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Posts posted by Leyers_of_facade

  1. Cassini always work for me (saturn capture), make sure you nuke every room along the way to ensure the spawn


    Honestly tho, if your goal is just to get a specific weapon and don't care about the stat.... just buy a lich from someone, its probably quicker to farm the plat than to farm the thrall...


    I know your pain, the last 2-3 kuva weapons took me a long time too, but then I was also doubling ranking up stuff at the same time so it wasn't too bad

  2. Anyone wanna take a guess how long it will be until DE nerfs "hard mode" because it wasn't easy enough? because people can't actually get through levels with unmodded loadouts?


    I will make a guess first, 2 months.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    The other one wants to buy six 100 Ducat only items for 50p, which is most likely not Junk anymore.


    7 hours ago, kgabor said:

    That's a really creative lowball attempt.

    Most of these parts are likely worth more than that in sets even with more common parts (basically free/cheap parts)on their own.

    Even the majority of the lowest selling sets with at least a 100 ducat part usually sells for more than 50p.

    Actually... not quite correct...

    There are still relatively junk 100 ducat "rare" items, that people throw at baro

    The ducanator from warframe market does show a few items that would practically fall in that price range (which people tend to just throw at baro for ducats)

    eg. Stradavar Prime bp, Dethcube prime bp, zhuge prime barrel, ninkondi prime handle are all 100 ducats, their prices are typically <10 each, (if we were to use 8 / 9p each, 6 of them would theoretically put the price near what was offered, 50p)

    edit: Oh, and at least as it is right now, the ducat to plat ratio is roughly 10-12.5 ducat/plat, sooo 600 ducats for 50p is decently reasonably, at most slightly low

  4. 4 minutes ago, nebfab said:

    Played it quite a bit when it was released, but  didn't play WF much post revisit patch, so although I know everyone has shield gates now, there's some kind of gear fusion and cryophons were nerfed, I have no idea what frames/wings/guns are best for the AW component and what RJ parts are keepers and what can be safely recycled. (Also whether or not any of that is actually important, or did they successfully tone difficulty down from the "full meta gear or you're insta-dead" days.)

    difficulty was significantly toned down. archgun damage was also increased quite a bit. Imperator vandal has solid dps as an auto, while velocitus can 1-2 shot most fighters. For archwing, it would still be amesha so you don't die as easily outside.

    Personally for railjack weapons, I would recommend photor and carcinox, both of which are reasonably comfortable to use with solid damage output. Zekti is probably still best for dps, but would be a bit yucky if you don't have the avionic and intrinsic level for heats

    For your railjack, I would still recommend getting health and armor just so you can tank without concern most of the damage that are being thrown at you, after which those related to cooldowns and maybe damage / speed.


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  5. Another suggestion. Wave counts as "complete" once the number of enemies drop below a threshold (say, 5 enemy), and next wave will proceed until every 5 wave where rewards are collected. This should speed things up a little, hide and seek only would matter once every 5 waves when reward drops.


    Or even just make the threshold like 3 enemies and these enemies just die off at each 5 wave similar to interception.

  6. Unless they look extra nice / unique, they are probably not worth much. A lot of people are really just buying these imprints for mastery / getting the pet and don't really care how the imprints look. In this case, prices would be roughly ~15 for one imprint, and typically 25 for a pair

  7. 3 minutes ago, -Potato-13 said:

    Hi, I've heard DE doesn't want people to use macros, and we can get banned for this(?), anyways, I wanted to know if having a macro for Equinox to sleep enemies more efficiently can harm my account in any way.

    Macros that help you "play the game" would get you banned for certain.

    Now, something that, per say helps you click fast enough on a semi-rifle to make it similar to a full auto-rifle is more of a gray-area, while its not "safe", its also not absolutely 100% bannable. I would still advice not using things like such


    The question is, what kind of macro are you aiming to make with equinox?

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Deshiel said:

    the secret hero in this one is actualy the preparation mod

    eh... not really


    considering how you can use zenurik as well as energy pizza in the test.... its still laughably easy with mesa without running preparation

    • Like 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, UUDDLRLRBA_START said:

    Waiting for the inevitable trolling of the party by players releasing prisoners without standing.

    considering how little they gives, it actually wouldn't have made a difference really  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  10. Pretty sure the fastest credit farming is actually profit taker on fractures under controlled....

    but that is definitely not an option for new players


    I would recommend just doing index tbh, shouldn't be hard to find squads in recruit if you need help with it


  11. 16 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:
    1. Freeing Solaris captives doesn't need to be the best Standing grind to be useful.
    2. Two Conservation captures in 6 minutes is a pretty optimistic estimate and assumes complete success, drawing the right random targets, and probably doesn't account for the occasional time the animal gets stuck/never shows or the time it takes to get to the poop in the first place. Solaris captive take a few seconds out of a mission you're already in, and cannot fail.

