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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. OK my feedback (note i played him as cc frame with radial finish before)


    I like  what u did to his 1-2 skills esp i like changes to number 2 skill , that i can cast it on the move and reload at same time!!!!! ty ty ty ty 

    1 is like ok i guess, dsnt work always for me (misses enemies) but its a good option to equip melee fast.

    3 rj i i dint like before and i dont like it now (makes annoing sound looks ugly and rb is better for me so its like unnecesary id rather had that silly jump instead of it as oh s''t button.But best would be just totally new skill istead RJ. Some kind of oh s''t button or a baff.

    4 i guess its funny to play around, no comments yet but i probably wont build around it.


    AND TY TY for the armor buff its much needed i can use rage now on him without being suacidal.


    So in short : SD is nicer . RB omg yes cast when moving and reloading yess and finishers are back yes i can unequip radial finish now for rage cause i have armor also now.

    RJ i hate but i did hate it before. His new ult is kinda neat i was hoping for 2 handed energy sword tho :D



    DISCLAIMER this is my opinion.


    TY de excal was my first frame and is most played at 23%, followed by booben 18% :D


    EDIT : maybe make finisher to be X buton (use button) 

  2. i think a frame focused for firearms would be cool like valkyr is for melee or smthg , dont tell me mesa shes just aimbot. i still dont understand how de made such a boring skill :(


    i already enjoy playing vauban because he has no dmg skills. need to do killing with guns and use skills to control battelfield , i play excal same way just use finishers on heavies. Was really hoping they remove radial javelin from him as it dsnt fit him at all, but well... i hope the rework is still cool and maybe they do smthg to radial jawelin wich makes it less annoing(that sound makes my ears hurt)


    i never played any call of duty but i did play a lot of unreal tournament and this is actually the reason i tried this game, because its made by digital extremes. So yea maybe more frames with soft crowd control and smthg weapon based maybe summoning turrets. well basically i would like to have another engineer themed frame he he .

  3. booben looks like corpus spy he he and chroma is deff a little bit on the infested side. Would be cool to have smthg that stylistically resembes greneer.

    Maybe a sharpshooter frame with unique twist :) Maybe modified by greneer like valkyrie was by corpus.


    Sounds cool

  4. If by "spin" you are talking about the slide attack, the boltace have the biggest spin attack.


    I still don't get why people prefer tempo royale over cleaving whirlwind.

    According to the stats, cleaving whilwind is waaaaay better than tempo royale.

    Tempo is much easier to use and fluid.one combo has knockback and movement in it, also autoattack does 2 swings.

  5. this build only works for radial blind though. slash dash needs power strength, has does his new ultimate, so this is a one trick pony build

    One trick pony i can solo t4 surv for 1 hour tho :D yea its a CC build.  its true i  use only 1-2 and nr1(slash dash) only for traveling. i like to use weapons and i hate radial javelin .

    jump is okey smts to get higher point for casting blind or smthg or when u in trouble.

    But his number 2 is like best skill in game :D

    PS i like CC frames booben and excal for life :D

    i might sacrifice some range for power str there are couple options but will need even more forma...

    they will also build radial finish into his blind so it will free up a mod slot so its better to w8 and see.

    its soo soon OMG OMG

  6. this works well for me , i like his neutral aura polarity so i can use any aura on him.

    NOTE: i will need an extra forma when i max primed continuity and i might +1 (to +4 ) fleeting expertise witch should give me 180% efficiency but its caped at 175% 


    EDIT : usually i run energy siphon aura witch keeps me topped up with energy quite nice


    OMG just noticed i need to switch my redirection and vitality slots for 1 extra mod slots and i wont need to forma him again :)unless iup fleeting + 1 witch is unlikely


  7. I don't think you need seven formas, maybe six if you run two pure elemental mods instead of dual status mods. I know i'll be using a rifle scav aura for this gun though, just did 50 minutes solo on my stagger shield mesa with it and it performed quite well.



    i use same build it rocks i would try non dual elementals because already enough status for this firerate but its just too awesome to see all thous procks and crits . Grakata is so juicy ! mmmm

  8. it has been good time lately. They release 2 buffed versions of my favorite guns karak and grakata. they make a mod for cleavers witch makes them decent. They baffed my faw pistol also but it was longer time ago (marelok).

    Now i can go to the missions fully grineer gear and not gimp myself.


    TY DE


    ps cant w8 for carrier prime my favorite companion and i hope they make kogake Prime soon my favorite tenno weapon.

    Please buff snipers also so i can use more of my awesome looking vulkar :)

  9. You had a chance to buy foudner pack if you were playing back then.If you didn't use the opportunity to buy it's your own problem.

    Also EX P>EX right now.Check wiki yourself to see why.

    u mean the aura polarity??

    well ok it seems you have very strong feelings about this so im not gona argue on internet. But when u bought it u knew what u where in to and it wasnt ment as an upgrade by them to regular excal.

    yes now primes are upgrades but u can obtain them without money so thats different its not p2w.

    but im not gona reply anymore just wanted to state my opinion.

    i dont wana rob your excal prime i think its awesome you got your bling but why other excal players have to be weaker without a chance for upgrade....


    in the end DE will do how they see fit.

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