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(XBOX)demonizer andy

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Posts posted by (XBOX)demonizer andy

  1. i just realized that id not potatoed my loki P or gammacor, prob why im having a bad time haha....  one frame i wish there was some use for is ember... i remember farming the boss for her and voids to get her prime variant endlessly and, shes utter dog poooooooooo and i wanted her to be so good lol...


    as for nyx again i thought she was going to be awesome, but i just dont get how to use her or find any builds deecnt enough to stand up long enough, not really put a great deal of time into her but meh, i do want to try ash but im waiting on a prime variant, im sticking with my loki build at the minute which isnt doing bad i just find it a bit boring lol,  i do like room clear frames like mesa tho im bored of her at the minute, might have to play with saryn again

  2. iv always used the amprex for a long time since i find it more useful than the phage or synapse, melee wise iv decided to go for orthos again fo the range, not 100% sure what build to go with that yet though, and going to stick with the  gammacor for a bit. i was using akstillettos but they burned through ammo far too quick , matched with amprex it was a recipe for disaster, i didnt like the single shot of the marelok so we shall see what this puppy does for me.

  3. hey guys, im currently trying to farm various things including cores and the ever elusive jagged edge among other bits, my go to being palus on pluto, the issue im having is nobody wants to do it in recruiting , or if they do they are weak as hell, use all the life support, get dropped within the first 3 minutes and then quit....


    so i want to go solo like jason derulo (see what i did there) annyyyyyyyyyhooooo im struggling to find a build that lasts longer than 15 mins or so, iv had mixed look with valkyr, i just find her a bit slow in racking up kills to get life support drops, vauban is ok but my build is a bit squishy to say the leasst, sooooooooooo yeah here i am asking how you guys go about it, what frames and set ups do you use and how long do you tend to go for....

  4. this game is still a baby. after about 500 hours of gameplay i had a break from when archwing was released until 2 weeks ago, iv come back and gained a new love for this game, and play it daily, i wanna hump mesa's face i love that frame, give it a year to 18 months and this game will be barely recognizable ,its changing as it is adding new gameplay modes , hubs etc, it just needs to mature....


    i would like to see more mission based structures  though and a clearer storyline, survival and def are my favs but giving a decent tiered objective would be nice, expanding on the hubs too, as at the minute its a bit pointless, have crafting hubs, stores, player trade parts ,inventory caches etc. but i think that will come in time, also an auction house would be nice, people trade parts and plat now, but it can be a bit tedious through time wasters, dreamers or scammers, so put an auction house up, that way you can search for exactly what you want, and try and get a bargain or for the more desperate then they can pay the premium of a higher price....


    MOAR customization, i like there are certain armors etc and sedanas and all the rest of it but it would be nice to have the same frames looking completely different, plus adding something like the keychains off the keyblade from kingdom hearts would just add nice little touches..


    the choice of different difficulties with higher rewards, i get there are nightmare alerts but now if i want something from a boss, say neurals from alad V i can literally stick nova on slow him and drop him in half a second with my synapse, its just not a challenge, so give different tiers which provide greater and rarer rewards..


    deeper frame abilities and tactics, while i love the mechanics of this game i feel playing nekros and spamming desecrate or just one ability with a frame is a bit tedious, same with combat, when i play valkyr my hands get fudged up because im spamming the same button over and over to melee (i play on xb1)


    more open world areas, the hub is a good place to start where you can go to the trader, but that could be turned into a full central hub world, think the world tree from secret world, a place where everyone sits, rather than their ship and dojos, where everything you need is right there, then have the missions selectable from there, rather than jumping too and from different areas, it gets a tad annoying..



    now this is my most ambitious and i cant believe people have not seen this but.....


    sell out to lucas arts (or whoever is the daddy starwars producer now) or aquire the rights and create......



    A STAR WARS GAME!!! in this mold would be amazeballs, its practically starwars now , all the powers are force variants, the melee may aswel be sabre combat, even the levels are skin rips, the archwing is practically a bare bones death star trench, think the force skinned over warframe, wow i would buy that for a dollar... you could create or choose a jedi sentinel , warlord, inquisitor, whatever your fancy, hell a grinner skinned is practically bobba fett or a bounty hunter if you dont wanna go the jedi route, to me i look at most of the enemies anyways and see blatant rip offs from the SW universe so may aswel go the full monty.

