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Posts posted by Violet_Xe

  1. 10 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    I'm very confused about the color coding. What are they for?

    I use them to seperate the rewards. purple would be for cosmetic, orange for modding and core gameplay, blue for resources, silver for platinum, red for consumables. Just to make things a bit easier to look at. If someone wanted to take a glance and instantly see what they want, non cosmetic players, they would know to ignore all purple as that's purely for the fashion frame audience. 

    • Like 1
  2.    This is a concept and feedback but it's too much of a concept to be posted in Feedback so... here it shall be posted. I should also say now this is only advice for the rewards, not the grind so don't expect suggestions for rep and missions. Many players have come to the conclusion, nightwave is an unrewarding grind made for new player difficulty and accessibility. This is a waste as you have a reward system only for one audience, why not increase that audience.
       I've been comparing our "season pass" to other games and here's my Idea. Platinum Prestige. I've improved the rewards for more audiences, made it more new player friendly, and made rewards feel more fair and controllable for the player.
       Every rank will grant 50 credits of that wave so at the end of nightwave you should have 3000 credits to spend. No other rewards for the pass as you trade the credits for the desired rewards at your own leisure. Spend wisely or conserve as you can't get everything. Of course I believe this should be raised either to 75 credits per rank, or maybe 75 ranks in total instead of 60. After you prestige, you gain access to even better and more special rewards which are sure to benefit both DE and us.
       Before I continue I want to say this to DE. If you give us credits, a token system to redeem prizes. Atleast make the prizes worth while. use the system you gave us, don't put the good rewards in the pass and let us choose them. you just gave us the illusion of choice with our credits. It just devalues the work you put into the offering system.

     Now here is the concept. Rather than forcing players to work for something for months, they can pick and choose what they want which prevents burnout. This is far more effective at getting players to play nightwave because they are NEVER rewarded with something they don't want and then can continue to play the game content with what they've earned. This turns nightwave into an optional selective quest which always grants you what you want, and when you get everything you want you can leave. This means it isn't a chore, but a quest to get only items that internist you.

    Umbral Forma (650 Credits)
    Tier 0 Unique Accessory (600 Credits)
       -Operator Suit
       -Sentinel Stuff

    Selected Arcane (450 Credits)
    Forma Bundle (350 Credits)
    Tier 1 Unique Accessory (325 Credits)
       -Weapon Skin
       -Unique color 
    Ephemera (275 Credits)
    Nightwave Resource Booster (225 Credits) - Only active until next weekly refresh
    Nightwave Affinity Booster (225 Credits) - Only active until next weekly refresh
    Nightwave Credit Booster (225 Credits) - Only active until next weekly refresh

    Exilus Adapter (200 Credits)
    Orokin Catalyst (175 Credits)
    Orokin Reactor (175 Credits)

    Relic Pack (175 Credits)
    Vauban Part (150) Credits)
    Augment 1 (150 Credits)
    Augment 2 (150 Credits)

    Tier 2 Unique Accessory (150 Credits)
       -Orbiter Decorations
       -KDrive Art

    Tier 3 Unique Accessory (100 Credits)
       -ALL Alternate helmets
       -Reskin skins

    Weapon Blueprints (100 Credits)
    Aura Mods (100 Credits)

    Nitain Extract 3X (25 Credits)
    Tellurium 1X (25 Credits) *Imperium might need alot*
    Kuva 750 (25 Credits)

    Platinum 25 (125 Credits)
    Platinum Discount 75% (1750 Credits)
    Platinum Discount 50% (1050 Credits)

    Random Primary Riven Mod (275 Credits)
    Secondary Riven Mod (275 Credits)
    Melee Riven Mod (275 Credits)

    Wolf Beacon (100 Credits)

       Now I will discuss why I would make these changes. For platinum, I doubt I need to explain but I'll say the most important parts because people may not know much about the reasons behind premium currencies. Now alot of this will sound grimy and I hate talking about why companies use premium currency but these rewards are honestly good.
       Free premium currency is a mental fishing hook used by fortnite, dauntless, and other games to keep players pushing through the pass. This then makes the player feel one foot in the door, and spend money for more premium currency to get what they want. However dirty it sounds, this is still a good thing as giving new players platinum means they'll have a safety net in case they misuse the plat they're given at the start. it also accelerates them to our level faster while showing that you can get premium currency without paying. This SHOULD keep more players in the game.
       Next the discounts. If you really want to sacrifice a massive portion of credits and risk missing out on some items, then by all means go right ahead. This is a way to reward and entice players that are unlucky with logins meaning they will pay DE more money and thus support the game. 

       Next we have rivens. If some players are already maxed on plat, then they can take their chance on riven mods. they are always relevant and the amount you can gain from this should undoubtedly satisfy the market community making nightwave worth their while. Not only that it should also lower the price of rivens by saturating the market with more riven mods. This makes rivens more affordable for all players involved... hopefully.

       Of course the Wolf Beacon must be something that's added to the prestige locked rewards. I actually haven't seen the wolf since his nightwave and it's almost impossible to get the hammer because of that. Atleast stalker has some way to affect spawn rates, but with the wolf no such thing exists. I get that he's meant to hunt us but you're locking a unique weapon of THOR cosplay behind a massive time gate.

       We now have the Nightwave boosters. If the prestige isn't your thing and you can't buy that booster because you don't have the plat. then the nightwave will offer you a way to play during that nightwave, giving you that boost. This sounds pretty basic but what it does is significant. During the nightwave people will feel more rewards coming to them and rather then seeing it as a grind for a specific item, this type of player will see it as a 3 month booster. 

       Relic Packs would be added because players always need relics. Everything is vaulted eventually, and unlike our keys of old we don't get to instantly farm them out of the game. These relic packs simply provide another way to get relics. Syndicate relic farming is much easier and isn't as risky because there are better things than relics here.

       Tellurium, Kuva, and Nitain. These resources have been added as a way to spend leftover credits for difficult and much needed resources.

       There is one last major benefit to this system. This would greatly benefit content creators because they can easily get their hands on what they wish to showcase. Even better they can all showcase different things related to their taste and content. Fashionista such as AGGP and Hydroxate can take fashion instantly while modders like Leyzar and GHS can pick up augments off the bat. They all provide different content they care about, and they get to choose when they want to release it.
       This would be a MASSIVE change because your now showing everyone what everything does at once through your own free advertisement resulting in a happier player base and instant feedback for everything. DKDiamantes and others always make it priority to test and showcase if something would be worth it but with our current system they cannot do this until it's too late. You're making them plan around your rewards and tie them to your game in order to show that content, that's not fair in the slightest.

       That is my "Platinum Prestige" Concept, I hope it strikes a chord with some players. Also Nightwave is a radio station isn't it? Can we get some background tennotunes or something as a rare easter egg or toggleable option? 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

    1. It should not use a "valuable resource" period. It needs a bar that fills and then is depleted when chaneling is activated like a "action skill" in borderlands or a "super" in destiny, this serves as a control method to restrict you from being able to play in that system continuously which allows you to have a "limit break" like experience where you can do significantly increased damage but only in a narrow time window making it important to choose when is an effective time to use it. You're a gold novice on pc, I assume you are much higher rank on one of the consoles but understand that after a while, energy stops being "rare", there are certain ways to mitigate energy rarity to the extent that even extremely high power requirement frames like say saryn can easily keep enough power to burn the world down.

    Use of a limit break bar, and significantly increasing the reward for channeling is the only solution or else the mechanic should just be deleted all together.

    2. No. It is not all they need to do. It isn't by any stretch of the imagination something that's even going to serve as a bandaid on this problem. They need a completely stand alone channeling mod system that you mod to apply to all equipped weapons instead of having to mod each one individually. This system should activate when the limit break is activated, which augments the weapon, or perhaps "weapons" you have equipped (bear in mind that sword and gun is a system that's coming) where in your limit break mods go into effect until that bar has run out.

    As long as, and I cannot be clear enough on this fact, as long as you are being asked to wave mandatory mods that you HAVE to have equipped to have your weapons be viable AT ALL once you get above level 60, no one is going to use a single channeling mod in any build because you have to build weapons the way that you do. Ultimately the only way to avoid that is to literally delete almost all the mods in the game and completely rework their entire scaling system from the ground up built around a system where status type and crit are the only damage modifiers and everything else is just gone. That would instantly turn many frames into trash, would probably kill their game, they aren't going to do it and it's the only way that you would get people using channeling mods.


    3. Most of the mods are fine as they are, some effect efficiency which under a limit break system would extend the duration of limit break status, some seriously increase damage, a favorite of mine was always dispatch overdrive and of course there's life strike. 


    As long as channeling works like it does, using a non rare resource to contribute worse than nothing to your viability in content, while forcing you to not use mandatory mods so that you can use a broken gimmick, no one is going to use channeling. Any minor tweaks are dead on arrival, they need to either delete the mechanic or completely redesign it from the fundamental level to make it viable, which by the way is what they're doing because they've already admitted the entire channeling system was a failure.

       I do see where you're coming from as it really does sound good but at this point you can't debate. It's an opinion. Both our sides have their benefits and reasons for why channeling should be a certain way.
       It's only because we an gain so much energy now that channeling can become viable with some corrections. Changing the mods, adding new useful mods, Fixing the channeling damage% issue, removing the diminishing returns of channeling over time, and lower the cost of channeling slightly. Then it could be used.
       The issues I have with your ideas are this. For starters it would remove why I like it in the first place. Using warframe energy rather than a bar makes it feel uniquely warframe instead of a copied limit break system. Energy is also used to make some support / tank warframes have an offensive outlet for their energy. If your changes you put in it would end up being a watered down press this for some damage for X time, a watered down system. It's wasted potential because channeling could be the most interactive system we have in the whole game is designed correctly.

       The system doesn't need to stand alone as I know some frames can use their abilities while channeling and feel completely fine. Hildryn, Nekros, Trinity, Harrow, and Ember. Not only that you don't need those mods to be viable at lvl 60+ I have fought high level enemies at 120-160 and still cleaned them. Not as easily as if I had critical or AoE weapons but I was still competitive with some damage warframes. You talk about NEEDING these mandatory mods but let me show you where you're wrong because if what you say is true, snipers don't fit into your equation. All the following mods are viable and seen as mandatory, but many players prefer one over the other depending on mission, rifle, and play style.

    Argon scope, Lasting Purity, Split Chamber, Serration, Hunter Munitions, Bladed Rounds, Charged Chamber, Vital Sense, Point Strike, Target Acquired, Elementals, Depleted Reload, Sharpshooter, Rivens, 60 60 mods

       You don't seem to see what I'm saying. Make a channeling mod good enough to make players want to use them. We have examples of this. it's called Life Strike. What I'm suggesting is another channeling mod to sneak it's way into other players builds, utility not damage.
       Channeling isn't for everyone, much like how slide/air attacks aren't for everyone, charge attacks aren't for everyone. It's why we have players running with glaives rather than other meta weapons. it's why we have maiming strike builds, it's why some people run bane mods rather than normal damage. One mod can change everything, and you don't seem to see that. Status was pitiful before Condition Overload was released. Seriously I laughed whenever I saw status builds. After that it rose as a viable damage type, channeling can have the same story, the same redemption. It's wasted potential for something DE has wanted for the longest time. Interactivity.

       I'm not saying this option doesn't have risks, it would take quite some time to develop but I believe with 100% of myself that it's worth it. I'm not asking for channeling to do damage, I'm asking for it to alter play styles in unique ways. Ways to shift playstyles and shift the Meta to a completely different area. Changes would be needed to crit and status for sure and they need to rework the scaling system eventually anyways.

       I once saw channeling like you and other players did too. A broken, worthless system to be deleted. A forgotten relic of the past. But when i got a riven mod with channeling damage it all changed and I saw what it could actually become. Channeling has been completely mistreated and it's unfair. Channeling is in the exact same place status was preC-O. it deserves mods and a Channeling 2.0 but we never get anything worthwhile. There are some decent ones but they are unusable with the current channeling foundation.
       I admit in your limit break system those mods would work really well, but it's still just a mod, set and press every once so often. It's not nearly as engaging or fun. Plus there would be power creep in your alternative as well.

  4. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

    The fundamental problem with channeling is/ has always been they are too afraid of power creep. Really channeling needs to modded outside of the standard mod setup. The reason nobody uses channels channelling is because you cannot build for it and still have an effective weapon. They have plenty of perfectly good channeling mods but you cannot use them because over all it reduces weapon viability to use that mod over a more necessary one. 

    But if you have a dedicated channeling setup "power creep power creep omfg power creep" the try hards cry. 

