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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    And old bladestorm was press 4 to win to the max.

    That's at least better, for at least it does not requires point to point marking in order to do anything. And it is not the only 'press 4 to win' kind of ability - in the meta that Saryn is lives, bring back old Blade Storm changes nothing on the impact of the balance actually. If someone just need this, then they just need to abandon Ash, but it doesn't just lose that and Ash can only use three abilities to survive now.

    I have no needs for defending area DD - so called press 4 to win for obvious reason - but why we can't request for something usable in the real games? It is even worse than using sniper rifles against enemies.

    Also it doesn't need to press 4 and obiliterate every enemy within around 20m of Ash, but why it is on Ash, who needs to rush through the enemy and kill what he wants and retreat to the shadow? If it was on Loki, then it may meet his style for he is renown for hide for a while. But no, Ash is not expected to hide and seek the enemy as do needleworks in order to terminate the enemy.


    Honestly, even if Bladestorm is changed to empowered Slash Dash(on Excalibur) I do say it is an improvement, for it will allows Ash to have four abilities and it would be not against his expected combat style. But no, not the current Bladestorm that requires us to carefully pick the enemy just like as making each stitch in the needlework.

    In short, current Bladestorm is just unacceptable on real-time FPS/TPS games at all, not just Warframe. It is simply a design fault.

  2. On 2019-11-19 at 9:00 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    So basically old ash. Nah.

    That's why the current Bladestorm must be changed. It is like as using sniper rifles on Warframe - boresome, inconvenient, and cumbersome. Well, sniper rifle is actually better, for it fires the round as soon as you click. Not like such a slowcoach Bladestorm.

  3. At least Magnetize needs to be changed that no longer hampers the teammate. That's why I hate it, and I have to keep try to not accidentally press 2 when playing Mag because of this, just like try to not roll while playing Limbo - although it is far difficult, for Limbo's very presence in the game carves me the habit that frequently rolls on everywhere without thinking(because it makes you out of the damned rift) so I try to do the same even if I grab the Limbo.

  4. 11 hours ago, Walkampf said:

    This has already been confirmed, it will come as an Augment-Mod.


    As for her survivability, she needs the mod Adaptation.

    You build her with +Shields and adaptation instead of Heath and Armor, since her 3 can regenerate your shield

    Adaptation is an Arbitration mod. You can't easily say it is a basic requirement, because it is the reward of the end game content.

    That said, we all know that Mag is not renown for her survivability, isn't? At least she is not the durable warframe, although she can make overshield so she is not that squish either.



    For 2, it would be better if the other teammates are not affected by it. Otherwise it is easily turned to the barrier that protects the enemy from our bullets, just like Frost and Limbo does. It requires the augment mod to demolish it immediately, what making the situation even worse.

    Change 2 to something resembles the trailer seems interesting, though. Perhaps make a ball of electromagnetic near of the caster(and follow her) for a time then burst if it collects enough bullets or after some time? Well, although it is interesting but Nova have the same one, unfortunately.


  5. 40 minutes ago, Wyvern_WX-0-1 said:

    I think the OP is being a tad harsh, but I generally agree with the OP. They did not stick to the original theme of Ember too well and her kit is a tad disjointed and marginally decent.

    Yeah. Although Ember is usable now, but the mechanism is a mess right now. And her mechanism is totally changed and it is better to view her as a NEW warframe rather than Ember. Even if we have a new warframe named something like 'Magma' with the same loadouts of abilities we will have no difference.


    See Vauban, that is refined but still have the same concept and keep most of his own feature.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2019-11-06 at 9:03 AM, zoffmode said:

    Never really understood why people liked Accelerant. Much rather play Rhino, Chroma or Mirage than Accelerant Ember and have a massive headache with all loadouts to mod for fire...

    Ember always been primarily a nuker for me and I'd dare say most people. It's sad that a specific build is gone but overall she is much better.

    EDIT: well Fireball Frenzy is apparently still a thing though. not sure how useful it is yet

    Because, she never was a nuker at least before the recent update. At least around recent 4 years she doesn't. Her actual position before the recent update was area DOT aura frame, and it and nuker are the both sides of a coin - that is totally opposite.

    And, Accelerant was great. It was only bad because the other abilities are not able to make noticeable gains for a year and about a half of a year, but before Mar. 2018 it was a capable addition to decent World on Fire - because she was NOT a nuker.

    Also, because Fireball doesn't generates area of fire now, you better ignore it.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, -SW-PaStei said:

    I still think that You don't play Warframe. WALL ATTACK JUST. DO. NOTHING. Channeling have plenty of possibilities.

    Channeling is effective through it's simplicity. All You need are mods to make it to work as you like and/or fit melee weapons combo + body's vaporize.

    New system limits you. If you can't see it, You are blind.

