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Posts posted by kennylagenz

  1. THIS?!... This is what you're considering Hot Topic?!... Oh ffs, no wonder we keep hearing people complaining about RNG and useless stuff... Dear god is this wasted time...


    Codex not doing what you want? So what?! You're really so much against datamining and people generating a wiki that your solution... Was making your own Wiki? This is EA's attitude, that since they don't like the Steam system then they'll make their own digital distribution system. Don't make an in-game wiki if all you're going to do is a Wiki! (Also, isn't this supposed to be frigging bonus feature? Your Mod 2.0 still sucks, why are you worried about a damn bonus feature?!)


    Can't find a pace for Invasion?... Might i suggest that having an arbitrary way of activating "Events" in your game might be a little pointless of an endeavor when even said invasion missions are still boring and repetitive because your core game is still dull and monotonous because he doesn't even have a second soundtrack after a year of development? And also, if they're just random events that lack any sort of everlasting impact other then who gets to hold a blip on the map that honestly means NOTHING so far, then maybe you ought to give a little more meaning to those damn blips, because right now the map means nothing but a connect the dots puzzle that (That maybe one day will shape up to be a cat.)


    The Stalker is a very, VERY poorly design fight and you're worried about his RNG change of showing up and rewarding? Sure some people may play this game with the exclusive objective of getting said rewards, but maybe you'll be better rewarded in the long run if you make his fight worth something other then a dumbass brat running around with too much health and damage and having the power of being a bastard that breaks the rules of the game by negating bleedout. (You might also want to fix this bullS#&$ of him ignoring the Tenno powers that are inconvenient to you damn designers just because you can't figure out how to get AROUND them without using your developer super-powers.)

    (PS: You might want to work on informing your new players about your game rather then your veterans about stupid death-marks. I haven't been able to recruit a single soul to your game without personally guiding them trough the whole experience.)


    We figured that about the Detron RNG already... And again, this is pointless. It's only a "Hot Topic" because there are a lot of people talking about it, but maybe you should spend less time reading this frustrated speak introduced by your idiotic decision of breaking a weapon into 4 different parts that falls from the same hard to find enemy! (Seriously, 4 parts from a guy that is going to show a grand total of twice per day? Haven't you learned that the Void parts are already hard to get without you restricting your void runs? Stop breaking stuff into parts, we have materials, let us use materials to build stuff.)

    (Also, i seriously want to deck everyone that complains about "Oh, how the Detron is hard to drop" and make up a storm about this. Seriously guys, it's just a frigging gun, we get a new one every week. If the game is so boring that the Detron have become the only reason why it's worth to play this game then the problem isn't "Detron is hard to get" but instead "This game is boring!")


    Why did the talk of Primes have resurfaced?... I though we stopped giving a damn about them by the time we all collectively noticed that a Prime Warframe is just a Warframe with a lot of Bling and sometimes one extra Forma. Why is this an issue again? The only reason i have to owning all the Primes is that they give me another shot at getting more Mastery with a frame that i have already fully extracted all Mastery from.


    As for the Mastery Rank being 24hr?... Well, that might be the most legitimate business demonstrated here. Yeah, having to wait 24hours to retry an arbitrary mission is a $#*(@. And yes, that is an issue that requires attention. Seriously, i have been frustrated for weeks as i was trying for a Mastery test that in the end turned out to be so completely broken that you changed the way the Mastery test worked within the week of me completing it. Re-thinking the whole 24-hours delay is awesome.


    And then PS4... I seriously hope that Sony paid you a bunch for having your game on their console with less games then the frigging WiiU... And i hope none of your design decisions take in mind the restriction of having to design for the PS4. Mainly because the damn Codex is extremely unwieldy right now, i fear a button dedicated for it is what's best for the concept, but the fact that you can't find said button on the PS4 controller might be holding the Codex Scanner inside the Gear tab. (Be honest, would the damn Codex STILL remain as a Gear item if it weren't for accounting for PS4 and you now essentially have to design a Port?)

    by far the best reply Ive seen, couldnt have said it better myself

  2. Future Codex Improvements

    Feedback on the Codex has brought up some concerns that it does not provide enough information regarding drops/loot. Ideas and plans have surfaced on the Dev desk about additions to the Codex in order to provide more information on rewards. Suggestions on how to improve the Codex are greatly appreciated.

    when the codex was first previewed on the livestream it gave a crit chance bonus to all fully researched enemies. what happened? as a player who already has all mods an could also just as easily look them up on the wiki page the codex seems to be a waste of time.


    with the new damage system i would like to propose that a fully researched enemy would give a bonus to proc chance rather than crit chance on that enemy since proc chances are so low. not only would this motivate players to build up there codex but it well aid in fixing the proc chance issues players are complaining about

  3. i noticed today that all the high level planets have had the enemy levels cut in half. not really sure why this was done. im assuming it has to do with the new damge system but how can i truly test the new system if there are only level 35 enemies to face. this is also confusing as there are no t3 star map missions anymore so where are we suppose to go to get t3 drops.

  4. Hello there, ive tested this page but it was notifying me  on ALL alerts :(

    i selected onyl Orokin catalyst , Orokin Reactor and Forma but .. i got alertet for all alerts oO

    maybe there is one fix?

    select all, x out orokin catalyst orakin reactor and forma the go all the way down the list an click on filter


    it works great for me


    however if your  pc goes into sleep mode  while using  this it will reset the alerts


    i leave warframe running with the screen powered off to alert me but yuo could jsut change the settings to not go into sleep mode


    best of luck


    whats a nexus phone?

    what i mean is i dont see why i would buy a phone only to see when warframe alerts wil pop up...

    i do not use any cellphones irl.. i dont have so much money to run eletricy , internet , ( sometimes platinum ) AND additional phone wich i would never use anyways...i never drink alkohol nor i would go to parties since it all costs money ( and its bad )  and if i spend money.. i spend it for my favorite game to buy character slots .. but i dont want to buy stats... 

    about that website i will check it out when i finished typing here , thank you for this info =)



    A Master that actually uses his Brain , thank you =)

     the nexus phone app is a app for your phone not a actuall phone type currently it is only on the droid i believe but they are still working with apple to get it on the iphone


    i also beieve the app is free but if you dont have a phone i would recomend just running the website

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