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Everything posted by RolandHazoto

  1. What I mean is that despite having deadzones set in Steam AND in game, I can still walk around the ship by simply placing my thumb on the stick and slightly shifting the pressure, not actually moving the stick, since my sticks have no natural deadzones. And slightly off topic side note: You should have stopped using DS4W back in 2016 when Steam added support for the Dualshock 4. It has more features, and a huge community that makes and shares profiles for games that don't have native support or improves on the existing support in games. Works for non-Steam games added to Steam as well, as long as you can get the overlay working. DS4W is trash and has been for a long time by comparison. (Even one of DS4W's predecessors, PGP had a community site for sharing profiles. DS4W was subpar from the start) If you're using an original Dualshock 4 or Dualsense, then you might be experiencing stick drift, which would be a slightly different problem from the game ignoring deadzones UNLESS you have those deadzone sliders maxed and it's still ignoring it. The Dualshock 4 and Dualsense have natural deadzones so you should not normally be able to do the thing I do with the pressure movement. (I have 2 Dualsense in a drawer next to me, both ended up getting stick drift in less than a year each. I also went through 7 DS4's over the course of 4 years. I love the touchpad for Steam input features, but their sticks are ass compared to what I have now.)
  2. Okay so first a little bit of background that will explain how and why I found this: I have a GuliKit King Kong Pro 2. Due to it's Hall Effect sticks it doesn't have a natural deadzone so in order to feel like a normal controller it has a fake one that can be toggled on and off; it is on by default. With it on in most of my games it causes cursors to jump any time I have to move them with a stick (it appears to pre-add momentum the longer it is unpressed, it's weird and hard to describe without a tangent) and I alleviated that by turning on Pro mode so it saves my settings, and just disabling the deadzone for the controller itself and setting a fake one in Steam through Steam Input. This was perfect and all was right with the world. That brings me to this game: This game does not care at all about the left stick deadzone no matter what I do. It is completely ignoring the Steam deadzone settings, which I even verified in the Steam overlay are set properly for the game profile. Once I saw that I was like "okay I'll just crank it up in game settings" but even with left stick deadzone at 75 in game, I can still walk around my ship by just putting pressure on my left stick and not actually tilting it. Like, I know this is partially on me for having a crazy sensitive controller, but deadzone settings should let me workaround it and the game just doesn't care about them; whether it's it's own settings or Steam's. And to be clear, it seems to only be left stick. Right is behaving exactly as expected (honestly barely tested right because it's deadzone seems to be working)
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