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Posts posted by Kripnex

  1. If you can't use anything but the most effective armament that's something you've got to deal with alone. 

    What are you saying? That I am dumb for picking orthos prime over a weapon such as the shiv which would frustrate me for being useless in combat as well as for mobility?


    ...If you can't help but make illogical arguments that's something you've got to deal with alone.

  2. Melee 2.0? less practical? Who think that? Oo


    Galatine was the only melee weapon to use OO

    Galatine was the only melee weapon to use, wow that was bad, good thing that now there is NO melee weapon to use, because they all suck at end-game, woooo!


    Here is how to pick a melee weapon in melee 2.0

    1.Are you going to speed run?  Pick tipedo/amphis

    2.Are you going to kill low level enemies?  Pick orthos prime with primed reach

    3.Are you going to kill high level enemies?  No you ain't

    Fantastic choices! Thanks melee 2.0!


    (Oh and the only choice will be orthos prime once parkour 2.0 launches)

  3. No it doesn't.


    We've seen how it works. We know how it can and will work. This isn't replacing something basic with something flashy but not functionally amazing, like the star chart, which is also getting changed. This is a complete rework of a clunky and inherently bad system.


    There is no genuine reason to say it'll turn out bad aside from "other things didn't work out".

    It's not "other things didn't work out" but rather "we couldn't tell that those things wouldn't work out before testing them ourselves".


    Another example would be the relays, great in theory, but having to load a huge level and go through the laggy lakes of hell just to acess the simulator/conclave trader/void trader turned out to be really impractical.


    You can't see things for what they are until the novelty fades away, this paired with the fact that they are removing the two things that made parkour practical (coptering&directional) is enough of a reason to be worried.


    "This is a complete rework of a clunky and inherently bad system."

    A "complete rework" of a "clunky and inherently bad system" THAT WORKS, seriously, this is just melee 2.0 all over again, as people could've defended it the same way you are doing now.

    We are throwing away something that works for hopes and dreams, ridiculous.

  4. Hype aside, parkour 2.0 has a high probability of being a failure (just like anything else that messes with the game's foundation).

          And what horrifies me the most, is that if it does suck, then we will be stuck with it for an undetermined amount of time.

    Yes yes parkour 2.0 looks cool, but that's what we thought about star chart 2.0 and melee 2.0, they too looked "cool" but turned out to be less practical; which is what makes our lives easier, practicality, not eye-candy, so I would wait and test the update for myself before concluding that this is going to be the best update ever.

  5. This would make it worse than Supra.

    Just look what happened to Synoid Gammacor, a once OP weapon, but now a ammo hog that can only fire for 30 seconds.


    Panthera needs a buff; not to be turned into a weapon that can only fire 5 shots and then stay on your back for the rest of the mission, I don't understand why you would propose a buff and then turn it into nerf a sentence later, that kinda beats the purpose of buffing a weapon.

  6. Actually I don't see why it would be problem two have two warframes male and female. According to "Erwin Schroedinger's" intepretation of the quantum mechanics problem, Pyro would be Male and Female at the same time as long as you can't proof that one of them isn't true.

    So like "Pyro", "Yin Yang"(or Animus and Anima) are male and female.

    BTW actually, the tenno are already androgynous. Since you can wear "male" and "female" Warframes.

    The Yin Yang philosophy is much more then Yin for male and Yang for female. Both of them are in every being(You could say that every one has the male and female "Energy".

    Like I' ve said the philosophy about much more then this.

    But may be this is something for a later discussion^^

    The idea behind Erwin's thought experiment is basically that you can't determine where an electron is/will be through math, and that's because we don't know what influences electrons to move in the way they do (which makes them look completely random to us).

    This doesn't mean that the cat is actually dead and alive at the same time, just that we have no way of determining the answer from outside the box; all we know is that it's just as likely for it to be dead as it is for it to be alive, and we can only determine the answer by opening the box.


    ...In other words, Pyro isn't male and female at the same time, that is ridiculous, we simply can't tell with any certainty whether he/she/it is one gender or the other.

  7. You missed sprint.


    Normally, I put my pinkie on the lower edge of the SHIFT key, so when I'm holding shift, I can just bend it slightly to also press ctrl. it's not like I use CTRL for long durations, so it doesn't tire my fingers out.

    Ops, it seems I do it without even realising it, lol

  8. Hold W (Forward) with middle finger

    Hold Left Shift (Sprint) with pinkie

    Release Left Shift > Hold Left Ctrl (Crouch) with pinkie

    Press Space (Jump) with thumb


    I am using this kind of keyboard...



    You could also try rebinding crouch/space to your mouse.

  9. How did this end? I don't know what I really saw, I had to solo this T4 because nobody went for objectives and this was actually very painful to defend consoles with limited energy pool (Volt's shields helped me a LOT).

    Probably because they were trying to be nice and look for caches, you ungrateful... you...

  10. A cat is a lot like a dog, especially if you're gonna use it as an attack pet... just like the kubrow.


    A bird, instead? Much more potential to use it to make something new. For example it could actually scout the map, flying high over it. And you might use a special mod that lets you see through its eyes for a second.

    Imagine a typical grineer galleon.

    Now imagine a bird.

    ...how do you see it flying "above the map"?

  11. On 2015-05-26 at 1:19 AM, Tyreuzs said:


    Nothing is better in endgame than a proper cc setup.

    If you can't make Saryn's CC rival the current god-tier CC's that everyone uses, then it is inevitable; she will become worse than Ember.


    And heck, Ember actually has some decent CC and utility, but nobody cares about her because there are frames who do what she does 10 times better, so why would it be any different with Saryn?  Especially since she already has a past of being ignored.

  12. TL;DR: "Hey guys, I have a great idea on how to fix Saryn, let's nerf her into oblivion!"


    Haha, no.


       Remember how nobody used to use Saryn a while back?

    Well, that's the state she would be returning to if you were to take her damage away, she would become even less useful than Ember... EMBER, the frame that no other frame can currently match in uselessness, will be surpassed in its uselessness by Saryn, if that ain't catastrophic then I don't know what is.

  13. Anyone who thinks this weapon is still good for anything other than bosses is dead wrong, sure it has tons of dps, but how long can you keep that dps up? Like 30 seconds? Rakta ballistica can fire for like 5 minutes with no ammo drops, hence synoid is garbage.

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