    Fact is as long as we have to give up mandatory mods to use the channeling gimmick, channeling will never be viable. Maybe if they added yet another bar that fills up as you inflict melee damage then press channeling to use that limited bar instead of energy you would have to worry about it less but they don't want to create another mod window just for channeling and that's really the only solution. 

       The bar idea is clever but that would take away what I love about channeling. It uses a valuable resource to boost weapon damage instead of using abilities. If done and made properly channeling could be a complex risk reward system adding deep and meaningful interactivity to our melee system. it's potential is incredible but it's been crushed under DE's ignorance of it.

       Tweaking the system and adding/updating mods is all DE needs to do. I get that they're afraid of power creep but if used as utility rather than simple boosts, then it could work. You can't channeling on large weapons so this would bring smaller range weapons back into play. Given the right mods, channeling could be used for Xp farming, resource grinding, supportive plays, and other unique things that critical and status aren't capable of. yes you would need to get rid of mandatory mods but if snipers are anything to learn from DE just needs to add enough great mods to the system that are equally as valid as the other and we get varied builds without power creep. make the channeling mods viable enough with a tweaked system and it's great.
       Plus I don't think they're all that concerned about power creep or they're just ignorant about new releases. Zaws, new primes, mods, etc etc, have been adding to power creep and DE has done almost nothing to prevent it from going higher.

       Also I don't really see that many viable channeling mods. Some are useful sure but the majority, like 90% of them, are terrible.

    • Like 1
  5. On 2019-09-22 at 10:40 PM, Hypermega said:

    You can all gaslight and argue with me all you like about endgame i don't care what your opinion is on it or me as it is entirely besides the point.

       Gaslighting? not really. Were simply telling you that your opinion of what classifies as endgame is flawed and that's the honest truth of the matter. High level content could 100% work for you and if that's what you want good on you. But that isn't the sustainable content that counts as endgame for the vast majority of our community. If DE listened to you they'd be spending time to neglect not only the new player audience which makes money, but also further upset the shrinking dedicated audience of vets by painting the scene as "endgame". It's just another lie to us. If that's what you want then that's you being selfish and wanting time devoted to what you want, not what's best for the game.

    On 2019-09-18 at 11:02 PM, Hypermega said:

    For the sake of getting a load off my chest let my spell it out nice and simple what end game is. Fighting the highest level/difficulty enemies possible. that is it!

       You can believe in the illusion of high level = endgame all you want but in the end it's still just an illusion. The fact is endgame boils down to three things as I've stated. Difficulty, Replayability, and Reward. No game has achieved a discovered an alternative formula to this one which was set in stone by WoW.

       As for why we are "arguing" with you, we're criticizing so you'll get a better grasp on what's beneficial for the title. DE might see this then think "oh well if it's just high LvL content they want lets ramp up enemy lvls." No that's not what Warframe needs. We don't need another hollow, pointless fight where were oppressed into using a specific warframe to gain nothing in return. I agree with you the arbitration changes were a massive punch to the gut and our concepts have been ignored, but that's nothing new as it's been happening since way before even arbs were added. Even before sorties were added.
       Plus DE does know why the content creators are leaving yes that's true. They've known for a long time why creators will leave eventually, and why vets have been leaving since the days of Mesa's release. it should come as no surprise that they've been leaving because what we've been getting is a watered down version of what you suggest. Aside from Trials and Solar Rail Conflicts, both of which were removed, I don't recall any serious missions or events which challenged the players of the game requiring team work or any enjoyable non-formulaic process of monotonous grind. 

       If you just want high level enemies to fight and that's how you derive joy from the game then I've got just the thing for you. Go to the simulacrum and kill 20 of the highest lvl juggernaut/behemoths you can. Do that for hours on end, come back, and tell me how fun that was and how satisfying it was to do for no reward. If you do decide to do that, take a video of it and show us proof that you truely believe that high lvl enemies is enjoyable long term content. Shouldn't be too hard to prove right?

  6. 1 hour ago, ES-Flinter said:

    Imo it would be enough, if DE would change the formula from "weapon-damage* combo-multipler+ weapon-damage× channel-multipler" to "weapon-damage* combo-multipler* channel-mutipler". Alone this little change would make melee channel much more useful. 

    But about some special effect while channeling, like swords can use sword beams and hammers inflict Aoe attacks would also be neat.

    With this mod, we will need a new crit. kind. Red crits. are going to be to small. XD

       Well maybe. you can't fit all of the mods on there. Say this is what you have on your weapon, then what would you switch out for that? A necessary mod? critical damage? 60 60? It's kind of like the snipers we currently have if you make tons of good mods then it becomes a battle of playstyle over performance. Coupled with the fact that we have augments for out weapons now it can really get cramped.What mods would you sacrifice for this? where would it fit?
    Primed Pressure Point / Riven / Primed Fury / Berserker / Blood Rush / Drifting Contact-Body Count / 60 60 / Amalgam Organ Shatter / Healing Return-Life Strike / Condition Overload / Primed Reach / 90 Elementals / Weeping Wounds / Maiming Strike / Guardian Derision / Augments / Set Mods
       Don't forget that this is indeed a channeling mod that requires constant upkeep for it to be worth it. You would need more than just that to work, you'd need a whole new build for channeling with efficiency and damage.

       Also while this does sound really powerful, remember that channeling would be limited to smaller weapon. Such blades like the atterax, redeemer, zenistar, and even the gallatine would consume titcanic amounts of energy with each swing because it can hit around 8 enemies per attack. The channeling drain would be hard to counteract.  Also remember that it's only while channeling. If you stop your critical chance is ded. It also means some players would run status setup weapons like the pox, atomos, or other massive status splash weapons. Certainly though balancing would be a factor lol.

       A prime example of a good critical switch would be the gazal machete. With the amount of status it can dish out combined with djinn, it could go berserk. literally. Used properly and carefully the lesion can also be an incredible critical switch weapon.


  7.    Well I do appreciate the thought of improving arbs. they need it. But you're completely wrong on what endgame is.

       Endgame is comrpised of 3 parts. Difficulty, Reward, and Replayability. Without all 3 requirements we don't care. We used to have raids which had those aspects at a minimum but they were removed. As did the keys because it was bang for buck. 1 key to over 10+ prime parts. 

       Difficulty, the beef of endgame. It comes in many forms not just high level enemies and bullet sponges. Terrain conditions, enemy modifications, mission objectives, timers, puzzles, etc etc are examples of difficulty. Difficulty is the 1/3 which tests your skill at the game. You must go through this repeatedly to get your rewards.
       Rewards, the driving force of endgame. Players won't care about your endgame if they can farm the exact same thing elsewhere quicker or easier, sometimes both. It must have a unique property to give the mission inherent value to hook players and keep them coming back. For example, a forma pack. 3 forma is 3 days of crafting. That as a reward would be amazing and is offered nowhere else in the game. That is why players play the same thing over and over.
       Replayability, or sustainability. This is comprised of multiple aspects taking fun, challenge, and modifications to provide a unique feel each and every time you play it. If a player can't replay it, then it's not endgame, it's temporary gain. A good example of this is the arbitrations. There is no real reason to farm some things because we have such an overwhelming amount of stuff already. fat stacks of endo sit in our banks with millions of credits piling up. We need something that is always relevant or else we get that one thing we want and ditch it. Infested salvage being an example of a temporary reward, we got nidus and left it for dead. A good example of replayability is kuva survival. It's fun and grants an ever relevant resource kuva for our riven mods. Unlike endo, kuva is consumed at a much higher rate and is used on only key items. Were always short on Kuva but only sometimes on endo.

    Without the trinity of endgame requirements, it can't be classified as endgame. Think about it, what you said is you would fight lvl 500 enemies which would 1shot you for no reward at all.

    On 2019-09-18 at 11:02 PM, Hypermega said:

    For the sake of getting a load off my chest let my spell it out nice and simple what end game is. Fighting the highest level/difficulty enemies possible. that is it! 

    Even that is trivial though because LoR has shown himself killing lvl 1000+ enemies with saryn camping in a corner with several specters, lasting over 7 hours in mot. he does nothing but sit there and throw a zenistar, every now and then collecting capsules.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Kaggelos said:

    I too love the idea of a proper channeling mechanic in the game. What remains is to see how DE will implement it. If at all.

    I mean hopefully. Ever since 3.0 was announced We've been getting mixed signals from DE. To remove or not to remove. heck even if it does stay still need to wait like 6 months for it to make it's way into the game. Fingers crossed.

    • Like 1
  9. So, Rivens seem to be the one sustainable content reward we have. But once you get that one riven we have all we want. well I have a suggestion to completely overhaul the riven mod system to make them grindable and.

       Recently I've been playing SAO Fatal Bullet again and I've come to appreciate it's chip system. For anyone unaware it works similar to our riven mods. Each weapon comes with X amount of chips, or modifications, to play to your style. They are similar to ours such as factional/race damage boosts, range boosts, etc etc. However they take a different approach to how they handle the chips/mods to the guns. They combine guns through an enhancement system to slowly buff and raise the stats of that guns mods by combining a weapon with another if they have a similar or desirable stat. I think this should be how our riven system works and we should abandon the endo for riven rank system.

    Now this may be confusing but imagine this. You have 1 Opticor riven and one Laton riven. Rather than making the Latron Riven useless, use it as rive fodder to boost the opticor's mods stats. Here's an example of what I mean, it won't be perfect because riven stats are weird but it should get the point across.
    Opticor                                                      Latron                                                              *New* Opticor
    +40% damage                                          +10% Damage                                                +42% damage
    +30% critical damage          +                   +40% accuracy                             =                +30% critical damage
    +20% status chance                                 +30% critical chance                                       -3% critical chance
    -10% critical chance

    This new system would encourage players to keep and reroll useless mods by using them as a foundation to boost the desired riven mod. With proper tweaks to say a riven transmuter or even new riven items to interact with stats, we could get a new riven system which players have a long term farming relationship with.This means any player can create the riven mod they want. Say a riven transmuter could help boost the positive stat gains on a fusion.
    Opticor                                                      Latron                                                              *New* Opticor
    +40% damage                                          +10% Damage                                                +46% damage
    +30% critical damage          +                   +40% accuracy                             =                +30% critical damage
    +20% status chance                                 +30% critical chance                                       +9% critical chance
    -10% critical chance

    More riven items could also be thrown in as rewards like "Riven Modules" which are cards with a pure positive stat that can replace an existing stat. 
    Opticor                                                      RN Module                                                              *New* Opticor
    +40% damage                                          +8% Status chance                                                +40% damage
    +30% critical damage          +                                                                        =                        +30% critical damage
    +20% status chance                                                                                                                +28% Status Chance
    -10% critical chance                                                                                                                -10% critical chance

    There would of course be some rules in place though. Here are some examples of a loose system, needs alot of work though.

    1. Only riven mods of the same categories can be fused. Primary=Primary // Secondary=Secondary // Melee=Melee
    2. Riven mods gain less or more depending on disposition of both mods used in fusion
    3. Unlike normal mods, riven mods cannot be ranked up. They must be fused to grow their stats
    4. Only 3 positive effects total

    Kuva would have to be completely redone in terms of what it's used for.  It may or may not be more expensive than what we have currently I've got no clue. In addition to kuva being used to reroll for different stats on riven mods, kuva would also be used in the riven fusion process. Kuva rerolling should be reduced because of that.
    Additionally, kuva fusion should use a good chunk of credits. At least 25-50k. This means kuva fusion would be a credit sink for veteran players who already have 30M+

    To be perfectly honest I'm not sure. It's 100% Up to DE what they would do if this system would be put in place. backlash could be pretty big because people spend literally thousands of plat on these. My idea would probably be to refund all endo of the used riven mod but even that may not be enough. All I know is we would go back to or go below the unranked stats of rivin mods for a fresh start to rivens.


    • Changing rivens like this means players would spend a lot of time building up certain rivens and it would make ALL rivens valuable to all players. This means that even the weird stug rivens and underrated mods have even more value. If a mod has a valuable and desirable stat it can be used.
    • Further it would mean rivens can be given out more freely be DE since it's not just a 1 mod win. Removing the ability to have endo as the fusion would mean that players can't max out a rivens stats 6 hours after getting it. This means endo can be used on prime and umbral mods and also that players have to have a real investment to make a riven mod worth it.
    • For the market this means the riven market would explode with tons of jobs and ways players could earn platinum.
      • RN Mafia- A riven community that scams and swindles players in and out of unfair deals.
      • RN Hardware- players who farm the hardware of items that assist in the fusion process. Kuva filters, transmuters, etc etc.
      • RN Veils- Players who farm and sell veiled riven mods for cheap prices
      • RN Crafters- Players that are hired to craft specific riven mods favoring certain stats.
      • RN Maxers- Players who sell maxed mods with safe weapons and stats that are popular
    • A riven rework sets the stage for very unique effects to shatter the Meta. look below.

