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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. I have tested melee change for weeks, and I am very disappointed.

    In short, it actually mess up the flow of the combat, rather than make the game more dynamic.


    If you press melee button, it forces to draw the melee weapon, and not grab the ranged weapon automatically, and that's the root of the problem. It have these problems:

    1. Cannot keybind M1 as melee weapon button.
      1. Problem on 'Allow to attack with M1 after draw the melee weapon' option.
    2. Melee weapons are never back to the sheath so I have to return it manually.
      1. And the change of weapon that grab the OTHER weapon when press change weapon button makes thing got worsen
      2. Bad interaction with scanner and other non-weapon devices.
      3. No quick melee at all.


    And that's the reason.

    1: As you know, the mechanism forbids to do one of the old ways - draw the melee weapon and click to make the melee attack, free your hand with keyboard and only take the maneuver part and leave the attack part to the mouse. Click M1 just draws ranged weapon you have used, rather than melee weapon. So, I have to keybind the other button by melee weapon. For me, I did it with M3, but it was really terrible to do by clicking such a small button constantly when I have to kill a bunch of troopers only with the melee weapons due to the Nightwave act. Not to mention that I have to forfeit to use the secondary fire option, although I hate to use it.

    1.1: Yeah, DE did advertise that we can do the old ways. And it have the problem as well. In fact, if you turn on the option, press the melee button on keyboard makes your warframe to draw the melee weapon, able to make the melee attack with M1... but you can't turn back easily. The only correct way to return is press M2 and aim, nothing more. more on 2.1.

    2: Melee weapon is a sidearm, a quick cleaner against both canisters and adjacent enemy, especially when you are out of ammo and need to reloaded. But, the change forces to keep the melee weapon and there is no way to sheath it automatically, means you need to be careful to make the melee attack. Now it is more difficult to make the melee attack while using ranged weapons, for even if you only make the melee attack once it removes the name, remaining ammo and scope for the ranged attack immediately. And you need to make a small work in order to return to the ranged weapon. Even if you simply want to crack the canister once, just make the slam attack to knockdown the enemy and keep shooting or do something, or simply finish off the damaged enemy, you are forced to draw the melee weapon and keep it, rather than only attack once and keep shooting without cut the flow.

    2.1: It gets worse after the hotfix that press the change weapon button while sword alone grabs the DIFFRENT ranged weapon than you are initially used before fall into the sword alone mode. It means, you MUST press fire or aim(if you set M1 to melee then only aim) or you can't return the proper ranged weapon you have. There is no other way to return the proper ranged weapon you have used, and you can't do it with keyboard(else you need to keybind aim on keyboard).

    2.2: Before the update, we can use the scanner and others and able to make quick melee, but we can't do it for now because you are forced to draw the melee weapon and keep it. It is very annoy when you are running Cephalon Simaris' synthesis scan, for you can't arm anything while use the scanner. Please return my melee weapon....

    2.3: Also, it forces to execute the combo, so some weapons forces me to move even if what I need is only a simple melee attack.


    I think that the update has some bright side, but the overall change makes me annoying. If some changes are required, these would be....

    • ADD the option to enter/exit sword alone mode by keep pressing change the weapon key. Why we are have to make the melee attack once in order to actually draw the melee weapon? That's weird.
    • Also ADD the option that keep using old quick melee attack - press the melee button while not in sword alone mode does not changes the indicator of the weapon's name and ammo, nor it changes the scope, and after stop keep spamming the melee attack button warframes automatically grab the weapon what they was wield. The important point is, it MUST NOT enter the sword alone mode just because press the melee button only once.
      • It gets better if it doesn't continue the combo.

    With these, and keep the change on return to normal mode by aim, then it would be better. But for now it makes me headache to use the current mechanism. Perhaps I have to remove the melee button on the control setting if there is no change, once were I was thought.


    Simply put, why we are forced to fully grab the melee weapon even if what we need is only a swing before shoot down the enemy? I don't get it.

  2. On 2019-01-21 at 6:29 AM, sixmille said:

    Ember is fine, it's just not as good as a press 4 to win warframe anymore, and that's okay. Press 4 to win should NEVER be an option. If anything, other press 4 to win ones should get the Ember treatment. Ember is still an excellent glass-cannon warframe with abilities 2 and 3. Damage buffs are at least on par with Mirage.

    Ember was not the Press 4 to win frame when she was alive, actually. In order to use her, you need to move constanlty to catch the enemy within small 21m distance and also spamming Accelerant and shoot anything you got, and even with these efforts Ember is somewhat lacking than the others already.

    For now Ember is not a glass cannon. She never was a cannon, and she is always a glass. Try to using WoF is no more than sucidial attempt so it can't cause any damage and fire proc which is its only meaningful thing on this, Fireball requires horrible casting time even with Natural Talent. Fire Blast is nothing but a laugh. Accelerant is always good but its benefit is only shine when it has the functional ability to support and what it got is lackluster three that unusable even with the best buff it can.

