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Everything posted by Rawbeard

  1. as someone who got them I approve this request. just allow people to have stuff.
  2. would you rather sink, or swim? anyway, different teams, those are not competing resources.
  3. hours? did the system change in the last year? that sounds horrible.
  4. so what you are saying is that you want to speak to the manager?
  5. what exactly is the problem you are having with it?
  6. how did you manage to not experience radiation status for a decade? that is the real cheating here.
  7. if it makes you feel better, then it does. otherwise it doesn't do anything.
  8. I don't think even DE actually knows. it is SUPPOSED to be your in game glyph, and it SHOULD update soon(tm) or at least when you log out of and back in to the forums.
  9. normal? not really. funny? most certainly. now go get your glyph back!
  10. pretty sure a red crit is nothing but a larger number, so if it's lower, then it's not very useful.
  11. "if you only do three times what every other DPS frame does" is a weird take to try and dismiss it, but ok.
  12. it is never simple. sometimes it is not even a solution.
  13. so why did you guys decide to break the things that created the very positive reaction?
  14. my brother in christ, have you actually played Dante? you have to play the game for him to do anything. now only his buffs are worth using, meaning you don't actually have to play the game as much as before.
  15. it's a 3 button nuke in Dante's case.
  16. nobody cares that he could wipe the map in level 10 missions. now he can't even wipe dudes right in front of him. the only real issue was the absurd overguard, both the number and the potential of messing with other player's builds. everything else was somewhere between fine and cute. now it's just... meh? he is pretty good at smashing containers, i guess. HAHAHAHA, you call that kind of damage even noteworthy? ESPECIALLY when you have to prime targets? oh, that is just precious. sorry, but I guess even my half assed builds make that look pedestrian, so I cannot related to your pearl clutching.
  17. cost/benefit. this is easy, cheap and overall gives them more in return, more complicated methods also have more loopholes. it's not great, I am not in favor of this, I literally do not care how much DE's owners cry over money not earned, but I get why it's happening and why they literally do not care about losing peanuts. even if it does nothing long term, on the books it will look like something was accomplished and someone will get a nice bonus out of this before departing for the next company.
  18. the line of sight check is so great Final Verse's Tragedy doesn't hit things up close. brilliant.
  19. so why do you get a steam account with the pack to apply to your warframe account? they HAVE to come via steam, because that is how the seller got them. they know. that is the price for getting more money from other regions, or at least to stop other regions from abusing currency adjustments. please read the original post.
  20. So where do these packs come from?
  21. curious to see how this affects packs sold on key reseller sites.
  22. this is not a new issue. at this point it can be assumed to be a lost cause.
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