    As it currently stands, riven mods are flat in their modular design. However, if some attention was put into this system Rivens could demolish our games Meta. Let me show you how with some theoretical perks which turn riven mods from damage, to utility.
    +X% experience on (status,critical,slide,wall,headshot,etc etc) kill
    +9X experience on (mission type)
       (Experience stats shift how players grind out xp)
    +X (effect) on (warframe)
       (warframe specific stat boosts make weapons favor certain frames. Unpopular frames could see a revival)
    +Transmutes (X% of resource) into (Y% of resource)
       (Resource transmutation could toss normal resource farming guides out the window. ex. Neurodes to Orokin Cells=Farming orokin cells on lua)
    +Shield regeneration on/while (condition)
       (Increasing certain stats while doing certain actions encourages different playstyles with weapons)
    +(Visual effect)
       (Making weapons slightly more enjoyable and also making rivens more unique, affecting prices)

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, keikogi said:

    I know you are already aware of melee 3.0 , but bold of you to design a skill around a unpopular mechanic.

       Unpopular yes. But awhile ago we could say the same for status. Crit was king before Condition Overload dropped. While I don't expect channeling to become a viable form of damage, it has the potential of creating flexible and interactive playstyles and builds. That is something DE has wanted for the longest time. One example of this is Life Strike. Some players prefer Lifestrike over Healing Return. Channeling mods that are based around function rather than raw damage could completely change how weapons are built. Hopefully 3.0 won't actually destroy it though 😞.


    6 hours ago, keikogi said:

    Just make it use the specter loudout slots the player has.

       I did briefly consider that, stopped at the thought of players ability to choose exactly what passives they can steal from when retreating. As a commander warframe that does seem thematiclly nice, but It can be broken. Lets say 2-4 Aubrey players are in the same squad. They can all choose incredibly powerful loadouts to call on and steal their passives and share eachother's Tac Retreat. By using the allies in the mission it doesn't absolutely break Underhanded Tactics in team play situations with 12+ passives being available.
    Plus there's a side benefit to not using specters loadouts for DE. Missions. The more Aubrey is willing to drop valuble specters, the harder she becomes to kill. If you already have 3 of those specters from tac retreat it puts less value on craft able specters as all you need to do is hold onto some forever. One of the reasons why I designed the frame this way is to hopefully get players to run rescue, clem, and syndicate missions more often to have a steady supply of Aubrey Support. I don't think using tenno specter loadouts is a good idea but I could be wrong. Again hard to test, imagine, and calculate with a warframe which plays with the laws of the game.


    6 hours ago, keikogi said:

    No need for 2 summoning skills. I would replace with a skill used for commanding and buffing the specters. Like you can give 3 orders.
    -Fire at will _all specters will fire at enemies in the designated are with increased attack speed. 
    -Charger- all specters receive bonus movement speed and melee attack damage. They will rush down the enemies on the designated area
    -Power overwhelming _all specters will cast one of their skills.

       My bad lol. Tac Retreat is only meant to be a quick escape tool, but I guess if the duration is brought up enough it's a summoning ability. They're only meant to be around long enough to act as a distraction for you to get away and recover so I'll chop down tactical retreat's Duration. Legion where most of her AI strength comes from.
       Buffing the AI with a command is nice but I can't find a spot to put that in without removing Tac Retreat or removing the Immortal Augment because Legion is her army and self buff gaining 50-80% extra base armor. Removing Legion also cuts her survivability in half.
       Sorry but I don't see a way I could incorporate this given that she needs these two abilities.

    6 hours ago, keikogi said:

    This is skill is very creative and interesting but I don't know if it could be implemented because it is the kind of stuff that just finds a way to break the game.

       Yeeeah... I agree with you there. Tbh I'm still thinking of more ways to constrain it's usage. At current, 3 Tricks is max with the Trick Toss. 1 normally. I'm considering making it only 2 active with Trick Toss. Also the ability to steal a passive feels less broken to me then stealing an ability. For example before I had this ability have an Augment called First Second and Third, while the ability itself could steal a person's Ultimate. With the right warframes, Aubrey could become the best frame in the game. But passives seem a bit safer and easier to work with.
       But making tricks unable to be affected by Power Strength and Range is probably the safest thing I've developed thus far. Because strength doesn't scale her ultimate's trick she can't 10X a trick she stole with nidus, equinox, or modding buffs. She will only ever be as good as her enemies and she'll scale with them.

       If this ability can't be implemented then it can be cut down limiting her to eximus and warframe tricks only. If that's still too much then chop it in half again. This ability is where she truly becomes a unique warframe capable of doing anything under the right circumstances and the correct amount of skill and knowledge of the game. Exactly what a commander needs.

  11. Alright so I know a few people love using art, but I really don't have it so sorry this is purely an idea. I don't intend on making art for her. It is worth noting that Melee 3.0 could completely crush this character's concept into the ground and I'd need to completely rethink her fighting style. Also WARNING this will be similar to a Wiki page as I go in depth about the quirks of each ability. They may seem complex but in the end the abilities can be chopped up into simple, self explanatory, or easy to understand rules. Now, feel free to rip it apart. I find it fun to come back and make this warframe better and better based off feedback 🙂

    Aubrey is a flexible, reactionary, tank warframe with a unique way of dealing melee damage. With plenty of tricks up her sleeve, she manipulates and commands the field with melee buffs and an army following her every command. She can only be used to her fullest when with a properly organized team to maximize her ability performance.

    Ability Description    Ability Features   Changes    Augment     Ability Name     {{{{{Section}}}}}

    S = Affected by Power Strength       D = Affected by Power Duration
    E = Affected by Power Efficiency     R = Affected by Power Range

    Commander Warframe Aubrey
    Health 120
    Shields 100
    Armor 280
    Energy 145
    Sprint Speed 1.0
    Passive: Aubrey bolsters her defenses around allies, gaining 10% armor for each ally nearby.
    Warframe Unique Exilus: Intel +25 Advanced Enemy Radar
    Same range as normal enemy radar, however it shows elite units and eximus.
    15% extra critical damage on fully scanned enemies within Advanced enemy radar range.

    {{{{{Venge // Aubrey's Sword}}}}}

    Aubrey's personal sword which she draws whenever no other melee weapon is equipped.
    Venge has the ability to reach 90% channeling efficiency
    When killing an enemy with channeling, gain 20% movement speed for 6s
    Consecutive channeling hits grant 3% critical chance for 1.5s up to 20%. At 20% critical boost, Venge gains an extra 1.25X critical multiplier for 3s. >>Refresh-able<<
    Attack Speed- 1.10
    Channeling Cost- 5
    Channeling Damage 2.0X
    Critical Chance 12%
    Critical Multiplier 1.5X
    Damage Block 65%
    Leap Attack 132
    Spin Attack 45
    Wall Attack 375
    Status Chance 12%
    Impact: 16 Puncture: 40 Slash: 18

    {{{{{Ability 1 Naval's Blade}}}}}

    Naval Blade
    Drain 5 / Drain per second 3 / Positive Channeling Buff 50% / Negative Channeling Reduction 50% / 0.25X Energy orb drop chance on channeling kills / Block Efficency 25%

    Aubrey infuses her melee weapon, increasing the positive effects of all channeling mods currently equipped while halving negative effects. Aubrey drains her opponents of their own energy forcing them to drop energy orbs for her and her team.
    Naval Blade benefits only channeling mods, all positive effects are increased by 50%, all negative effects are reduced by 50%
       -Raising positive effect boost decreases negative effect reduction like a counter balance.

       -Example Lifestrike would have 40% life steal, but goes to -70% channeling efficiency.
       -Example True punishment would have 80% critical chance but remains at -30% channeling efficiency.
       -Example Killing Blow would have 240% channeling damage.
    0.25X energy orb drop chance on Channeling Kills.
    Blocking damage with Naval Blade active costs 25% less energy.
       -Block Efficiency capped at 70%

    Naval Blade will work on any and all weapons Aubrey has the ability to equip.
    Naval Blade prevents energy from being given to Aubrey by support warframes and restores as it is a drain ability.

    S = Increases or Decreases channeling damage  // Increases or Decreases positive to negative effects.                                                          D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases drain // Increases or Decreases drain per second // Increases or Decreases block drain                                      R = N/A

    Conqurer's Blade
    Melee Channeling kills grant Legionnaires 25% extra damage stacking up to 3000%. If no enemies die within 5 seconds damage boost decays by 5% of total earned every second.
    Exemira killed turn into specters, fighting for you for 18 seconds.
    S = Increases or Decreases max damage possible                                                               D = Increases or Decreases decay window / Increases or decreases conquered eximus lifetime
    = Increases or Decreases extra damage% gained per kill                                                  R = N/A

    {{{{{Ability 2 Tactical Retreat}}}}}

    Tactical Retreat
    Drain 50 / Tactical Blink Distance 10m / Specters 3 / Specter Duration 12s
    Specters are 30 levels higher than current enemies

    Aubrey blinks backwards turning invisible for 6 seconds, invincible for 2 seconds, and creates specters of her team to fight in her place. When retreating she sheds all status effects.
    At certain ranks she unlocks more to Tactical Retreat
       -At rank 0 she only dashes backwards
       -At rank 1 she summons one of her allies as a specter
       -At rank 2 she summons two of her allies as specters
       -At rank 3 she summons three of her allies as specters
    Aubrey cannot summon another Aubrey to the battle as a specter.
    Tactical Retreat specters are created from the team you currently run with.
       -If nobody is playing with you then Gara, Revenant, and Mirage are summoned.
          -Using your color sets if you have the warframe.
    Tactical Retreat does not pass through terrain and will stop short if something is in the way.
    Tactical Retreat also picks up allies with Aubrey if they are within 2m of her.
       -Grants them invisibility just like Aubrey
    Invisibility is broken after attacking.

    S = Increases or Decreases specter ability stats                                                                       D = Increases or Decreases specter ability stats / Increases or Decreases Specter duration
    E = Increases or Decreases specter ability stats / Increases or Decreases energy drain         R = Increases or Decreases specter ability stats / Increases or Decreases blink range

    Flag Bearer
    When retreating, Aubrey places down affecting allies in a 10m radius for 18s
       -Grants double the combo count for melee attacks
       -Highest combo counter is transferred to all players in the Aura
             -Effect will remain stagnant however as in order to increase it you must first reach that number, or it will reset.

    Banner can be marked by Aubrey to command her Legion to guard it.
    S = Increases or Decreases combo counter boost                                                D = Increases or Decreases duration of banner
    = N/A                                                                                                                   R = Increases or Decreases banner effect radius

    {{{{{Ability 3 Legion}}}}}

    Drain 75 / Legionnaires 5 / Infested Legionnaires 8 / Eximus Spawn Chance 10% / 28s Duration
    Legion Level (Current enemy level X1.35) / Legion Damage (Legion stats X power strength% ÷ Legionnaires Dead)

    Placing down a beacon, Aubrey calls a small legion of her own troops to aid her in combat.
    Legion is a "quiver mechanic" to summon 1 of 3 factions as your Legionnaire. 6 troops are summoned.
       -Summon in a grineer platoon which has at least 2 heavy units.
       -Summon in a corpus platoon which has at least 2 eximus units.
       -Summon in an infested platoon which has 3 extra units.
    Recasting legion refreshes cool down, re summons dead legionnaire, and recall all existing legionnaire to your position
       -Recasting Legion saves 25% energy of Legion Cost.
    Legion will spawn allies equal to the current enemy level X 1.25
    Legion can be controlled by markers or by holding down the button.
       -If Aubrey places a marker, ally, or objective they follow and protect it until death.
          -Guarding an ally lowers their threat level and raises the legion's threat level.
       -If Aubrey places a marker on an enemy, the Legion will ignore that enemy
          -Ignores it so Aubrey can mark steal the enemy.

       -If Aubrey has no marker currently out they will follow her.
       -Holding down legion will have them go into hold position. Holding it again gives them free movement and they will return to Aubrey's side.
          -During hold position Legion will take cover.
    If Aubrey's legion contains a minion that summons, the summoned minions will also be considered legionnaires and fight for Aubrey similar to shadows of the dead.
    S = Increases or Decreases legionnaire level                                                         D = Increases or Decreases duration of Legion / Increases or Decreases chance of eximus legionnaire
    E = Increases or Decreases legion drain                                                                R = Increases or Decreases specter ability stats / Increases or Decreases blink range

    No matter how many of her troops die during the duration of Legion, another soldier is created in it's place free of charge.
    Legion now has an 18% base chance for a legionnaire to spawn as an eximus.
    +.5s extra to Legion on Channeling Kill times Legion's alive

    S = N/A                                                                                                                   D = Increases or Decreases duration gain per channeling kill
    = N/A                                                                                                                   R = N/A

    {{{{{Ability 4 Underhanded Tactics}}}}}

    Underhanded Tactics
    Drain 100 / Duration 30s / Steal Range 5m / Marked Steal Range 80m
    Everything else works based off original trick/aura stolen. You cannot modify stats or powers on how tricks work. You cannot expand the range of an eximus globe R, or increase leech HP boost S.

