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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. i get it quite often(once per month smtms more), i play work days weekend i party or spend time with my gf so i kinda take regular brakes.

    also i bought plat 3 times once just when i started and 2 times with  75% discount.

    for your statistics or smthg.

    hhm also im from poor country so maybe they understand that we are poor here and cant buy it without discount :D


    PS i would never buy plat without discount anymore first time i bought it i was a beginner and i really wanted some extra slots and some cosmetics , now i have always smthg to spam on trade chat etc so slots are not problem for me anymore. But the 75% deal feels good even in such poor country as mine  :)

  2. 1) not everybody have both bows

    2) you can put whatever element on if you're not planning to go past the first rotation of endless missions and you'll still pretty much one-shot everything

    3) not everybody runs with 4-men groups all the time with a full set of CPs

    4) corrosive is decent since it gives you an edge against armour you lack with Dread while not giving you too much penalties

    5) it's a generalist build for lazy people like me and apparently the OP who do not do various faction-based mod configs

    yea i mostly run this void/infested (corrosive* + cold or fire)   build most of the time. and i play in pubs so i see 4x cp very rarely.

    soemtimes i mix up tho like gas on tonkor, radiation on some builds depends on weapon.

    i rarely do endless missions for more than 40-60 minutes it gets boring and i get tired :)


    *beacuse corrosive is good against most high priority targets exept bombards and trash mobs are easy to kill anyway

  3. hmm ok thx guys, lots of material to think on now.


    the vile acceleration thing ill have to try later dont have it maxed yet and not so much cores to play around atm.

    i wonder tho about the hammer shot though its maybe viable on dread because all shots crit.

    i dont really like other bows tho i think paris looks redicilous :D Dread looks nice and functional :)

    but what about heavy cal + hammer shot + 1 element? :D

    nah now im just brainstorming i guess :)


    imo not maxed heavy cal is kinda pointless imo dont u get more dmg from the 90% mod? than lvl 6 heavy cal? i dont remember correctly havent tought of it lately as my havy cal is maxed long time ago.


    Thx guys its nice to see other people point of views thats why i started this Th(d)read.

  4. Me build consist of


    -Split Chamber

    -Speed Trigger

    -Vital Sense

    -Point Strike

    -Malignant Force

    -High Voltage

    -Fanged Fusillade 


    I call it: The D'rektd


    Fire away those red crits, mah boi!

    sadly dont have that slash event mod so i guess my choice is just heavy cal + 2 90%elements or 3 elements??

  5. @ autognosis i tried heavy caliber on it makes arrows fly funny :D its kinda punishing if i miss with a bow because i need to repull it again , i guess ill try hammer shot.

    what would do more dmg 3x +90 elemental or 2x elemental + hammer shot?


    serration - split chamber - point strike - vital sense 

    speed trigger - hammer shot/ element 1 - element 2 - element 3


    what elements you suggest  for all around build ( i dont have factions specific builds, ) and is hammer shot worth the slot or is element still betetr?

  6. so basically as i tought stats procs are basically useless on bows, i guess ill forma it some more later then thx


    tought maybe the difference is not so big. 

  7. yea i have crit mods on and also fire rate but it leaves me with free spots after this.... and i dont have that slash event mod and idk i didnt put hammer shot, anyway after crit mods  it left me like with 3 or 4 free slots . im asking about thous sry i didnt specify that. tought its a no brainer :D

  8. guys how you  about your dreads.

    dual stats mods or pure elemental?

    it has decentlish stat chance but how useful are status procs on it?

    im not a much of bow guy myself but i started enjoing it more after arrow skins( didnt like the default arrows at all)

    did put couple forma on it.just  thinking, will i win a lot formaing it more and putting pure elements instead dual stats or the difference is not big? 

    keep in mind its just a variety weapon for me. 

  9. +1 also i would like to use my braton camo skin on my braton P

         manticore axe for my scindo P 


        i would buy a bunch of skins right away de :)


    i really hate all the primes looks.


    its pve game no harm in it ( u can disable them in pvp)

  10. This is still even a thing? Really? I don't see it. In fact I rarely ever see rhino or rhino prime anymore.


    i use rhino p / vanguard combo tho sometimes , hes convinient boss killer (capture mission) runs fast and laser doors  and other cc dont stop him.( prefer Soma tho over boltor, boltor is fugly also 1 clip of soma  kills more or less any boss) :D

    But if i need to do hard stuff i pick loki or valkyr they much stronger imo.


    Why so much hate on rhino hes not even that strong i think hes most useful as  buffer/cc or a blitz frame with vanguard/rush and stamina mods.

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