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  1. will we have the option to merge two pc accounts ? i was kinda hopping for that when i saw the news that we would be able to merge accounts, but when the uptade finally came out we not able to do that, maybe i read it wrong or i was expecting something else but i pretty sure a lot of players would like that option too
  2. how does login days and login days rewards will work on the merge ? for example i will merge my mastery 24 account (secondary) into my mastery 9 account (primary), will the days be added together ? the days on the primary account will be the one that counts and if that the case how about the rewards ? i have primed fury and primed sure footed on my mr24 account will those mods be unavailable in the merge ? same with the weapons, i already have 2 or 3 login weapons if i not wrong, will those be unavailable too ?
  3. how does the merge gonna work for high mastery weapons ? for example i will merge my mastery 24 account (secondary) into my mastery 9 account (primary) and i have weapons that need mastery 11+, what will happen to those weapons ? will i be able to use it or i will need to wait until i am mr11+ to use ?
  4. I could do that but from what i say from the FAQ they will merge quest and all that and i dont have for example the limbo warframe on my old account and i haven’t done the guest in my new account so if i merge the accounts the quest will show up as complete and i would have to get limbo from the cephalon and that take way to long 😂
  5. I would very appreciate if DE let us choose what to merge, for example i have a old account i dont play anymore but i used to have some good cosmetics, and that all i would like from that account, i dont want the frames nothing like that 😂 just the cosmetics, please DE make that happen 😂
  6. its not that I failed the test, even if u pass the test first try u still need to wait 24 hours to take the next one
  7. a guy in my clan did ask a good question after the last dev stream, will people able to merge accounts with a banned account ? like the account will still be banned but u will get the items u had in another account ? i don't remember seeing nothing about that on the dev stream, does anyone know ?
  8. oh hell no, that are some ``gamers`` that are out of control, me for example after 12 hours and i cant even stay awake lol
  9. why do we have a 24 hours cooldown to go to the next mastery level, i think that too much time to wait especially in low level mastery and new players, since we don't have that much options of weapons in the very early mastery levels
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