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Everything posted by RangerAurelien

  1. Not quite. Forthe encounter in this Event it seems mods such as sprint boost, glide, etc., and frames such as Zephyr (gravity) or Chroma (triple jump) can make a difference. I have a basic zephyr with sprint boost aura, Rush, Armor agility, Aero vantage (-100% gravity while aiming), rending turn, amar's anguish. Also, consider adding two rank 3+ Arcanes for the +1 revive each to help you get through the battle..
  2. Yes. I've taken to running zariman solo (on PC) because of its frequency. (I am in elevator at mission end, host migration fails, I get no rewards). At east Duviri gives lots of Focus points (which is what I mostly ran Zariman for), and it does give much of the "Crashed Starship Titannic" tileset.
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