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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. u can buff him i dont mind im just worried for they p2w part (over regular excal) because u cant obtain him normal way


    i would buff both Prime and normal one.

    and buff skana to prisma str and lato to lex p str (or smtgh similar)


    maybe i dont understand the founders thing and i really dont care about exclusive stuff just the p2w part bothers me cause there will be one frame witch is better only obtainable via cash

  2. u get smthg that is better via cash witch is not obtainable any other way = p2w


    You neither understand the concept of paying to win nor what the founders packages meant to the game back then.

    EDIT: as it is now only skin Cosmetic) its fine ...




    buffing the weapons tho i support very much ... to be on par with best: skana- dakra or smthg like that ...



    But I do feel with my fellow excalibro brethren and would personally prefer that DE released a Arcane prisma excal skin or something of the sorts that has the same bonus as Excal prime for those vanilla Excal pilots. But what I want and what DE does rarely turns out to be the same in the end.

    please not a skin i like the proto one :)

  4. I can tell you exactly why.


    B4LL3RSw3g3849: "Wut is this p2w bs?! i want a excel prime its not fair that foundres get to have it exclusively to them, WTF DE Y R U giving special treatment to them cuz they payd for founders pack i buy ever single PA pack yet you deny my excal p WTF, have fun with ur stupid p2w game, im out, seeya"


    Disclaimer: This isn't my opinion, nor am I speaking for anyone named "B4LL3RSw3g3849", I'm simply predicting that The forums will fill with messages like these the second a single member of the staff openly thinks about buffing excalibur prime. I'm not devbashing, just saying that there will be TONS of devbashing if they buff excal prime.

    and rightfully so

  5. i dont feel connected to her niether but that because lack of lore or character development no back story etc it probably comes later.

    i would be like to join steel meridian chick or the pvp guy they are much more appealing for me.

  6. idk imo prime baffs are getting more and more redicilous.i think they had good sweetspot with rhino and loki.

    i would be kinda sad about excal to be honest cause i cant get the prime variant and i really like to play excal wich means my excal will be always sub par if they baff prime variant. but meh i could live with that its just kinda unfair but life is unfair ...not gona cry :)

  7. solo chroma - team vauban


    i like both, but play chroma bit less for aesthetic reasons, but hes really gr8 for lvling veapons and stuff as is vauban actually just different playstyle. both are awesome !!!

  8. i only use hysteria for rezzing teammates and stuff like activating health pods and only when enemies get really hard.

    wish there was an canseling option because imo it makes u much weaker when u enter hsyteria (obviously tougher) .

    for me the long duration of hysteria is already downisde.

    but i guess some people build for it.

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