    Aubrey steals the passive of an ally warframe or steals the powers of an enemy eximus to use as her own as a "trick"
    Tapping the ability will copy the target's "trick" while holding it will release the trick
    Tricks can only be used once
       -Auras will remain even after the trick is used until a new one has been picked.
          -Example. Nullfier bubble is an aura, meaning even if the bubble pops, Aubrey can regenerate the bubble, unlike an arctic eximus.
          -Example. Arctic eximus trick can activate the bubble once, but the slow aura will remain until duration is over even if the bubble is gone.
          -Example. Ancient Healer aura is an aura, but functions the same as if she were the ancient. She takes damage in her allies place, but gets no damage reduction herself.
          -Example. On death, Aubrey will spawn several infested with pods with Boiler's ability.
          -Example. Aubrey can hijack a security camera and control all electronics in the ship.
       -Some tricks have requisites.
          -Example. Hellion trick requires you to be midair to launch missiles.
          -Example. Boiler pods require you to down yourself for spawns
    Underhanded Tactics can be used on her own allies such as the minions she summons with legion or the Exemira she kills.
       -Some passives simply do not work such as Chroma, Nidus, Khora, Gauss, Baruuk, and Hildryn's Shield Energize. This is because of the way the passive functions.
    Taking passives or tricks DOES NOT steal from them. Aubrey only copies them. This means you do not steal an allies passive, rather you only copy it.
    Aubrey cannot steal tricks from enemies if they don't have any unique properties or abilities.
       -Bosses and assassins cannot be stolen from.
       -Example. Lancers, Butcher, Scorpian, Nox
       -Example. Crewman, Moa
       -Example. Charger, Crawler.
    If an ally or enemy has been marked with a marker, she can steal the "trick" through walls.
    Tricks and Auras do not stack.

    S = N/A                                                                                                                        D = Increases or Decreases how long Aubrey can hold tricks and auras
    E = Increases or Decreases underhanded tactics drain                                             R = Increases or Decreases steal and marked steal range

    Trick Toss
    Aubrey can toss an aura or effect onto a different ally for 75 energy. In return she gets that allies passive.
    Tap on an ally to toss trick to them.
       -The trick you toss will still only remain effective for the remaining duration when you pass it.
       -Follows same marking rules, ally must be marked for long range trick toss or you must get up close to pass it yourself.
    If an ally has been granted Trick Toss, they also gain the effects of Naval Blade.
       -This works on specters, minions, and all other allies.
    Tricks and Auras do not stack
       -Example, Aubrey cannot UT another Aubrey's armor passive and now you have 2. The same tricks will never stack.
    Only 3 tricks/auras can be active at once and every person may only hold a single "trick"

    S = N/A                                                                                                                   D = N/A
    = N/A                                                                                                                   R = N/A

    {{{{{Lore *Just cause it's fun making ideas*}}}}}

       Aubrey was one of the Orokin's greatest commanders and led small legions of grineer soldiers against the infested and was in charge of Earth's security during the Lith Era. Unlike many other Orokin, Aubrey was compassionate and respected the grineer clones, despite their weakness. This compassion honed the troops to fight with efficiency. Her accomplishments with such small and limited weak forces earned her a reputation among the higher ups of the Orokin empire. Shortly after Margulis passed away Aubrey was given a new weapon from her lord and ordered to exterminate the infested. Until now she had only been ordered to contain the infestation and keep earth quarantined, maintaining security. Her troops had died many times over, now she had the means to exact revenge for her fallen warriors.
       This new soldier efficiently dispatched the seemingly endless infested horde from earth's surface. Desolating their hives with a plague of her own, Aubrey grew curious as to how such a powerful weapon was created. She did not speak, but killed when told. Always desiring more information, the orokin commander asked her lord why such a powerful weapon was being used to fight the infested. Nothing was said in return. As time passed, many more of these soldiers showed themselves, machines of war. Ones with power of time, death, and even the infestation itself.

       Shortly into the Meso era, Aubrey overheard that a valiant dax had fallen pray to the infestation. This dax was once her servant and saved her life countless times, thus she assigned Isaah under her command to coach Isaah into a better soldier. Extermination of the Infestation was slowing down as new stains of the infestation appeared, ones that evolved to consume and live off of the virulent toxins coming from their secret weapon. She still refused to talk.
       One day Isaah went missing. Scouring the system, the dax was nowhere to be found almost as if Isaah had vanished. When asking for more grineer forces to fight on Earth, Aubrey was removed from her post at Earth and separated from her warriors. She was now to be Ballas' body guard. Leaving earth, Aubrey asked one last time to hear the soldier's voice. But still nothing... she refused to speak. No she couldn't speak.

       Aubrey was reported missing in action during her transfer. Stolen by the infested. Rising from the hole left by the golden leader, a Warframe had appeared.A leader, capable of commanding dax and warframes alike across fields of blood with unparalleled accuracy. Against her will, Aubrey was infested and transformed into a golem, possessed by invisible demons. her original name was erased, and under all experimental records and missions, she is titled as Aubrey.
       With a blade, blade bathed in blood red kuva and the energies of the void, and an army at her back, Aubrey's forces pushed the sentient back. In her many years of service, this commander of the warframes had only three casualties. One warframe lost in action and buried, the other torn to shreds, and the last lay shattered across the Planes of Eidolon. After the war, Aubrey donned an izvara syandana and was struck down by another tenno while protecting her lord.


       Aubrey is meant to be a high skill cap warframe who uses her team to her advantage and hopefully is used in organized groups rather than random squads as that's where she flourishes.

       Her passive is 10% armor per ally near her. This ranges from warframes, to companions, to minions, and even specters. So Aubrey automatically wants to be friends with people like Nyx, Nekros, Oberon, Nidus, and Revenant as they create allies to boost her defenses. Given the right comp and mods she can become a tank. Her kit also benefits from this as she creates her own allies. It should also increase the use of specters.

       Naval Blade is meant to be an ability specifically focused into channeling and making the current channeling mods work in your favor. With proper modding, mods such as Enduring Affliction could have over 400% status duration on hit which is incredible for slash weapons. Or if someone thinks they an run full channeling and pull it off, mods such as Killing Blow could grant  over 300% channeling damage. This ability should fix most of the problems channeling currently has to make people want to build for channeling. This is power seems weak and is weak as of present, but the idea is that she would release with several new useful and powerful channeling mods.
       The augment is a way to increase the legion's damage output, hopefully making them a viable damage source. If combined with the legion augment, they could do some serious damage at higher levels with scaling damage. Killing Enemies should also be rewarded and boost her, so I wanted to give her a conqueror feel. originally eximus were called Leaders, so what better way to conquer something than to make the leaders fight on your side. Of course I can't have them stick around forever but a boost should be rewarded. 18 seconds should be long enough to make an impact on game play.

       Her next ability is simply just a retreat and distraction method to allow her recovery time. it won't heal you, but it will help escape a situation in a pinch while summing allies to help. Nothing too much but it helps build her armor up a tiny bit higher. Again, a way to escape and get breathing room of course inspired by the phrase tactical retreat. I got this idea from loki, but the addition of affecting teammates can be used either as a troll or to move a downed teammate to a safer area. However tactical retreat cannot be abused for invisibility as she isn't a stealth frame. You cannot modify the invisibility to make it last longer.
       The augment for tactical Retreat is inspired by flag bearers, or to be precise Jeanna D'Arc and her flag. Really just the flag part but i wanted some way to boost her kit, while supporting others. Something important in the current Meta is the combo counter so I thought i'd boost that. it should also help in Melee 3.0 of course... I hope.

       Third is her legion ability which summons an army to her side. Depending on what faction you're fighting and what build you're going for, different factions will appeal to you more. If you want flexibility, corpus would be nice with the increased eximus. If you want tanky enemies that act as good body guards, the grineer do that. Or if you're looking for short term armor boosts, the increased infested numbers grant a 80% boost to your armor. Now the way Legion's damage works is actually similar to shield of shadows. You will be punished for letting your legion die. They suffer damage penalties if too many fall. This makes the infested risky, but profitable. The grineer are safe and normal. The corpus are unique and a gamble. Now an issue I know people will bring up is that this would be like a copy of Nekros. well to prevent that, Aubrey uses her legion offensively for damage, with defense being the side benefit. Aubrey's legion is also smaller and has a higher chance to summon weaker low priority enemies.
       The augment is in reference to the Persian immortals, but sadly you aren't allowed to have 10,000 soldiers soooo.... deal with it. Aubrey's 5-8 summons don't actually die and just replace themselves. This would hold an appeal to the corpus and infested factions because they die easily. However of course the ability is called immortals, so we can't have them die but I can't have players be inactive. So, now we have more duration granted on channeling kills which also encourages the use of Naval Blade and channeling builds.

       The ultimate is where I had the most trouble with last time and I really want to stick with it but of course I can't deny that copying the ability seems a bit redundant and sometimes useless. But with the right team capturing a passive or enemy aura would be super helpful. This is where Aubrey goes from a normal warframe to one of the most flexible characters in the game. Depending on what faction and build you run, she can be a tank, support, crowd control, or damage dealer. She can even play the role of a bubble character if she desired. Examples.
    Aubrey can take an ancient healer aura and block, absorbing almost all the damage your team takes and taking little to no damage in return, or reflecting all of it back with an amalgam mod.
    Aubrey can take an arctic eximus bubble to slow enemies and create a defensive bubble around herself.
    Aubrey can take Ash's slash passive and apply it to her own melee weaponry and deal insane amounts of damage.
    Aubrey can turn into a second energy battery by using Octavia's energy passive.
    Aubrey can control and manipulate the void, working with limbo by stealing his roll passive.
    Aubrey can take up Venge and copy Excalibur's passive to boost it even further.

       Trick Toss takes this to the next level where she can toss a passive or aura onto someone else making them take on a completely different role for the team opening Aubrey up to further possibilities. Or she can safeguard someone by copying Wukong's undying passive and toss it onto a squishy character that has trouble staying alive.

       In the correct situations Aubrey can feel like a god, but when not supported properly, she feels average to poor in comparison. She is highly versatile with completely different builds than any other warframe with a hard and unforgiving learning curve which rewards experimentation. Mainly she specializes into damage but she can branch out into various situations and adapt accordingly. Rather than following the same playstyle over and over she is forced to change.

       I still feel like she may be a bit overtuned but it's kind of hard to tell with such a different character that tosses everything we know about WF out the window while also exploring unexplored modding territory... Hard to replicate in the simulacrum too. But i've long since wanted a warframe which uses channeling as a way to fight. Such an old system that hasn't gotten attention since the dark ages it feels like.
       I also felt that going the route of straight numbers was wrong. originally Naval Blade granted 160% channeling damage and 80% channeling efficiency. But that wouldn't really open up many unique build options. The new version i feel is much more flexible which allows players to play with mods that before were considered unusable. Blending modern mods with them seems fun.
       Previously a player named xZeromusx was concerned that without a planned party it didn't feel like it had any real use. Well that was kind of the point but it did get me thinking of how to improve on that. I can't get rid of the copy cat idea but i can alter it to make her more unique. Stealing from enemies came to my mind, then eximus. So now you can steal eximus abilities, but then more you could steal powerful "tricks" from enemies and use it against them like hellion missiles, AoE knockdowns from heavies, shield auras from osprey, Ancient auras, etc etc. But if I did that then stealing abilities would be weird, so I swapped to passives which actually opened more options and fun then I thought it would. It's nowhere near as flashy as ability copying, but definitely powerful if used cleverly.
    Now I know her ultimate would require some MASSIVE work. It would make her super fun and unique among pretty much our entire cast of frames. However if it proves to be too much for whatever reason, then she would be limited to stealing Eximus and warframe tricks. Significantly less powerful but it works.

    Changed Duration of Tac Retreat's specs from 18 to 12s.
       -Only meant to be a brief shield to retreat, not a spawning ability.
    Changed Duration of Legionnaires from 22 to 28 seconds.
       -Not as long as Mind Control.
       -Still not as long as shield of shadows but long enough to make them stick around.
    Recasting Legion costs 75% of Legion's drain.
       -Rewards players for not letting Legion die off.