  5. as the title suggests really, i play on the xbox one, and this is my most loved game, iv done all the achievements and thats normally the end of a game for me but 600+ hours in and im still going strong... iv built most of the frames and some im leaving til a possible prime variant comes out (ash) after trying and testing all iv built so far this question popped into my head and i thought id leave a few comments and see what everyone else thinks...


    so here we go...


    my best/fav -  this til recently used to be saryn. i loved running into a crowd and decimating everything, then i have realised that her damage falls off pretty sharpish late game, so she has taken a back seat, my fav situational frame now is nova... she is sorta a one trick pony and i used to hate her, because i didnt understand her abilities, but now il take her out most games if nobody else is using her... but now i have a new queen of awesome.... MESA... i have had this frame built a while and last night i decided to take her out for a spin at first i was like wow she is utter dog poop, and i was gonna get her to 30 and leave her to rot forver and ever... then i got a gauge on her abilities and what they do and wow, death dealer, so she is going to get some abuse til something better comes out lol....


    whats my worse/hated frames .... ok heres where i get flack..... rhino... i hate hosting a surv or def mission and seeing rhinos, its like the lazy gamers choice, and i think personally he offers nothing to the team, hes a selfish frame that just goes off til his iron skin lasts and you dont see nothing of him, hes ok at reviving but even that drops off once damage becomes too great for him to handle.... other than that the frames iv built and tested and unless im not playing them correctly i dont find much of a use for are... ember.... i wanted to love this frame but she just seems weak as hell, mag..... the name says it all....


    weaponskis..... weapons i where im falling weak at the moment, iv tried many weapons and they just dont tickle my pickle, i found the phage for a long time til i found the synapse, which tends to be my go to weapon, but now im rocking the amprex and apart from its ammo burn i think its the best weapon iv tried so far...


    secondary .... iv never found anything here thats truly wowed me, im using the askillettos at min, they are ok, but again burn ammo and overall meh.. im going for the cephalon suda weapon which iv heard is good, but i dont have a lot to say here as i really aint found much to excite me so far..


    melee... again iv not really found much here either, i use the orthos for the most part, i had dragon nikana too, prob prefer the nikana for looks and orthos for attack patterns, i wish swords came with a sheath or you could choose to attach them to your back as it looks a bit sausage hanging from your hip....


    anyways those be my choices whats your thoughts and feelings on frames and preferred set ups.

  6. ah iv never even thought of using loki, im partial to a bit of mirage action though, might have to give this tipedo a look see though sounds cool, il deffo be giving nyx a spin then when the frames done. iv got frost prime, which obvs works well, vauban i have created but a friend of mine uses him so i leave him to it.


    back to baro and the relays, does your clan have to have one up or can you use anybodies at any given time. 

  7. sorry iv tried reading up but iv been away from WF for a while now, i think archwing had just landed when id decided to give it a break, upon return iv found now that my builds still viable aint upto scratch of some, theres a host of new weapons, modes, and mods, and some guy who turns up once in a blue moon and offers uber awesome gifts from afar...


    so when and where, i get the gist he turns up for 48 hours or so and once every 2 weeks??? not sure if thats correct, not sure where he turns up though and if you get the alert hes here, also where does he turn up, thats the most part im most confused with, does he just turn up on a certain planet, orrrrr do you need something else...


    also i have a fair amount of credits stacked up and i see the mods that he sells ar ewell within my price reach, plus i have a stack of prime stuff thats hardly worth selling for plat and you can gain some of his own currency back with that....

    again can you get this currency at any time .. if so where.. and when he turns up can you clear all he has to offer out or are you limited to 1 or 2 items at a time....



    next up is just a quick question about frames and weapons, now i own or have owned most frames, and work towards their prime variant if its available but since being away it seems since i have come back , you get frost, nova, and theres not much call for anyone else, apart from rhinos, who i really dislike having in the group, as i feel they offer nothing to the group, they are just a selfish survivalist lol.


    nova iv never really played as i didnt understand her abilities, but after sitting down with her for half hour, iv come to really enjoy her and see her worth... though my most beloved frame is still saryn, but nobody uses her, any reason why that is...


    also im in the process of building nyx p and mag p, do these 2 actually offer anything to the group at all, cant see a great use of nyx and mag seems in theory he would be awesome against corpus and maybe grineer, but again he seems to get a lot of hate.

