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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. whaat cleavers are wery strong with berserker and crit build , and the healing aoe proc is wery useful. ofc there are better weapons but cleavers are top tier also atleast for me and i love the looks!!!


    I use Skindo P or cleavers for the hardest missions, Skindo has more dmg but the proc of cleavers is really really helpful.


    im so happy they made a mod for them and it made me try them out.


    Greneer stuff looks the best , postacopalyptic killing tools :D reminds me of fallout and stuff like that.

  2. after i discovered ciphers i almost never hack manually anymore , the chiphers just feel so much more hi-tek i get this ninja/spec ops feeling when im using them :D ( actually i just hate thous mini games, takes me out of itchytriggafinga state :D ) its a part of the game i dont like and i should be able to avoid it.

    Im always out of  ferrite also :S 

  3. i had some problems first with grineers and infested after both got baffed, but i switched most my builds to health based (had some shield based before) and carry always a lifesteal melee with me or atleast a syndicate weapon with health proc (marelok,cleavers etc) seems to work well.

    i  apreciate the difficulty increase actually


    Greneer can be  ovrhelming if u run into room full of them try to aproach with care at higher lvl missions.

    And yea infested are cluster****.


    And dont forget to roll  u can dodge rockets this way and ged rid of some status effects


    EDIT: kinda lame tho, thous updates reduced shield build viability atleast for me- im not superskilled player. variety is good imo.

  4. Dots? Merle dots, or patchy? If they are merle, I'd be happy to trade Sahasa imprints that you like better for them. What colors do you like? I traded all my nice gold and red away, though I have a couple pups that might be sahasa.

    sry for using vague term im new to this kubrow stuff hes a patchy mess i think noone is intrested in this type of kubrow :D



    one more question if i use only 1 shasa imprint on new egg and anything else will it rise the probability to get new sahasa?


    My raksa is quite small tho not shure if smallest but quite near  but her fear skill really annoys me, sahasa seems to be good all around  companion, hmm i dont have sunka tho but her skill seems so specific on paper.


    Witch one u guys prefer huras os sahasa?

  5. Not really. You can if you want, of course. But if the ones you have are the color and pattern you like, there's really no point in adding the risk of losing that. Though if there is a natural color you're looking to add, it might be worth your time.

    Nah my sahasa is kinda boring brownish and dots and shes like mediumbigger skinny so no real traits i want beside breed , thats why i think it might not be good idea to clone him with 2 prints but mix it up and have more suprises on my goal to tiny sahasa.

    its not that i mind the brown grey colors. My only criterias are height and breed.
  6. If you are using imprints from the same dog, you will get a near identical clone. Gender and height are random, but fur pattern, color, body type, and breed are inherited.

     Thx thats about what i wanted to know. I think i need another sahasa print tho for variety when trying to bereed a tiny one.

  7. As far as I know, body build (slim, athletic, bulky) can be inherited. Height is random. Breed (Sahasa, Senior etc) is not random if both imprints are from Kubrows of the same breed. And there are some colors that cannot be found in the palettes.


    So basically i should get 2 imprints of my sahasa (or trade me a second one for variety?) and keep cloning him/them till i get a small one? because only traits i find desierable are height witch is random . And breed witch can be controlled by having 2 imprints of the same breed.




    ps.   Anyone got random sahasa for trade, (donate) for my mad sientist experiments`? ill be online today evning 

  8. Thx guys i did quite a research now and read a lot of forum posts about kubrow breeding, and as i understand color patterns are kinda somewhat breedable but size , breed and gender is random.

    I dont care about color myself i can buy the cosmetics if i find a kubrow i really like (tiny)


    What makes me doubt tho, is people trading they imprints etc why would somene buy 500 plat imprint if the desired traits might not show up?(really just for colors/patterns?)


    Im just really trying to understand how it works :s



    There aren't small kubrows, just slim and bulky ones.

    Theres quite a big difference in height of Kubrows. 



    And yea my english is not so good :)

  9. Hello!


    Recently i finally started messing around with kubrows.

    I have 2 kubrows by now and third one is maturing.(Huras Medum? bulky),(Sahasa medium? skinny), (and raksa is maturing).


    Well their all cute and stuff but i really want a small Sahasa. Smallest possible. I think small ones are the qutest and they also take less screen space :) color or pattern is not important. 


    How do i go about it ? Ill  just try hatch eggs till i get small one and then clone it (with 2 imprints) till i get wished breed and gender?


    How much would tiny kubrow (sahasa, male ,  random color) cost on trade?


    How much times can i use 1 imprint?







  10. This^


    And as for the Chroma one, if there was any reason why I don't like it, it's because I think it's just kind of plain and boring.

    I kinda like simple designs (mags original helm,excal), feels functional and easy on the eye :D

    Chroma is like christmas tree so many useless details :D

    I think they should cater all kind of different tastes , but all new designs are so over the top i wish they make couple new frames way toned down again like mag excal rhino etc

  11. i kinda like the chroma helm (new)  , its a matter of taste.(i dont like how this frame looks at all, but the new helm is best of 3

    which dsnt say much :D)

    BTW i have degree in arts :D

    not that it matters its just intresting to see this types of threads where aestethics preferences are presented like facts.

  12. frame:  1.Vauban(most fun)

                2.RhinoP (vanguard helm) (rush build for bosses and other speedy deeds(capture))  

                3.Excal for looks and challenge :D (my most played frame)


    primary:   1.Braton (prime/mk1)


    secondary:  1.Marelok,



    Least faw . Ember -- i dont get her

                      Oberon - i dont get him

  13. rhino is gr8 for beginners and useful late game (CC and buffs). Altho his iron skin later is not good for tanking it still helps against laser doors and knockdowns its just harder to notice what direction damage comes from.

    Now i only use him for killing bosses and stuff like. and iron skin is very handy for that u can rush past all laser doors and stuff .

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