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Posts posted by DarkflightRevo

  1. Are there any thoughts on molding the clan dojos into more of a social space? There have been some nice improvements done so far, in regards to the decorations and background network stuff, but I would love to see some more love put into the space itself. Maybe something like more rooms, functions, or decorations? I'd love to know your thoughts on this.



  2. The War Within was fantastic! I loved it much, save for one incredibly important thing.

    The default weapon holster positions for a lot of my weapons went haywire (Cernos, dual swords, dual daggers), and I was forced to hide all my weapons to recover whatever FashionFrame credibility I had left for the cutscenes. I'm aware there have been many minor placement issues across weapons in the past, but is there any plan going forward to sweep through the lot of them to correct default positioning on them?

  3. About a year ago, the positioning on Cernos went all sorts of wrong, and I had made a post about it that eventually helped get it fixed.

    It looks like things are starting to get awkward again as the game updates more and more. For me at least, the bow has been sitting less and less at its level position, altering slightly with every .x update, appearing askew on a number of frames. I'm the type that gets really picky about this kind of thing, and I think it's now at the point where it's enough off-kilter to whine about it. <3

    It took a few weeks to see it get fixed last time, I'm hoping that this will get it noticed and fixed again, thanks!


    To better show what I mean, I've got a pick of the bow on Trinity Prime, because that's the easiest one to see how off center the bow is against her back plating.


  4. Logged in after the 17.1.x hotfixes to see my bow kind of just floating off of Trinity's back. Normally seated in even and horizontally at the back, is now tilted to the side and lifted off of the back.


    Screenshots below, lower right was the proper bow placement.



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