    If you ever have seen Ember at least once in the game, whatever your own or your random teammate, you can't say like this, I swear, for what you said is totally diffrent with the real games we play. Else you didn't play Warframe at all.

  3. On 2019-01-15 at 12:10 PM, Kerberos-3 said:

    Why remove his passive? It only hurts other players when they stupidly walk into the portal.

    The trap that want to catch us and hampers our advance, you mean? IF we can saw this we are able to avoid this, but usually that trap is created on the middle of the passage we need to pass, and we are either need to slow down the advance and avoid this or accidently step on it and have to roll and out of the rift.

    Else, sometimes it is impossible to move around the trap and we have to rush through this as well.

    If he rolls near of us, especially bottom of us, we are usually step on the trap when dodging the enemy attacks as well, and we don't have the eyes on our back of the head, you know(although the warframes doesn't have the eyes on their face, but we can see the front anyways).

    That's the main reason why I have to roll too much times when I have a Limbo 'buddy'. It gets worse when he intended to try to trap me into the rift.


    And, you need to aware that why the people blames Limbo - because its very existence, and every single step on him are interrupt us. 'hurts the other players' is already enough reason to argue, actually, unless 'the other players' are the enemy. But if you view the other players as the enemy, why you are playing co-op missions at the first place? What you need to go is the Conclave.

    Well, I don't think that prevent him to rush through the rift easily, so roll to enter the rift have really no problem. It just need to not making the trap any longer, and Limbo will not distrub us more than now. Although his reputation is couldn't be much worse already.

  4. Limbo's problem is its design, not the players. Because Limbo is designed to protect the enemy and prevents Tenno to attack them, its very existence is a bane to us. Although some of us do use his advantage and try to not distrub us, but simply popping his ability is usually helps the enemy, not us.

    The point is, he protects the enemy whatever the player is the intended troll or not, which obviously prove that its very design is the root of the problem.

    And his awful reputation already proves that it is hard to not become the enemy of Tenno when picks Limbo. I don't say that it is impossible to become a 'good' Limbo, as I actually have seen many 'good' Limbos during the game experience, but as you know such Limbos are the absolute minority, or why he has such a bad reputation second to none at the first place?


    Unless he has a full rework, I don't think that we can solve anything. And we need to know that DE has the responsibility for all the disaster caused by him, not who picks Limbo. Man, we don't have the time to slander each other. Just get the root of the problem and we will have the better result, rather than point out each other and simply waste the time and ruin the community.


    Anyway, isn't the thread better suited on the feedback forum?

  5. The other boards are fine but when I go into Feedback-Warframe forum it requires sign in to do anything. And if I click that it says I am already log in.

    And do you know where to ask for the technical issues on the warframe forum site?


    edit: It seems that you can reply or vote each posts but you are not considered as login on the forum's thread lists so you can't make a new thread. I don't want to post anything right now, and just saw the issue.

  6. After DE remove her from the game, since about 10 months ago, my Ember Prime is still on a deep slumber because she simply lost the reason of existence.


    Anyway, I need to explain WHY, what OP didn't.

    World on Fire

    World on Fire is a close range damage dealing skill. But, Ember lacks a way to survive in the close range. Also, it is too short and only provides melee range level of distance(only 7.5m by default, and with Stretch it increased by 10.875m). Because it is a damage dealing main(and even for procs ability strength also affects strength!!) you can't put Overextended to cut down the strength. And, its delayed blast and limited number of burst in a time forces her to within the area of melee range - without any kit for the survival, of course - results using World on Fire no more than sucidial attempts.

    So, WoF either cause really no damage or your Ember is likely to be killed if you try to cause any damage by WoF.

    Even if you need for the close area DD, make a spin attack with a whip would be much better, for it will strike faster than WoF and stall the enemy faster than it as well, but what's the point on WoF in the first place? Why you are bothered to pick Ember for you can have the better one by pick a whip, and also able to enjoy the other abilities of the other warframe?

    Not to mention that its increased energy consumption drains the energy to cast Accelerant, and Ember already needs heavy investment for the personal durability on the mod slots to run even on the era of 21.75m WoF range so you can't have much spaces left to make up the problem.



    It's a good skill on the paper, for it leaves a DOT area that only need ability strength to increase both damage and area when fully charged. The problem is, its charge rate is horrible even with Natural Talent, make it unable to charge it, dodge the enemy attacks while also shoot the bullets. So, why don't you have a launcher type weapon and blast the enemy and why you are bothered to stick with Ember and forfeit the other good ability?



