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  1. I joined a Railjack Void Storm mission that was currently in progress, but hadn't completed any objectives yet. I personally went into an Ice Mine and hacked the console, saw the "unidentified" reward pop-up. We went through the mission as normal, got all my reactant, finished the mission. The relic choices popped up at the end like normal and I was able to select one, but afterwards the "Mission Complete" never happened. None of the normal bonus rewards popped up on screen either. The host then initiated a Dry Dock vote, we voted to go, and then a "Mission Complete" screen popped up showing the regular pickup rewards, but not the relic reward or any bonus rewards. I checked my inventory after and the reward I picked was not in my inventory and the relic I had cracked was used up. This happened again the next time I started a Railjack mission, exactly the same as above and once again didn't get any relic or bonus rewards.
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