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Posts posted by P3rm4Raid3n

  1. Greetings Tennos,

    I've been gone for about 3 years.  I would like to sell my ancient cores.  My last post (2014) i had about 70 ancient cores up for sale, but i did not have time to play it anymore.  I gave some to good friends online and have 54 left.  I hope to sell all of them for *plats*.  I don't know what they go for, but please post me your offers.




  2. I hope they make this an option instead of just toning it down for everyone. I like the current level of screen shake, makes things feel more hectic.

    yes... should be an option or get rid of it. The screen shake is very annoying!!!

  3. I've got three talking points that I'd like to state.

    1. Ammunition count should be individually set per weapon. A weapon that shoots fast should have much more ammo than a weapon that shoots fairly slowly. The Bronco, Lex, and Lato all have fairly sustainable ammunition counts. The automatic/fast firing pistols do not. Same goes for the long-arms. A Furis should have an ammo count that reflects its magazine size and fire rate, i.e. a base spare ammo count of 320, since that's 10 magazines, or perhaps 12-16 magazines for other weapons. Most automatic weapons should have a base spare magazine count of 10*clip size, since ammo is run through fairly quickly. Ammo pickup should be a percentage or low multiplier of the total capacity for that weapon.

    Say you pick up some long-arm ammo, and you have a max of 500 spare ammo for your long-arm. The clip/ammo drop will resupply you for 10% of your max ammo cap. Scavenger artifacts should boost the amount of ammo gained from each drop, since they have relatively little effect on drop rates, and it would be unwise to continue with the current system, since it can be detrimental to collecting the needed ammo for one's weapons.

    2. A bit of weapon feedback

    -Sicarus: Good pistol, but having the clip size increase by 1 per each clip upgrade does not make sense. It should be 3 per upgrade, since it is a 3-round burst weapon 3 clip upgrades should equate to a 24 shot magazine. Same principel applies to Burston.

    -Bronco: Magazine size isn't affected by clip upgrades at all. Clip upgrade shouldn't be a percentage of the base ammo count, it should be a direct float upgrade, individualized per weapon. Bronco also has far too much ammo based on rate of shot consumption.

    -Boar: For being more expensive than the Strun, it should have a better damage rate than the strun. As of right now, it's relatively weak. I'd suggest increasing the base damage from 60 to 70 or 80.

    -Furis/Afuris: 200 rounds is not sustainable for more than 2 rooms/major encounters at best. Increasing the ammo count for the Furis and Afuris respectively is a must.

    -Boltor and Burston: The character's hands are placed too low on the model.

    -Snipetron: Fine as is, really.

    For all of the weapons, it would be nice to show the base stats coupled with the boosted/increased stats/compounded stats. For instance: Braton magazine size: 50+67 (117) (since its max mag size is 117).

    3. Having 3 different weapon ammo types for the long-arms is rather convoluted and often irritating, especially when you cannot remove an artifact to go back to the base ammo diversity and drop rates. Consolidating the ammo types into the long-arm and pistol categories would be best. If it means that the ammo drop rates are reduced, that's fine, as long as the aforementioned changes to individualized ammunition are implemented.

    I hope this post is clear and understandable. :)

    Been fun playing the beta, hope to hear back soon.

    just gear up and buy extra ammunition...how hard can that be? stop being greedy with your credits and stock up on ammo...


  4. Two things regarding Absorb:

    1) When i got killed and used revive item, absorb stopped absorbing dmg for few seconds (I was host). I resurrected in the middle of the group of enemies and it did not worked. When i resurrected again, run away and used it after few seconds it worked as intended.

    2) If you fire up Absorb when running, you can actually run from the center of the sphere. Also you can get knocked away from it by Shockwave. It will still work, Nyx will be sitting with her legs crossed.

    Here i started absorb while running:


    to my experience the move is just broken. i thought it will be something awsome, but just waste Enery and you are most like dead after you're done sitting like a duck. Basically it sucks...... so are the pyschic bolts..utterally useless.

  5. I strongly recommend changing the color from green to Purple. Here are my 5 reasons:

    1. Nyx means night in Latin Greek, dark Purple gives out the darkness vibe more than green. Purple will actually fit the name.