    So, my conclusion is, other than your personal taste, picking Ember is just pointless, for she is competitive with weapons, NOT warframes. And we can pick one warframe and also pick up to three weapons(primary, secondary, melee). So, if you need something what Ember can, you can just pick the weapons that does as much as Ember does(or even better than her), and ALSO able to enjoy the other warframe's ability.

    And, even if you need for the ability to kill the enemy, you can do this by Banshee, Equinox, Saryn or Octavia. Equinox and Octavia are simply better at fire and forget style of area damage aura styled warframe as well. And even Volt, Frost and Oberon can damaging a bunch of enemy in the large area, making them superior to Ember. Just for clearing low level extermination missions these warframes are simply better than Ember, and they are even better on the high tier missions as well.

    Then, is there any reason to play Ember beside your personal taste? I don't think so.

  7. Although it is not so problematic to allow console gamers and PC gamers in a same server, for this is PvE game, not PvP main, but there are many reasons to block this.

    First, various consoles have their own company and requires their own terms of the contract. It may prevents to transfer the account across the diffrent platform as well, although I don't know about detailed information(it is just a guess).

    Second. It would be pain to match all the flatform's versions of the program. PC have almost no boundary beside the laws of the country where DE is, but each consoles will requires deliberation for the recent version before it is actually applied, and as you know, that's why the updates of the consoles are always delayed while the updates of PC is always faster.

    So, sadly it seems that we can't.

  8. C and its successor languages are the most popular language on games because it can access for the loot of the system, therefore it is easier to use the most possible resource the personal computer can afford. That's the feat of the language that able to access for the deep side of the system, which is hard to mimic by interpreter language such as Java. It is indeed dangerous, though.


    C is the most 'primitive' and basic among them but it is the most efficient one, and C++ and C# are not that efficient than C but are much more easier to build and manage so most game company are stick with C++ and C#.


    Although C++ and C# are not that efficient than C, but that's only compared by C and the diffrent is not too much(and the dev teams of later languages are also try optimize the compiler as well), and more importantly, hardware's evolution leads the programmers to much concentrated on the development and management process. That's why C++ and C# are more popular choices than C for now. Not only optimization is the problem of the programming, and management is also an important part of the program so easy to use and maintain is a hugh benefit actually. Even if your program is fully optimized, a random game-breaking bug can ruin all the project and put your effort for the optimization to shame.


    But anyway, because C++ and C# are delivered from C, you will need to start with C first. It will help you to also learn C++ and C# as well. It is no secret that many language shares similar structure and command codes, especially for such 'family group' languages.

  9. Perhaps, allow Khora to instant revive Venari again with the augment, but also give the cooldown that Venari dies instead of her master(and show the cooldown on the buff/debuff pointer) seems an option, if lacking Venari seems too punitive for Khora's playstyle.

  10. Well, it is somewhat sad that it capped to the basic limit so you still need to both raise the duration as well as reduce the range, but the mod seems quite serviceable for it constantly feeds the stack and covers the worst problem of Null Star.

    And anyway, Nova always need to raise the duration because her selling point is Molecular Prime, so I don't think that it seems a problem to reliance to the duration at all. Even without Null Star-optimized settings my Nova summons nine Null Star bullets, for example, although I have Primed Continuity.

  11. Well, I think that the ideas are not so bad, but too many gimmicks on the mundane enemy seems not a good idea either.

    But, maybe some kind of mini-boss styled enemy can wield such distinct traits, and place such enemy on the middle of the extermination or mid-unlimited missions seems not so bad either. Not too powerful as Juggernaut, but maybe have seen only one to three on the tier 2 to 4 missions seems fun to have.

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  12. 19 hours ago, CrimneroTR said:

    A full efficiency build makes desecreate cost 2.5 energy per enemy killed. A fully ranked Despoil makes you lose 10 health instead. Energy pool is much larger than health pool and can be easily replenished by zenurik, trin or gears. Also, rushing out of the camping site with a full health bar to get energy is much safer than rushing out with 2 hp to get health. Health orbs dont give much health and a healer frame is not that useful in a camping mission (of course healing is always good, but there are many other ways to survive). So, why not just go with efficiency instead of constantly asking for revives and interrupting your own desecreate with low health? In harder missions like Mot or when enemies get to higher levels, Nekros is nearly certain to get one shot when on 2 hp, even by an enemy grenade.

    I have 800 hours in the game and I can confidently say that I have lost count of nekros players that die constantly during relic campings and still dont get the idea. I dont know if despoil is particularly useful for anything else, but it SUCKS while camping. It nearly always starts a bleed out train when enemies are above level 100. Also, if the dps is good, you wont even be able keep the health you gained from the orbs.

    Let me know if im wrong.




