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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. i fell in love after i equipped eternal war <3

    my go to frame if i want play melee only 


    EDIT: i only use 4 when i rezz teammates or as o S#&amp;&#036; button (sheas really clunky when 4 is active) but 2 is running all the time when i chop away with my scindo P :D

  2. yea if u play mag and have gp equipped it better be defensive map and u better pull in more  or less to one spot not all over the map it might be anoing.

    if u always pull loot in one spot its confy but if u pull it all over its maddening :D

    i hate mesa more makes u run all over map same way as stupid mag does :S

    but mag can be good but mesa cant be but a mag channels out mesas annoiance :D


    damn i need some english lessons

  3. Vauban is a bit frustrating because he's totally useless for general play. He's slow, with low stamina, so he has problems even getting from A to B. He has some of the lowest (if not THE lowest) survivability of any frame. His damage dealing abilities are slow about what little damage they do. And bounce, WTF.


    Vauban fills a specialized niche, in specialized line ups, and that's pretty much it.

    OMG how u play him? hes gr8 for all missions, skills are instacast dont interrupt reloading nor moving etc very confortable to play and strong warframe.

    And he has no dmg dealing  abilites aven his balls are for CC (electric proc).

    Bounce tho maybe they need to take a look at it after parkour 2.0. atleast its funny :D so maybe not :D

  4. im actually for losing coptering because i will be willing to bring more weapons i like but are bad copters like jat-kittag or dual cleavers.

    on the other hand weapons like daggers gona be completly useless after this and will need a second look at them.

    so it goes both ways

    But yea its probably better to get rid of it just baff daggers with some cool utility (fast strong finishers?increased move speed?)imo its boring if weapons only point is dmg there should be more utility type weapons like kogake and jat kittag...


    also is kinda logical u run faster with tiny knife than huge axe....


    but yea coptering looks stupid i think maybe if weapons would affect sprint speed? idk balancing stuff is complicated :)

  5. A frames are:

    1 excal at 21% RB is one of best skills imo 

    2 Vauban  at 18% Gr8 CC mostly use his 3-4 skills (he got style!)


    B frames are :

    Valkyrie for meelee carnage eternal war build

    Rhino P is gr8 for capture / boss killing ( have him with rush and arcane vanguard helm )

    Chroma for lvling weapons (good dmg buff)

    Mag P because current meta and shes my faw of thous frames evryone needs (mesa frost i dont like much) so sexy with immortal skin and default helm <3

    Loki for spy missions (because i suck at them ) :)


    others i dont play to much

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