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Posts posted by Violet_Xe

  1. Please read this through completely It's vital you do as this COULD be the future of warframe

    *also i don't know if this has been said anywhere else so sorry if there has been in advance even if i'm still going to say it*

    Fatigue or not we need to break these razorbacks no matter the cost. DE said they would let us rebuild relays even if they are destroyed but keep in mind these things are global areas that we are remaking. you think this will be as easy as a solar rail once they show up? no they will cost FAR MORE resopurces to rebuild than what you will spend destroying these razorbacks. I recognize that some of you only are in it for rewards as well but Let me go into detail as to why you should still take care of breaking these things. What happens when all the relays are gone and the relays are able to be rebuilt. you won't want to remake them so we get none. then Baro probably won't show up at all and sure some of you have this Prime disappointment joke involving baro because he doesn't bring good items, but what he Can bring items and what if you no longer can get them because there are no more relays left. let me double down on this and say what happens if there are no more of these things to break relays because none exist anymore? you don't get an extra way to get a catalyst and reactor and lose a source of this and you rely on sortie and devstreams/prime time for this stuff now. you lose out on possible extra rewards you could get because they don't show up anymore and this is stacking on top you not getting Baro. now time to TRIPLE DOWN and say maybe after these relays are broken what if they add fomorians as archwing assassins as that will be a use for them in the future or mayube that they randomly blow up corpus ships causing you to extract and lose all those sweet 1hr rewards, or what if they decide to raid the Plains of Eidolon once it comes into the game and it becomes a war zone and we can't access that anymore. what would happen then, you have yourself to blame. these things are all possibilities that could happen, but i'm not done yet. let me Quadruple down and say What if baro still shows up but only in tennocon relay and certain people can't access that so we miss out on it. actually i have a better idea what if fomorians will next target tennocon relay or maroo's bazaar. You now are missing out on Baro, catalyst/reactors from these events, Prime mods can't have this prime junk cycle that some people use making prices skyrocket breaking the marketplace and turning it unusable, and Quests from the people at the relays, Lore from simaris, and a way to turn in medalians making them useless and making it harder to up your standing with factions. Rob said in one of his videos he uses them to future proof his syndicates and that won't be an option anymore. Now lets just add another one on top of all of this and say they could use fomorians to end all crossfire and Invasion missions. then you can't get rewards from there either meaning no more ways to get vandal parts, wraith parts, extra reactors, catalysts, Forma, denoite, Fieldron, and other areas. Keep in mind as well this is your fault the fomorioans and razorbacks are here anyways. DE added the lenz into the game and we all decided to instead of wait 10 days for fieldron in the clan dojos, we help the corpus and cause a sudden spike in razorback production. To make this all worse they could make a tile set called Relay and make it so we have to fend off hostiles while it is building like a survival or a certain amount of our resources are stolen like they are doing a survival like we do o them all the time. or perhaps stuff on the ground we have to shut down as global bosses with low hp since they stop production of our relays like anti air or a giant laser like the ones in star craft called draken lasers or the cannons that bring down ships. These could also influince lore later down the road for those of you who care for Warframe lore.

    Now let me give you an idea of what relay resource costs could be, NOTE: COULD BE 


    • Fieldron
      • Maybe 10k 20k
        • Perrin Sequence
    • Detonite Injectors
      • Maybe 10k 20k
        • Steel Meredian
    • Forma
      • Perhaps 20-50k
    • Nitain 
      • 5k-10k
    • Oxium
      • 100k-250k
    • Neurodes
      • Maybe 200k
    • Orokin Cell
      • perhaps 10k-20k
    • Argon Crystal
      • Perhaps 5k
        • BTW passive of argon is to decay so what might happen is 100 or 50 decay each day try to think about that
    • Alloy Plate
      • 25 trillion
    • Cryotic
      • 5 million
    • Kuva
      • 2.5 million
    • Mutagen Mass
      • maybe 10 or 20k
    • Gallium
      • 5k
    • Morphics
      • 20k
    • Orokin Ciphors
      • 2k
    • Neural Sensors
      • 2-5k
    • Polymer
      • 1-2 trillion
        • Ironic isn't it
          • Razorback
    • Nano Spores
      • 2-5 trillion
        • Still Ironic
          • Fomorian
    • Ferrite
      • 2.5 million
    • Control Module
      • 45k-50k
    • Tellerium
      • 10k-20k

    Perhaps now you see why it's so much more worth it to destroy every single one with a burning passion. These things decide our future, warframe is a S#&$show at time and i recognize that. But we need to break them or these are all possibilities that could happen. Weather you don't do it for resources or just cause you want the rewards, these things can come back to bite you hard. DE gives us a choice and sure it's a S#&$ty one, but still a choice. Do you want lose tons of things and many things you worked on, have it come back and bite you? or do you want to make sure none of this happens? they are basically saying do you want your fate in our hands, or yours.

