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Posts posted by Raniu

  1. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Meh it all comes back around. The important stuff at least. I got to do my first plague star finally so I see the allure. And new people need the arcanes.

    Most people are casuals that need every bit of mods and gear to carry em anyways so I'd rather they be op than keep dying in my arbitrations.....ha!

    Stat changing equipment should not be locked away. Even if the access is limited, players should not be divided by too great difference between the power they can achieve. It's common sense, that;s what healthy game design should be.

    Please note that I only mean rewards such as skins and badges. They don't introduce real changes in gameplay.

  2. It's all about the attractiveness of the "limited edition" stuff.




    Event rewards were never said to be forever exclusives. Event weapons (wraith and vandal variants) took some time to reappear in the game as obtainable items. It took long but it was expected to happen as they're items that grant master points. Meanwhile, event emblems, skins and other bonus stuff (for example inbox messages) were not actually expected to reappear. They provide the sense of accomplishment. Players, who played an event can be reminded of their presence back then.

    Then the illusion was put to an end by the reappearance of Glaxion Polar skin. Okay, it's only a cosmetic, a skin, doesn't change that much. But then again, it does not change much so why reintroduce it when you can develop something brand new? This way both the veterans and new players have an opportunity to get something shiny! Plus vets don't lose their feeling of accomplishment? They're not deluxe skins, no new model or such. Simply a reskin...

    I mean, with this kind of behaviour, we can as well expect event badges to return! I'm not that crazy to histerize as much as to predict that Excal Prime will be available again, that's heresy xD But badges? They too don't change that mush, they're simple cosmetics.



    It's easy to observe that in other successful games, exclusive cosmetic content gives players incentive to play the game, as the rewards are obtainable FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY.

    Many of Warframe players know Path of Exile, right? The cosmetics that you can only get from achieving challenges in limited time leagues?
    League of Legends, the most popular online game apparently, has events occuring that reward with avatar icons that are only available to get for a limited time.


    The reintroduction of three previously limited weapon skins in easy alerts seems radical. For some, like me, the alerts only reward 10k credits. Wow.
    Yet another day with no incentive for vets. I know new player experience is crucial to the devs, but come on.

    Not a rant really, only curious why the discrimination. Why some players can get something new while some can only earn spectacular amount of 10k credits :/


    Conclusion I reached? Appearing solutions seem desperate. Desperate attempts to keep players in-game. Game's dying or what???



    inb4 one week event: capture a hydrolyst and be rewarded with ten capture points in your profile stats info


  3. Hacking Grineer data vaults with Live Wire mod equipped alarms nearby drones and starts countdown to data destruction. Even if the vault was done all stealth, the affinity reward is smaller plus there's a great chance for the mission to turn into extermination mission if all data vaults featured the drones.


    I don't think that's intended though.

    The shock effect should apply to enemies in line of sight only. This way, the drones will not be alarmed.


  4. Tak. Po prostu zrezygnuj z sigili i misji wymaksowanych syndykatów. Po inicjacji w nowym syndykacie, który zaczął cię interesować, dostaniesz startowy sigil. Zacznij nosić wyłącznie ten, żeby zacząć levelować nowy syndykat. Żeby wyjść z ujemnych rang, trzeba składać ofiary.

  5. Ember nie dostała stricte nerfa, po prostu jest mniej cheesy. Nie zmienia to faktu, że wcześniej potrzebowała jakiegoś buffa i teraz tez potrzebuje, ale przynajmniej nie jest małym smutnym raczkiem :satisfied: 

    Dobrze, że DE nerfią, bo balans to dobro, a balansu nie ma.

    Stworzenie nowego systemu dobierania graczy byłoby czasochłonną pracą rozpraszającą devów od dotychczas założonych celów; obecny system dobierania graczy funkcjonuje bardzo dobrze...

  6. Technicznie "żerujesz" na ludziach którzy robią bounty. Szczególnie jeśli świadomie grasz publicznie wiedząc, że będziesz grał w swoim tempie. Powinieneś wówczas znaleźć graczy o podobnym tempie algo zagrać solo.


    To ludzie tobie przypisani podjęli grę w trybie publicznym i to ich wina, że zaryzykowali. Nie skorzystali z czatu do rekrutacji albo listy znajomków i nie ustawili sobie trybu prywatnego, nie powinni mieć zatem pretensji. Jeżeli jesteś aktywny na misji (np. zbierasz niebieskie kamyczki) a nie stoisz sobie bezczynnie, to nie ma podstawy abyś został ukarany. Jeśli denerwuje cię, że ktoś ci grozi banem, to go zignoruj. Aczkolwiek insta-ignornowanie dużo kulturalne też nie jest, bo nie widzisz wtedy, że drużyna cię woła na wyjście :satisfied:


    Co do drugiego składu, to przykro mi, że trafiłeś na niewdzięcznych graczy, którzy nie umieli się zachować. Ja na przykład na takich nie trafiam. Myślę, że to kwestia szczęścia lub pecha, a nie zwiększającej się "toksyczności" graczy.


    6 hours ago, Jacubuss said:

    Mam nadzieję że wielce szanowni Dev coś z tym zrobia

    To nie od nich zależy postawa graczy, tylko od graczy :tongue:

    Twój problem polega na graniu publicznie. Polecam czat do rekrutacji albo jakiś klan, którego członkowie mają podobny playstyle.

  7. 1 minute ago, Kalizy said:

    man, if you claim the game is hard now, try when it was in Beta, you didn't even have status, you had only fire cold and electricity and the way you farmed primes was a nightmare so it's the new players' problem they can't handle how the game's supposed to be

    The game's still in beta.

    And yeah, the game is easy and offers hardly any challenge. No one's saying that 'the game is hard now'. Quite the opposite :P

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