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Posts posted by ChaosBloodterfly

  1. So the only reason people will choose to use a different gun, is if Hek is nerfed?  That's odd reasoning for me also.  I still use the Hek, it's still fun, I just don't get the logic of asking for a nerf in a Co-Op game.  Oh no, he's killing NPC AI fast with Hek, must nerf it!  The logic of that escapes me.


    Balance in complex games is basically when one gun/weapon/tool/equip starts crowding out all other similar weapons and limits choice and gameplay. Long term, one shotting everything with one type of gun is not fun.


    I don't think anybody asked for the nerf. I think DE has semi-competent game designers who are capable of recognizing balance issues. Maybe they need help with not over-nerfing (I definitely think they're going to slightly buff it in the near futue), but they're new at this, and it's beta, so I'm just going to: 1) play a different game for a bit, or 2) play with a different gun (I hear bows are fun!)

  2. I totally agree. But I was quoting a dude that was referring to real world stats.

    And to further nail your point home, if you were to do some video game math, most "sniper rifles" let you reach out to what seems like 100-200 yards at best (not including ARMA 2). When, in the real world, most US snipers are using what effectivly is a beefed up .308 hunting rifle. It's effective range is listed as 800 yards. So if folks want that kind of logic, then in game shotguns should suck beyond about 20 yards. In game.

    Still, no matter how you slice it. A game that has shotguns doing better or equal damage at long range (in game) as compared to rifles is just silly.



    I've never played a game where I've had range issues with "sniper rifles".


    The effective range of combat shotguns according to wikipedia is about 40m. And it's more due to sights and spread than pellet velocity I think. Slug rounds reach 100m.


    I should be able to thin out a giant hoard of Infested (no aiming/sniping needed, they take up the entire hallway) by emptying some shotgun clips in them.


    Still, anybody remember the no-drop-100%accurate BF2 slug rounds?



    PS. Random side note- can we get some individual shell reloading shotguns (or other guns)? Would be cool.

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