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Posts posted by (PSN)huski_h3rd3r

  1. Health 350

    Shield 170

    Armor 260

    energy 200


    Passive: enemys attacked by chrono's exalted weapon take a delayed second hit of damage worth 50% of the original damage after a 2 second window, fills chrono break guage which fills to a max of 30.

    Ability 1: temporal regulator "call upon your masters past and future to lay waste to your foes"

    summon the exalted pocket watch (tomb weapon) and blast enemys with a blast of temporal energy slowing the enemys movement and activateing passive, alternet fire causes chronos to switch between "rewind" and "accelarate" modes as well as dealing damage in a bubble around them.

    12 energy cast, 3 energy per shot, at max rank

    Strength: increases the inpact of slow as well as damage

    Range: increases size of projectile as well as secondery fires radius

    Efficientcy: decrease cost of cast

    Duration: decrease cost per shot


    Ability 2: accelerated will / overwrite rewind

    Accelerated will: "shift the flow of time to accelerate yourself and your team mates combat ability"

    increases sprint and parkour speed, fire rate, attack speed, reload speed. (Basicaly a mini gauss redline buff)

    *unsure about the stat increase since i dont want it to be busted*

    35 energy per cast

    Base duration 30 sec

    Strength: increases Buffs

    Range: nothing

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost

    Duration: increase active time


    Overwrite rewind: "bend time to your will and force it to forget yours and your teamates actions"

    upon casting yourself and allys gain a charge of rewind (can stack up to 2 times) when a charge is around a player it alows them to redo certain actions 

    reloading is instant

    *TEAMATE ONLY* energy refund on ability cast

    Can preform heavy attack without combo drop

    Terminals can be reset if failed

    75 energy per cast

    No duration as long as charge is up 

    Strength: increase charge by 1 for every 50%

    Duration: nothing

    Range: nothing

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost


    Ability 3 accelerated gather / genetic rewind

    Accelerated gather: "pinpoint a spot on the ground and speed your own time up byond comprehension gathering every enemy in a radius to a single location"

    Makes a bubble around the player, any enemy traped in that bubble gets teleported to the marked location damageing and stuning them.

    Base Range: 10 meters (no line of sight)

    Stun: 5 seconds

    Damage: 700 inpact

    Energy per cast: 35

    Strength: increase damage

    Range: increase bubble

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost

    Duration: increse stun duration


    Genetic rewind: "reverse the tergets body to when they were most vonerable"

    Increase damge with status and physical damage to target (cc)

    *unsure about damage increase*

    Base range: 8 meters (line of site / straight line)

    Duartion: 10 seconds

    35 energy per cast

    Strength: increase damage vaunrabillity

    Duration: increase duration of ability

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost

    Range: increase range of ability


    (You all knew this was comeing)


    Ability 4: chrono break "break the flow of time in an area causeing all enemys and enemy projctiles to remain still"

    Create a wide bubble and any enemy inside is complatly frozen (ignores nullifyers, though i feel that wont slide) any projectiles in transit also freeze, while inside the bubble chronos's passive upgrades to dealing 85% damage instead of 50% as well as inproveing other skills.

    Accelerated gather: radius increases to the size of the chrono break bubble

    Genetic rewind: increase damage vaunrability

    Accelerated will: increase stat buff

    Overwrite rewind: charges are expended to increase damage by 5% per charge


    Cast cost 100

    Base range: 20m

    Base duration: gose off of guage

    Strength: increases buffs to abilitys

    Duration: increases cap on chrono brake guage

    Range: increases ability range

    Efficientcy: decreases ability cost


    Just now, (PSN)huski_h3rd3r said:

    Health 350

    Shield 170

    Armor 260

    energy 200


    Passive: enemys attacked by chrono's exalted weapon take a delayed second hit of damage worth 50% of the original damage after a 2 second window, fills chrono break guage which fills to a max of 30.

    Ability 1: temporal regulator "call upon your masters past and future to lay waste to your foes"

    summon the exalted pocket watch (tomb weapon) and blast enemys with a blast of temporal energy slowing the enemys movement and activateing passive, alternet fire causes chronos to switch between "rewind" and "accelarate" modes as well as dealing damage in a bubble around them.

    12 energy cast, 3 energy per shot, at max rank

    Strength: increases the inpact of slow as well as damage

    Range: increases size of projectile as well as secondery fires radius

    Efficientcy: decrease cost of cast

    Duration: decrease cost per shot


    Ability 2: accelerated will / overwrite rewind

    Accelerated will: "shift the flow of time to accelerate yourself and your team mates combat ability"

    increases sprint and parkour speed, fire rate, attack speed, reload speed. (Basicaly a mini gauss redline buff)

    *unsure about the stat increase since i dont want it to be busted*

    35 energy per cast

    Base duration 30 sec

    Strength: increases Buffs

    Range: nothing

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost

    Duration: increase active time


    Overwrite rewind: "bend time to your will and force it to forget yours and your teamates actions"

    upon casting yourself and allys gain a charge of rewind (can stack up to 2 times) when a charge is around a player it alows them to redo certain actions 

    reloading is instant

    *TEAMATE ONLY* energy refund on ability cast

    Can preform heavy attack without combo drop

    Terminals can be reset if failed

    75 energy per cast

    No duration as long as charge is up 

    Strength: increase charge by 1 for every 50%

    Duration: nothing

    Range: nothing

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost


    Ability 3 accelerated gather / genetic rewind

    Accelerated gather: "pinpoint a spot on the ground and speed your own time up byond comprehension gathering every enemy in a radius to a single location"

    Makes a bubble around the player, any enemy traped in that bubble gets teleported to the marked location damageing and stuning them.

    Base Range: 10 meters (no line of sight)

    Stun: 5 seconds

    Damage: 700 inpact

    Energy per cast: 35

    Strength: increase damage

    Range: increase bubble

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost

    Duration: increse stun duration


    Genetic rewind: "reverse the tergets body to when they were most vonerable"

    Increase damge with status and physical damage to target (cc)

    *unsure about damage increase*

    Base range: 8 meters (line of site / straight line)

    Duartion: 10 seconds

    35 energy per cast

    Strength: increase damage vaunrabillity

    Duration: increase duration of ability

    Efficientcy: decrease cast cost

    Range: increase range of ability


    (You all knew this was comeing)


    Ability 4: chrono break "break the flow of time in an area causeing all enemys and enemy projctiles to remain still"

    Create a wide bubble and any enemy inside is complatly frozen (ignores nullifyers, though i feel that wont slide) any projectiles in transit also freeze, while inside the bubble chronos's passive upgrades to dealing 85% damage instead of 50% as well as inproveing other skills.

    Accelerated gather: radius increases to the size of the chrono break bubble

    Genetic rewind: increase damage vaunrability

    Accelerated will: increase stat buff

    Overwrite rewind: charges are expended to increase damage by 5% per charge


    Cast cost 100

    Base range: 20m

    Base duration: gose off of guage

    Strength: increases buffs to abilitys

    Duration: increases cap on chrono brake guage

    Range: increases ability range

    Efficientcy: decreases ability cost


    No idea if this is any good but im writeing this at like 3 in the morning so theres gkna be some mistakes


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