  12.    Ok so this is going to be on a different post because as much as I'd love to put my ideas into the megathread, I don't really feel like reading through 1200 comments beforehand to understand the topic. This idea also sparked because I wanted Valkyr's Talons to have channeling and started a post about that but it eventually devolved into a mess about channeling. This will also be a post relating to my own warframe concept as it heavily uses channeling.
       Channeling is incredible and if you feel it sucks then... well I can't really blame you as I also looked at it as worthless until I got my hands on a riven that showed me what it could be capable of. Let me show to you what it could and should be and the dramatic affects of channeling.

       Now DE this is very important for you to understand and I know this will make me sound crazy and stupid, but channeling is quite literally one of your greatest concepts. it is BY FAR the most interactive Melee system, you just need to give us reasons to interact with it and Melee becomes infinitely more interesting. You've always strived for interactivity in games and critical thinking in builds. This playstyle would flourish in the game you want to make if treated, conditioned, and revamped properly.

    {{{{{The Channeling Damage Needs Help}}}}}
       Now i literally mean the damage. When we get a buff for channeling it says 1.5X multiplier for our channeling damage. so you would assume a 100% increase to that would make it 3X, just like how critical would work right? wrong, you would get 2X because that 1.0 in 1.5 isn't actually real. you only get .5X damage boost by default. Now WHY would we ever use our precious energy on a form of damage at a ludicrous rate, rather than use a form of damage that consistently deals higher damage numbers and acts passively without a drain to our energy. If were going to be draining our energy then make it worth it. Start by making the channeling damage work like critical because it's just not worth it at the moment.
       In terms of channeling damage weapon variety we have very few examples. While weapons of crit and status litter our arsenal, we have only three weapons to choose from. with a 1.75X channeling damage, the Fraggor Prime, Synoid Heliocor, and Furax Wraith all have this. But that's three out of our whole melee arsenal for channeling weapon variety. Of course there is also the Vaykor Sydon which can blind on channel but you don't need a channeling build for that. All of these weapons are slow or tiny, and out of the Meta. This brings me to my next topic, variety.

    {{{{{Channeling Variety}}}}}
       Currently we have three main forms of weapons. Those that deal critical, those that deal status, and those that hybrid status and critical together. Each of them has it's own advantages and all have players using them. This being said our weapons all share the exact same channeling stats. To make channeling more viable on some weapons perhaps change the drain, block drain, channeling damage, or add some passive for channeling to that weapon. This means that for some weapons, life strike would take priority over healing return. This makes both mods viable, but for different weapons.
       If we were to rework our older weapons which currently sit out of the Meta into more unique weapons for channeling, or you start playing with it, we now have a MASSIVE amount of unique tricks we can do with them. Imagine the Dual Zoren, an old classic, now has the ability to stack 10% attack speed up to 50% for channeling hits for 7s each. If you want a specific enemy to die quickly, use channeling to blend through them. Cool perks like that are only ever possible because channeling exists. It can help a ton with weapon variety. But only if the current mods are buffed to make these passives and weapons click with the play.

    {{{{{The Channeling Mods Need Buffs}}}}}
       I've been an avid supporter of channeling when I got my first riven mod with massive channeling damage and I saw the potential it has. I began exploring ad looking around only to find that the system has been neglected for years. Where we have gotten mods such as body count, bloodrush, drifting contact, maiming strike, argon scope, etc etc just tons of amazing crit and status mods... Channeling has only EVER been recognized for Life Strike. Even then it has an alternate mod which heals per status tick. Not that it's bad to have that, it's great for people to have an alternative, but that's all channeling has ever had.
       Now even the normal channeling mods which would be seen as an "essential" to a channeling build are fundamentally useless and nearly all the alternatives for channeling are worse than the normal variations. They're also basic and outdated for old style warframe. For such an expensive way of fighting, even in this day and age where we have tons of energy, it simply isn't sustainable to begin with. The mods should make it worth it, but they don't. they make the drain WORSE. Now I know why they did this, they don't want to supercharge our weapons. If channeling became a new powerful damage type then you could hybrid crit/channeling to blend literally anything.
       Examples of mods that are far worse than their normal variant. Quickening only grants 20 attack speed(max rank) during channeling for -80% efficiency. I assume the idea was to stack this on top of fury but nobody uses it because -80% turns the 5 attack energy cost into 9 energy cost per hit. We could use a focus school, an ability, or something else to boost our speed so this isn't worth it. I get it, you don't want our weapons to become even more powerful then they already are but that won't happen if you just handle the mods cautiously. Rather than avoiding channeling figure out ways to make it work for you.

    {{{{{New Channeling Mods}}}}}
       I've come up with this. Rather than making channeling an absolute damage type, like critical and status, it's a situational form of damage. Make mods that are unrelated or support damage while channeling rather than trying to make channeling damage worth it. That prevents us from growing stronger, but also adds more flexibility to our melee weapons. We have necessary mods but occasionally we manage to slip in a mod called life strike or healing return. that means we have room to wriggle out of for more diversity within our builds. I'll give you some examples going from very basic mods to more complex mods.
    Pick Pocket (Melee Channeling Finishers grant 300% more loot -40% channeling efficiency)
    Leeching Conversion (Channeling drains from health when below 75% energy)
    Power Generator (Channeling Kills grant +1s duration to all abilities active on the field -10% channeling efficiency)
    Relentless Counter (Consecutive Melee Channeling hits grant 3X more Combo Counter per hit)
    Status Subversion (While Channeling reverse physical status and elemental status % chance)
    Elemental Exploit (Channeling attacks have a 40% chance to cause enemies with elemental effects to pulse a single status effect to nearby enemies, -80% channeling efficiency on pulsed attack)
    Energy Reactor (While Channeling out of combat gain 0.2X Energy Rate per second up to 4X energy rate)
    Conditioning (Kills while channeling grow armor equal to 2X energy used. Armor deteriorates over 20s after channeling is over)
    Critical Switch (Channeling Attacks increase base critical chance by 10% for every status effect on an enemy) *added after, not before*
    Stability System (Energy spent during channeling decreases falloff range on all weapons with 60% efficiency for 12s / -30% channeling efficiency)
    Energy Detonation (Energy Used while channeling is stores as a 6m explosion scaling off damage dealt and damage taken -40% energy efficiency)
    Accelerated Evasion (Instead of blocking and reflecting damage, warframe overloads systems to dodge attacks completely gaining a short burst of 40% movement speed while sacrificing parry)

       These are only several examples of mods that I know for a fact some players would use. It even presents challenge for Condition Overload. That's not even considering the possibility of dual stat mods. We only have an electric + efficiency. No other elemental variations exist like for other weapons. I get that thematically it works, but there's thermal energy, bio energy, and even cold has a unique interaction with energy. Why can't we have these effects, or better have channeling be able to create higher tier elements with only 1 mod like being able to have radiation damage or blast damage without needing to make an elemental combo.
       Having channeling be a supportive form of damage rather than a flat or elemental form of damage, it becomes unique in it's properties and possibilities.

       I won't go around giving more examples as I'm sure you guys get what i'm talking about now. But we can get so many more arcanes if channeling becomes viable. This means more ways to play and fight. I don't think i need to expand much more on this as many eidolon hunters and weird players know that some obscure arcanes can be used for hilarious reasons to make weird playstyles. Some of which being the unkillable hildryn, shield wall volt, undying health inaros, nekros healing station, etc etc. Channeling can make so much more possible.
       For veterans who want to explore new content, this would be one of the easiest ways to open up dozens of new fun and different builds. It's not the new content we want but it would certainly add some flavor of discovery to the game again.

    {{{{{Abilities, Synergy, and Warframes}}}}}
       Now I personally have a fan concept warframe that heavily uses channeling, but lets talk about the changes that could be made to our current warframes to make channeling more viable. If the following mods were put into place then DE would probably be more inclined to mix channeling into our warframe abilities, further diversifying them. To start we have Valkyr. I already said once in a previous post, but if her attacks are always tagged as channeling, she can make use of channeling mods without any extra cost because she already loses 15 energy in hysteria at 100%.
       Other examples could be abilities such as increase channeling damage shortly after using slash dash. Channeling inside of Fire Blast grants 60% fire damage on channeling attacks. Channeled attacks on shocked enemies arc electricity to more targets.

    {{{{{AoE Issues}}}}}
    because channeling works by energy per hit rather than enemy per swing, it makes massive weapons unable to use channeling. Stuff such as the orthos, atterax, and other large weapons cannot stability support a channeling play style because of the amount of enemies it hits. But channeling can help increase the effects of our smaller weapons, making them rise to the level of our larger ranged weapons. I believe this could make us see a slight drop in usage of whips and other massive AoE Melee weapons. But that's only a theory and I can't actually prove it.

    I get that balancing needs to be taken into account but it has serious possibilities for complex integration into our gameplay. Yet DE has let it fly under the radar for so long. It should be expanded upon and not removed like they keep talking about. I fully expect critical and status to remain dominant, but this can make our melee Arsenal that much more diverse. Please don't kill channeling. There are those of us that love it and see potential. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, (XB1)Kawaii Asa said:

    honestly, i also agree with you on this. personally, i feel that Hysteria should slowly drain Valkyr's health (let's say 1.5 health a second) as well as not providing invincibility, and only restores health (let's say, 25 health), per X number of kills (let's say 7 kills). i think that this should be done because of many reasons:
    1: it makes it less worthwhile using it on a singular enemy as you won't restore any drained health back unless you get a health drop
    2: it discourages using it to hack, revive, etc, as you are still vulnerable while using it. (we all do it really, lets just be honest here)
    3: it encourages players to only use it when in a bind or when in a horde of enemies because they can restore health quicker than they lose it (at least normally in those situations)


    however, i feel like making it have passive channeling is a must (mainly as i use a few too many channeling mods), or lowering the channeling cost from 5 to 1-2.

       I would side with this, but valkyr's a difficult topic in terms of invincibility. it's no secret DE is trying to hammer down on invincible warframes, hence the "Hysterical Aura" being added and the massive energy drain. But the fact is they didn't completely take it away. DE knows that the backlash of removing valkyr's invincibility, the original immortal, would be a massive slap to the communities face. But drainig health i'd agree with. an alternative to a 1-100% energy drain could be draining health.
       But if that's the only changes made, her play style remains the same and so do the builds, but with less hysteria. Players have no issue surviving in normal mode valkyr and even prefer it because valkyr is forced into using a claw style weapon with no range. Why would they take that over a weapon with an 8m radius. It makes no sense to do that in a game where killing enemies as fast as possible is the goal.

    Thanks about the channeling 🙂 Although I feel I need to clarify this as on another thread I didn't clarify it very well and i don't think i did here either.

       Valkyr's attacks are only tagged as channeling. She doesn't actually get any benefit other than her attacks being >considered< channeling damage. She can still over channel like Revenant to gain the channeling damage bonuses. This just means that she can always make use of channeling mods without needing to use the energy which should honestly be a thing given you can lose upwards of 10 energy a second even with streamline on. That should be more than enough energy to classify a weapon as channeling because normal channeling attacks use 5 energy per hit.
       Hysteria's 0-100% is really a missed opportunity that can be built on right now. I noticed this with my "Overheated" Ember rework, but rather than just saying "hey get out of the ability now" you say this instead. "Ok you can be safe and get out of the ability right now, or risk more for more damage". It feels like the 0-100% was made to punish players and rightfully so it should, but only if you're not building to maintain a 100%. Give us a reason to stay at 100% and now we have 2 unique builds and play styles for a single ability. But that's kinda diverging from the main point.
       That's what I meant by her attacks are always channeling. You don't drain any extra energy to have your attacks be considered channeling. your drain on the ability itself is the weapon's channeling drain.

  14. 4 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    The system is going away. People only ever used it for Life Strike. They aren't going to exhume the corpse to rework it so Valkyr gets even more broken.

    Yes i know they said it was going away with 3.0 I'm well aware. But here's the thing. Channeling is a completely unique system to warframe and a power every warframe shares. All players have access to it. This change wouldn't make valkyr stronger. Being strong isn't the same as being diverse. Valkyr being the only channeling exalted for one makes sense for her 1-100% drain. it also makes sense because the model literally encases her claws with energy.