  2. 8 hours ago, -CM-Darkvamper said:

    Maybe you do, but for people who put money in tennogen, they're simply different styles. They don't necessarily prefer skin X over skin Y.
    Depending on the color scheme you use, they might be equally beautiful in their eyes.

    And for the last time: you are missing the point. They don't want 6+ slots just because they're too lazy to click a few times.
    You just can't possibly remember every beautiful combination you make. They want some way to save their creations, without having to farm the frame over and over.
    Besides, these people have most syandanas and armor sets in the game, as well as color panels. They often switch out everything for a new look, not just a few clicks.

    To conclude: this proposition is not for players like yourself. Neither do they need to rework a whole section for it.
    The solution is pretty much like the riven system: You simply buy extra slots for platinum, if you want them.

    :satisfied: yeah the thing that finally made me think about this is because i have a mag Alata skin, mag Graxx skin, and another Alata. but all of them are so good in their own way i can't delete any of them. Soon a mag deluxe is coming out and i can think of a lot of things to do with that but all my slots are already filled up so i'm  asking for more =D. Even for my banshee too where i have 2 banshee primes, one of them is for vanilla banshee prime color sets and the other is for her Soprana color sets.

  3. So Warframe keeps releasing new waves of Tennogen and also armor sets. It's getting to the point of what I needed to do waaay back when i needed multiple of the same warframes for 8 revives a day instead of 4. Now i'm going back to this mindset but this time I need multiple of the same warframe for more customization purposes. Please DE if you are going to keep releasing more Tennogen and armor sets, syandanas, deluxe skins, and immortal. Please atleast let us buy more customization slots for our warframes for 5 or 10p per warframe customization because god knows i can't get a second mag prime or ember prime just like that. This would help out  so much of the fasion frame community as we don't want to destroy some of our creations because they look so good and so unique that taking it apart to remake something else is like taking away a favorite. We have spent years trying to make the PERFECT color set and combination of attachments for our warframes. please add this in so we can add more to our collection, add to your games profit, and encourage people *tennogen and DE* to make more items we can use.

    *if fasion frame is end game don't let us only have three types of end game called A B and C :satisfied:*

  4. Just was doing a relic run with a few friends and near the end of the waves they kept getting caught on roots and hiding behind crates, can you fix this please, i know you get this type of thing alot though but it seems more prevalent here. thanks for the time =)  


    Edit: each wave there was around 8 people hiding out sometimes not enough to show us where the last ones are.

  5. 1 minute ago, Trentiel said:

    But that's just Oberon. Those are just Oberon's powers. Health regen, and stand on this piece of ground for armor buff. Hydroid should do something different.

    well at a slower rate obviously, i see him as a cc right now, noi reason for him to be the tank of all tanks, i am talking like a 100 armor cap

    oberon can have like what 750 extra? lol even just a little would help players. i would like him to gain more than the teammates of armor and hp regen but teammates less, still way lower than oberon though. i don't want him to be broken or resemble another frame completly.

  6. Just now, Trentiel said:

    Or find some other way to scale his abilities for high level content. Like by making his abilities debuff enemies with a "Soaking Wet" status. Increasing the damage and status chance they take from elemental damage sources, and slowing them down with water weight.

    And no one appreciates heal-droid.:sadcry: As someone who plays with a heal-droid build, and like Chipputer points out on page 40. Hydroid's Undertow augment is only useful for topping up health on mid-level missions. Once enemies have one-shot powers, the only thing that will prevent you from going down is not getting hit at all. Not getting hit can be accomplished by dodging, slowing enemies so dodging is easier, being invisible so dodging is impossibly easy, or being invulnerable so dodging doesn't matter. That's the dominant strategy for high level stuff. Curative Undertow is a neat little perk for self-healing, team healing on short defenses, or healing noobs when you intentionally want to expend very little effort and let them play for themselves.

    I suggest that the puddle be changed to a bubble, so that allies can more actively participate in killing enemies inside Undertow, and to give Hydroid the ability to melee enemies himself inside undertow. Because the problem with Undertow is that it removes enemies completely from the battlefield. Which is a trolling tool at worst, and annoying to team-mates at best.

     actually i would much rather instead of a bubble and keep it a bit more fair that the augment would give hp and armor to people who stand in it.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Trentiel said:

    Give "wet" enemies an increased vulnerability to elemental damage, elemental status chance, and a slight slow from the water weight.

    There, Hydroid scales better.

    It feels unnecessary to turn off Undertow. They're trying to build synergies into his powers, not mutual exclusivity. And while it's novel to power up his abilities based on the number of enemies he has horded, that's still going to engender a lot of dissatisfaction from team mates.

