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Posts posted by shogun0607

  1. So after 3 tries I managed to complete it, but it took 15 mins of double rhino roars, a Bere saryn , and a couple of quantas in the squad. It's doable but it definitely should be fixed.

  2. It's quite alright, Pc is usually a few patches/fixes ahead of consoles. It takes time to get them past the respective Cert teams, so they usually try to keep patches together. There are other quest you can complete while you wait if you haven't already done them. The Archwing (Mastery Rank 2),  The Limbo Theorem (Requires an Archwing), Hidden Messages (Purchasable through the shop and requires doing 5 vault runs through Orokin Derelict tilesets), Howl of the Kubrow (Kill the Jackal on venus), Patient Zero (Purchasable through the shop), and Once Awake (Just requires Vor's Prize to be completed)

  3. Today the Prime Eos Spurs came out, and I purchased them. I equipped them and noticed that they weren't fitting properly on one side or the other. So I went through all the warframes (excluding Excalibur Prime as I am not a Founder), and most if not all needs attention to change the angles/positions. Some are not even attaching at all to the frames, some are angled differently than the other side, and some are clipping through the frames themselves while the other side is not.


    This link has screenshots for all frames that I have access to and shows the both sides (some may be doubled). (http://imgur.com/a/80jmE)

  4. I was doing the Infestation Mobile Defense mission on Venus.  The points were fine and under control so I was messing around on my Zephyr when I noticed I was flying higher than most missions. I then flew forward and found out I was above the map.  I then began to check other missions with the same tileset using my Zephyr since I could not reproduce it with any other Warframe. I was able to do it multiple times on different missions of the same tileset without trouble. The other tilesets I checked before reporting this had a void-out plane or a solid ceiling which I could not pass through.



    To reproduce this, do the following:

    1. Tail Wind straight up near a wall outside where there is sky. After the first which sends you up, aim upwards and keep pressing until you see either a solid sky blue area or cannot go any higher.

    2. Tail Wind towards the wall . You then should be out of the map/edge of the map.


    With this you are able to bypass security doors and doors that are on lockdown.


    Here are screenshots that I took while I was above the intended areas for travel.




  5. I've had a few crashes this week at random times, and they all happen when I'm the host. At first I thought it was related to Zephyr because it only happened on them when I was using my melee attack while on my Zephyr but I've had the game crash on my Zephyr, Trinity, Volt, and Excalibur. I have no clue how to fix it, but I figured I would mention that you're not the only one.

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