    You are totally wrong. And I wonder why you ever think like that because you should know that Desecrate makes a ton of health orbs around the battlefield if you ever play Nekros and have used Desecrate at least once, or at least have a random Nekros buddy on the mission with random matching. And there are energy leech/parasitic eximus that burns out your energy and without Despoil you can't keep it work, and you can save the energy for casting Shadows of the Dead as well. It is an essential mod to play Nekros, and it actually helps to survive him and his comrade much longer and better.

    It goes even better if you add Health Conversion, and Shield of Shadows, but Despoil itself already helps him to survive, rather than halts them. It is true that losing health is a risk if you don't use Health Conversion, but the reward is much better and make the party more reliable so it is always better to have the mod.

  13. I don't understand why blame someone who just contribute to the mission objective. If you want to blame it, it is you that actually need to go solo, because it is a co-op game and the mission objective is the most important thing on the game, and affinity&item follows it. Objective is the most important because you are also lose much other things if you failed, and many missions are not good at farming, although the topic is aim for unlimited missions mostly.


    Again, if you want to blame area dd ability, feedback forum regarding the warframe ability is where you have to argue about that. Don't waste your time if you really want anything, for the problem should be balancing issue, not the intent of the player. Also, because it only proceed the objective, it is not the problem of the players at all. At least Limbo prevents to proceed the mission, but what they did is no more than do their job. You don't need to thank them, but you can't have the right to blame them at all - no one could.

    Well, it is worth noting that DE already want to do something against these, but if you say something for it then it may affect DE to hasten the process.

  14. 19 hours ago, (PS4)Folkeye said:

    It's not about me playing solo. But it's just something I see a lot and want to know the thought behind it, if there is any

    Because it is a fast way to clear the mission if they can, of course. Also, since it helps to proceed the mission, rather than hampers or even prevents to do it, there is really no problem to do that - not even a single glitch.

    And, because of the annoying reliance to Convergence orbs when farming focus, it is even better to kill a bunch of enemy in the limited period of time.

    With full of benefits, and no harm, why we are bothered to argue about this? I don't gone so far that they are required, but even of such players are exists it doesn't cause any harm for what they do is just contribute to proceed the mission. And as long as the player contribute to proceed the mission(and not delay or prevent to do it), and for missions to farm affinity, as long as they are not prevent the others to gain much affinity, there is no problem at all.


    If there is a problem, then it should be a balancing issue, but that's not the matter of the players - that's the matter of DE.

  15. 9 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    Apparently the Atomos, Synoid Gammacor,  Mara Detron, Pox, etc have escaped OP's notice and been utterly pointless this entire time.


    My sympathies. 

    I have to admit that Pox is my most prefered choice for sortie level of Corpus missions - it is an anathema to Corpus who lacks armor and has lower health because of shield. Unless the penalty is Enemy Elemental Enhancement or non-secondary Only, it ensures me to kill almost anything I can face in a moment. It is also effective on the other factions, though.

  16. 15 hours ago, K1eranS3npai said:

    Sometimes, I wonder, what is the point of a secondaries?

    For damage? Most of them are weaker than primary weapons and have terrible ammo economy.  For utility? Only a handful of pistols are useful then, like the pandero, atomos, etc. And hybrid pistols like the lex would be out-classed by most primary weapons.

    I'm poor and don't have much time, so I'm not sure whether I should invest in secondaries that much.

    Secondaries are NOT weak, they are just not so ammo efficient.


    With 'mandatory' mods, non-shotgun primary has +165% damage and +90% multishot(and an another +165% damage if you are not bothered pinpoint accuracy because it is a sniper rifle or something similar sort of, and/or +60% multishot if you can also add Vigilante Armaments),while secondary has +220% damage, +160% multishot and +60% fire rate.


    As you see, while raw stats of secondary is low, it has better mod efficiency and is better at spread the bullet for short time. However its low ammo capacity halts them to use for a long time. And because the mandatory mods gives secondary the better multishot and fire rate, it is usually specialized at spamming procs(unless it is crit focused) and provide good nova damage than primary. However primary is better at long-enduring combat.


    There are some examples, sure, such as infamous Akstiletto Prime that is even ammo efficient than many primaries, but usually such diffrence in mods stats makes the diffrence.

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  17. 17 hours ago, Gnlstorm said:

    I got using WOF but the energy is enough for myself and main purpose of FIRE QUAKE to me is to stun eneimes 

    But you said you are get the energy from zenurik, which is impossible while turn on WoF.... Anyway, I want to ask a question again, that your build costs three times more than maximum efficiency build but how to replenish your energy? You did raise the ability duration but it doesn't turn WoF by 175% efficiency. You need to pay for 1.1 to 4.2 energy, but maximum efficiency build requires 0.32 to 1.5.... Even with maximum efficiency its already horrible upkeep cost, but how you can stay with more than that?

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