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Everything posted by (XBOX)Player244024418

  1. Tried the links and the image. Just a preview jpg appears. Maybe it's my android phone. They can't be harder than archons or SP lephantis can they?
  2. Good read. I don't have Nova unfortunately but i do have wisp and mirage. Energized munitions? How about a kitgun with pax charge instead? Im wondering also about these weapons. They are not weapons ive concentrated on, only MR fodder. Would some newer weapons be better such as zarimans or ....? Ill watch a few YTs on this. The video links in the doc don't work for me. FYI is volt a good option for the speed? I have three crimson shards on mine to clear the map. Looking forward to learning this new event.
  3. Statements like this I find funny. If you play Warframe and are an American taxpayer, all these prime gaming offers should be free whether you have a Prime account, or not. Ask me why.
  4. Thank goodness not every pellet per shot had to hit. Just one.
  5. Just came back to say this. I'm done already. Saw a comment elsewhere to shoot an eidolon and saw on the app we had 11 minutes of night left so i went to cetus and was done in 2 minutes. Thanks. I never thought of this.
  6. It's hard enough getting headshots on console with controller but 17 in a row and no miss? My goodness I may never complete this. Any tips? The ivara w scourge seems like the best method I think. ++ current ideas ++ Frost 4, freezes enemies which helps but kills most. Maybe find a higher level mission for balance of death vs freezing the enemy? Equipping sentinel with weapon set on cold to slow down enemies. Scourge? Alt fire? Bigger hitbox? Yarelli cast 1, suspend enemy, take time to shoot w merulina taking damage? Equinox Rest? Does that allow headshots while enemies sleep? Ivara while invisible sleep arrow and headshots? Or with scourge alt fire? Volt while #4 suspends enemies shoot heads?
  7. I'm on console (xbox series x) and don't know what you're even talking about. What are you trying to do?
  8. All righty then. I'm going to just wait for the event I suppose there's nothing else I can do. At least i e already built about 100 infested catalyst so far.
  9. So do you need only one? I also saw, iirc, you needed to reach standing to even get one to do the event. Seems like a catch22. How do you reach standing before the event to get an item when you can't do the event to acquire standing? Never done this event so sorry for the noob questions. Im just starved for forma so id like to maximize the event return for me.
  10. I read the wiki after seeing it will return. Ive never played it. The forma rewards are going to be important to me. I got the infested stuff from the bio lab and am building / accumulating those now... However, for Eidolon Phylaxis, i visited Nakak and these are not for sale unlike on the video I saw. Is there a way to get these ahead of the event?
  11. I read the wiki. The formas are going to be important to me. I got the infested stuff from the bio lab and am building / accumulating those now... Eidolon Phylaxis though, i visited Nakak and these are not for sale unlike on the video I saw. Is there a way to get these ahead of the event?
  12. Wait, what does this mean? I just finally farmed energize R5 and soon it will be easy to obtain? Ugh
  13. I did purchase this. It was the only purchase i made. I never saw the preview so maybe it's not what you are describing?
  14. I appreciated the journey but each MR level was not an obsession. I really only monitored progress at around MR27 or MR28. Prior to that it wasn't prioritized. In fact I recall at one point being MR16 and I decided to finally take the mastery test and was able to take 8 in a row up to MR24 (over a couple weeks having failed a few times) because I had built up that much mastery before bothering with the test(s). The incremental benefits were not attractive until the last few where I realized how close I was then started pointedly going for certain MR items to get to MR30. Main reason(s)...forma penalty removed, bonus riven slots. I never even read what you get at MR30 so the umbra formas were a nice treat (still haven't used them lol). Forgot about blessings. I need to start dishing those out.
  15. Gotcha Will check it out. Thx I have full focus in all schools. Arcanes are both eternals. Thanks. Ill try to commit to memory and duplicate with vastilok and rubico.
  16. It's probably not 19 maybe 15-16-ish because mission time is not exactly equal to 5m countdown with beginning of mission, hack console and every reward screen taking 30 seconds.
  17. Yeah, a perfect setup and spamming the boards as though this is normal is a bit misleading. I suppose removing vacuum is necessary because battling the acolyte will bring him close anyway likely forcing proximity and auto pickup.
  18. 274 is impressive in a 90 min mission. Im not even sure how you're doing this. I know the acolytes drop SE but that's it so you can double that but what other SE drops are you picking up. 274 seems impossible. 90 mins is about 15 acolytes ? Arcanes are not shown. Not sure how 274 is possible. Im listening...
  19. Not sure what you mean here. Charm procs randomly every 30s. There are 6 charms. So pire RNG is once every three minutes. So in a 20m session it will proc 6 times. Sure, it's helpful but anyone MR20+ why would they bother? The smeeta dies constantly unless you're running melee with the healing mod. Cats Eye is far more useful. It procs 50% of the mission timeframe! Guaranteed hard crits! More damage is more survivability is more loot drops! Unfortunately all kavats are thin skinned and dont run SP well (unless melee healing). So I personally prefer a sentinel. They are far more useful. A charm rework will go unnoticed unless they make it stronger.
  20. I run my smeeta quite a bit and honestly I don't feel it helps much with drops. Comparing 30m to 30m sessions of the same mission there isn't much difference, unless I'm mining or something. In fact, ive recently stopped using my smeeta because she keeps dying in SP all the time and it's annoying. I was lucky in getting a smeeta first try. But talk about a disappointment after reading all the tips about running a smeeta. Toroids seem to be immune to charm.
  21. I had tenet plinx this AM as a choice. I took my kuva nukor though haha
  22. Hmm. I use xbox. Typically a message appears at bottom that so and so invited you to a game. Accept or no? After accepting at top left the other person's icon will appear next to yours. Like a two person squad (are you in public mode?). At that point, that person likely started a mission to enter their dojo for trade. You would need to accept. So iirc you hit the menu button (of the two center buttons on controller it is the right button) then hit X i believe. Once in dojo they will likely initiate a trade. That's about it. I don't think you have to be in public mode but if you do just hit Y and select public or.move cursor to top left and select from the four choices, public.
  23. I was in a squad of three and I *think* I got propa to work once where the last eidolon usually comes up at the south end of the lake. Not 100% since there were two others who could have taken shields down. I used to like 147 but 4 doesn't work anymore to clear voms. Doesn't hit anything. That's why I now use a secondary with aoe and PSF. Yeah. I try to wait to cast until the last moment so VS plus eclipse one shots with the rubico. I get weird damage numbers sometimes. I think there's a bug in WF somewhere. My felarx loaded w forma had a damage total of 1 the other day in ESO. Not a mistype. One (1) point of damage. I'll get one shot landing 100k and another pellet doing 1. Something isn't right. So sometimes I oneshot a limb with my amp. Other times hardly no damage. In fact, lately ive seen zeros. Not sure what was going on there. Eido was out of the water already so it wasn't that Referring to rubico combo. Sorry if Unclear.
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