    Reworking and or adding to it wouldn't make her stronger but more diverse if DE handles it correctly. Channeling has useful mods, you stated one, Life Strike. that mod shows channeling has potential in the form of decision making. I'll be frank i do not blame you for looking down at it, but that doesn't mean it's useless and can't help. Channeling isn't for all players. I know people that hate slide attacks, yet I use them with nezha and kronen prime usually coming in at top damage. a mechanic many of my friends call stupid allows me to burn through high lvl heavily armored enemies easily. The kronen is a weapon that lends itself to slide attacks, the wolf sledge and glaives lend themselves to charge attacks, and channeling would lend itself if it had the mods to.
    I only ever said tag her attacks as channeling attacks, giving her more freedom to use different mods in place of the common meta mods. That doesn't make her stronger, just different. You use one mod to replace another. Instead of reach, some players prefer spring loaded barrel. instead of body count some prefer drifting contact. Instead of fury, people prefer berserker. it's the functionality of the mod that gives it value. having a damage type that lends itself to functionality rather than being all about damage makes modding inifnitly more interesting and changes playstyle dramatically.

    I'm not the only one to look at channeling and see value. even a youtuber talks about it for 3.0

    Though this is now starting to become a discussion about channeling huh... 

  15. 14 minutes ago, (NSW)KentInkOVanheim said:

    I would just like to point out that this change may be irrelevant once they complete melee 3.0 which completely changes how channeling works. 

    And that would also have major changes to valkyr's combos, so... there might be no good reason them to make this change(or something similar) if they would need to rework it after the update. 

    It may take them a while to get to 3.0, but developing this change may just extend that time. 

    That is a good point as they may completely change it and that's out of my hands. But there wouldn't be many changes made to her combos at all. rather it's just tagging these attacks as channeling. no benefits to it other than access to channeling mods always being active.

    Of course i'm hoping 3.0 doesn't get rid of channeling, rather it builds or revamps how it works. Long shot and probably futile but It would greatly benefit how we play the game.

    I honest to god believe that more attention to channeling would alter how we play the game forever given the right mods and system reworks. It's such a unique and underrated system that's flown under the radar. Many people laughed at those who used status before condition overload was created. after that, status and critical were on equal levels of damage. I can't ignore the fact that a single mod shifted how melee worked. channeling could work the exact same way and rather than being a competitor in damage be useful in specialization and diversity for our weapons. Just fix channeling, add a few new mods, and we've got ourselves a modification system for our weapons which lends itself to people creative enough to find unique solutions to problems.

    Channeling is capable of killing in super unique and also boring ways. I was able to fight lvl 150 enemies with a riven mod boosting my channeling for the okina. That would be boring straight damage, but the Amalgam Javlok magazine warp mod was shown off by GHS to kill enemies in the hundreds as well. Using a shield and deflection combined with condition overload, channeling allowed GHS to clear rooms and deal damage by standing still and simply be an easy target.

    The change itself won't take much time at all and is simply a small tag to put on valkyr's claws. From there they can work as a base. Much like how Wu Kong is an experiment for 3.0 melee combos. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    This is way beyond just being able to use Channeling mods. Hysteria's drain is not that much that allowing Channeling mods to work without any extra energy cost would be reasonable. 

    What mods do you even imagine this would be useful for? If there's no multiplier, Corrupt Charge and Killing Blow are useless, along with Reflex Coil and Focus Energy. Nobody would ever use Parry or Reflection. Life Strike would be redundant.

    Not really much at the moment as not many mods really have unique effects tied to them given the neglect given to channeling mods thus far. But take this an an example. Imagine we had mods like Dispatch Overdrive. Channeling = effect. as an example look below

    "hitting an enemy with a channeling attack" = X effect

    X effects
    Movement speed
    Parkour Velocity
    grants *Attack speed boost%* per hit capped at *max%*
    1 stack of evasion (dodges an attack, useless vs gunners but helpful vs stuff such as the infested)
    turns 5% damage dealt into shields
    applies multiple instances of damage to target hit
    causes a pulse dealing 25% damage dealt to all enemies within 3m
    Causes a 2m cleave for half damage (cleave being a specially angled reacg to the weapon)

    From basic effects to more advanced ones, we could get a whole new branch of mods to explore. Thus far they've given us a few, but not much to write home about. This is kind of diverging from what the original topic is so i'll keep it brief. Channeling, instead of a wave to deal damage, can be used as a modification and flexible tool to increase our performance without touching damage numbers or changing how our damage numbers work.
    If you look at the quality of our channeling mods and how flexible they are, it doesn't come anywhere close to the quality of our current melee crit and status mods

    of course there are some mods that benefit from this. Enduring affliction would increase status duration by a ton, making it viable for meta talon builds. the longer slash, toxin, etc etc stay on a target means condition overload has more time to do it's damage.

    of course that's just me hoping they add this stuff in but for now it can make use of Dispatch overdrive, Enduring affliction, and some others. Plus them adding this would force them to look at other channeling mods and improve them as they've long since been outdated. A small change with possible future benefits, like a base to build off of.

  17. 2 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Channeling has a damage multiplier on every single weapon. Channeling mods also increase drain. If Hysteria meant your weapon was permanently "on", these mods would make your energy pool evaporate.

    There is no good reason to make this change.


    1 hour ago, Violet_Xe said:

    Now to be clear what I mean by setting valkyr's talons to channeling, I'll say this. Hysteria drains valkyr of energy, that is your channeling. You don't have to put any extra energy into it. I only say this because Hysteria just takes so much energy.

    Valkyr's ability drain would be the channeling drain. That is how hysteria would be in channeling mode. it wouldn't be by hit, the ability simply sets hysteria to channeling. No extra cost, just the upkeep of the 0-100% on hysteria. No extra damage. Your energy wouldn't be vanishing.

  18. 17 minutes ago, (NSW)KentInkOVanheim said:

    What about the fact that it is the only Exaulted weapon that gives you invulnerability and life steal?

       Yes it does grant you invincibility, but that's not always a good thing. and it isn't that special either. The tanks of warframe can become invincibile in their own ways. Rhino for example has been seen to get over 1 million armor. Inaros might as well be god. Point is if you're geared up enough and know your character in and out you don't die with your tank unless you try. even then it's hard.

       As for lifesteal, that's the only thing i've seen hysteria used for on a consistent basis. It's a glorified healing button. Tons of other frames have their own variations of it, Wu kong can fly through enemies to get hp back. Inaros gets hp on finishers, Garuda can make tons of healing fountains, Nidus has a patch of ground, nezha and nekros reap dozens of health orbs at once, Revenant steals anyways. That's only taking into account abilities. There are weapon mods and passives that do that exact same thing. it's not that special anymore, maybe when she released but no longer.

    7 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    It continues to be the case where everything after the "but" means what came before it is invalidated. It makes you invulnerable, full stop. It allows you to ignore literally every source of damage. There's no reason to then allow it to do even more damage than the high damage it already does with no change to cost.

    If it costs too much, you reduce it with mods. You aren't supposed to be in it permanently, from mission start to end.

    It is not even remotely small.

       Repeating this but invincibility isn't always good. the simple fact is you can't make full use of mods such as rage. Even the arcanes can be used to get this hp back and make you seemingly invincible. It's my opinion sure but I feel like the invincibility doesn't actually help too much because so many other warframes can become unkillable. if your ability makes you invincibile that's great, but hysteria makes you invincible and forces you into melee.
       If we were to compare the talons to any of the other exalted weapons it falls flat on it's face because you may be unkillable but it drains much more energy and has a tiny range. If invincibility is the saving grace then it's a pretty poor saving grace imo.

       I never said you should be in it from start to end. of course you're not. if i said that i'd say take away the increased drain. Instead i'm asking them to justify the drain with something more worth while. It's an exalted weapon, an exalted form. Yet excalibur can be as unkillable if you play him right. blinding enemies means they can't attack you, hurt you, or kill you. But excalibur has RANGED melee, with chromatic blade buffs, and despite it being more effective at killing he walks away completely unharmed. The same can be said for Wu Kong now, his staff covers a massive range and is used in two locations. Despite him being pretty much unkillable, his exalted lets him sweep over a huge area. All of the exalted weapons so far have something special to them for AoE, but the claws do not. it doesn't even have a gap closer unless you augment it. 

       How exactly would making valkyr's claws into permanent channeling not a small change? I also never said that it would do more damage. only to be in a state of channeling. that means it can utilize channeling mods always.

  19. I said this in my post, the "Blood Lust" Valkyr Rework, but I find this to be a pretty tame and reasonable addition.

    Is there any way we can get Valkyr's Talons to be set as always channeling? Compared to all the other exalted weapons, this is the ONLY one that has an increased drain the longer you use it. I get that it makes you invincible, but we put a TON of energy into our hysteria. Where is all that going? If the talons are considered pure channeling then it would make sense and open up some cool builds for valkyr.

    Now to be clear what I mean by setting valkyr's talons to channeling, I'll say this. Hysteria drains valkyr of energy, that is your channeling. You don't have to put any extra energy into it. I only say this because Hysteria just takes so much energy.

    it's a small change but i'd appreciate it if you can give Hysteria atleast this.

  20. 5 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Immortality? Lifesteal? Automatic, instant-kill Finishers?

    I said this above, but i guess it is just an opinion on my end.

    Immortality does seem nice, but to more experienced players it's an inhibitor which prevents the use of some mods and arcanes. So it has positives but being immune to all damage has it's downsides.

    Lifesteal isn't really all that great anymore considering everyone has a way to get HP back. this is done via abilities, allies, weapon passives, weapon augments, or pizzas. It can't really be seen as that special of a benefit anymore, it was great before not not anymore given what we have to gain by taking damage. Also that life steal is the on hysteria is a bit weird because 1 hit brings you to full hp.
    Maybe if you were vulnerable during hysteria the lifesteal would make more sense but it doesn't anymore because you can heal for over 500,000 in a single hit. it's a weird thing to throw in there now. Not to mention that the only reason people use it is lifesteal so hysteria might as well be replaced with a press to heal button.

    Valkyr also doesn't get instant kill finishers. yes they do have some super increased damage, but there are two issues. you have to charge attack to get the finisher or slam attack which takes time. Only after that can you finisher. Next the fact that the finishers are what she specializes in.
    Joey Zero showed this off in a video where he was asked why he doesn't use the stance for exalted blade. He was able to quickly slide into a radial blind and kill an enemy in half a second. now that blind would affect multiple enemies, which other allies can finisher. Valkyr cannot open that many enemies up into finishers and cannot share it. Also her finishers take far FAR longer to do than excalibur's chromatic blade which doesn't make much sense due to Exalted Blade being a ranged melee. it shouldn't be better in close up combat than a weapon made for close up combat.

    When I said No Extra Benefits I meant it like this. Valkyr's Hysteria has nothing that REALLY stands out against her competition because what good is it to become unkillable, when you can't kill anything important yourself. This is why i suggested several changes to the ability which makes her more of a team player, opens hysteria up to more build variety, and made it unique in the sense that it's a gap closer and has a reason why it drains energy at such a stupid rate.

  21. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Architect Prime said:

    Thats interesting and all, but only rework her first and third abilities.

    Why only those? I see issues with all 4 of her abilities at present. One of her most infuriating aspects is that her claws drain far more energy than any other exalted with no extra benefits. Warcry should also be taken down a peg imo because it's detrimental to her build variety the way it stands.

  22. So it's not really much of a secret that valkyr is a great warframe, however her builds have been focused on warcry for the longest time. I did try to write this once buuuut my comp decided to shut down and I lost all of it so take 2 of "Blood Lust". Also i was going to make one of zephyr cause I was lazy but she's actually really hard to tackle so yeah returning to valkyr.

    Blood Lust is a rework based around ability synergy and making Hysteria not a healing tool. I'm hoping to drive home the idea of a primitive and berserk rage filled animal while also keeping a sophisticated reason for all her abilities to exist. I don't believe this will change how anyone plays valkyr, atleast not to my research. This is only to make her a more powerful frame in regards to her abilities. I also am going to stay as far away as possible from garuda's territory to prevent Valkyr becoming a copy of her with this rework.

    Valkyr Prime
    Health 300 300
    Shield 150 150
    Armor 600 700
    Energy 150 225
    Sprint Speed 1.10 1.10
    Passive: Valkyr is nimble, able to recover from knockdown 50% faster and is immune to Hard Landings, landing with no touchdown delay.

    Warframe Unique Exilus: Armored Shields 50% of Valkyr's current armor applies to her shields, 75% to Overshields. -10% Shield Recharge


    Ability Description    Ability Features   Changes    Augment     Ability Name     {{{{{Section}}}}}

    S = Affected by Power Strength       D = Affected by Power Duration
    E = Affected by Power Efficiency     R = Affected by Power Range

    {{{{{ABILITY 1 Ripline}}}}}

    Valkyr hurls forth a hook dragging herself or pulling them to her location for critical damage. Ripline can also be utilized as a mobility tool to traverse long distances. Consecutive Ripline casts deal increased damage.
    If ripline hits an ally, Valkyr will leap onto that ally and gain 150% Parkour Velocity for 2s.
    If ripline hits an enemy, Valkyr has two options.
       -Holding the 1 key drags the enemy to her location
    for a ground finisher
          -Airborne targets will be tossed to the ground dealing 20% of their lost hp as damage in a small radius
    Not holding the 1 key makes valkyr leap onto her target's head dealing heavy damage, then slams their body down as a weapon.
          -Valkyr meets the enemy halfway midair and tossed their body down dealing 20% of their current hp as damage in a small radius.