    A few things
    1) targets aren't random, you can pick which ones to go for (I avoid birds, because they are the worse)
    2) I would say 2 captures in 6 minutes isn't optimistic either, but eh subjective. Pretty sure top hunters can clear 3-5 in that timeframe. I am not a good hunter myself but for reference, you can see the picture I have in the post you quoted above, and I am not even running a (relevant) booster right now.
    3) its not that it is slightly inferior to optimal methods standing grind wise, its essentially terrible for that purpose. It would be no different than to call ODD a useful place to grind neurodes. It would at least be worthwhile if they increased the standings gained, or actually give better rewards. As it is right now, there isn't really a reason to save these solaris prisoners aside from making yourself feel better about it.

  12. 17 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

    I got 1 Exemplar Crown and freed 3 Solaris captives with various spare Corwns. The mission (not including the 3 minutes of Granum Void) took 6 minutes, and I gained 1.5k Solaris standing. If you have a stock of Crowns, I'm pretty sure running Captures is a lot faster than grinding out Solaris standing via Bounties.

    Except, animal conservation exists, you can get standing far quicker that way. Aside from birds (which are a pain), you can probably do 2 conservation captures in 6 minutes. 3/3 good capture on sunny pobbers (the common one) is already 900 (easily done with cheese strats), not to mention there are some that give significantly more (The highest is kubrodon incarnadine, which gives 8k on perfect capture... yes, 8k standing)

    Did fortuna standing via animal conservation, took... less than 10min to hit 30k standingunknown.png


    • Like 1
  13. lmao...? I have seen very different cases at least in asia. Trade chat is decently active during normal hours. (Obviously, if you check in roughly the equivalent of 3am during asian times, you won't be seeing too many messages for obvious reason)


    Region and recruit seems to be decently active too

  14. The situation is likely going to be less severe if they made it easier to report, especially in game. Having to go online here to make a support ticket for one is a pain.


    Obviously, to prevent people from making false claims, a severe punishment can be set for any false accusations

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, JackHargreav said:

    I wouldn't think about these much.

    It kinda breaks the "immersion" since you realize that warframes wouldn't work without those rng orbs.

    Unless if you're zenurik or use rage.

    and energy pizza... which kinda make sense despite it sounding weird


    would be the equivalent of bringing a ton of "high quality battery"

  16. 22 minutes ago, Artekkor said:

    Eh. I dont have issues with it. Archwing is not exactly a popular game mode, many consider it to be redundant or tedious and in railjack archwings are intentionally underpowered so that they couldnt outperform RJ.

    Even this mod wont make me leave RJ in the high level areas, where crewships just oneshot me anyway while i can barely kill an interceptor.

    hmmm pretty sure that shouldn't happen since they revamped veil

    for surviving... there is really only amesha (sadly)

    although for damage, velocitus when charged should be able to 1-2 shot anything that isn't a crewship on veil. I remember inviting friends to veil and since one of them wanted to pilot the ship shhhh don't tell him, but he is awful at piloting and watching him use up 600 flux in like 5 seconds drives me nuts I basically flew around and did objectives while shooting the fighters down with my velocitus

  17. 4 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    Every time that idiot opens his mouth, all I can think of is throwing him out the airlock. He's so stuck up.

    Close. Not there, but close. AW is the closest this game had to an actual balanced system until Railjack came out, and that's only because RJ is completely self-contained (and also was pretty crappy at the start, seeing as how the "elite" zekti weapons were useless overheating crap).

    I've never actually used Amesha and don't actually know what its abilities do - perhaps the "fall from grace" started there.

    Uhhhh amesha  = you don't die unless you fall asleep / mess up really badly. Its pretty much the only archwing that can tank a good while in veil missions


    thing is... wf will never be "balanced" in the way you want, (ie, enemies have reasonable scaling compared to what we have), because if content isn't brain-dead easy, people will complain about it until it gets nerfed.

  18. 6 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Solution to that particular debacle, remove PVP from the game. 

    Honestly why is it even still a thing.

    And while we are at it, why is Lunaro even still in the game? Probably played by less than .01% of players, and hasn't had any updates to try to get anyone to use it in a long time. Wasn't there going to be a weapon based around it too? 

    I love DE, but the entire conclave system has never really had a good place within the game. 

    They got rid of raids because hardly anyone did them and yet they had to waste time balancing and bug fixing. Seems like PVP should be in the same category. 

    its slightly different actually

    The problem with raids wasn't that people weren't playing it enough, rather it was riddled with a lot of bugs.

    Essentially near the end of their days, pretty much every other updates somehow manages to break something in either raid, and the amount of issues was essentially compiling up non stop. Basically speaking, it wasn't compatible code-wise with the rest of the game.

    At some point they probably decided that it wasn't worth the effort to keep trying to patch a wall that somehow gets 5 new holes every week


    Conclave and lunaro on the other hand, they probably felt like its fine leaving things as is. While its rarely played, at least it doesn't break apart all the time, similar case to things like flappy zephyr and wyrmius (which I guarantee has even less people play on a regularly basis)

  19. Imo, U14 was the peak...

    it stagnated for a bit, then went downhill in U18/U19 (specters of the rail was so bad, they stopped calling it U19 :laugh:)

    there were other maxima tho, second dream was decent, the war within update which kinda saved the game and fortuna which was also a decent update


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