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Posts posted by kennylagenz

  1. i would really like to see bombard rockets to be telegraphed as well. they are hard to spot and are completely silent and have no way of being destroyed with weapons and also follow you with crazy accuracy. i've had a rocket do a 360 back around at me

  2. personally i think ember is fine i use her when doing infested and she destroys them with ease not sure why she would need a rework. cant really think of any frame that needs a total rework there are frames that i dont like to use but that doesn't make them bad or useless just not my style. 


    everyone says ember but gives no reason why

  3. once i got into the archwing on quest was unable to rush with sprint button on game pad, seems several functions are not working properly with gamepad but for me its the sprint


    i was able to fix this by custimizing in options the left bumper button was not working with sprint but it worked when i reassighned it to left stick press


    also i noticed that the mini map was placing the checkpoint in the incorrect location

  4. clan emblem badge is kept and is account bound


    if your talking about adding an emblem for your actual clan, no. when you leave the clan it stays with that clan. it is bound to that clan. you would need to pay the 75 plat again to add a new emblem for a new clan or pay the 75 plat to replace the emblem for a different one.



    if the emblem was originally yours you could ask the clan to change it so you can have it back other wise its basically there property.

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