    and then theres trinityi have her and i think shes ok to have around, but she rarely gets used, i always feel that id rather have a frame who can wipe a screen of enemies out than have trins abilities.


    mesa/limbo, these are 2 new frames i have no experience with, are they any good, from what iv read they dont seem to offer much to the group.


    and lastly weapons...


    when i left i was using the dragon nikana, synapse or phage and akstillettos, are these viable anymore, the synapse seems to do its job, the akstilletos aint too bad either but i just burn through ammo, the nikana seems to have lost most of its use these days... so whats the go to weapons as an all rounder, i think il still use the synapse for solo targets like bosses etc.


    im building towards the opticor and  synoid gammacor ay the minute, im not sure what melee weapon to aim for, any tips there.

  8. yeh iv had the UI freezing aswel leaving only option to dashboard and quit game, other bits include choosing weapons or a frame only for it to reset to what you had equipped previously, countdown freezing like you say or not even showing mission selected and the door thing i mentioned , but these only appeared to happen after the last update and they seem to progressively  get worse

  9. iv not had many issues since the xb1 launch with this game but since the last one me and the group of friends i play with have had constant issues including


    - alerts not showing up  - they pop up as a notification then they are not there on the map


    - clipping issues - where to even begin on this one falling through floors, running through walls , etc etc


    - not being able to activate/hack - doors and consoles have no option to interact with this is more reg than it has ever been


    - party drop outs - this varies from not being able to get into games together at all, to dropping out on launch of missions


    - rewards not showing - you can pick up a mod or get so far in a survival, at the end of the game nothing you picked up is there


    - frame rate drop - this has always been a slight issue, but recently the game comes almost to a standstill more often than not


    - random death - this has happened a fair few times recently been running around and then everyone has just dropped instantly for no reason at all


    - exiting to dashboard - this issue has popped its head up at least once a day , go to start a mission and then boom black screen game quits to dashboard



    these are the main issues but since hte last update its been really unstable, not sure if this is right area but deffo needs to be sorted.

  10. anyone else getting this , was playing fine then started to glitch out and freeze up on me, tried going into dojo and it stuck on loading screen, after restarting yet again, log in failed, tried signing in and out etc, nothing happening

  11. hey guys not sure if this is the right forum but il give it a post anyways, im playing on the xbox one and cant stop playing this game, and seem to learn something new everyday i play, the one thing or multiple things im having trouble with at the minute, is getting hold of certain mods, iv looked on the wiki and farmed the areas it suggests, with no luck, but then on some of the posts people are saying that they drop in other places, then im finding other areas on other forums so i thought id ask here and get your farming suggestions.

    Anyways heres what im looking for


    heavy caliber

    split chamber

    vital sense


    fleeting expertise



    iv tried various places with no luck with any of them , so where have you guys had most luck.


    also weapon suggestions, i have 5 frames i think it is now, ember, oberon, saryn , valkyr and mirage about to be finished.


    i love ember but shes far too squishy, oberon im getting a bit of love for as he levels, saryn seems to be my guilty pleasure and good all round, valkyr im struggling to find any passion for at all, mirage looks cool, i have vauban say in my foundry ready to be collected but he just doesnt appeal at all and i want necros but that aint happening anytime soon.


    but onto the point i generally use the same weapon set for all my frames regardless, my problem being i cant seem to find anything that really hits the spot, currently im using paris prime, which is never getting changed i love this bow. kunai as secondary which i find useless, and the heat dagger as my melee which aint too bad tbf.


    i dont use my secondary all that much and the only one iv used and liked so far is the machine pistol, furis i think it was, strange looking one with extended mag, and for melee this heat dagger is ok, and i used a set of fists, cant rem which ones they were called, but i think there is a prime variant and they are more of a rounded shape and they were ok..


    but again looking for suggestions for secondary and melee, for melee i prefer fast attacking that hits hard, and same with secondary really, as i never really change from my bow, but suppose it would be good to have something that fires fast and lasts if things get hairy..


    also what sentinal is normally the go to, i dont really pay much attention to mine, i used wyrm and he seems the best so far, deathcube didnt seem to do much and carrier seems to do less....


    anyways i think thats about it, but any help with the mods and weapon suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




    EDIT - is there anywhere decent to get oxium from aswel, baal was reccomended but its got infested all over it, rather than corpus :/

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