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Posts posted by kennylagenz

  1. combining 2 element s on 1 weapon is also popular


    normally  corrosive and ice but thats normally for void runs


    perhaps something of that nature would work very well on frames as well


    ha just saw the end of your post


    sounds like an effective set up to me however most pvp builds consist of using damage reflection from what i hear


    oh and im pretty sure puncture damage is also very good

  2. dude all this stuff was fixed days ago if there is a problem with the game its probly a good idea to take a break. your losing them because its a game glitch and now its been fixed. ill admit this does happen way to much when warframe releases an update (almost every single one) but that's fairly normal with games such as this(like PoE for example). the host owns the key so no that would be an exploit because then you could have infinite keys.

  3. you say the keys are not that hard yet vor keeps showing up and is too hard perhaps that was the intention of the difficulty


    "t4 keys are not for the faint of heart"-sheldon


    also if all the members of your group are not in fully decked out gear chances are your not going to be able to handle a t4 key


    everything in the game shouldn't just be a happy walk through there needs to be some challenges, and some players have fun with a challenge it may not be fun for you but that doesnt mean its the same for everyone

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