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Everything posted by Rawbeard

  1. what law prevents them from doing that? neither of those are legally protected terms. like "organic" or "contains the thing we claim it does" with food, which is much better regulated than things that do not actually exist in real space.
  2. when something is borked, just fix it. duh.
  3. which ever frame was just reworked but not the way I would have reworked it, making it literally the worst thing in the history of humanity.
  4. no, not really. when the information is either hidden to the side of where the game happens, or overlaps where the game happens, it is just bad design and the complaints people have about this are valid. we know for a fact the game can do these kind of indicators within the game world, so not doing it in such an awkward game mode feels... intentional. best case is it's just incompetence.
  5. not everyone is playing on the minimap, some people actually look at the game world. also the visibility even on the map seems confusing at best, case in point this guy who tried to do an epic put down similar to yours, but really just put his foot in his mouth. and thanks for providing reasons why this issue needs to be addressed, when even the people who are so smug they think there is no issue get it so hilariously wrong.
  6. first time you see something must be the first time it was shown, right? no, they aren't telling us/you anything. it's just community heads on their signature frames.
  7. same issue. maybe some spaghetti got into the blueprints...
  8. 20% chance with 2x damage. aight. I'll purse that on better weapons.
  9. I haven't watched the dev stream. what feature did they announce?
  10. not much to talk about and now nothing and everything is true and false, so there is no point to even try.
  11. it makes way more sense to have hold-cast summon and tap mark.
  12. not about this. I hope this is not what you build your personality on, because reality can be really harsh to that kind of ideology.
  13. in this case the issue is still solved, since they are the same person, so frames being either is covered. that's just wrong.
  14. why would your operator's gender affect the warframe they are using?
  15. yes, I can. it's the first week of a 4 month period. there is no pressure yet.
  16. nobody bought it for that reason in the first week of a 4 month period.
  17. I got two, so... I guess I am sorry.
  18. it is rare to see these "I was banned for doing nothing wrong" posts and then getting a long demonstration of what they did wrong.
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