    2. Green is usually the color of life - and toxicity. Never seen it used on Psychic Sources before. I suggest saving Green for Ivy: https://forums.warfr...based-warframe/

    3. Purple has always been the color of Mystic and psychic powers.

    4. Mind Control is the power that involve manipulation of emotion. Emotion as we know is Purple. In any arcane lore, the color of mind manipulation and love potions is Purple. Fitting the power character entirely.

    5. In Psychology Purple is associated with mental disorders. Need I say more? oh . . . ok! Chaos? disorder? does it make sense now?

    Also Nyx is female, the color purple looks gorgeous on her. and who doesnt want to see the color purple on the battlefield? it will liven things up a lottongue.gif


    totally agree with you. I get other tennos try to attack it because they think it will give them hp...lol.. yes it needs to be changed into a different color. Trin has green already.

  6. Yeah, plus side is if you aim for center mass, sometimes it'll just arch up and give you a free heashot. :P

    not liking the boltor right now.... accuracy is okay. Don't know why the DEV's put the annoying screen shake to the boltor when firing enemies at close range. Just as annoying when playing with other tennos who's spamming heavy melee weapons (scindo/hammer) shaking the screen every time!!

  7. I do not agree with recent run speed nerf of some of the frames.

    While it makes sense in a logical point of view that some heavy frames would be slower than others, i dont believe its a good gameplay or balancing mechanic.

    It takes away some fun from game, when my space takes a leisure jogging session, instead of rushing forward. It really feels clunky and uneasy to control.

    It breaks the team apart, as it is hard to keep up after faster frames, even more after those with additional movement abilities (Dash, charge, teleport, etc)

    It does not bring balance to the game.

    Im would love to see the old system back, with every frame having the same base speed. It could still be increased by mods so speed freaks would have their fun.


    very hard to play rhino and frost trying to keep up with the other tennos as i get the left overs when i get to the battle ground. it really sucks!!!

  8. They didn't have to add a log-in reward at all, not to mention the fact its a lottery: there is going to be a lot of crap with a little chance of good. If you want resources that bad, farm them. Same thing with everything else in the game you can get without platinum.


  9. Couldn't find any topic so i decided to post it here.

    (Just a suggestion)

    I think we should have a tenno boss. Make him/her either an "awol" tenno corrupted with power. Or make a hybrid tenno/infested, or a grineer created tenno as a bio-weapon against heroic tennos (like us).

    tenno boss skills & weapons

    *ember's fire blast-possibly stunning warframes

    *ashes teleport

    *excal's dash-slash

    *trin's life tether (don't know its real name)

    *Heat sword w/fire atribute and fast melee

    *Any rapid fire rifle with armor piercing mods?

  10. Following up the too damn high thread:

    Grenade Damage is TOO DAMN HIGH

    Have you seen those games that when the enemy throws a grenade it tells you with an indicator where it ? its not exact but it tells you where it is, left , right corner bottom, top . . . . ? you doge it pretty easily. I suggest something similar for Warframe - i mean you are a space ninja with a dvance war suit, cant it detect grenades?

    in crease teh grenade explostion timer to 4-5 seconds.and give it and indicator. if you do that then you DONT need to nerf the damage. It will be more fun since you have to doge it.

    grenade indicator would be nice.... and maybe make it take out 80% of health?

  11. I very much do not like the shaky camera.

    If enemies shake the camera to throw off my aim, that makes sense for balance, but the current level of shakiness is far more than neccessary to throw off my aim. Aim only has to be a little off to miss entirely! Please consider having aim simply moved slightly instead of jarringly tossed around.

    Allies should not shake my camera. It does not help the team and it does not make the fighting seem any more exciting. It makes me want to solo more.

    My own attacks should not shake the camera at all. A Tenno should be able to predict his own attacks and keep his head level. Even chickens know how to do this! Also it isn't fun. (Weapon recoil is still fine, just not shaky recoil)


    - Please remove shaky camera from my own attacks and team attacks

    - Please consider minimizing enemy shaky camera to aim-moving effects

    - You can leave shaky camera in as a graphical option for those who want it

    I totally agree with you!!!

  12. Nothing major, just found a few errors.

    - Akbolto's decription is a file path: "\Lotus\Language\Items\AkimboBoltoIDesc" (Notice the I or L in between "bolto" and "desc")

    - Nyx's second skill description (Psychic Bolts) has "enemies" spelled incorrectly

    - Not sure if this is intentional, but the new Boltor rifle has the same item description and image as the Braton and Mk1-Braton

    - Rhino Chassis is one of the skins available in my Ash's and Excalibur Prime's arsenal, yet clicking it does nothing.

