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  1. В моей работе сокрыт ТОНКИЙ НАМЕК на Богородицу, только в данном случае мать супер сильного ИИ.
  2. Dear DE development team, I would like to draw your attention to the problems associated with the playability of Sevagoth within the framework of the steel path in the game Warframe. Sevagoth is a great design and stylish character, and I would like to see him be fully integrated into the game mechanics while maintaining his uniqueness. However, at the moment, Sevagoth has difficulty being used in different types of missions, and his contribution to team missions is limited. I believe that improvements are needed to solve this problem and allow it to be used effectively in various situations. The main problem is that Sevagot is not efficient enough to handle the specific mission specifics and skills required. This limits its usefulness and the player's options when choosing a character. I would really like to see Sevagoth at the center of what is happening and fully use all of his unique mechanics and abilities. He has the potential to be a powerful and useful character who can be of great benefit in team missions. Therefore, I encourage you to consider reworking Sevagoth, maintaining his design and style, but increasing his effectiveness and abilities, so that he becomes a full-fledged and playable character within the Steel path. Thank you for your attention and I hope for your support in this matter. Best regards, Artem!
  3. An article from my book "Collection of philosophical articles "The Theory of Everything "System and Chaos". The computer game Warframe has a grandiosely designed world, which is now called full-fledged lore. The game's lore represents our world in the distant future, and this future revolves around the mystical Abyss. What is this Abyss? According to the game's lore, people have learned to pass through wormholes, that is, enter one point in space and exit another. Thus, you can cover any distance in the shortest possible time. But here's the catch. Between these points in space, it turns out, there is a certain Abyss, a certain region with its own laws of physics. And people became interested in the resources of this abyss, wars began, and so on. But that's not what this is about. I would like to consider the possibility of the real existence of such an Abyss. What follows will be a pure flight of fancy, but I have the right to do so, since this is an area of neutral waters in science, and I do not violate any scientific dogmas or postulates. In previously written articles, I defined all the various dimensions, including Time, as reality itself. Following from this, “piercing” space-time, while passing through a wormhole, we go beyond the edge of reality, we go beyond the edge of the real. We can say that we are leaving the Multiverse itself, since this is all conceivable reality. What kind of substance is this - the world of the unreal? Obviously, there is no matter there, since everything material is essentially real. But we cannot say that this is energy that has not been formed into matter, otherwise there is nothing unreal here. That must be what's locked there. It is locked because there is no place for this in reality. This is a certain incorrect state of the substance of existence. Obviously, our physical quantities are not characteristic of this state. However, I assume that there is some depth there, or rather many depths. Since in the semantic sense this is a world of utopias and dystopias, and in these senses this world is deep. Each such depth is like a pocket reality, which itself is active, that is, changeable. As if you got there, she would test you, torment you or bring you to an ecstasy of happiness - anything is possible. Therefore, they can be called certain entities. Surely these entities are inferior due to their unreality, therefore they long to be in our world and perhaps can somehow influence our reality and us.
  4. I hasten to please you: you are not running from reality! The world is paradoxical! By playing Warframe you reach a higher quality level of reality - you exist stronger! I’m telling you this as a person who has been involved in philosophy professionally for 7 years and is writing a second book.
  5. From the very beginning of my acquaintance with Warframe, I was amazed at the depth and complexity of this game. I've played it for over 11,000 hours now and it's become more than just a game to me. This game has become for me a kind of symbol of what can be achieved through perseverance and hard work. While playing Warframe, I experienced many emotions and experienced many interesting moments. The game became a source of inspiration for me and helped me better understand myself and my desires. I believe that the game has a lot of deep meaning that can be useful for every player. One of the main advantages of Warframe is its visual component. The game is very beautifully drawn and each level has its own unique style and atmosphere. This allows players to immerse themselves in the game world and feel like they are part of it. Another important aspect of Warframe is that it has replaced all other games for me. I don't play any other game anymore because Warframe completely satisfies my gaming needs. The game also taught me many important things. For example, I learned how to work in a team and communicate with other players. I also learned how to find a way out of difficult situations and make decisions when there is a lack of information. So, I want to say a huge thank you to the Warframe developers for creating such a great game. Thanks to Warframe, I was able to spend a lot of time with pleasure and benefit, and I am sure that I will return to this game many times in the future.
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