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  1. Look. I understand Dante was a bit too strong out of the gate. But line of sight is fundamentally a really bad feeling mechanic. If you want to nerf his 4, remove the line of sight check and put in a cone, like what his 3 already does. This would both be synergistic with his 3 and also a visual indicator such as "i used my 3, i can see the enemies i hit, so if i cast my 4 now it will hit those same enemies." Many abilities already work like this so you wouldn't even need to reinvent the wheel either. As it is, even after the "fix", the line of sight continues to be in an extremely bad place and i really wish it were just a cone like his 3 is without the line of sight check. Thanks. -Vol
  2. Look. I understand he was a bit too strong out of the gate. But line of sight is fundamentally a really bad feeling mechanic. If you want to nerf his 4, remove the line of sight check and put in a cone, like what his 3 already does. This would both be synergistic with his 3 and also a visual indicator such as "i used my 3, i can see the enemies i hit, so if i cast my 4 now it will hit those same enemies." Many abilities already work like this so you wouldn't even need to reinvent the wheel either. As it is, even after the "fix", the line of sight continues to be in an extremely bad place and i really wish it were just a cone like his 3 is without the line of sight check. Thanks. -Vol
  3. Look. I understand he was a bit too strong out of the gate. But line of sight is fundamentally a really bad feeling mechanic. If you want to nerf his 4, remove the line of sight check and put in a cone, like what his 3 already does. This would both be synergistic with his 3 and also a visual indicator such as "i used my 3, i can see the enemies i hit, so if i cast my 4 now it will hit those same enemies. As it is, even after the "fix", the line of sight continues to be in an extremely bad place and i really wish it were just a cone like his 3 is without the line of sight check. Thanks. -Vol
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