    Feel free to add more in here if you find 'em

    Thanks Devs for an awesome update regardless. Wallrunning is awesome.

    inventory bug. After each mission when getting mods, they are all scattered through out the inventory. They are neither in alphabetical or numerical (by lvl) order. Before the patch, the inventory was flawless. Now its just a pain to search through the mods you just recieved in the mission.

  13. It seems at the moment that Rifle ammo at a +20 really isn't enough to supplement the fact that you eat through ammo really quickly on the favored guns like the Braton and Gorgon. Upping the ammount definitely seems to be the way to go. On the other hand, at 1k per box, ammo boxes aren't that difficult to afford.

    buy ammo boxes (cheap at the moment)... and melee...melee...melee..thats why each warframe has a "cqc" weapon.

  14. What problem could you possibly have with the recoil. Don't focus modding firerate, focus hitting hard. the recoil returns to normal with unmodded firerate, you can't shoot faster than the recoil returns.

    a hitting hard rifle would be the snipertron... you don't need another hard hitting rifle. it'll beat the purpose of having a snipertron in the first place. you need to adjust the recoil on the latron to have a little more downrange fire. Base damage is balanced for the latron.

  15. just checking if anyone has this issue. my rhino stops meleeing and skills won't work after stomping. this is not always happening, but every now and then; i cant melee or spam skills at will anymore. i can shoot only. one time i went through the mission just shooting when my energy gauge is maxed and can't melee or use skills after rhino stomp. it happened to me and a teammate of mine during a pluto mission.

  16. Well, ill tell you my opinion, Level 23 Supercharged Ember... And i know something right now: EMBER SUCKS HARD EVEN AT 30

    I have Exc Prime (30), Volt(15), Rhino (30) Trinity (11), just built Mag and Ash is under construction. So, i think i can compare Frames.

    Skill 1 Fireball: Hard to aim, ridiculous damage and DoT, (compare with Excals 1, Rhino´s 1, Trin 1. Volt´s 1 is the most similar but at least it can be aimed properly...) Needs Buff and blast radius. If not , at least allow it to be spammable for 10 energy or so.

    Skill 2 Overheat: Little damage reduction and sets melee range mobs (yes, infected) on fire with dots, not bad, but still, range TOO SHORT

    Skill 3: Fire Blast: Ok , i feel stupid with this one. Everyone says its great... well i completely disagree. Graphs are cool , i mean, like... hey, the F***, you are summoning a derptastic Whirlwind of Fire... which kills nothing inside of it ¬¬ ORLY? RLY. Not gonna laugh more cause i think im gonna die. That people should try other frames.

    Skill 4: WOA thats THE ONE, YEAHHHH: WORLD ON FIRE!!! ... oh wait... ¬¬ Devs must think "WORLD"s extension must be like... 20 cm around you lol.

    Read this with humor please, but seriously now, Ember is broken, sorry for me and for all of you. If you dont think so, you havent tried other frames. However i think you guys are in the right way to solve her problems. A little wisdom tweaking energy costs, radius and damage could make Ember a goddess. And yes... Ced23Ric has a point with her elemment being the main problem... and her helmet too, lol.

    yes i agree. Ember's skills needs to be revised.... especially "world on fire". I believe it should have the same distance, casting time and similar damage to volts uber move. He fire armor is awesome... great with infested mobs and boss for melee range.

  17. There always will be people that will find something too strong or too weak and making them all happy is impossible...I dont think that its bad that Excaliburs skill is most damaging one, from what i played this frame and its image itself says, its damage dealer, every frame should have his specalities something that makes it different and fun. For Excalibur its dmg, as this isnt realy pvp oriented (for now anyway) game and its this way someone says i dont have enough chalenge becouse i kill everything with one skill? use different frame, someone has problem to kill anything? take frame thats simpler to play and has high dmg skills >_> ...

    If we start to nerf and buff rather them make every frame playable, special in some way then we will get traditional mmorpg were u will have to have full party with warrior with litle HP so he needs wizard thats has crowd control but no dmg or hp and tank that has hp and some crowd control but no dmg... cause by themselfs, they cant do a thing... is what i think.

    Oh this ended up somehow long so sry if there are some typos, english isnt my mother language. ^^

    I totally agree!!!!

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