    His augment would let his team want him to be in the puddle more, that way they can get quick heals and it would help out vs infested, also if they don't want it exclusively they could tie in some buffs into players if they combo abilities.

  8. don't know if this has been suggested yet, and i am not going to read all 40 pages so... i know you REALLY don't want to get rid of undertow, but what if the more time you spent in undertow, you gain something such as armor or extra shields, or maybe grant a damage percent with a cap to it after surfacing from undertow based on the time you spent inside it or how many enemies you get inside the pool. Another option is every enemy inside the pool could give a crit bonus to damage or chance. This is mainly to make him that tiny bit more tanky or satisfy the damage side of the community. also when a tentacle picks up an enemy, could you make them go slower? granted this can be solved with explosives such as lenz, tonkor, zarr, or other items. but if it went slower then it could make the ability less annoying. or maybe the kraken could add a slow to anyone it hits? Also could you allow us to shoot while charging kraken please? I know this last bit is a stretch, but could you allow us to turn the tidal surge a tiny bit while it is active? and bring items along with us? another thing his tidal surge could do is have a ending splash and leave a puddle that could have a dps effect?------ now this is something for other people to make life a bit easier. Hydroid right now is a multitask frame, you an charge the barrage ability while doing other things, i was able to charge that with the lenz active and shot it. although you can do it with barrage, you cannot do it with kraken which he could really use that or make the charge of the ult a tad bit shorter. Also i might not be the only who who expected hydroid's ult to be completely removed and instead we could get a pet? It's too late now for that of course but it was just a thought of having a kraken that could move around like it was underwater and damage/strip armor/slow/status effect.                                                                                                            -edit- wanted to make it clear that don't add all of these if you read it. don't break him please.

  9. On 7/21/2017 at 9:10 PM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    It's not a new tile.

    I know that now but there has been changes to that tile, i know they are new and i am not just talking about the nikana missing. There is something new in that tile and i suggest you check around it again.

  10. i mean it has got to be new in some sort because something i found in it has like a halted or rigid texture

    I also want to point out nikana is also gone from there if anyone saw it before, and that the dark screenshot is not an edit, that's an in game effect.

  11. So i put this in the wrong place before hopefully that gets removed, but i found a new tile in the orokin moon tileset that replaces a side room. Some of you may know it if you have watched the umbra teaser already. If you find it, try and explore a bit. and just for proof that this does exist, here you are.


    Upon coming close to this tile a (umbra effect) causes your screen to darken. happy hunting tenno =D )


    (I also have no clue if this is posted elsewhere by someone else so please don't be mad)

  12. So, i was wandering the moon with some of my clan mates, and i found something that was teased at tennocon related to umbra. for those of you who want to get ahead and look at the tile for some screenshots. go to the orokin moon and look everywhere for the tile. it's a side room. and if you want a LARGE CLUE keep looking around in the tile. and as proof that i have been there. 

    BE92238CBCB989C3D82D9017249545311697C888have fun tenno. Also, don't know if this has been anywhere else so please don't be mad if i am throwing in already known info.

  13. I don't know if i should be putting this into a feedback or in the general discussion area, but eh. I really miss the endless missions and i came up with an idea, don't know if this has been said by anyone yet. Perhaps we could do something where every 20 minutes we could have a selection like we do with the relics, after the 20 min mark, every five min we get an extra reward we can pick from. so at 25 min we could freeze time and pick from 2 rotation A rewards and at 40 min we could pick from 2 rotation C rewards, on 60 min we can pick from 3 rotation C rewards. Just an idea that might entice players to go for longer missions because than if they need a certain relic and it shows up, then they can pick that relic. Rewards will also be able to be picked to what each player would want, so one could get a relic and the others might be able to get a certain mod.

    Another idea would be that after each 30 min or hour we get a relic pack on top of the reward we get in the first place?

    Just an idea.

  14. I was wondering, could we get another archwing boss soon? i believe the moon is hollow sooooo. could we get a new archwing area with it? maybe go inside the moon to mine some resources? The orokin moon is of course OROKIN, so could we also have some sentinels and guardians in archwing aswell? Survivals could also be easy as you could have a machine charging up to release something to sever our warframe connection and enemies killed out release like an emp to increase the amount of time you have?  and as a boss i would actually like to say something i wanted for awhile, aggp wanted another MASSIVE boss as he only ever felt amazing fighting something massive. so what about a giant orokin phoenix sentinel with wings of fire inside the center of the moon. You could also have a new resource exclusive to the moon because we all know planets have cores. so what if the orokin mined for that and used it to power sentinels and upon death we could collect it. you could use that to power the large boss. It would also be nice ifit would have some floating parts held together like your mag deluxe skin? this is a lot to ask so this would probably be something like a 20.0 thing so this is just a fan wondering IF, i'm saying IF we could get something like that next year. btw have a nice DEcember!

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