    Ripline can stack through consecutive casts increasing damage and casting speed
       -Gain 2 stacks every cast going up to 8 stacks
       -Stacks decay by 1 every 1.5s

    If ripline lands on a a surface, valkyr can drag and swing herself with the desired hook.
       -Tapping 1 once will drag valkyr to target location.
       -If she holds the ripline down, valkyr can swing using ripline and moves geometrically to her hook location. As an example, 
    Remove the parkour velocity drop when using ripline to make smoother transitions
    Ripline can be used offhand of main weapon.
    Ripline resets double jump and aim glide.
    S = Increases or Decreases Ripline multiplier // Increases or Decreases HP% damage            D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases energy drain of Ripline                                                                   R =  Increases or Decreases target rage of Ripline

    NEW AUGMENT: Serrated Line
    If ripline is cast on an ally or objective, A serrated line forms between the two like a link, damaging enemies that pass through it. Serrated Lines last for 18s.
    While active during Hysteria, enemies who are cut by serrated line are permanently slashed.
    = Increases or Decreases slash damage           D = Increases or Decreases duration of Serrated Lines
    = N/A                                                                  R = N/A

    {{{{{ABILITY 2 Warcry}}}}}

    Valkyr lets out a rallying cry that bolsters her allies melee speed and defenses while slowing down nearby enemies.
    Only allies within range of the original cast are affected by Warcry.
    Warcry Increases allies attack speed by 50%
       -Attack speed stacks with attack speed mods, passives, and arcanes.
    Warcry Increases allies armor by 50%
       -Armor boost is based off the ally affected, not valkyr's own. Each buff is individual from one another
    Warcry Decreases enemy speed by 30%
       -Slow cannot pass
    65% effectiveness, no matter the buffs
    S = Increases or Decreases slow // Increases or Decreases attack speed // Increases or Decreases armor               D = Increases or Decreases duration of Warcry
    E = Increases or Decreases energy drain of Warcry                                                                                                     R =  Increases or Decreases effect range of Warcry

    AUGMENT: Eternal War
    While active, each melee kill in Warcry increases duration by 1.5s
    While active during Hysteria, each melee kill in Warcry increases duration of Warcry by 3s
    = N/A           D = Increases or Decreases Warcry time boost
    = N/A           R = N/A

    {{{{{ABILITY 3 Paralysis}}}}}

    Valkyr unleashes her shields, stunning and damaging enemies around her.
    Paralysis stuns enemies 8m away from her
    Valkyr sacrifices 33% of her current shield to increase paralysis
       -Overshield affects paralysis

       -For each 35 shields drained by paralysis, Valkyr's Paralysis increases in range by 1m
    Paralysis goes through walls.
    S = Increases or Decreases shield drain of Paralysis // Increases or Decreases damage of Paralysis             D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases energy drain of Paralysis                                                                                       R =  Increases or Decreases stun range of Paralysis

    AUGMENT: Prolonged Paralysis
    Affected enemies are pulled towards valkyr and stunned for an extra 200% duration
    While active during Hysteria, Paralysis stun gains an extra 25% duration
    = N/A           D = N/A
    = N/A           R = N/A

    {{{{{ABILITY 4 Hysteria}}}}}

    Valkyr imbues herself with ballistic energy transforming into a ball of furious, vicious rage to eviscerate her foes with devastating talons of energy. Leaping from foe to foe, she hunts down her pray.
    While in hysteria valkyr generates a Hysterical Aura which grows over time. If an enemy is within the aura on deactivation Valkyr receives 33% of damage taken during hysteria.
    Valkyr's Talons now always are channeling meaning they can gain the benefits of channeling mods without the need to actually channel.
    Valkyr becomes immune to all damage, status effects, crowd control during Hysteria.
    Valkyr automatically leaps to enemies up to 12m away by attacking.
    Kills in Hystera reduce the size of Valkyr's "Hysterical Aura"
    5% damage dealt by Valkyr's Talons are recovered as HP
    Charge attacks force enemies into ground finishers

    Increased finisher animation speed by 30%
    Finishers deal extra damage
       -Ground Finishers deal 1
    500% damage
       -Prompted finishers deal 6
    000% damage
    All other stats go on far too long unlike the other abilities. Check the wiki if you don't know what I mean. I'd make this far too long if I typed everything important. For the most part it's the same hysteria you all know. The main changes are in green. I also won't be putting my SDER guide because that would take up FAR too much space. So use your imagination here.
    (While in Hysteria Valkyr's other abilities become enhanced)
    -Ripline is always at 4 stacks and won't degrade past 4 stacks
    -While Warcry is active, all enemies within the "Hysterical Aura" are affected with Warcry at 50% of it's origonal power strength
    -Paralysis can be cast instantly on the move without the animation

    NEW AUGMENT: Blood Lust
    Valkyr gets on all fours gaining 25% baseline movement speed.
       -Valkyr runs at enemies an 40% basline movement speed if they are affected by Valkyr's Howl.
       -Movement speed is affected by speed mods, not power strength.
    Valkyr can hold down hysteria for 75 energy to release a tortured howl in a radius affecting all enemies caught in the range will reduce the drain of Hysteria and pauses Hysteria briefly on kill.

       -Every 2.5% on drain translates to 1 meter range.
       -Marked enemies killed pause drain for 2 seconds and lower Hysteria drain cost by 5%
       -Marked enemies killed restore 10 energy and 10 shields
       -Marked enemies take 50% more damage from physical damage


          Alright so to start, her stats are perfect. If I've one gripe with them, it's that the prime is much much harder to obtain when compared to normal valkyr. You could wait over a year and not get it. such a stat boost really hurts but i'm going to ignore that.
          Valkyr's passive is also solid as it's not game breaking and is what a passive should be. It's not useless like Hydroid's passive, but it's also not as powerful as nidus with his undying. I actually thought he had something else and that was built into his kit but no. Her passive is right in the middle of useful but not so powerful it can be considered an ability.
          The exilus I wanted to provide Valkyr was made because she was the first warframe to use their own shields offensively. Hildryn wasn't first, Valkyr actually sacrificed shields to deal damage. I'm pretty sure before this damage was significant but power creep dulled it's lethal potential. Armored Shields isn't completely broken on Valkyr like it would be on other warframes, and it also makes for some interesting build variety focusing on shields rather than health. it also makes her appreciate shield frames like volt, mag, and trinity more as well. The mod also serves to protect her shields so they can actually be used for paralysis if built that way.

          Now that the passive stuff is out of the way, we come to the abilities. A warning, this will be focused mostly on making paralysis more unique, upgrading ripline to a more flashy and damaging tool, and to tie everything together with hysteria making it more viable. Warcry and valkyr's main builds should remain mostly untouched and are still possible to play.

          Ripline is first. I originally was going to say just have swinging, but then I did more testing and the pulling has it's perks too. We already have hypermobile abilities such as tail wind, so Valkyr could get the same treatment. You can combine swings and pulls to traverse tiles quickly through the air opening up airborne mods in case anyone wants to go down that route. I thought it would be cool to exploit the jumping to enemies mechanic, but of course her predator Garuda does that already so i needed a unique take on it.
          Garuda's main use of the first ability is to create a shield and nuke the room so I can sort of creep up and steal the leaping to ability with the two frames still being equal. While Garuda builds damage into a nuke, Valkyr cannot guarantee kill people, but deals % damage in an AoE to make her play style different. She can also use her own allies as a way to boost onto enemies and cover terrain. Honestly just a fun way for Valkyr to ride on top of people. Not powerful or weak and purely for fun.
          Taking the route of Loki's switch teleport, I wanted to mimic how DE made a trolling ability useful. So, now Valkyr can link a Ripline to her allies like a wire to cut enemies between them. Used properly, Valkyr can apply slash to enemies all over the field. The idea for this came from a new game called Astral Chain where the Legion wraps the chain around an enemy to weaken them. Taking this to warframe would be incredibly unique to her alone instead of a useless augment.

          Next is warcry which remains almost completely untouched. The only thing i did to it and it's augment was lower the slow cap from 70 to 65%... that's it. This is a small cut to the ability because of it's overuse. yes abilities are made to be used but it's overshadowed almost all of her other abilities when it's meant to be a supporting cast. I want to make players use other stuff.
          Eternal war was only touched slightly to nudge you to hysteria. but if you build for duration, which many eternal war builds do anyways, you won't really notice anyways. This is only meant to include Hysteria to the augment making some use for eternal war users to care for it.

          Third is paralysis which was the first ability to ever use the warframe shields offensively. Now the damage is minimal, but if we could make the shields mean something, then we look at the ability a completely different way, much like Hildryn. Valkyr has one of the largest AoE stuns now, but she cannot spam it at all and it's hard for her to keep it that large while in combat because she needs to avoid damage to do so. Without overshield suppliers, Valkyr cannot be used to her absolute fullest which means she is also open to team synergy more now.
          This is also the reason why Armored Shielding was made as her exilus mod. With Armored Shielding, Valkyr can save her shields more and also gain more layers of defense. The trade off is, this makes you build for shields to help paralysis resulting in completely different builds.
    Prolonged paralysis also remains almost completely uncharged like eternal war. However in this case it's only a plus with Hysteria boosting the ability further.

          Lastly we have Hysteria, the pride of valkitty. Honestly even with that said it was still pretty lack luster. All Exalted abilities have something unique to them, and yes I said abilities. not weapons. The ability activates the weapon. So far all exalted abilities grant something incredible to the user and while you could say invincibility is Valkyr's slice of the pie, is it really all that special? we have warframes that can ignore death like Nidus and Wu Kong. warframes like Loki and Ivara who stay out of harms way at all cost. Frames such as Inaros and Chroma face tank nuclear explosions and shrug it off. They aren't invincible nor do they want to be because being killable grants access to rage, arcanes, and more. It's more an inhibitor now rather than a specialty. Ranged melee waves, double exalted M3.0 staff, arrow fan, cc fists, aim bot pistols, double exalted archwing. All these things grant unique aspects to the frame's kit but Valkyr has nothing helpful.
          Valkyr's Hysteria is the ONLY exalted ability which drains energy at an increased rate and increasingly poses a threat to it's user. No other weapon can backfire, why? Well if were going to be channeling energy into the damn thing, lets actually channel energy into it. This alone makes it super unique as it allows for channeling builds to be treated as completely normal because you don't drain any extra energy outside of your comfort zone.
          Next we come to the AoE and reach issue. Valkyr has the smallest exalted ability. To fix this Hysterical Assault should be baseline, but far smaller. let her bounce to enemy after enemy without needing to place a mod for that. Excalibur can kill enemies from 20m away, Valkyr needs to get close to that enemy. Ivara can shoot an arrow, Valkyr has to bullet jump then kill. With this pounce ability being baseline she is still the single target damage dealer of the Exalted family, but she can still actually compete with the other frames.
          Lastly we have to tie in all the other abilities making you want to stay in this energy eating form. With ripline, it's not more powerful, but will feel easier to use as it always sits at 4 stacks. Warcry affects enemies at 50% effectiveness. Not too powerful, but it means that warcry users will have some reason to use hysteria, spreading warcry everywhere for some extra survivability. Third is Paralysis which could be cast without stopping. I noticed this when i was fighting but due to the finisher animation time and just the stun time in general, we may stun tons of enemies, but we lack the time to finisher them. So i cut out the waiting time completely, not too powerful but certainly noticeable and helpful for paralysis builds.
    To end we've got the new Augment to replace Hysterical Assault. Blood Lust, the title of the rework. This is meant to be a risk reward system that relies on your ability to make use of hysteria t it's fullest. This will give you a new animation set and a speed boost, but the main incentive is the gamble. I noticed with ember and Valkyr, many players tend to deactivate at 50%. Well what if you had that as a resource you could manage. Spend energy to gain an attack boost and a short window to lower the hysteria drain. Essentially it's a more constrained eternal war with more damage benefits instead of time benefits. you risk staying at a high power drain to get max benefit from the howl. You can't spam it, but you can't save it.

    So uh, yeah what do you think about this? Any constructive feedback would be nice.

