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  1. Remember when you had to update Duviri to stop shoehorning a melee weapon onto Garuda, since the ENTIRE POINT of Garuda is to use her Talons? Did you not actually learn that lesson? Brb playing Garuda with a melee weapon because the devs routinely forget how their own game works!
  2. Yeah great you can't do that when you have to use random absolute trash you might not even have and therefore cannot actually exercise agency to make builds that work.
  3. The entire central point of this game, the only reason we are playing it - after we've spent $100 to dress up our favorite Frame like a sexy/edgelord clown, of course - is to deliberately assemble builds that synergize among their component parts to become OP AF. And all of the wacky enemy buffs and player penalties of Deep Archimedea COULD have been a great challenge to require and reward strong builds creatively tailored to work with those penalties against those enemies. BUT you went and ruined it by again trying to shoehorn in this randomizer mechanic garbage like you did with Duviri. I'm right now looking at a menu that says I have to pair Yareli, a frame that REQUIRES a strong Secondary weapon in order to function, with either Talons, Magnus, or Pox (two of which I don't even have) if I want to actually get rewards. This is insulting trash. It waves a middle finger at the player who actually played the game to get the stuff to build the builds that grind more stuff. Which is the entire source of fun in this game. Stop this.
  4. I have the same problem for both Steel Path and Normie Circuit. REALLY annoying as I was looking forward to getting Mesa without having to actually farm Mesa. I don't know how they get rotations to work smoothly for a month AND THEN foul it up. It's like frying an egg four days in a row, then on the fifth day somehow managing to burn your face on the griddle.
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