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Grand Master
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Posts posted by kennylagenz

  1. this is by far the worst update yet. resource drops, void bugs, dojo bugs, ban bugs, not to mention ui problems  an the new aura system which as far as i can tell everyone totally hates. as much as i hate to say it maby DE should put the bottle down an do some real work. im pretty sure steve said all this was in testing but if thats true why the hell are there still so many problems after release. this update has been a huge dissapointment to me.

  2. i have been playing warframe since open beta back in march. i have been playing everyday. i like the game so much that i became a grand master. this update 9 has been the absolute worst experience i have had in this game yet. today i got banned til 2035 because of some kind of game crash an lost a catalyst bp. the list of bugs in this update is too long for me to add in this ? but i would like to know if you well be spending more time testing before you release in future updates or are we as beta players the testers for these updates?

  3. it is a possiblilty that they left it this way for the weekend as a type of weekend event  for every one to farm up rares i highly doubt it is permament as the rare matts are also purchasable in the market

  4. get all your gear to 30 change to entirely new gear then reapeat this is how you gain mastery not by repeating the same gear an frames over an over. the xp gained from each weapon an frame gives a small amount of xp per rank. once a weapon or frame has reached rank 30 you will NO LONGER GAIN MASTERY XP FROM IT if you keep using forma on weapons an frames  you will not gain any mastery

  5. yes i am also having this problem there even dropoing in the void, also teh new tile set elevator is bugged horribly

  6. i would be greatly dissapointed if they had us vote on powers just to change them later. why even make a poll if its just gonna get changed what a waste of time an money.

    shame on you


    and as far as trolling  with the worm hole goes it would be very difficult to do as its a power 3 ability and you would also need maxed out mods to do it effectivly assuming it would even function that way. and i could care less about trolls by complaing about them your just letting them win.


    also if enemies can pass threw the worm hole it would be more useful. the description says they cant see it. didnt say that they wouldnt be able to pass threw it.

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