    Sir, you can download Warframe on here. There you go. Just play it once and we can talk.

  8. 7 hours ago, Zourin said:

    Ember is good. Not fine, not OP. She's good. I've found she works best as a rage/adrenaline engine with high power strength. Throw on some HP sustain like life strike and she's able to hold her own at higher levels.


    Only if her flawed mechanism is refined. I think that the basic idea seems not so bad, but the mechanism of heat meter and energy spent of Fire Blast making her not functional properly.

  9. 16 hours ago, Tyreaus said:

    To bring this particular point around to a suggestion: it's possible that the dual-wielding UI becomes the de-facto UI for melee-from-firearm, so that the ammo count / weapon selected remains visible and the combo counter sits above it. It might need a tiny tweak to put the name of the melee weapon somewhere different, but it's doable to have all that info there.

    It works! Man, It works.... I didn't expect that I can see quick melee again.

    Although I have to choose one-handed handgun styled secondary so it doesn't work with thrown weapons or akimbo, but it seems an option when I pick the one-handed handguns.

  10. 1 minute ago, Andele3025 said:

    It was .5 more combo counter worth of damage for 2 energy a hit if you needed it and optional lifesteal, movement speed or stealth.
    Channeling itself being removed isnt as much of a issue as life strike not working on every attack (maybe with a energy cost when you actually did heal from it), the movement speed requiring you to heavy attack thus weakening stealth setups and there being no "corpses are invisible on kill" mod for either melee or the parazon.

    Also it would help if heavy attacks did anything unless its one of the blessed weapons that had slash procs on charge attacks but thats a different issue.

    Yeah, Life Strike is useful, but that is the usefulness of Life Strike, NOT channeling stuffs. The only problem on Life Strike was it was bounded to the meaningless channeling system.

    Also it is sorry to hear that there is no corpse removal now.

    And I don't wank to defend melee 2.0 at all. I just want to say that channeling is just an annoying tax stuff, rather than a functional component in the melee system. It can be given by a simply passive effects rather than an option to turn it on.

  11. 8 hours ago, -SW-PaStei said:

    Ah, ok, so You don't play Warframe, cause You have no idea what you are talking about.

    WTH? I say channeling is sucks just because I play Warframe and I have used the melee weapons. The whole mechanism about channeling is just sucks because it is no more than 'more damage' stuff. There is no technique, there is no difference. There is only 'more damage by taxing', which is not only boresome components and also annoying. It must be removed for good and must be replaced by something meaningful, just as alert does.

    Well, I admit that channeling is not toxic like alerts, because its existence harms no one. However it doesn't prove that channeling itself does something in melee gameplay. IT, JUST, DID, NOTHING.

    It is not like removing charge attacks or anything else. Channeling does nothing for the gameplay, aside cause more damage per spend your energy(and removing corpse). It doesn't involved in the motions and attack style either. Just you need to turn it on and you get the benefit by taxing. Then why not to simply make the melee weapon powerful, rather than requires us to turn on it onerously?


    Seriously, even infamous charge attacks do something on some specific weapons. But no, channeling does nothing. It doesn't have any purpose on the melee gameplay aside turn on some useful mods, and they are moved to the other rather than simply vanished. Personally I am not fond of the whole 'melee 2.0' contents because they destroyed quick melee and force me to throw away the melee weapon, but I can't defend channeling because it is effectively nonexistent component in the game.

  12. 10 minutes ago, invalidusername said:

    Fire Blast should cost zero energy.

    That's a must in the current mechanism of Ember. Fire Blast must cost the heat meter, rather than the energy.



    Also, heat meter is very unintuitive and it should become 0 to 100% meter instead.

  13. The problem is, you can't see the stats of ammo gauge before you are return to the weapon. You can't see which one you were holding too. And you can't use fire button to make the melee attack while in sword alone.


    All the things costs me to actually fire or aim MANUALLY. Yes, I mean MANUALLY. Even if what I need is only one or few swings of melee attack, the warframe is forced to fully grab the melee weapon and the weapon is switched to melee weapon, and it costs the player to MANUALLY press the another button to back. Every time, not even a single exception, when you make the melee attack. That costs me a ton of annoyance, and why I am bothered to do that?


    And, it also makes the side effect that mess up the primary/secondary change while change the weapon to non-weapon devices(notably scanners).

  14. 3 minutes ago, xXRampantXx said:

    look for the circled option:


    If it's already off, you're game's broke.  If it's on, switch it off and shooting will put you back in gun mode after a melee attack.

    Why? It only means I have to press E to make the melee attack while on sword alone mode. It doesn't make me to only make the melee attacks one or few times and automatically back to the gun smoothly.


    Whatever the option is checked or not, the entire system forces me to throw away the melee weapon anyways.

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