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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. It's not that he's hard to kill, it's that for any frame without armor a grapple is instant death. And grapple will occur whenever the manic feels like it. You can be facing one, jumping, in mid melee swing to his face, and he will still do it. Right now the only way when playing solo to kill him without risk of insta death is either trinity's WoL/EV combo or to stand in place with an orthos and swing like a madman so he can't approach.

    ok sorry i guess iwe been lucky,

    but i always keep moving when i hear this sucker and try to watch my back.

  2. What happens to daggers if they remove copter? only use of them is good copter .


    im into the idea of removing copter its stupid, just add some other good utility bonus to daggers please.(preferably movement related)


    (i would like them to increase moving speed or smthg because theyr so small and its logical they dont do much dmg, but they need some utility to balance it out) <3 my dark dagger 


    PM: please make a rambo knife skin for daggers


    EDIT: booben will need new nr 2 skill i guess also :)

  3. im in for removing copter and stamina, but i will really miss my dark dagger, i only use it for coptering (and small stamina use) and after there is no coptering daggers will become utterly useless. Only reason u would ever use daggers was coptering.

    But still im up for changes.

    They could make warframes movement speed faster while theyr at it to be on par with loki rhino vanguard helm.

  4. for me :


    vaykor and normal marelok - good dmg status and ammo economy best secondary for me

    akstilleto - fast reload high status

    aksomati - good dmg, for cleaning up large amounts of mobs

    brakk - for running (exterminate , capture) misssions , needs less aiming, short range tho, good dmg.

  5. i want HAL 9000 as ordis :D

    and grineer themed ship


    EDIT :- Without your space helmet, Dave? You're going to find that rather difficult.


                - I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to                               normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you. 


     - Mirage, the helmet is very alien-ish like, the odd colour scheme, and those giant knee things; the closest thing I ever personally heard of a guess maybe she has some kind of defensive ability that has to do with her legs? and with the original picture teased, she's in the air kicking, so maybe? After telling them that her name is mirage and she has illusion/prank inspired abilities, they put two-and-two together, but generally would have never guessed.


     - Oberon, just looking at his picture on the wiki page for an example along, I would have never guess what kind of abilities he would have. I didn't even know he was partially modeled after a deer until I actually got him in game and saw his feet and alternative helmets. But lets assume someone can see the deer bit. What kind of abilities who he have? Maybe something to do with speed/mobility? Beyond that, I or a few others couldn't really tell you, or even that his abilities are based around Druids/Paladins.


     - Zephyr, this is more up in the air (huehuehue pun...), but when showing a few people the character picture used in the wiki page, they had no idea whatsoever they were looking at. Then I showed them the teaser/wallpaper picture; they still had no idea until I said like with the other frames mentioned, to try to pay attention to detail, looking at the arms, the legs, the helmet, how the character is posed in the picture, etc. Once then they pretty much put two-and-two together that she probably has to do with flight, with the beak/airplane like helmet to solidify their guess.




    Thats intresting when i first saw oberon i knew hes a cleric type beacuse deers and stuff english mythology probably.

    Mirage is a clown so  i tought shes a trickster (didnt expect dmg buff tho)

    Zephyr is bird.


    I guess peoples brains work differently.


    (my english sucks i would write better sentances but to hard)


    BTW i rally like mirage with her Jester Helm , Oberon is passable But zephyr as much as i love her playstile i just cant play her too disturbing for me :D


    Mostly i like the designs of all new and old frames exept zephyr and the dragon frame i just wanted t o reply because  idk how people cant see that zephyr is a bird :D !!!!

  7. i myself like simple designs more like excal and mag and rhino but i get it that other like more ornate stuff.

    How it seems older frames where personalities by them self, and newer stuff is  like caricature of a bird or magician or smthg.

    Keeping that in mind i like the variety and there are exeptions both ways .

  8. For Bastille, a smaller range actually allows you to hold more enemies at a time. This is because enemies caught in *overlapping* Bastilles count toward the cap for both Bastilles... in other words, overlapping Bastilles is a bad idea. Instead of focuing on power strength, you can reduce range a bit and simply drop two bastilles next to each other.


    For defensive play, enemies tend to spawn from known entry points into the room, and often its more important to keep a small bastille or vortex at those points or along their entry path than it is to have a large range which can pick up stragglers around the room. This is just one example of where duration is more important than range. With the same line of thinking, Vortex doesn't need much +range, cause you're generally using it in a chokepoint or along enemy pathing routes. Strength doesn't matter either, so simply tossing Overextended alongside your NM gives you more range than we had before Vortex was effected by range, so it's obviously effective with that amount of range.


    Finally, RB requires you maintain 100% or more strength, which means you either are losing plenty of duration or dropping below +75% efficiency; making the duration added from NM more valuable than the range loss for most scenarios.

    My toughts but in much better english.

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