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Everything posted by (PSN)Crixus044

  1. So some of my friends were telling me that radiation hazard sorites are too hard for them to do on their own because of the high enemy level, as well as radiation hazards being too hard because of friendly fire in conjunction with radial damage abilities and the high enemy level. After helping them out, I offered them some advice, which they said they didn't know about, so for those who don't know about this, I sill explain thusly. If an enemy can proc radiation status, then they'll do it to anyone, including enemies. Naramon focus, Nyx Chaos, Oberon's Reckoning, or Irratiating Disarm become eternal with these missions, because enemies will shoot eachother, proccing more radiation on eachother in a never ending cycle. Radiation Hazard Interception becomes stupid easy with a tank/invis and friendly fire crowd control. Infested ancients become almost worthless because they take procs from linked allies and lose the link when procced with radiation, so any enemy with a radiation proc fighting a linked ally or the ancient itself will proc it with a radiation proc, destroying the ancient's link. Grineer high rate of fire weapons ensure procs on friendly fire. I personally find radiation hazard missions helpful for me, but then again, I say the same thing with low gravity missions (nightmare/hive) and vampire missions (nightmare/rathuum). Enjoy these neat tricks.
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