  23. 31 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    you're the one that went off topic to try to pull 'i know more about the game and the history of the game than you therefore i am right', so you asked for it. especially when documenting things inaccurately.
    i would have preferred to only talk about the topic.

     No I didn't go off topic. I provided evidence. My points were to show you different systems. DE created systems and mechanics instead of band aids. you decided to fight my points for some reason. Also documenting things incorrectly. the only thing I saw saryn doing in all of the videos I watched her for during 2013 was single target spore damage.But instead of trying to counter my evidence of DE making systems and mechanics as fixes instead of bandaids, and connecting it to the topic, you just countered the evidence as if a whole new topic had appeared before you. wrong or not you perceived my info wrong. Also if you have a source or evidence show me and I'll say I'm wrong, I work off the stuff I know.

    32 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    what, i have to perform basic arithmetic that you are presumably also capable of doing? 0-2 EHP Mods for Warframe Survivability vs Base Damage only or fully Modded Damage of Explosive Weapons? you don't even have to calculate them to exact values, you can just make fairly accurate estimates.

    Well it seems we value our modslots differently as that mod for my warframe could be used for a much more useful mod. Also i would like to point out again that Cautious Shot was made to help not blow yourself up. A mod should do it's job no? if it can't without help then it's not worth having because we have other mods that provide amazing buffs. Also yes I did run the numbers myself. For normal hits you could survive, but what time do you never have 1 squad buff on you? You should know beteer than anyone no? Saryn's got a weapon buff called toxic lash. 

    34 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    635,000 would exceed the highest Damage per Shot possible by a Weapon in the game natively by about a factor of 4. the number you're looking for without exterior Damage Buffs of any sort is in the area of 60,000. 99.5% less of that is 300 Damage. expecting to survive hitting yourself when stacking Damage Multiplying Abilities on your Weapons is pretty unrealistic - you're doing much more Damage, soooo you would expect to take much more too.

    really? so you're telling me that you don't use mods, arcanes, and team abilities to buff your weapon damage output? I find that VERY hard to believe. Next, do you really believe that anyone is going to use a weapon that can only deal 60,000 damage when there are weapons that deal far more, in a larger area, that don't blow you up. The mod has alot going against it. So it needs the help. And again, you're not accounting for a buff that our explosive weapons need and should get. your 60,000 is less damage then possible if we can get what these weapons should have.

    41 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    of course, even if we were talking about Weapons natively dealing 7 digit Damage, Cautious Shot still would not be necessary, because you guess it, shoot the Enemies, not yourself.

    Cool, go show me a 1-2 hour survival with a self damage weapon, full party, all companions, and try not to blow yourself up without cautious shot. Many people who run self damage weapons can tell you that it's really hard to not do that. Nobody is perfect so noy blowing yourself up is impossible. But you're not the only factor for self damage, if your ally, minions, pet, a random teleporting enemy, or just another tenno, you have all that running with your mistakes. That's alot. There's no point in taking a risk like that if you die for not even your own mistakes, that's just unfair.

    46 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    ofcourse, 99% would work too if you weren't be careless with Mods and there was atlaest one EHP Mod included in the scenario, but since most people copy paste from Youtube/Twitch and those are rarely included, i figure that the game has to bend to their poor choices and so 99.5% would be necessary for Cautious Shot to work.

    That sounds like you're telling people to not build how they want, play how they want, and to be optimal in every way possible. Also you're making the assumption they even have the mods to work with that. It's how people have fun, I know that my banshee and nezha aren't optimal because I run 2 augments on them as a hybrid rather than focusing on one. But it's fun for me so I do it. I don't want to have to mod a certain way, if skill can make up for it then skill can make up for it. but again, you're not the only factor when shooting self damage weaponry.

    50 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    i'm not, it's just that a bandaid is 1000% more likely to happen than the Damage Multipliers on our Weapons being closer to sane rather than insane.

    That's the giving up again. you're a founder you've seen community feedback affect the game in both positive and negative ways. If you're so educated then say the community and media has not once affected the game. We can push self damage into the spotlight and make them fix it. After all it's only 1000% more likely to happen if you sit and wait around for it to happen.

    53 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    seeing as there aren't any other means to an end that has Explosions being a risk and that risk increasing as you increase the effect (put on more Damage).
    so then, without any other options, a bandaid it must be.

    I literally just put an option infront of you. multiple.

    Unmodded damage negated by abilities and arcanes.
    Unmodded damage not negated by abilities, but negated by arcanes
    Stat changes.
    More mods and augments.

    These are all options I listed previously. These aren't even all the options I could've come up with but they're the options I feel benefit the game the most. A band aid it doesn't have to be.

  24. 41 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    i already covered that only taking unmodded Damage means that there is no risk at all unless you intentionally try to Kill yourself. that isn't 'no longer through the roof' that is none.

    Cautious Shot isn't necessary either way.


    actually, that's just you that isn't accounting for Crits. i'm basing my self Damage reduction based on the highest performing Explosive Weapons currently. which ofcourse yes, are ones with Crits. so, that's basing it on an average of a Crit for 60,000, not including Weakpoint Crits. a world above what you're even taking into account.
    you're not beating on me at all, it's ok. i know more about the history lecture you're trying to give to me anyways. 🙂

    taking a Percentage unmodded self Damage still means unless you intentionally try to Kill yourself by standing in one spot and shooting your feet, you can't Kill yourself at all.
    though, are you saying you take full self Damage on base(and bypasses Abilities)? well, that could work. since then you're taking between 1% and 1.5% of your total Damage per Shot currently. ofcourse it'll be a little bit on the generous side since we are naturally resistant to Blast Damage, bu

    1. Yeah, you simply said that theres no risk without any evidence. that's not covering it that's saying it without stuff to back it up.
    2. yes it would be necessary. it kind of is if you want any chance of not blowing yourself up with a bomb instantly.
    3. You missed the point I purposefully missed critical damage and it wasn't meant to be a point against you. it was to support that you'd be taking much more than 600 damage sometimes. That would take a massive chunk of our squishy warframes defenses. Also, again, if DE listens they would boost our weapons stats so the ogris 600 would be boosted to a higher number which means 600+ possible self damage. that's ME not accounting for crits because I don't need too, that's enough to deal enough damage to boop a loki into high orbit.
    4. No you don't and that history lecture comment was uncalled for. They were evidence examples to prove a point, which went right over your head apparently.
    5. yes that is what I was suggesting, as a compromise. There are others we could pick from though but everyone would have their issues with each option. I'd still prefer my self damage with unmodded and abilities affect that but i wouldn't be unhappy if DE were to add it going through abilities. But this only works if unmodded damage is the system DE chooses if they even want to fix it.

    55 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    on the contrary, Nekros was very useful, as Nekros offered far more than just an AFKbot (that's Nekros 2013-2014, you're living a bit in the past). people just weren't educated enough to know that they need not be Casting Desecrate all the time any time that the game lets them. you only needed to Cast it say once every 5 seconds in order to cover 99% of the Corpses. you could Cast it more aggressively when there's a special Enemy of particular value you want to make sure you Desecrate.
    Nekros was centered around Desecrate - and he still is - since it's a great Support tool that Nekros used for buffs and general sustainability that supported the usage of his other Abilities.

    Peacemaker was changed because it was decided it was too easy to AFK with it. so now it does even more Damage than before, and it's slightly harder to AFK with it. that was the full extent of what happened and why.

    who was using Prism to Blind during Interception v1? you were there to Kill the Enemies efficiently (rotate between one person doing all the Killing). not Kill as few Enemies as possible. if you were trying to stall the Gamemode there were better options and that's not what anyone was playing the Gamemode for anyways. it was for the infinite Enemies/Second that you could Kill.

    Parkour simply fits the style of the game better. the goal was to make a Player Mobility system that fit the game better. that is what we got. it wasn't to 'nerf coptering'.
    though in most places except say Landscapes Parkour is generally faster anyways since you can redirect Velocity in so many ways.

    Riven Multipliers pretty much just get moved to nerf Weapons that anybody uses. even Weapons that aren't very popular end up getting nerfed because they were used more than another Weapon.

    the best part of what changed about Chakram is that some of the features from the Augment were moved to innate.

    Spores was originally designed around covering the entire map and leeching everything. but, that Killed performance so they got heavily nerfed and weren't very useful for a couple years after that since it was made with the intention of being that way.
    now, i'm not sure why you're giving me a history lesson on Saryn. i know. with being one of the most experienced Saryn Players in the history of the game. i have more experience with just Saryn alone than the vast majority of Players have in the entire game.
    which of course, even though you didn't get into it, i can mention that Saryn was objectively a better Warframe in the 2015 version. 2017 can get more Kills/Second, but it's AFK and uninteractive ,while Saryn 2015 could do the same thing, it just required actually taking advantage of the Abilities rather than trying to AFK, and was extremely interactive. but i digress.

    6. I don't know why you're trying to argue against my point when they were evidence of systems being corrected. Infact you fighting them does literally nothing but help me as you're proving that DE want's to remake systems and issues. Although in regards to mesa... what? what even? no that's not why she's harder to afk with. Mesa can't afk anymore because she can't target everything instantly forever. That's because of the requirement to actually point yourself in the direction of enemies. Instead of being a constant line of sight nuker, mesa neesa to actually turn to shoot people. Having a nuke deal more damage doesn't make it harder to afk. that logic makes literally 0 sense.
    7. You're right Nekros was useful but he still needed the change. It's not fun spamming an ability every 5 seconds which kills the joy of warframe. I know if I'm not having fun, then I ignore everything else and only do my job. Even if that wasn't the case for everyone, many players didn't feel like nekros was fun. Having it be automated really helps. Also about him still being desecrate focused, that's your opinion entirely. I personally run him for creeping terrify. all opinion based. 
    8. I'm not going to pick apart the other arguments because this is a self damage related topic and I don't want to get side tracked despite you missing my point of showing those to you. So everything below what I showed above is completely besides the point and I'm ignoring it. Skipping to "well again"

    1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    well again, Cautious Shot isn't a necessary Mod at all. so your question is loaded anyways. why should Cautious Shot be necessary? it isn't.
    but if you want to make self Damage of little concern, paying a Mod Slot for it is a pretty fair trade, especially since we don't really have any Launchers that are Hybrid Weapons anyways.

    Yes, yes it is needed. And even then in it's current state, and even at 99.5% you wouldn't be playing with "little concern" you'd still be killing yourself with damage blasts that can go up to 635k critical damage. 99.5% does NOT save you from that unless you're a tank. Requiring a tank warframe, a modslot, and another defense mod is NOT good. In fact saying "for one mod slot is a fair trade" not when it a. isn't one modslot and b. requires you to play a tank. That makes it a requirement on anyone that isn't a tank, and even then yes, you still need cautious shot for a tank otherwise you'd be blown up by missing 1 shot.

    1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    i mean granted i'm pretty much personally the pioneer of using Penta as a Hybrid Weapon, but that's just totally for memes and you wouldn't actually do that in real Gameplay).

    First. ...wtf? what?
    Second, never heard anything about the penta being a hybrid weapon.
    Third, I don't even know what you're talking about or why you're talking about it in the first place.
    Fourth. You obviously think you're a big buy, you're not. I couldn't care less how much time you've spent on saryn, or if you're going to pull the "i'm a founder" ticket, or I know more than you because based on the way you discarded my info means you don't know much about players, respect, and previous meta farming methods.  Based on how you handled and acted on my evidence shows you really like to be right, even if it means derailing the convo to be right in one sense. I also think you're an elitist. My advice is come back down to earth and to stop thinking so highly of yourself mr "saryn god". Mind you this is separate form the thread, just be a bit more respectful.

    lastly, why are you ok with a band aid in the first place? I believe in the discussion "Melee 3.0 Will you finally stop the evil power that is condition overload" pg 4, you said the following.
    "capping Condition Overload wouldn't be a 'fix', just a bandaid. the formula it uses is nonsensical, if it was just a normal Multiplicative Bonus it would already be one of the best Mods. there's no reason for it to be Exponential. Et Cetera."
    If that's the case why are you fine with a functional band aid rather than a system to begin with?

  25. 2 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    That also reminds me, people complaining about "exploiting" self-damage and thus having specific frames like Trinity and Harrow nerfed or reworked as to not gain anything with it would get their wish granted, no self-damage at all means no need for exclusive fixes and patches to prevent "abuse" considering it wouldn't work at all, so I have to keep asking why does 99% of the user base love self-damage so much.

    it probably isn't 99%. it's just one side of the community remains silent while the other talks. then when another topic comes in, they change places. It's the same deal with "Warframes should be gods" vs "there should be challenge in the game" one side of the community is always just silent on the matter DE talks about and then they get crushed by that side even though it's their fault for being quiet or not being vocal enough.

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