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Posts posted by Dark_Leo.Plus

  1. Start offer 2k, b/o 3k.

    Note: The negative won't affect much, it just reduce u from 4 clicks/ sec to 3 clicks/ sec ( on tiberon prime ) with full build u mostly kill everything under 135 in 2s anyway

    Edited the description link




  2. PM Offer on Sybaris. Latron c/o 1.2k b/o 1.5k ( PM on here pls. i'm not always onl in game )

    Note :

    1. Recoil not affect much on both latron version although is look kinda bad

    2. -impact on sybaris might bad in ppl mind but it give u higher chance to have status proc / slash / puncture dmg proc so it just more op ( for those who don't know )

    3. it only have 2.0x cd so more cd will give it better dmg then cc... it can't pass 200% cc anyway



  3. PM Offer on Sybaris. Latron c/o 1.2k b/o 1.5k ( PM on here pls. i'm not always onl in game )

    Note :

    1. Recoil not affect much on both latron version although is look kinda bad

    2. -impact on sybaris might bad in ppl mind but it give u higher chance to have status proc / slash / puncture dmg proc so it just more op ( for those who don't know )

    3. it only have 2.0x cd so more cd will give it better dmg then cd... it can't pass 200% cc anyway



  4. PM Offer on Sybaris. Latron c/o 1.2k b/o 2k ( PM on here pls. i'm not always onl in game )

    Note :

    1. Recoil not affect much on both latron version although is look kinda bad

    2. -impact on sybaris might bad in ppl mind but it give u higher chance to have status proc / slash / puncture dmg proc so it just more op ( for those who don't know )

    3. it only have 2.0x cd so more cd will give it better dmg then cd... it can't pass 200% cc anyway



  5. PM Offer on Sybaris. Latron c/o 1.2k b/o 2k ( PM on here pls. i'm not always onl in game )

    Note :

    1. Recoil not affect much on both latron version although is look kinda bad

    2. -impact on sybaris might bad in ppl mind but it give u higher chance to have status proc / slash / puncture dmg so it just more op ( for those who don't know )

    3. it only have 2.0x cd so more cd will give it better dmg then cd... it can't pass 200% cc anyway





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