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  1. What do you think about this build? I will focus mainly on spamming E instead of paying attention to heavy attacks, so combo count is not too important, Dexterity is mainly just to increase damage after Melee kills. In terms of damage, it gets increased damage from ability strength If the clone is too useless, I change skill 1 to Wrathful Advance: increases his Melee Critical Chance.
  2. I think I'll use Primary Dexterity, since I build Wukong with his iron staff. But does this arcane buff apply to Wukong's clone?
  3. Do I need to change any other mods? (I don't have Bane) https://photos.app.goo.gl/XiYyKJpP2wNQzmXJ9
  4. So I copied that build and edited it as you said. Is there anything else I need to edit?
  5. he said "reload rate bugged (0.5s instead of 0.05s), so fire rate builds are less efficient than they should be" but I don't understand what he means
  6. 1 Nataruk's build has no fire rate, so will using quick shot or perfect shot give higher dps? https://overframe.gg/build/317271/nataruk/primerless-viral-slash-setup-optimized-w-slash-dot-dps-calculator-0-forma/
  7. I think I understand the problem, even though I've finished all the chalenges, I haven't run back to the ship at the end to complete the mission. But the challenge "complete mission" is considered complete as soon as I kill the boss without having to run back to the ship, so I'm not sure
  8. When standing from a distance, it shows a yellow symbol, but when standing close, nothing happens screenshot of game error: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2vVB3wm8VNokMsnN7
  9. It's a new one, I even finished all the chalenges
  10. I want to install some Azure Archon Shards in my warframe, should I choose Armor or health?
  11. When standing far away, there is a yellow symbol on Kahl like there is a conversation or something, but when you get closer it disappears and when I talk to him, it's still just the mission interface.
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