is not going to work well in your favour.

  10. Many things are about to get the 2.0 treatment but are there any new 1.0 systems planned to be added into the game?


    MR19 guys like me have nothing to do and messing around with new bosses or parkour moves is not going to last longer than just few hours (at best).

  11. how dare we have to actually move in game! The AFK system is in place specifically for reasons like this.


    Then DE should remove all abilities that promote players to stand in one place for longer than two seconds.


    Want to chill in Frost's snowglobe? Nope.

    Want to protect the pod inside Limbo's catalclysm? Nope.

    Have to stand in one place and desecrate the room with Nekros for life support to keep your team alive? Nope.

    Get aggro with Nyx's Absorb? Nope.

    Provide team with energy and shields so they can kill more stuff? Nope.

    Put down a carpet with Oberon so your teammates get its buff? Nope.

    Defend an interception point by drowning all your enemies in a puddle?(Hydroid) Nope.

    Camp behind Volt's Shield while Mag pulls all pickups behind it? Nope.

    Prevent anything to come closer to the objective with Banshee? Nope.




    AFK timer makes NO SENSE when DE provided us with so many tools that allow us to stand in one place and do our jobs more efficiently that running around like madmen getting ourselves killed and messing the spawns.

  12. Could we please have different tabs for sigils menu? Once you start collecting them and all of them are mixed in one place it's hard to find the one you are looking for.


    Categories could go like this:


    Steel Meridian/Arbiters of Hexis/Cephalon Suda/Perrin Sequence/Red Veil/New Loka/Boss Sigils/Event Sigils/Assassin Sigils/Misc Sigils




  13. It was possible to place multiple shields in one place allowing you to multiply the damage several times - shooting through many shields at once would deal massive amounts of damage.


    Evidence is that I just ran few missions and I noticed that it doesn't work anymore. Especially with bosses like Alad or Lephantis. Placing like 20 shields would instakill them - now it does normal damage.

  14. Currently, I am affiliated with Steel Meridian, Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis. I want to switch to Red Veil, New Loka and Perrin Sequence because I want to get all the sigils and mods.


    The question is: if I ever decide to go back to Meridian/Suda/Hexils will I have to pay the sacrifices again? (catalysts and all these expensive prime parts)

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