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  1. they probably can make buffs icons more informative by making an icon showing what stat is affected and how. Not some totally non-intuitive icons means nearly nothing to a player
  2. I saw fully customizable UI in a lot of MMORPGs tho I mean that there aren't much REALLY critical info in WF other than energy level and cooldowns
  3. Just realised that Warframe is a unique game where you can't configure UI in any way. You can't freely move it, can't change it's appearence, can't do anything except scaling. In general it's maybe even okay but for some frames it's crucial to be in touch with your cooldowns and active skills. As Gara player I hate when I need to find this small icon with number in the corner of my screen to check when I need to reset my 2nd skill. In some situations it's win or die situation cuz you need to lose control for a second. It will be really cool to have a possibility to move it in some way. It'll be REALLY cool to place skillbar in World of Warcraft way in middle-bottom of the screen and make it bigger. It will allow players to monitor their energy and cooldowns without losing attention on the battlefield. Also I think that DE can make something with buffs in battle since in current state I don't have clue what are applied to me and what does these small minimalistic icons mean. It's just me or kinda a problem for some people?
  4. Classic QOL hostage. No efforts needed to implement, 10 years of people begging to make it.
  5. Проблема решена. Переставил бинды выбора доп. снаряжения и заработало.
  6. Ну я менял исключительно бинды скиллов. На кнопки мыши + 1 + 2. Почему-то вещи на 1 и 2 работают, а вот краситель на 3 нет.
  7. Нет, ничего не работает. Причём меню по нажатию кнопки 3 открывается только если быстро сначала открыть меню на кнопку 2, а потом сразу 3.
  8. С кнопкой всё отлично, кнопка работает. Не происходит вообще ничего когда я жму кнопку красителя. Вот просто ничего. Приманки и тд работают, а краситель нет.
  9. Купил на цетусе светящийся краситель. Выбрал в слот, но она не используется. Жму кнопку 3 и ничего не происходит. К тому-же колесо выбора при зажатии кнопки 3 далеко не всегда открывается. Я чего-то не понимаю или краситель почему-то не работает?
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